It’s funny to see MSNBC gloat over Biden’s “crushing” primary wins over ‘None of the Above’

But not a peep about how RFK Jr. was kicked off the D’s primary in all States. I bet RFK would have taken some States today from Joe had he been allowed to appear. The D’s rigged their own primary

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CNN gal just said w/ Jason Palmer winning America Samoa D primary, this marks first time an incumbent President has lost a contested primary since Jimmy Carter

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

Interesting so far to see Trump get more votes now than Creepy Joe. No wonder the Crazy Eyes psycho Colorado Secretary of State Grimhilda tried to toss Trump off the Colorado ballot. And yes, Trump has far more votes in Colorado right now than the walking corpse Biden. Griselda is going to need to print a few hundred thousand fake votes with illegal aliens and other actual non walking corpses to vote for Biden.

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Let’s see if Haley drops out, and moreover if she endorses Trump…

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I’d take 2:1 odds are that she does not… If she had anything other than enough education to read the “writing on the wall” she would have had the grace to bow out after her humiliation in her home state and district… After a historic beatdown. But we know her and her ilk wedded to that golden dagger ever ready to stab her impoverished mom she left a long time ago in the middle of the red light part of town.

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My wife, who has voted D her whole life, but may join me in voting R this year said tonight… ‘do you think they have something on Biden that is so embarrassing or could otherwise ruin him, and that’s why he hasn’t dropped out?’

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They own him lockstep and barrel… I'm a master of the obvious and I'm just going to hazard to take a shot in the dark and say he is the perfect front man for the coup by the illegals. The motive for his remaining in the race is again there is no one stupid enough to take the job, and by God he as the power and he is NOT going to give it to Trump or to the people of this country. China signs his paycheck and senile as he most certainly is, there is enough of that old time corrupt but honest politician left who’s first commandment is NEVER bite the hand that lays those golden eggs.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

I’m thinking for Biden to actually win the General, he and his handlers will have to go full 3rd world country and promise people the moon, by executive order. When I lived in SE Asia 20+ years ago, politicians would promise cows to farmers/rural folks and give away cash in exchange for votes. I think Biden needs to shore up black voters in ‘24 and will promise reparations to lock them down. And for the youth, more student debt forgiveness. They will be other give away’s too. State of the Union address this week is going to be a campaign speech. They are going to have to pump Joe up full of amphetamines. Will he do that toddler shuffle that looks like he’s holding a crap in his pants as he comes to the podium? I predict some cringe moments when he showcases and ‘connects’ with a prearranged guest in the audience, who’s seated next to Jill.

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Ironically, the USA now seems to be the only country on Earth without the ability to fly to the moon. Maybe the DOD clot shots make people stupid as they kill them.

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Poopy Pants Joe (aka the Beast of Revelations 13) has 42 months to speak blasphemy and to ruin America. He'll be gone by July.

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YA think LOL!

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Sleepy Joe is getting a lot of winks in preparation for Thursday night. So much shut eye that he couldn't be bothered to make an in-person statement last night after his trouncing of 'Williamson', 'Philips' 'No Preference' and 'Uncommitted'. He instead released a written statement.

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That would be wise. And trump would be wise to pivot, be kind and gracious, then congratulate her and invite her to join the movement. This cycle, most of the RINOs will be forever gone. The GOP is now MAGA. Invented by Ronald Reagan in 1979, the marketing term MAGA coined by Trump in 2015, and now renewed flushing out the Bushies and the RINOs.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 6
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You are 100% right. RINO's must be eliminated, else the Uni-Party will continue and nothing will change.

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CBS is saying she has.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

Not happening, but even if she does bow out, she will NEVER endorse Trump!

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I never knew a jackass to all of a sudden become a smart person!

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Removed (Banned)Mar 6
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Trump needs most of Haley's voters in order to win in November. The cult of Trump isn't big enough for him to win just with his cultists.

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"Cultists" is an inaccurate description of MAGA. I won't tell you not to use it, go ahead, but it's a stupid thing to say and there is no proof of it, none whatsoever. A cult would have taken the vaccine when he told them to. The cult is on the left.

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There is a cult on the Right but it is not MAGA but rather neocons.

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"Family" or "community" better describes Trump's more enthusiastic fans. Many friendships and relationships have been created and nurtured at DJT rallies. If the Dems steal the election again in November, it is not impossible that patriots will begin behaving like Democrats & destroying cities.

You don't need to be a Weatherman to see which way the wind blows.

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I voted for Trump twice, or more accurately, I voted against his opponents in 2016 and 2020 because they were too far Left for my tastes. So I don't disparage all Trump voters. When I say cultists, I refer to people who rationalize every appalling thing Trump says and does.

