As you say, the fact that we're seeing all these extraordinary things happen but we're just supposed to believe there's nothing to see here...even though the talking points are rolled out to the media immediately, and they're all obviously parroting the same verbiage...we're supposed to believe it's all just normal....

Like Walter Kirn keeps saying, if this were happening in another country we'd know exactly what's going on.

I still think that, if Trump does manage to win, they will use the rioting that will happen (and you know there will be rioting) to declare a state of emergency and attempt to prevent him from taking office.

I sure hope I'm wrong, but events of the last month have got me more worried than ever.

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And election denial will become the most patriotic thing an American can do

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Glad you mentioned Walter Kirn. On today's Racket podcast with Matt Taibbi, he expressed doubt that Kamala will be the nominee. He says she's the distraction until the behind the scenes leaders decide who they want to be the selected one.

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I saw that. He also said the Dems are telling their voters their voting for a party, not a candidate. We'll have to wait and se what DNC Politburo decides I guess!🤷‍♂️

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It was an excellent podcast, don't you think? I thought Kirn reasoned well saying the party probably won't let Biden stay on as president for long because it will be a constant reminder that if he's well enough to be president, he should be well enough to run again. It will be interesting to watch.

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Straight to the " nursery" home? Brandon declined practically overnight you know. Before the debate debacle he was "sharp as a tack", had more energy than any hipster and put in 28 hour work days after partying with Hunter all night. Everybody saw that ...

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Jul 23Edited

I think the podcast was very spiteful and maliced towards the Democrats with zero passion by comparison given to the RNC convention. Its become very clear by the messages posted who likes that tact and the lack of counterpoints.

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Kamala is incredibly unlikeable. They think by putting out fluff pieces about her they can mask that?

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That is EXACTLY what "they" are doing. That and constructing a completely false alternate "reality" where 🐪-a is a likable, decent, BRAVE, accomplished, intelligent person. The "best and the brightest". Sharp as a tack. Against fracking. Always was. Against defunding the police. Never supported raising money to bail out rioters. Never supported BLM. Always was. Against reparations. Always was. For defending the border and stopping illegal immigration. And always was. Visited the border so many times she's lost count. Supports Israel's right to defend itself (as long as no one but Jews get hurt) AND sympathetic to the Hamas "Freedom Fighters" ... and always was. Thinks IRAN has a right to defend itself against Israel ... and always did. Doesn't know who Willie Brown is ... and never did. Never met Biden ... or else she would have known he was senile. Was not informed of ANY of the Biden administration policies ... and never approved of any of them. Is a virgin

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Considering how much they utterly hate democrats why should they care?

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that's fantasy. she already secured more delegates that she needed to be elected. DNC Convention will be a formality. Her VP will most likely be some progressive from a swing state. It's crazy how those political talking heads can't see beyond their wishcasting.

Time to face the facts. She's not a throwaway candidate whom they sacrifice in order to keep the purity of better candidates. She's a real candidate. She's not going to be replaced. They are investing a lot in her win because they can now weaponize "oldest presidential canddiate" and "cognitive decline due to old age" and turn it on Trump. Not to mention that his campaign now has to start from not exactly scratch but throw away whatever applied to Biden and didn't to her. 3-4 months is a small window for adjustment. Democrats drive the narrartive again which they temporarily lost after the assassination attempt.

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How many delegates does she have? Zero! You seem to think all Joe's delegates automatically shift to Kamala. They don't. Every delegate is up for grabs. You may have voted for Biden but he was never going to be a two term president, because of his cognitive problems but they didn't like the other candidates so they anointed Joe the nominee. So when they meet in Chicago, it will be the super delegates who will pick the nominee. Here's what Obama wrote, "The leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges". You freaking lost your right to vote and don't even realize it!! Talk about wishcasting and facing facts, you don't even know how the system works.

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My right to vote? I can’t vote I’m not an American. I merely offer my unbiased opinion and enjoy following this s___show. That said, a lot of things happened this cycle that will change your election game forever if this Hail Mary works. First, one party tried to force the rival nominee of his ticket (possible jail time, states removing him off the ballot) then forced their own nominee off the ticket when he proved useless, and immediately replaced him with the second ticket holder cause onl she could get the campaign money. I don’t know law well but all that seems very illegal to me or at least ethically challenged.

