Unbelievable. And yet, I am constantly told that as a white Republican Trump voter I am a threat. We are fascists, violent, racist Nazis that must be stopped or our democracy will fail. It doesn't matter how much footage of leftist violence is out there. The gaslighting continues and continues. How do we fight against this?

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“How do we fight against this?”

By spreading information about it which is what Sasha and many others are doing. I think the host of this “Clear Value Tax” site below is Vietnamese and he lives in Chicago. He had a recent video about the “migrant crisis” and about being hassled by Venezuelan migrants for money when he was recently downtown. He’s very intelligent, popular and has more and more videos like this about how corrupt and destructive our leaders are. People like this are very credible and are rapidly undermining support for our ruling class. I see this every single day. Can this very rapid shift in sentiment though be enough to save our sinking ship and how can we even survive the massive damage already done by things like open borders, dumbed down schools and surging crime in our cities? I guess we will soon have the answer to this question.

“This is Why The Elite Unconditionally Support Israel and Ukraine with US Taxpayer Money.” (13 min)

Clear Value Tax. Nov 6, 2023


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Yes the U.K. Daily Mail did a story last week of all the nice Venezuelans that are pouring across the border and quickly shaking down families and businesses. Dallas, Chicago, Miami. Maduro just emptied his jails and said head north. Now multiply that by all the agents the Cartels are flooding in and you have a nice little Trojan Horse.

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“60,000 scattered throughout south of Mexico.” (8 min)

Oscar Blue Ramirez interviewed by Steve Bannon. Nov 1, 2023


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Remember that the Brown Shirts saw themselves as poor little victims. They hated the Jews for oppressing them by supposedly being rich and living in their country. AKA colonizing the Motherland.

They kept thinking of themselves as injured victims despite the brutal atrocities they saw everywhere. If they weren't active in committing them.

Same old tune and the words rhyme.

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You are so right! I'm just starting a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I'm hoping to gain some insight as to how to deal with times like these.

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I'm reading The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.

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You are indeed a threat - to the ruling class. I don't even like Trump, but even I could see through the complete double standard of 3+ years of reporting on unverified leak after leak on Trump (many of which turned out to be false), with the sudden about face of corporate media unwilling to report on an "unverified laptop". The only good news is that their hypocrisy is so obvious that trust in traditional media is at all time lows and other sources of news like Substack are on the rise.

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Nov 7, 2023
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The Left owns all of our institutions. The fact that we picked the Outsider and he won and exposed the UniParty for what it is. There is no difference between George W Bush and Chuck U Schumer.

We have completely rejected the Bush wing, the Left needs to reject their own failures.

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Nov 7, 2023
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But it does matter. Remember "Fiery but mostly peaceful?" But, yes, I agree. It's time for the Republicans to get back to their roots and have the balls to call out the crap when they see it and tell the truth about our national debt and social programs.

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I just admitted we 'republicans' called out the crap by electing Trump and not the 40 year Bush wing. And I don't want to hear about the 10 trillion printed over the last 3 years; that was partially Trump($2T which he was trying to use for PPP progam's in earnest to pay people who's Governor's ordered them home). At least 15 republican senators gladly joined Biden's further printing of $8T over the last three years; those are the assholes who need to leave congress.

We 'republicans' have completely refuted our establishment, hence the current estrangement from it. It is time for the Left to do the same which is why I support Sasha here as she is one of the few actually doing it incurring risk.

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The government can’t flex its muscle without the complicity of the media. It certainly does matter which party is helping it lie to the American people. We used to have journalists who respected the right of the people to know how they were being governed and whether their elected representatives were following the rules set out by the constitution. They used to follow the story wherever it led and most of us could trust their sometimes surprising discoveries.

About 90% of today’s media are up curious about the current administration and overtly support the democrat party. They are a lazy gang of cheerleaders who get their daily talking points directly from the White House intended for them to peck on their keyboards and repeat with their flapping tongues on 24hr television and internet. They obediently conform and remind us of their virtue. The problem is that their words don’t resemble anything we are seeing or hearing out here in the rest of the country. They are tone deaf. Most of us are on to them. Danimal28 is right. It’s time the left calls out their own.

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I think you have a set of rose colored glasses about the media in the past. Remember the Maine.