If Trump conducted himself with dignity, the 2024 election would effectively be over with Trump winning by a landslide this November. He leads Biden on all major issues except for abortion, with substantial leads for most of those issues. However, Trump alienates many millions of persuadable voters who prefer him on policy but who can't stand his public personality. I know that the media is overwhelmingly hostile to Trump, but if Trump acted like Ronald Reagan did with a hostile press he would win 2024 going away.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

To elaborate a bit, absence of (true) ideology, which is what occurs on much of the non-Left, is not presence of counter-ideology. Trump's views are a common-sense Laundry List (which is what political views should be), not an ideology. Leftist Extremism has a unifying ideology, while its rejection by the non-Left does not. Some on the non-Left have a counter-ideology (such as Nazism, to take an obvious and extreme example) while others (like me) do not.

Technically speaking, everyone who thinks long and hard about politics develops an ideology of sorts. What I mean by "true ideology" is an ideology that makes arbitrary or non-minimal assumptions, instead preferring to assume whatever the hell it wants. Far Left ideology is one example, and Islamic Fundamentalism is another. By contrast, Western ("White Supremacist!") political theory, makes only minimal and non-arbitrary assumptions (very unlike "Muhammed is his prophet") about what is, "all things equal", better: 1) a lower death-rate (what would Darwin say?), 2) higher wealth, and 3) higher accuracy in understanding. These three justify, just in terms of results, 1) body rights, 2) property rights, and 3) speech rights. The mentality seen in this approach represents the fundamental difference between Leftist Extremism and Western political theory, or, to return to the beginning, "cult" and "non-cult".

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Please, cool it with the "cult-not-cult" K-12 game.

By now, we should all know that the '60s philosopher was right when she sang

"Everybody's somebody's fool / Everybody's somebody's baby."

And there is nothing wrong with that as long as we add:

"The heart is a lonely hunter."

I, for example, vote for Trump even while seeing and regretting his Baroque-Rococo idiosynchrocies galore. For a rank amateur, he did well as POTUS and, provided he learns to include some dissenters among his yes-persons, he is likely to do well again if he is voted in.

Of course, I still hold that a Trump-Haley ticket (or its reverse) would be more likely to seal the deal. And I still hope that it will happen.

After all, even belonging to "cults" doesn't have to exclude sanity.

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Haley did not endorse Trump. She said she hoped he would do what is necessary to win the support of her voters. I guess that means he would either need to crawl into the swamp or declare himself a Democrat. How long until she endorses Biden? How about she joins the Democrat party and we'll take Tulsi?

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She dropped out but let’s see if she honors her pledge to endorse the nominee. It’s a pretty low bar that most politicians can’t pass. Simply do, what you said you would do.

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Independents, which last time I checked were a plurality in CO, are allowed to vote in either primary. Probably a lot of those Haley votes were actually Biden votes. Open primaries were invented by Satan.

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Sasha, closer to home (I too hail from LA County), dreadful news in the DA race. Looks like Gascon will easily get the #1 spot, while a complete outsider (Nathan Hochman) who closely identifies with the Republican Party will get #2. While I’m a solid Republican, it would have been much better for a solid contender to have emerged from within the DA’s office.

This gives Gascon a very good chance of winning in November… and with it another 4 years of collapsing law and order. Probably at an accelerated pace as he will be emboldened like never before.

PS: you are doing wonderful work and I really enjoy your show(s).

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I've lived in San Diego for 24 years. Drove past Los Angeles once but decided not to enter the city. Never regretted that.

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I’m envious…lived in Mission Valley for 3 years. Almost made SD my home.

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Hey Sasha, it looks like our votes for Donald Trump in the Republican primary helped put him over the top. Last time I looked, Nimrod Haley only had 17.8% of the vote. Trump has been declared the official winner, but there is still 39% of the votes uncounted. No doubt mail-in ballots and those that have not yet been "found."

On a related note, Steve Garvey is just .8% behind Adam Schiff in the Senate primary. Unfortunately, the other two Democrats who came in third and fourth had enough % between the two of them in the primary to push Schiff over 50% in the general. Of course, primary turnout was much much lower than the turnout will be in the general. Still, it seems unlikely that the baseball great and all round good guy will be able to snatch victory from the literal jaws of death.

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Haley is Boeing, Boeing, gone.

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Election 2024: The battle of 2 old men yelling at clouds!

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The only difference being is, one is demented.

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And the other one loves what lies at the heart of what America was meant to be and the courage to stand up for it against the demonic hordes.

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Isn’t it curious, or maybe downright sinister that the one party’s name closely resembles that description. That should tell everyone something.

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To be fair, he was always stupid and nasty which is enhanced by the dementia.

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No kidding. His image is completely fake. In his prime (such as it was ...) he was not only a mediocrity but a nasty mediocrity.

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You NAILED it!!

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One is gonna save the country!

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I’m just glad all the work we had to complete for the primary is finally done.

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