If you think this isn’t already done for Harris I have a bridge to sell you. Like I said, only she can get Bioden-HARRIS campaign money, Everyone else would have to start collecting donations from the scratch. No time for that.

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Not being an American doesn't actually prevent you from voting.

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I spit my water out my mouth. Lol

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Hey vader, just because you aren't an American doesn't, in this Brave New America, mean that you can't vote... the Dems have literally millions of illegals in their pocket who will, no doubt, be voting this November.... Do try to keep up with current events!

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Like I said several times, immigrants values are much closer to conservatives than liberals. Your party leaves compatible voters on the table for reasons I cannot comprehend who in return vote for Democrats only because they welcome them even though they absolutely don’t vibe with progressive ideas.

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So, basically we agree on a few things.

#1 This is a shitshow.

#2 Democrats will do illegal and unethical things to stay in power.

What we don't know is if it's legal for Kamala to get that money. But the people who do unethical and illegal things say it is. This money was raised for Joe's presidential re-election bid, not Joe and Kamala's. So this is going to court. Just for clarification what bridge??

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it’s legal for her to get money cause she was on the ticket. wouldn’t be for anyone who wasn’t.

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You're not buying what they're selling are you? They tell you not to believe what you are seeing, then tell you to see shit that doesn't exist. From Russia to cheap fakes it's been one deception after another these people give skeevy a bad name. When Obama endorses her in person I might believe it.

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Why not stick with Kamala. Winning with a senile white guy was a form of bragging for the left. If they are confident with Kackling Kamala, it's another boast: we can win with anyone and we are proud to cheat better than the right and push the "most fair election ever" narrative again.

With a lot more money, and after the assassination, if Trump can not win this election, we live in a fascist state with zero consequences for evil from the ruling elite.

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Merryfield, your age-ism is showing... what about PC? But I suppose the Leftist stance is that age-ism, racism, etc. are all OK so long as it is done for "the cause"...not a good look.

The only person here whose cognitive abilities have been called into question, is yours.

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Dave's not here, man.

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becasue he is now the oldest and can be called out on cognitive decline that comes with age. Whether you like it or not, Democrats have a younger canddiate so they can and will use that as contrast. Why vote for vigorous 78 years old grandpa tnhat can’t serve more than 1 term if you can vote for a 60 years old woman that can serve 2?

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😂 Come on man! You know damn well Trump can run circles around the absolute mental midget that is Kamala Harris. She’s at her best when her mouth is full so she can’t talk or, god forbid, laugh (cackle). She is no competition for President Trump, but I did hear she was strong competition for Willie Brown’s wife back in the day.

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you don’t help Trump’s case by bringing up Willy Brown. So Trump had fun in his life, Harris had fun in hers, why do you have problem with one and not the other? Point is, her past affairs are irrelevant to voters. If she leaked classified documents (which seh didn’t) than yes that would be very relevant. But sex life? Don’t you have it?

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They have many challenges though. If they hold their virtual voting before the convention and cackles wins (likely) how do they ignore/reverse that decision? Miscount the votes? Declare the vote null and void. Say they were just kidding? Get rid of the "black" woman? Is this not a pickle if their doing?

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The Dems just need to bring in Hillary to balance the ticket... I can see it now: "Cackles and Cankles, '24!"

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The Queens of Cackle! Hillary’s witchy laugh is almost as bad as Kamala’s.

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Typical male shade thrown at women. Cackle you say. Trump=old orange ostrich who lives for the grift and the predation.

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This from a woman: She does cackle. “Cackles” is now my favorite nickname for her. Thanks Mike ;)

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Maybe cackled is not exactly the right description of the sounds she emits. Sounds more like bansheeing of a wounded hyena. You don't "have to" agree she US A MORON, but I think that is self-evident. No, she is not a MORON because she is a woman (Whatever that is. I only had biology at University level.). But I would appreciate it if you can inform me of a single original thought she has had. Or anything useful she has invented. Or of any real, solid, enduring and helpful accomplishments on her part. She is as phony as they come and, almost certainly, suffers from one or more neurological conditions. Any assertions that she is a truly intelligent person are risible.