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There are so many important aspects to this story: the manifesto itself, the attempt to keep it under wraps, the reaction of law enforcement to the leak, the suppression of the leak by facebook and YouTube, the non-suppression on X (f.k.a. Twitter), the ignoring of the leak by the MSM. It's up to all of us to keep the story alive. Thank you, Sasha.

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Who was Stephen Paddock again? What happened to Maui? Where is the 14,000 hrs of Capitol CCTV footage that will expose the government for what it did on J6? Who lit 150 fires simultaneously in Quebec this spring? Who killed Seth Rich? Who killed Phillip Haney?...

What was the Mueller Special Prosecution again? Oh yeah, it was created to cover up those involved in Operation Crossfire Hurricane(govt spying on Trump campaign).

Law enforcement has all these events and perpetrators on their radars prior to the events and then redacts all information.

Agree with everyone here in that all of these things needs to be released to the public.

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Selective dissemination of unhinged manifestos is as inevitable as it is unethical. We live in an era of 24 x 7 propaganda from both our corrupt and captured government as well as its media whores. Facts are subordinate to feelings. This will continue until a critical mass stand up and shout "Enough!".

I'm not holding my breath.

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The manifesto just verifies that she was a vey troubled individual. The coverup is a story. unto itself.

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I’m still waiting to hear whether or not Audrey Hale was on supplementary testosterone.

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Me too. It's important for all of us to know if that is what shifted her towards violent behavior.

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It is amazing how the Left routinely proceeds as if we had a national vote declaring anti-Western Ideology our official religion. Note, for example, how "hate speech" somehow does not include hate speech against Whites, which is all that CRT does. The "might lead to violence" standard for censorship is applied only to the supposed oppressed, never the supposed oppressors. So if a Black man runs over Whites, the story has to be hushed up. But if a White man (one claiming to be a liberal) kills Blacks, then that has to be a major news story. Lefties most certainly do believe in "privilege": their designated darlings have the privilege of being protected against speech that "might lead to violence" (including silence?) against them. But for Whites it is just tough luck and good riddance: "The Revolution must occur!"

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And let us not forget those kids that won’t be with their families for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. The pain and suffering those families are still dealing with. The media tried so quickly to turn it around and focus on violence against trans. The anger I would still be feeling as a parent for a society that has lost its moral compass so badly it quickly glossed over the most innocent that Jesus cherishes so much.

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Thanks for the update, Sasha.

This and October 7th has me thinking out loud about the limits of tolerance. I actually think we need more INtolerance:


(And I gave you a shout out for this excellent Anti-Whiteness-Anti-Semitism post. Everyone, read/listen to that one if you haven't already.)

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Thanks for Prompt to read that post.

I would like to say here that the laws on protecting the public from people who might harm themselves or others became liberalized like everything else. This is a state’s right issue.

And I want to include in this the absurdity of a deranged patient which could possibly harm him/herself or others having the right to refuse medication when they are finally taken to a hospital. And then let’s extend that when the person will get discharged

in a day when an intake person hears the patient deny that he/she ‘would ever’ hurt

him/herself or others. In other words ALL the behavior that was observed by others

for whatever length of time that was violent, disruptive, mentally ill speech or behavior

gets the patient punted out of the restricted environment because they are capable

of knowing, that if they say the words that they would not harm, they will be released.

Does any of that make sense?

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Chief John Drake of the Nashville Municipal Police Department should be explaining why his agency didn't do anything in advance to prevent this tragedy from happening, not launching an investigation into why Audrey/Aiden (take your pick) Hale's diatribe was made public.

Several other things I will note:

1 This is one case where the killer did not remain anonymous. I don't know why so many people are against the naming of killers, because the killer is the one responsible for the killings, not their weapon of choice. And for all you who support the unlimited right to keep and bear arms, you better get in the habit of naming killers like Audrey Hale, instead of shielding them in anonymity.

2 If Chief John Drake finds out from his investigation who released this diatribe, will that person be punished according to the rules of the department? Or will that person fail upward?

3 If the person is found out, will that person be publicly named?

4 The fact that the killer is dead should be an automatic waiver of any "rights" for withholding of the publication of the diatribe from being released. So as far as I'm concerned, Chief John Drake can just kiss my 0bama with his concerns about how this got into the public's hands.

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There are a number of people on our side that think naming the killers encourages copycats. I suppose that this could be true but there is a competing interest as many times the name tells a story that the government/media is anxious to suppress.

