I have followed you, Sasha, through the past 10+ years via AD and have seen firsthand this unbelievable transformation in you towards grace and love. A decade ago, I loved your writing and tolerated your fervor for Clinton and Obama. Now, I still love your writing, but I am awestruck by your increasing love for humanity and true tolerance of differing opinions. You dived into an online conservative world with great curiosity and bravery - a land very few progressives or media professionals have ever walked. The greatest thing about your SubStack is not agreeing with you, it is watching your transformation and metamorphosis into a fuller, lovelier and more humble human. I’m thankful for you, Sasha, and the Universe working inside you to reshape you and your heart.

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Wow, that's high praise.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you Sasha, and thank you for sharing your Substacks with us.

Regarding your friend who betrayed you on Twitter, I'd suggest that you, like many who's career causes them to interact with a large number of people (like mine for about twenty years) can easily fall into the trap of thinking that they're all friends, when the vast majority would be better classified as 'acquaintances'.

I learned that when I went through some difficuly times, and found that the invitations to lunch/dinner/golf from people dried up. That's when you find out who your friends are.

Anyway, the next step on your 12 step program should be a visit to the Midwest. Don't visit a college town as they're just like visiting San Fran/NYC. There are lots of historic old communities with long histories where people treat each other the way they did 100+ years ago. It hasn't been that long since you never knew when you might need a neighbor to come to your aid to help get crops in, or replace a barn, or work your fields when you became injured/sick.

I've lived all over the country in both urban and rural locations, and I still can't get over how different Iowa is. People make eye contact, and when they ask you how you are, they actually wait for you to respond, and further, ask you to elaborate.

Anyway, that was a wonderful column, and I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

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Our grandparents and great grandparents knew far more about surviving and thriving in hostile conditions. They drew together and supported each other in local communities. The Federal government destroys our unity. So, so take it locally.

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The Federal government wants to replace the role of family or church.

They get stronger as the family and church gets weaker.

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I totally agree with this. Try WI too... but I admire those willing to stay in the fight and weather the storm. I loved this article as it summarized my head space perfectly. Go, Sasha, go...

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You say one side has all the power. But do they? Look at the map. Tiny blue enclaves depend on red mass for everything, from food and energy to manufactured products. Now..... What happens when that gets turned off? I hope there will be people who will think of that and step away from the edge. But I honestly don't think so.

And I enjoy your writing.

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Watch Mike Rowe’s show America Works, and learn who actually make America work.

We have far more power than folks realize. We can shut down every city in America in a few hours. Woke up folks, from the stupid.

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PMC I'm new to your writing, but I feel compelled to respond. I was drawn in by curiosity about someone leaving the left. But I'm genuinely worried about you.

There is a real world out here where people speak to each other, hug, wave from their cars, work hard, raise families, contribute to their neighborhoods and communities, coach soccer, volunteer at the food bank, and on and on. I have lived most of my life in two worlds. As an officer in the Coast Guard I worked with hundreds of dedicated men and women who never went to college, or didn't finish college. They made boats and ships move, airplanes and helicopters fly and did the gazillions of things that must be done to make a large, complex organization work. Much of that work was hard, dangerous at times (jumping out of a helicopter into 40 foot seas in a North Pacific winter storm to try to save four fishermen from a sinking trawler - and saving three of them!), hot (manning a crew served weapon on a small patrol boat in the Persian Gulf during Desert Storm), cold (living at a remote radar site in Prince William Sound in the dead of winder to ensure the generators were working properly, and dirty (inspecting crude oil barge internals in New Orleans) - and so much more. And I worked with graduates of Harvard, Princeton and MIT - equally hard working and dedicated who were devoted to the mission and to the people who made the gears turn.

As one commenter pointed out, most of the country is red. I would add an interesting fact (from Powerline Blog) in the midterms the majority of votes cast were for conservatives.

Sasha, get out of California. Come to America. It's a wonderful place. People are neighborly, kind, generous, hard working... we don't give a hoot what the dominant culture thinks of us. They're idiots.

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Class of 77. Thanks

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I love reading your columns and getting better understanding of the left and how they think.

You have an amazing spirit that is shining through in your writing.

I so wish I could write like you.

Peace and love from the Right.