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nothing do with whether she can do the job. If that's the only takedown your party has she's winning in a landslide. and make no mistek, unlike Trump and Biden, she doesn't have track record of lining her pockets and/or promoting family members.

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I am not making any mistek. She's a MORON. She climbed the greasy ladder by climbing on Willie Brown's Willie.

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... she IS A MORON ...

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I’m a woman and I can’t stand Kamala’s cackle. And I couldn’t stand Hillary’s cackle before her. The laughter of witches is irritating to discerning members of both genders.

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Ruh-roh! Male feminist alert! Hide your daughters!

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yep, cackle is a petty shade and completely insignficant. You can hammer a political adversary only on some scandal/wrong doing (eg Benghazi) or your own party will hammer you if you freeze on national TV, but the way someone laughs is not one of them. In fact, whoever throws a shade is guaranteed to lose independent votes cause they are not into classless potshots. That's why they are independent.

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It's not the cackling, per se, that is the problem, it is the fact that it so often seems faked and lacking authenticity... and a lack of authenticity is fatal to any candidate, as it will be to "cackles."

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lack of authenticity is much classier critique and I agree with it.

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The serial occasions of word salad, however, is a real problem for her.

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it doesn’t decide the election. Biden isn’t the best speaker, Trump tends to ramble. They all won.

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If the feral left wants to riot, that is their choice. This time, God willing, American patriots will stand fast and, at the time of our choosing, meet them head on. Some people have a catchy acronym for this: FAFO.

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By all means, vote for the felon. The grifter. The one who asks China to invade Taiwan. God put his thumb on the scale by letting Trump live. He wants to test whether Americans will do the right thing and beat Trump

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Stick to your own personal Substack to float your retard talking points, please.

O wait. You don't even have the discipline to write anything on "George's Substack" since you launched it over a year ago.

OK, dude. You totally seem like a trustworthy critical thinker. We should definitely listen to your low-effort takes.

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George, go outside and touch the grass.

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😆😆😆 Oh man y’all really WILL do anything to avoid the cognitive dissonance that comes with realizing you’ve been fighting for the wrong side. You are on the wrong side of history George. You are siding with the crooks and the fascists. But it’s still not too late to switch sides and be a Patriot and vote for the man whose life God saved. I know you feel the pull of your conscience or you wouldn’t be reading this substack.

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Please, let us leave God out of this debate. God is not a Republican or a Democrat and we don't know for sure that God is male female or both. It does such a disservice to people of faith to have God Dragged In on either side to have God support our own prejudices and biases. God is probably not woke, but surely God is awake and can see what harm we humans are doing to a once glorious creation.

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This persecuted man you speak of is the only one standing that can right this wrong that the DNC and the oligarchs of the elite have wrought. Open your eyes and think with your brain.

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Nice try. Next.

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I don't think he's gonna win. I think this is going to play out similar to French elections where Hail Mary changed the course of the election and saw a projected winner lose.

Throughout the campaign, Democrats were trying to get Trump off the ballot - convicted fellony should have done the trick had it been for a relevant fellony - only to unceremonially get their own candidate off the ballot when they realized he couldn't win. They are rolling the dice with the ticket switch and like Macron coallition with far left, it might just work due to novelty and uniting the party that was divided over Israel and then Biden's fate.

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Wrong, vader. the Dems last, best hope of victory will be the various forms of election rigging they have perfected--both against Republicans and other Dems--over the past few years. That is their ace in the hole, and the only thing that really concerns me about the race.

But I suppose now you are going to tell me that "the Democrats don't rig elections"...

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Correct. Just as in 2020, ALL the Dems are looking for is a storyline believable enough to front the MASSIVE STEAL they are planning to pull off right in front of our faces and then spend the rest of history telling us we did not see it. And the Dead Guy was just not even a little bit believable anymore so he had to go. Period. If we stop the steal we win no matter who they put up but if we don’t then the Republic is toast.

