Love the Archie Bunker metaphor, Sasha. If you haven't already, please check out my essay, "The Weaponization of Humor by Corporate Elites - (what happened when the Jews left the neighborhood) at https://jeffeinstein.substack.com/p/the-weaponization-of-humor-by-corporate.

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I listened to the Sam Harris podcast. I also admit that until today I have never heard of Sam Harris or Sasha Stone. I have followed the Trump campaign and presidency pretty closely however. What Harris' epiphany is missing is that Trump is a business man, not a politician. Trump addresses problems in order to solve them. For a politician, problem solving is not necessarily their primary motive.

For example, I am very familiar with the context of Trump's "shithole" comment, among many other that Harris mentions in his closing comments..

The "shithole" incident occurred when a number of presumably serious people got together in a private meeting room to hammer out a difficult problem in the US: Comprehenisive Immigration Reform Policy. It is a very complicated problem. There are many longstanding, different points of view. The idea of meeting in private for serious negotiations is that when people "hammer" things out, tensions become high and language becomes colorful. Very likely Trump was trying to promote his idea of "merit based immigration" when he blurted out comments something like "why do we alway have to accept uneducated people from shithole (i.e.(third world) countries rather than highly educated people from First World companies who can help out our business immediately".

Obviously we don't know what other such comments were made in this private meeting. But, we do know that whoever blurted that quote to the media ( I think it was Durbin) was not really interested in solving the immigration problem. He was more interested in scoring political points and sabotaging Trump. The fact that the biased news media and people like Harris keep regurgitating this comment without the context is proof that they are trying to persuade rather than inform.

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You write, "What does the left plan to do with the millions who support Trump? Put them into re-education camps?" Well, actually, that IS exactly what Keith Olbermann proposes - and he's not alone. Maybe they can just give us some patches to sew on our clothes to identify ourselves when we're out in public ...

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