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These poor little tots were killed by evil, plain and simple. This manifesto should have been released immediately. Believe me if this was a shooting in another set of circumstances and the assailant was a MAGA supporter the manifesto would have been released 30 seconds after the incident. What a gutless disgusting excuse for a human. The only good thing to come of it if one could call it that was that this parasite was killed by polce thus saving taxpayers millions on a trial.

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It's just symptomatic of the times. The narrative is all that matters. They've even invented a new word for facts that undermine the narrative: Malinformation.

So too, here. The narrative is that transgender individuals will harm themselves (and possibly others) if we don't affirm their chosen gender. A manifesto by someone whose gender has been affirmed is contra-narrative, so it must be suppressed. Even the families of the victims must be disregarded if getting them the truth about what happened to their loved ones undermines the narrative.

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Are you sure it wasn't "Transgender Day of Vengeance"? There's multiple references to that still online.


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there are plenty of reasons why a shooters manifesto wouldnt be released. drawing attn to a manifesto can be the sole reason why some shooters act. thats why ted kaczynski killed people, he wanted people to read his manifesto.

but thats not the case here. there is a public interest to the shooters notes: they could prevent similar occurrences. after all, there are many people who, like Hale, were prevented from getting mental health care evidence shows helps, and instead were tricked into quack health care, heavily marketed "gender care" evidence shows does more harm than good.

because the shooter was prevented from receiving evidenced based care, her problems got worse and the shooting was a result of that.

whats alarming is this quack care is being promoted world wide to address mental health issues. thats why its important to document when this occurs, to have her notes be made public, to prevent it happening again

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Given the active efforts from government, media, and the medical profession to encourage this kind of behavior and suppress discussion of it, the release of the ravings is probably the only way to get any kind of positive response. I acknowledge the possibility of collateral damage but agree that it must be release. I have a darker suspicion that the suppression may be due to the authorities having prior knowledge.

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My take on the killer is that she thought of herself as the tip of the spear of the woke/trans movement, perhaps crazy, but carrying out the logical implications of those movements. Goes hand in hand with the notion that colonialist oppressors have stolen land from indigenous. She was "decolonizing" the school.

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Dave Rubin just had a short video about the Nashville shooter and the “X” tweet from Steven Crowder about what was in it. She certainly did despise white people even though she herself was white. Elon Musk responded by saying “Clearly mentally ill, but also clearly brainwashed into being a mass murderer by the system.” And by “the system” he means our Woke ruling class which uses their media to endlessly stir their big pot of anti-white racial hate. I recently watched a video where a white Canadian editor of Quillette was talking about white guilt and virtue signaling among upper class, Woke white leftists, who said, “The reflex to bash your own tribe becomes its own tribalism.” A perfect description of our guilt-ridden, race obsessed, Woke, white leftist ruling class which is very much a tribe with a deep sense of white guilt and a deep racial hatred of working class whites who generally don’t have this white guilt and shame about being white.

BREAKING: Nashville School Covenant Shooter Audrey Hale's

"DEATH DAY" Manifesto Targeted "Cr"ckers" with "white privlages"

"wanna kill all you little cr*ckers"

"I hope I have a high death count"

"I'm ready...! hope my victims aren't."

"Ready to die."


“Elon Musk Has a Sobering Reaction to Nashville Shooter Manifesto.” (2 min)

Rubin Report. Nov 7, 2023


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Only in our completely ridiculous society could we have a White shooter who didn’t seem to realize he?/she? was White. Didn’t this person have a mirror? If you want to shoot the “privileged cracker”, start with yourself, and save us all a lot of headaches!

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But that’s what the white, Canadian Quillette editor was talking about when he said, “The reflex to bash your own tribe becomes its own tribalism.” They know they’re white but they believe they’re a superior, more intelligent, more moral, more evolved level of white people. The Nazis knew the Jews and Slavs were white but they considered themselves superior “Aryan” whites. Mao’s Red Guard knew the upper class Chinese they were murdering were as Chinese as they were but wanted them dead so that they could “start history afresh” and create a society where all would be equal. No more upper class Chinese keeping them down. Our Cultural Revolution is top down with our upper class white leftists wanting us ground into the dirt to punish us and to also achieve a society where all are equal although some would still be more equal than others.

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I understand the theory, but I am incapable of understanding the madness underlying it. The last three years of one craziness after another have been a constant headache, to the point that my skull can barely hold up my rabbit ears.