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nope I’m going to tell you that everyone rigs it just some rig better. AndAnd defeatist attitude certainly won’t help. If you expect rigging why bother vote, right?

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We are going to outvote the steal this time around.. yes, The System is rigged, ut that does not mean that I--or millions of other Americans--are just going to roll over and accept it, not without a fight.

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the thing about the steal, unless we talk about I dunno Serbia or Belarus, it doesn’t happen on a grand scale in Western countries. Here and there sure, and make ni mistake all aprties do it, but if a candiate outvotes another, they can steal that much. No matter what you believe about 2020, Biden won not because of steal but because older white voters took a chance with him because of pandemic scare. Trump gained mainoruty votes but not enough to offset white vote errosion.

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Vader, after the palace coup we just witnessed, how can you with a straight face tell me that election rigging is not happening here on "a grand scale," and by Democrats in virtually every case, and often against their own party's candidates (Bernie Sanders). You are trying to deny the undeniable. Fail.

As for the 2020 election: Nobody has any idea how many legit votes Biden received... nobody. With mass mail in balloting, ballot harvesting, phony voter rolls, etc etc, we just don't know how well he actually did. But I guarantee to you that if the 2020 election had been held in a traditional single election day format, with no Zuckerbucks, et al, Biden would not have won.

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I suspect that's correct. My point was caveated with "if Trump wins." I believe the establishment will use any means at their disposal to keep him from winning.

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It’s vile and it’s fascist but you’re cool with it as long as you get rid of Orange Man Bad. Right? Disgusting.

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you have no argument which is why you seethe. Pray that your candidate keeps cool head in a debate.

I’ve no dog in this fight so I don’t call Trump Orange Man any more than I call Harris Cackels. It’s unproductive for one doesn’t see forest for trees when using such nicknames.

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French us a different electoral system (although CA, AK and LA)have similarities) so may not be relevant here. However, they have honest elections and we don't.

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I meant more in that last minute Hail Mary can turn the tide and Americans have more time than Macron had.

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Why didn't we hear oldest ever running for president ad nauseam with biden? I guess Trump is the second oldest right?

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yes they absolutely have more material than he does on her. Gone are Biden, Burisma, Hunter.

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That’s exactly what will happen. Look for additional social unrest being stirred up between now and then as well.

Be prepared. The ride is going to get really rough, and it won’t be over very quickly.

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Whenever they get in a fix

They reach inside of their bag of Trix.


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"I still think that, if Trump does manage to win, they will use the rioting that will happen"

Think George Floyd on Steroids.

BTW If The Democrats win. It had better be Pure As The Driven Snow! No strange unusual occurrences like what happened on election night 2020.

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I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of all the horseshit. My epiphany occurred on 5 July 2016, when after running through a litany of violations of federal law committed by Hillary Clinton and her staff, FBI Dir. Comey announced "But, that is not why we are here." --- Huh!? Then, he explained that "no reasonable prosecutor would make a case" against Hillary Clinton. Again --- Huh!? Why is that? Because they're so terrified of what would happen to them if they did? I know that at that moment, millions of veterans, contractors, and active service with security clearances had the same reaction and came to the same conclusion: Something has gone horribly wrong. This stinks. This really stinks and since then, the stench only gets worse and worse.

Watching some of the hearings today with SS Dir. Cheatle... she's just another senior Biden official who knows that she is not accountable to anyone and how dare our lawmakers even question her.

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Stinks to high heavens !

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Exactly. Who the hell do they think they are questioning HER!?!?! Where do they get off?? Stupid slugs! They were elected not appointed (selected). As any royal knows, legitimacy comes from being appointed and anointed. No one votes for Kings. G_d chooses them. The people obey them. If they don't, it's treason.

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Like Hitler?

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In some ways, yes.

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Brilliantly done. I'm afraid that if they steal this one, there's going to be a real chance of war. I'm not calling for it or saying it will be violent, but I don't think anyone is in the mood for another 4 years of this.