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Thank you, Sasha, for your courage and your honesty. You have given me hope that our precious country may survive.

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Thank you for saving my life. That may be a little dramatic as I have been alive, but I had become more disillusioned and isolated over the past few years. I served my country for twenty-five years as a military officer including flying 218 combat missions in the Vietnam War. I love my country. I love the Constitution that is designed to keep us free. Yet, I lost my wife four years ago. Then came Covid. Then came Biden. Pancreatic cancer took my best friend and confidant from me. Covid took away my freedom to be with other people and then Biden adds insult to injury to label me as all of those things I abhor and the media nods along without doing their duty as a free press to hold the powerful accountable. Then, along came an e-mail with a link to "Trump goes to Washington" and that changed everything. I'm so thankful that we still exist as we have always been, and we have a champion to put into words what we all have been thinking. We cannot bend. Thank You, Sasha!

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Hey Mr. Emry, I can’t imagine the courage it took to fly that many missions, especially with MIGs and SAMs arrayed against you. Myself and 4 brothers also served; 1 is 100% disabled from his Vietnam tour at the age of 19. We are still in support of veterans groups and America. On behalf of my brothers and I, we humbly thank-you for your service and recognize that you saved Americans lives directly and indirectly.

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Thank you for your kind comments and thank you and your brothers for your service to the country. Welcome home!


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As an ex-Hollywood, ex-lefty, I escaped the bubble by moving to a different state. I wish I could take you and Naomi Wolf out for a coffee.

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Listening to your voiced thoughts, interwoven with music, makes for a fuller understanding. 🙏🏻 Thank you.

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Thank you! You are brave and teaching us what the left is. I am grateful for coming to this country. But, we need to fight to keep our Republic.

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Sasha, I’m happy that you have found a new way to express yourself here on Substack. Your work has given me new hope that we can move beyond the crazy and reach each other as human beings again. I really didn’t see any way that could happen, but now it does seem possible. Kind of like the final scene of Pretty Woman- the prince saves the damsel in distress, and “she saves him right back.” Always liked that line.

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Sasha –

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love your writing. That is your gift and I’m grateful you’ve shared it. I’m really sorry about some of the sad little lefties wanting to call you out for speaking your truth. It’s really their loss. I’ve always thought of Hollywood as empty and shallow. Know this, the hearts you receive here are genuine. Happy Thanksgiving.

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BTW Thank you for exposing us to The Waterboys Fisherman’s Blues. Great song. I always thought that was Bob Dylan.

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Sincerity comes through in all that you share.

The lack of empathy and grace is such a hindrance to growth. These self-appointed, censorious, rage-filled betters have given us context and wisdom as to who they are and what they believe and spurred us to search for alternatives to the bleakness they offer.

I feel welcome here.

I’m a gay, MAGA, conservative Christian and I don’t think you view me and those like me as unredeemable. I thank you for seeing that half the country is unwelcome in our cultural activities. Our ideas and our love of this country and the way of life it provides gives us a reason to want to protect it and honor those who made it all possible. I think you can understand that.

It is a real pleasure to visit you here.

Happy days to you.

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Welcome Davz!

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Thank you for that.

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Davz, it's a pleasure to encounter another human that doesn't and can't be put into one box or group. It's not an easy journey, but it's well worth the difficulties.

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Just beautiful❤️ Anything else I could say would just diminish your profound, heartfelt writing...thank YOU!

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Thanks Sasha, I found you on RCP and always enjoy your work. I was never as comfortable with the online world. Even in AOL chatrooms it was always like being in a crowded room full of pecocking loudmouths talking over and past each other. I can't even scroll Twitter or IG without anxiety. Thank god for Twitchy and a couple other places that filter down the racket. Keep writing, and you will continue making the world better, 1 reader at a time.

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Here’s what I think after reading the essay and every comment; - I “liked” and was impressed by virtually every comment, - I think Sasha needs a broader readership so that America and Americans can benefit from her insights and intelligence, - re: civil war and violence, don’t underestimate our military’s ruthlessness to crush something like that (I served and orders are followed without question), humor and satire are great ways to hold up a mirror to the misguided, and last - I am a better person for Sasha’s writings and most of your comments. Thank-you. Go team USA, Beat England!

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