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“but I am incapable of understanding the madness underlying it.”

The flaw is in human nature which causes societies to periodically become insane and self-destruct. The philosopher Kant said “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” That sure is the truth.

“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”

“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”

“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”

Quillette. Sept 28, 2020


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I think that, in addition to being strongly inclined towards competing with other white people for the position of "most morally superior" person, the anti-white whites also fully expect that their victims groups will admire and be grateful to them for their "support." They will be seen as the "good white people" and will be embraced and elevated by groups like Hamas, black gangbangers, and street junkies. (Such a deal!)

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Goolag is evil.

A search in Yandex finds lots of transgender day of vengeance links with the search phrase [transgender day of violence]

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Many thanks for bringing this to light, yet another instance, as you say, of "the new normal."

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I think on the one hand that simply voting is not going to solve the problem. On the other though I think that anyone who is seen to support the Democrats has to be made to feel like an immoral person for doing so. That's how these people win. They make it socially unacceptable in many circles to oppose them. That has to be turned the other way around.

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Voting isn't even working. Here in Ohio, the "Abortion Anytime Amendment" to our constitution passed and Ginther was reelected :(

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The legal system appears purposely damaged... it has (and never can be) "perfect" but the tenants of justice are still there on paper and in some cases in stone. Unfortunately, the threat of death to anyone who fights this attempt to destroy the nation is real. Basics: One is supposed to be innocent until PROVEN guilty, burden on the side of the Gov, not the Plaintiff. Eyes that are open know and see this is being bent and abused by judges who appear to be (1) negligent (doubtful, intent is obvious everywhere), (2) bought off (Can we prove it, no, but a preponderance of evidence exists they are to be rewarded by higher office and the implicit increase in income by that achieving higher office for their treacherous, treasonous behavior and handling of so many current cases) or (3) just basically ignoring the rules of law (Most probable to achieve goals unstated in the darkness surrounding them) as they KNOW someone higher up has their back. At some point we can pray the right people will step up and do what are unquestionably the correct things to do... The price of action will be difficult and, due to the nature of warfare (Lawfare be damned, a small minority of people who believe they are above the rest are waging a war against the people) could have ultimate consequence. Not calling for it, just observing natural cause/effect.

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Thanks Seva, education for the old guy... I'm on it.

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Interesting. Audrey Hale was white.

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And what? Are you going to try to gaslight us into thinking that trans people are more likely to cause violent crime? It's the same shit you guys pull with immigrants to paint anyone who isn't white or straight as a danger to society.

News flash: 98% of mass shootings are committed by straight men who are American citizens. Where's your editorial about that?

And while we're on the subject of mass shootings let's talk about the fact that Republicans LOVE it when there's a mass shooting so that they can continue to scare Americans into buying more guns. It's fucking sick. So regardless of who the perpetrator of the shooting is you guys still won't do anything about it, except for use it as an excuse to pass more anti-trans laws.

We see you, and the next generation sees you too.

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And we see you too. We really wanted to believe it was just the usual youthful dabbling in silly ideas, and you would eventually grow up. Now we are starting to understand how dangerous these ideas really are.

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Not only the ideas, but the people who cultivate and proliferate them.

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Have you noticed that the mass shootings committed by straight white male adolescents have received intense, prolonged, up close scrutiny by all the MSM? Whereas the mass shootings committed every week by black male adolescents against other black adolescents get little or none? and that the black perps and victims are not named? One of the main points of

Ms. Stone's article is that a mass shooting by a white girl was covered differently than mass shootings by white guys, especially when allegations circulated that she was "trans." It was like she was the victim rather than the perpetrator of the mass murder. Suppression of her "manifesto" was one of the differences. If you and your generation and the next one can't "see" this bias in the reporting, perhaps you don't "see" as much as you want to think you do.

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Sandra, I always go to your comments for the Cliff Notes insight on what the essays are really about. Thanks much! And as you’ve heard me before, the average of 500 murders a year in Philly, and average of 1700 shootings a year in Philly, over 85% black on black, gets little to no media coverage beyond the Obits and Police blotter. Murders in Philly over a year are far greater than all the US Nashville type shootings combined. And forget about Chicago, Memphis and Atlanta murder rates. The hypocrisy of coverage is astonishing and helps downplay the seriousness and tragedy of urban black on black shootings and violent crimes. If any are in doubt, visit North or West Philly for a weekend. Get your Will notarized first.