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If Trump does not win, I see "consent of the governed" becoming widely revoked.

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they don't have to steal anything. Republicans will keep losing until they accept the following facts of life and do something about them:

Immigrants are much closer to conservative values than liberal ones especially left/progressive but they vote Democrat because Democrats welcome them

People do not like their rights to be revoked. A party doesn't have to create new rights but taking away existing ones always goes over like a lead balloon

Pro-lifers can't save every fetus so if they want to have 200 children each they are free to do so but banning abortion, contraception, etc is not going to save lives. It's only going to create black market. Where there';s ban there's black market for everything.

The problem isn't that Republicans aren't prigtessive, it's that they aren't even up to date. You can't be competitive if you are so out of step and keep blaming the other side for your own shortcomings.

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I am a small c conservative and I welcome all legal immigrants, all of them. They would be treated wonderfully if they showed up. No one hates them. I like the idea of the states on abortion. We can vote with our feet.

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the party needs to get rid of Boberts and Greens and other loons. They don’t represent a big enough sample that requires a separate party but they give a bad rep. OTOH, Left is now too big for Democratic tent and in complete at odds with centrists. They should create their own party anf run their own canddiates.

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Gaetz, Boebert, MTG. The Dems kicked out the Squad. The Republicans live off their loons

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"I'm not calling for a war. BUT. " Own it, you expect and want a war. I'm in the mood for peace. But Trump isn't, he doesn't want to go to jail or pay the millions he owes for cheating on taxes, sexual assault, and eventually libel lawsuits. He will die owing everyone.

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Liar. Your little lie I'm not calling for war is a call to war. "I'm not racist but blacks are dumb" you would also say. Go ahead Brandy get your weapon of choice and I'll meet you on the field of battle

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Stick to your non-existent Substack, please. You've got nothing to offer here.

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Really? You don't get to tell me what I mean or what I'm thinking. Don't project what you mean when you say things onto others. You gonna meet me in Florida? 😆 You read the Bulwark and Slow Boring. Why are you even reading this amazing Substack? I meant what I said. I don't need to project. I really do worry about the future. Run along now. I've no time for nonsense. You can respond, I'll not be wasting any more of my time.

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Way to flush that troll, Brandy!

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I'm still here Brandywhine. You are a phony and i called you out. You want a conflict to justify your faith in getting your way because the rest of us are, let's see, misguided, evil, lost, stupid, cacklers, illegals, atheists, unAmerican, fascists, communists, all those things small c conservatives believe.

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You are what we used to call Concern Troll. I worry i worry i worry. Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!

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I would challenge you to read outside your own bubble. I read both Democrats and Republicans and everyone in between. There are plenty of Democrats who aren't so sure about Harris. Lots of identity politics people love her. Single females love her. Men aren't so sure. Neither are independents, especially if she keeps up the DEI and equity plan. There are plenty of dissenters that are very concerned about her. It's not helpful to read the people who tell you what you already think only.

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Up until a day ago NOBODY liked Kamala!!!! Not one Dem I know did anything but roll their eyes and look embarrassed when she came up. Which was rarely because she was useless at anything but speaking to people like they are special needs preschoolers.

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One thing you can always bet on is that the Left always eat their own. Ask Biden! And now, with woke bullshit and the fallacy utopia losing its shine, that group is splintering. Next comes every man for himself. And because the super narcissist has to stay relevant, like Madonna, wokism is going to dwindle to only individuals … trying to stay relevant.

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not true. Left eats their own until they consolidate. They threw away Biden when he became useless and rallied around Harris because they deem she can win. Unlike Republicans where MAGA would never vote for other than Trump and Never Trumpers would never vote for Trump, liberals on any side of center-left spectrum come together when needed cause they know Democratic POTUS is easier to sway than a Republican one. Mind you, Republicans on opposing sides know this too but stay stubborn cause they see the other Republican (MAGA or Never Trumper) as worse than Democrats. It isn't stupidity but just how they roll. To understand why Trump could lose and Harris could win, you have to understand how Democrats and Republicans (or their factions) vote.

