I do love how the examples abound for showing grace.

You, Sasha, showing yourself grace for things you regret, and giving yourself grace to change your mind! And I understand someone (like Walsh) doubting AR’s sincerity, but wow, how petty and wrong it was to make that loud, public pronouncement. I want to hear people debate ideas (including ideas about moral value and what is virtuous), but I really do question anyone who seems to think they have the authority to proclaim that another person does or does not belong. I much prefer your attitude- no one can make me dislike AR or say she doesn’t belong.

And finally, grace for JDV changing his mind about Trump’s efficacy as a president.

When did reading the signs and consciously changing course become a sign of weakness?! I thought that was just good navigation skills.

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The “loud, public pronouncement” by the likes of Matt Walsh tells you everything you need to know about them! Since when did we conservatives become the very things we despise in the liberal left… close minded and intolerant? Any one, regardless of their race, their sex, their religion and how they chose to live their life, who believes in the Constitution, should be welcomed. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal…” I stand by these words!

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In March 2016 Matt Walsh said “The only thing worse than Donald Trump are his supporters”. I don’t think he has the credibility to pass a purity test on who can support Donald Trump.

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Well said!

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Sorry, very little ever tells me “everything I need to know”.

But I do believe he would be wise- and better off- changing his mind.

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You’re much more gracious than I! Kudos to you.

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Ur right

That tells me everything I need to know about you

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I've been watching the convention and have to say this does feel like a new Republican party. I think it's great they asked Amber Rose to speak. I'm not sure what is responsible for the new image, but it feels genuinely.....fun? The Republicans being suddenly cool is so strange, but I'll take it because after the last three years, we need it.

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It’s Trump’s party now, that’s the difference.

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Yes but it’s a MAGA movement. Which hopefully will continue well beyond DJT. I support him 💯 but I hope this movement can last for several cycles to clean up this mess.

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Amber Rose was great.

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I think Lara Trump is making important changes.

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Ms Stone

You have great courage and integrity lady!

To share some of the tough details of your life, took a lot of guts. You got plenty of that.

67-year-old life long Republican here. Very much understand that the party has changed for the better with Donald Trump.

Please continue these nightly podcasts from the convention.

God‘s blessings.

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I couldn't have said it better SGC! I am loving Sasha's posts. They give me joy and hope that things are changing for the better. And, I loved Amber Rose! Our tent is gracious and inviting to all and apparently Amber feels right at home.

God Bless all of you lovely freedom folks!

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Trump and his team have figured out something important: Politics is downstream from culture (thank you Andrew Breitbart). Amber Rose was pitch perfect in moving the culture of her generation into new territory.

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Great to see another’s fan of Andrew Breitbart. RIP. #ObamaBodyCount

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I’m almost 80 years old and , despite still being incredibly hip, have never heard of Amber Rose. But I’ll tell you what, that little speech had me reaching for the Kleenex again (it’s been a rough few days.). It was warm, gracious, introspective and insightful in recognizing the rare opportunity for advancement our country has with a guy like Trump. The fact that she was given the opportunity to speak made me even prouder to be a conservative and a Republican.

Which is why I was super disappointed at Matt Walsh’s mean spirited, really almost vicious, commentary on Amber’s efforts. I have generally had a great deal of respect for Walsh and his work and this really surprised me. So, what’s the deal?

Seems to me, it’s pretty much all about the money. That whole Daily Wire crowd have gotten very rich pushing the perpetually aggrieved agenda in a faux intellectual way that’s intended to make you feel really smart and sophisticated if you’re a subscriber. I don’t know if they believe half the shit they shovel but it pays, so onward and upward. I think they give the game away when they start pushing razors and other assorted products especially designed for conservatives to punish woke corporations, but whatever.

Republicans have in the past criticized Democratic sabotage of programs that would really help the poor because of all the Democrats that would be out of work, or have to find honest jobs, if there were no more poor people.