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One positive thing I can say about my local newspaper is that they actually publish names and photos of the victims and suspects in the weekly murders here. Nearly all of them are black, some Hispanic, very few white. Within city limits the population is about 74% white, 5.6% black and Hispanic 10.3%, with a greater number of Hispanic people living outside the city.

The willful disregard on the part of the woke cultists, the Democratic Party and their media to the plight of poor, young black men and the neighbors they victimize is an atrocity as horrible as the murders themselves, in my opinion.

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Well said Sandra!

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She really is brilliant

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Thank you!

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Thank you!

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“Nearly all of them are black, some Hispanic, very few white.”

Same as Chicago. Always has been. Blacks have far less impulse control and are far more aggressive than other races. I worked for many years with mostly immigrants from all over the world and they were all appalled by black behavior and avoided blacks as much as possible. No one hated all blacks. We did work with some good ones but so many are so awful that it does stigmatize all of them as bad news, best avoided. I do also see this shift in Chicago in the daily reporting about the endless crime by blacks in the comment sections. It’s like we’ve traded a civilized, functional society for this black diversity that’s destroying our cities. Perhaps that’s why the slogan “Celebrate Diversity!” has disappeared.

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Seva, see under Sandra Pinches reply.

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Studies of the murdering going on in big city, lower income, black neighborhoods has shown that the violence is perpetrated by a very small percentage of young men. These individuals become delinquents when they are very young, and unlike the white mass murderers, the black ones are not mentally ill loners. They are affiliated with formal gangs or informal groups of friends who earn income and status through criminal activities, mostly involving drugs and stolen property. The primary source of the problem appears to be the development of a specific kind of crime culture in large black urban neighborhoods.

Some interventions have been used to address this situation, especially during the period of peak gang violence during the 1990's. An example was the Boston Gun Project.


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Seva and Sandra see comment to your posts below. Thanks.

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I don’t believe that “the violence is perpetrated by a very small percentage of young men.” If that were true they would have killed each other off long ago. The truth is that it’s basically endless tribal warfare against each other in these black areas of Chicago and elsewhere. I recommend watching this BBC video “The Lost Streets of Chicago” from 2016. An outstandingly superb look at inner city life in Chicago and it’s the same in all our cities. And far worse now than it was then.

This was sent to me by a Vietnamese friend at work who lives on the southwest side. I live on the northwest side. I then sent it to a Mexican friend at work. He lived in a mostly black neighborhood on the south side. He said he watched it with his wife. I asked him what she thought of it. He said she just looked at him and said “What can we do?” They moved about a year after that to Indiana (Dyer) which is near the Illinois border. Still works in Chicago. A long drive to work but mostly expressway plus it’s far safer for him and his family. I’m retired but stayed in touch with him. A great guy with traditional Catholic values that enabled him to do well here. A truly superb video though. Once you start watching this you’ll watch it all and think “My God! This is awful. What can we do?”

“The lost streets of Chicago-BBC News.”

BBC News. Sept 7, 2016


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Seva and Sandra Pinches, truly insightful comments. I was an underground participant in the 60’s in the original Civil Rights movement and I was voting Republican. More about that another time. I am putting this in to get my street cred. Much later I watched “The Wire” all seasons, in a weekend. A binge, I know.

I even started talking like the show to my family. “I feel ya”

The show was mentioned to a Major in the military who came from a neighborhood like in “The Wire” and credited the military for saving his life. He somberly replied, “That show is all true.”

Here’s a story to speak to another aspect . I have a friend from the Black community who was mothering a step child. The child had been born of a biological mother who was an active hard drug addict. The case was with child protective services. CPS.

Even though the biological mother was still testing positive under the CPS, the Family Court CPS Judge did not terminate her parental rights. That meant supervised visitation which means the child is driven from school by a CPS driver to meet the mother at

a CPS location for visitation with a CPS person present for an hour.

Democrats create these illogical, harmful policies to stay and Republicans don’t battle them. And a majority of both parties now are focusing on what Biden’s border policies will do to our drug ,health,crime,shelter, education, employment problems from it.