This cycle will be interesting cause assassionation brought Republicans together and the ticket switch brought Democrats together. At least on surface. It would be unrealistic to think that both sides don't have hidden bitterness which should be bigger on Democratic side. Assassination attempt is genuinely unifying, throwing a candidate off the ticket because of his age (that was the same for months) is not.

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He's not off the ticket because of his age, he's out of the race because he's no longer competent.

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He was as competent on the day of debate as he was any day before and after during his presidency. Just a week or 2 before the faithful night, his similar lost behavior was deemed “cheapfake”. He is off the ticket becasue of his age cause that narrative hurts Trump. Yes we all know it’s because he is demented but they are weaponizing Trump campaign’s talking point and turning it on Trump. That was never a farsighted way to runa campaign nor a farsighted nominee but people have spoken so…

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cannot disagree

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I miss Tom Petty.

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Kamala is an empty suit

I fear she will have The Witch from Michigan as her running mate and too many foolish Americans will vote for “historic ticket of 2 women” despite fact no democrat is allowed to define a woman!

If they don’t get enough votes to win- there are 17 million “new guests” who will happily vote for any Democrat knowing Trump would try deport them

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A lot of people in Michigan are hoping it is Witchmer, just to get rid of her.

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Historical ticket is not appealing outside of whatever group/demo is making history. Would non-progressive whites, Latinos, Asians care for the first black-Indian woman? Would men?

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Even for a cynical corrupt witch like Pelosi, saying Harris is brilliantly astute is too much. 😂

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Sees herself in a dark, clouded mirror. Wicked Witches of the West.

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"...and, most of all, she was not white." I know white people darker than Kamala. How in the hell is skin tone supposed to be an indicator of any particular qualities?

We used to hear the expression, "The dumbing down of America" quite a bit. It's time to resurrect that expression.

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If you are an individualist, go find an island.

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Clearly, you don't understand what an individualist is.

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Kamala is the sacrificial goat, unblemished but doomed. None of the serious Dem contenders want to waste their shot on a half-baked campaign season, so they're keeping their powder dry and waiting for 2028. Trump turned out to be a tougher nut to crack this year than anybody expected; they're hoping Vance (presumably) will be easier in 4 years. Kamala will crash and burn this year like she did in 2020 -- all she has to do is open her mouth. You'll notice that none of the big guns who pushed Biden out came out to endorse her right away. As I write this Pelosi just did and Obama, Schumer and Jeffries still haven't.

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if Kamala won in 2024 USA would have have 3 1 term POTUSes between 2016-2028 back to back. She would lose for the main reason why H Clinton lost - voters tired of the same administration and faces and wanting a change. in 2028, Harris would spend 8 years in WH (4 as VP and 4 as POTUS). re-election would be 12 years. Not a chance.

That said, she wouldn't be challenged in 2028 by her party members so they either cross fingers she doesn't win in 2024 and they have a primary in 2028 or have come to terms that they won't be candidates and are dutifully supporting the ticket.

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Yes, but the new 47 Supreme Court Justices will rule that any further elections are unconstitutional because of "Disparate Outcomes" and electing any non-POC "might lead to violence", is RACIST and can't be allowed. And, anyway, overturning the "election" of a Democrat by any means (like a subsequent election) is insurrection. "("Insurrection by Election"). On e "the people" have spoken they need to shut up.

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Here’s some excerpts from an article I copied 8 years ago before the 2016 election that Trump won against Hillary. Title of the article is “Here’s Why FBI Director Comey Can’t Give Hillary A Free Pass.” Yet she was given a free pass as have many other democrats. None have ever been held accountable for their crimes. We long ago lost the rule of law in this country. In what sense then does America still exist as a country?

“The fact that the administration under which Mr. Comey serves has conducted itself with unprecedented partisanship and lawlessness makes it even more important for him to uphold the law and recommend indictment. The American people need to see that both lawlessness and dereliction of duty are not given a pass and that no one is above the law.”

