
Endorsing Biden may help Joe's electoral prospects, but it won't help Taylor's career.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

I was going to say teenage (<18) girls can't vote, but Democrats are so amazing maybe the girls can.

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That's a rather telling indicator of how strongly Taylor actually believes in Biden.

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Or not. She hasn't actually endorsed him as yet.

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That's my point. If she truly valued Biden, she'd do it regardless of the consequences. The fact that she's still hesitating after endorsing him in 2020 is telling.

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Sasha, is this fiction or a transcript?? Brilliant stuff.

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There's an old journalism saying, "When the legend contradicts the facts, print the legend."

I'd say, today, "When the parody makes more sense than the narrative, believe the parody."

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This is not a complex human problem but it is an old one first encountered by Faust. "What price did Taylor Swift get for her soul?" Fame, riches? No matter. There is a moment when that debt will come due. But the judgement on her will be less than the judgement of those who "created" her.

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When I found out that Soros was behind the purchase of Taylor’s music out from under her, it made me smile. You don’t have to blackmail those who’ve sold their soul, do you?

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Yep. The psyop is moving into high gear this year. Taylor is their new "influencer" and will lead the herd to the metaphorical slaughter pen.

Buckle up, y'all.

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I'm not worried so much about the impact a Swiftie endorsement would have on the election as I am about Zuck's billions. Money buys TV time and low information voters watch a lot of TV.

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Psyop? More like Pop Tart Op.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Sasha, after you posted all those Swift videos I feel the need to counter balance all that bubble gum w/ something visceral and real from female artists across the pond, who were not afraid.

Delores & Sinead, may you both rest in peace:



Both of these songs are as relevant today as they were when first gifted to us, 30 years ago.

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Sinead O’Connor- a talent gone too soon.

Thanks for the memory.

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Cool article. Gonna post this on LinkedIn. You never know by reading some of the comments who actually read the article. The ones that do are in for a treat. The others will hate anyway. .

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Never heard Swift sing before. Why are people so crazy about it? It’s vapid computer generated bland drivel. Who would pay thousands of $’s to see that?

So… imagine…. Swifts boyfriend, i don’t know his name, catches the ball and scores a touchdown to win the Superbowl! Wee…. The next day, the two of them endorse the corpse Biden for Potus. Double wee…

And another 10 million illegal aliens waltz across the border and start blowing things up and shooting Americans. Biden wins anyway. No wee. Is this just another vapid Hollywood movie?

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Thanks, Sasha, for reminding me how good her music is.

I think Taylor projects a kind of innocence that we don’t see much of, and I would hate to see her tarnish herself by succumbing to the lure of politics (politics ruins everything). We don’t need another Madonna, Streisand, or Middler. She has nothing to gain by endorsing anyone, politically. Too many things are too political.

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I agree with you, but she was already quite vocal in her Biden endorsement in 2020. Maybe it really doesn’t matter all that much.

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Musical preferences, being a matter of taste, aren't really arguable. I consider her "music" to be fluffy pop only endurable to the degree you can withstand it while ogling her pulchritude. God Bless the Mute Button!

She's a hottie. Full stop.

How she became this icon and why she was brought into idiotic discussions of politics just demonstrates how deeply we are into The Decadence.

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...when you said, “Siri...” my phone thought you were me. She lit up and shut off the audio. 😂 ok back to TS

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In my house, if someone (even on TV) says something close to Alexa, my companion answers.

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It seems that "genocide" belongs to the set of terms that have recently become "more inclusive". Like "insurrection" (for a mass trespassing event), "White Supremacy" (for Whites having higher average status), and "terrorism" (for abortion being returned to the voters). Lefties never met a fallacy they didn't like. This one is "shifting meaning", and their favorite flavor of it is using a term in a new meaning while simultaneously trying to leverage the associations of the old meaning. I do hereby officially cry (to the wind) foul.

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You forget “racism” (for when I don’t have a logical argument when anyone disagrees with me)!

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Yes, though "racism" these days has so many meanings it is difficult to keep track of them. I once set out to come up with a number, by going through a set of binary parameters. I gave up on the project after 5 parameters, which would mean 32 possible meanings. It is absolutely ridiculous. The word has become a linguistic shape-shifter.

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Very very well done!

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First off, Carville gives stupid people a bad name! We call folks like him "paper Marines" as he so loves parading around in his Marine accoutrements, pretending his two year enlistment spent stateside at Camp Pendleton from '66 to '68 makes him a Vietnam "era" vet.

As for Ms Swift, her rationale for supporting Biden in 2020 was to ensure "America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs." Considering the fact that rather than starting the healing process, her choice has spent the past three years demonizing a full half of the country, it will be interesting to see if she rethinks her past assumptions, or whether she develops an acute case of amnesia.

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I was in the military during that era and it was a pretty neat trick being a Marine and avoid going to VietNam during those particular years. I suppose he has an explanation..

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Taylor Swift Is an independent business person, a very successful one at that. If she comes anywhere near a political statement for any candidate her career and the success she has established through her own efforts will be co-opted. From that point on there were be a large group of people how will dismiss her. Hope she comes to understand that soon before she makes a big mistake. Do not alienate your audience.

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Insightful observation Shasha: "That was what made Taylor Swift so powerful. She gives us the dream. Everything else gives us the nightmare".

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I don't see how Biden can win (assuming he's the nominee) without an epic amount of trickery.

The country doesn't want him. That doesn't automatically mean Americans want Trump.

It just means they want Biden gone.

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I'm guessing there will be an epic amount of trickery.

[trickery intensifies..]

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Excellent mockery of the low-IQ fools who labor to worship idols.

Idol worship is all that this is. Creating a celebrity-idol is big money-making business. It's exactly what we were warned against in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, in God's first two Commandments. Listening to music that one enjoys is one thing. Creating a cult who worship Miss Swift is quite another.

One might say that about Trump supporters, the Deplorables, pro-MAGA people. But that is very different. We want a president, Trump or anyone (actually the entire White House and Congress) whose policies actually benefit the majority of American citizens as a top priority (before any other nations or illegal aliens) and make the USA an independent and sovereign nation (not a globalist satrap) that adheres to the Constitution as written, amended, and ratified (but how about we repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments?)

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