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a large percent of people who ID as "trans" also have multiple psych issues. then these individuals are tricked into gender affirming care, a severe intervention evidence shows does more harm than good, they are also forgoing and prevented from receiving mental health care that has a history of working. i know what your thinking. your thinking but but but studys show gender affirming care helps people. i wish that were true. but its not. UK medical group feb 2023 report "Gender dysphoria in young people is rising" explains why some people think gender care helps. its not based on evidence. its based on first person accounts of quack drs who are getting rich by harming vulnerable people, such as Hale. every stat, study and claim promoted by the gender industry is a lie. its all just PR and marketing based on bogus online polls and low quality short term studys that measure placebo only and omit data that doesnt match their pre determined conclusions.

if white men went to the dr for mental health issues, and instead of care evidence shows helps, were instead givin quack care evidence shows actually makes their issues worse, certain you would be outraged

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Great, great,comment! I hope everyone who reads this blog focuses on what you wrote. Also, remember that ALL “Medical” articles no matter what their source, like the one you have quoted,have to be judged against the filter (in your mind )of how much Woke propaganda was driving the people who created it. This is the danger of the so called Artificial Intelligence push. If propaganda is being loaded in instead of evidenced based science, the outcome will be untrue. Garbage in, garbage out.

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That’s why Elon started his new company “X.AI” with a sense of curiosity which is committed to truth. We’re very lucky to have someone like Elon on our side.

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I completely agree! The smear campaign that leftists are running against him infuriates me. Mostly because it is so effective in programming people who listen to the Dem MSM. Liberal friends of mine talk all the time now about Musk like they do about Trump and DeSantis.

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Lex Fridman interviews Elon Musk about the Tesla Full Self Driving car and the Optimus AI powered humanoid robot that they’re working on. Both learn by watching videos of how things are done pretty much the same way humans do. This Farzad Mesbahi plays some of the video and then stops it to comment on what they’re saying and does this all the way through. Works very well. This AI is moving very fast and my hope is that it will move fast enough to save humanity from self-destruction in a global WW3 which will bring down our entire always online global civilization. Hope springs eternal. We will soon see what fate has in store for us.

“New: Elon Musk Blows Lex Fridman’s Mind. (Tesla FSD, Bot).” (17 min)

Farzad Mesbahi. Nov 9, 2023


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Bottom line is that it more or less mirrors the population distribution.

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The above article counts mass shootings as those with number of people shot, whether or not they were killed. The data bases vary in terms of whether they only include fatalities (3 or more) or total number of people shot. They also vary in terms of whether they include "organized crime" or "gang related," which is what most black perp/black victims scenarios involve. For what it's worth, the link below is a Wikipedia article that lists data bases with varying criteria for inclusion in the category "mass shooting." The Wikipedia author includes shootings with at least 4 victims, whether or not killed, yielding a count of 520 mass shootings in the U.S. from 1/1/23-10/31/23, with 621 fatalities and an additional 2126 victims injured. Wikipedia articles need to be reviewed before accepting whatever they say; the one below gives enough detail to confirm the numbers.


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I am very skeptical about the data used in the above reference you cited. I pulled up "triple homicides" for my city and immediately got one for this year, same for Philadelphia, and I didn't do an exhaustive search. (These were both black suspect and victim shootings). Many of the shootings locally have multiple injured victims (5 people in some cases), but only one fatality. Gang members are not known for being great shots.

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Attempts to define mass shootings are very dependent on ideological orientation with the Left always trying to inflate the number. The data I cited uses the FBI definition. The FBI excludes a number of categories which include domestic violence, shootings perpetrated in the pursuit of some other crime, gang violence, drug violence. Here is the key sentence from the Wikipedia article: "Many incidents involving organized crime and gang violence are included." People variously report mass murders, mass shootings, and sometimes include categories that the FBI excludes. Most people seem to have stopped including the perp in the body count. I suspect the Philadelphia statistics includes a lot of the excluded categories as "ordinary crime" is heavily correlated with race for both perps and victims.

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It makes sense that the FBI would separate the data this way, because one of their missions is to deal with Organized Crime.

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sorry about the misspellings and additional words, I'm in a hurry...

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You can edit posts by tapping the 3 dots on the right.

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But only if you access Substack on a web browser. If you’re on the app, the three dots don’t include an editing function. Not sure why they programmed it that way, but ...

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I know. I’ve seen that, too. I prefer the web browser and usually when I tell someone about the 3 dots they’re on the browser but just didn’t know that.

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