“The country is now at the edge of an abyss from years of obfuscation, unaccountability, subterfuge and law evasion by the Obama administration that have numbed much of its citizenry into an acceptance of government corruption and abuse of power. Resetting Americans' trust in government needs to start with holding people in high office, like Hillary Clinton, accountable.”

“Here’s Why FBI Director Comey Can’t Give Hillary A Free Pass.”

Investor’s Business Daily. July 2, 2016


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Merrick Garland is the epitome of that partisan, CRIMINAL lawlessness. His whole being is an ode to totalitarianism.

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Thank you, we are so glad you Woke up. I wonder how you came to see things as they really are?

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The msm are not even mentioning that Dear Leader hasn’t been seen in public in almost a week.

He made a phone call today but only his voice, which is suss.

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It was a recording

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Could be. Their working on his next "cheap fake" "appearance'. Takes time to produce. Weekend at Brandon's.

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Reminds me of the Damar Hamlin stuff where after he had a heart attack they would show him only from a distance or in heavily edited videos.

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Reminds me of Princess Bride; “he’s only mostly dead”.

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It’s started already.

Kamala for sainthood!!

Elite media will have put on the full court press to try and convince the public she is remotely qualified.

Should be interesting to watch them try.

Will the public fall for it?

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What do you mean?? She's OBVIOUSLY "Qualified". She's "black", isn't she?

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Wait, I thought she was Indian.

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Well for the purpose of this election she’s black.

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I am flabbergasted that she now has all the delegates she needs, major unions have endorsed her, and record- breaking STUPID money (100 million and counting) is POURING in to her campaign. Obviously, people don't care that she is a liar , that she completely failed as the border czar, and that across the board, she sounds like an idiot.

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you shouldn't be. recency bias, novelty bump, funds on hold released. It's all totally expected. Momentum =/= trend. You forgot that Trump camaoign saw upstick of donations after his sentence and then assassination attempt.

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They're going to rig her in. The money has been guarenteed. Then she will open our borders more, give citizenship to all the illegals and stack the Supreme Court. Then they go after the consititution. This is our last "election". Anyone trying to stop it will be assassinated / put in jail.

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You've come a long way, baby! Alas, you've only just begun, and the road is long with many a winding turn. Safe travels...we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.

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Sing it, Bickers!

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"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America".

- Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro

He did his work well with the help of Buttigieg's fathers' Gramschi-ites.

Jonathan Gruber saying that Americans are "too stupid" regarding Obamacare:


Now do you know how they took control of you medical staff?

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In many ways he was right on people not wanting change to people now full embracing it. This is why total repeal is not even talked about by the GOP it's a dead subject going into 2024. Obama rolled the dice on the big change he wants and remember presidents only get 1-2 at best generational bills they can pass.

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Yep, embracing it means they will be getting it good and hard like the mandatory protocol's of Remdecivir and ventilators that killed 10s of thousands in 2020/21. Or the 'vaccine' mandates that are killing millions.

The Sackler family is also proud as their heroin products are being mandatorily prescribed and have killed many...

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Jul 23Edited

The healthcare system was broken before ACA was ever implemented see the opioid problem trying to blame on one thing is disingenuous at best outright lying and malicious at worst.

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Oh, it was very broken before. Because of government regulations and other forces like insurance companies.

I wasn't tying opioids to Ocare specifically, dummy. Centralized protocols call for the prescription of opioids, not market forces allowing doctors to actually heal.

Be very careful calling people liars. I have spent a lifetime trying to save lives as a soldier and firefighter(volunteer), namely as a father who watched his son recover from 100% life support into the hands of doctors who gave him unauthorized 'medications'.

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Government and companies work together not for the consumer but to benefit themselves. I have called for outright forever bans on people working in the industry to be in government and total bans on money spent on elections by them.

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And the health care system is still broken. People focus on government but the employer based system is about as bad. I ran a couple of large employer based systems and was appalled at what I found. Employers that fund whatever the insurance companies charge, lack of choice, lack of tradeoffs between insurance and other benefits not to mention salary, failure to hold insurance customer service accountable (spoiler, most of the problems come from providers) and discrimination against single people/empty nesters. I attribute all these failings to letting HR run it.

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