Same thing with guys like Walsh. God forbid that Conservative principles be broadened in scope or delivered in new and different ways by new and different messengers. If we conservatives actually win somehow and manage to change the country, to redirect our public policy in a more conservative direction, the resulting success might actually lower the outrage meter and Conservatism Inc. might have to find honest work. A guy can dream.

So, I say, bring on Amber Rose and cast her far and wide. We’ll all be the better for it.

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Hey Tim, I hope the rough recent days that you’ve had disappear and are replaced with new pleasant ones because you are not only the hippest 80 year old I know but also because a country and community can not help but improve by reading your thoughtful and wise comments. Much love, brother.

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At risk of thread hijack -- The formerly main line churches became irrelevant trying to be all things to all people like Matt Who? (and I mean that literally) never were relevant outside their own bubble. Both the churches and Matt ? are mercifully doomed.

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Well stated.

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I’ve followed Vance ever since he started hawking his book Hillbilly Elegy. I read the book & thought this is a smart, articulate man who came from nothing ( actually lower than nothing due to his mother’s drug addiction) and seemed at the time to be heading toward living the American Dream. And here he is. Not surprised the left is already lying about his abortion stance - Stating he wants a federal ban on abortion. Not true - he supports the abolition of Roe - that the states should decide, Ohio is different than CA for example. He believes in the exceptions of rape & incest. He is entitled to his personal pro life beliefs. He could make a fantastic VP, time will tell.

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I commend you on your ability to call out the pharisaical behavior of the party purists without becoming dogmatic in the process. We all need to be given the grace to change when we have encountered new truth. And those a few steps behind us in the journey need our patience and encouragement.

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"Pharisaical" -- I like it! I am going to use it more often in conversation.

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You must operate in far more exalted circles than I that anyone would know about WTF you were talking.

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You better watch your speed.

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Wow is this pun tragically prophetic:

“Trouble with you

Is the trouble with me

Got two good eyes

But we still don't see

Come round the bend

You know it's the end

The FIREMAN screams

And the engine just gleams”

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Well played.

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Me too

I should probably look up the definition first though

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I also did not vote for Trump in 2016. I was a National Review reading, free-trade believing, Iraq War supporting, traditional Conservative. I didn't trust Trump and thought he would sell the Conservatives out.

It turns out I was wrong.

In their hatred of Trump, most of the writers at the National Review betrayed their so called principles. They put their hatred of Trump over their love of this country and helped the Biden administration tear this country apart.

Free trade is great in theory but not so great when your number one competitor uses slave labor to flood your market with cheap goods to hollow out your manufacturing base. Like you Sasha, I've driven across this county several times and from New Hampshire to Missouri to Washington, I've seen town after hollowed out town devastated by an economic policy that has put the interests of multinational corporations and economic efficiency over the quality of life of working class Americans.

Our interventionist foreign policy has cost us thousands of lives and trillions of dollars with nothing to show for it. I wouldn't support a candidate who supports throwing billions of dollars at a corrupt Ukrainian regime that will at best be wasted and at worst lead us into a world war.

So I've changed. You are right that the old Republican party is dead and something new is rising from the ashes. Trump was the necessary person to break the grip of the old guard on the GOP and I believe JD Vance is the best choice to lead the Republicans and the country to a better future.

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I used to be a Democrat.

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Me too

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Was the same until my friends bitch-slapped me out of the NRO prism.

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I have the exact same feelings about JD Vance as I do about Amber Rose. Identical for both: "Cool, let's wait and see who they are and what they do before passing any judgement." The internet makes everybody a critic instantly (and I am quite guilty) but after this Saturday I am slowing my roll a bit on snap judgements. I hope they both end up awesome.

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The old Conservative party is dead. I wouldn't even be interested in that stuffy, too serious, country club, judgmental party. I wouldn't be welcomed if they knew me, either. And, I can't play the lady that keeps her mouth shut. I am forever grateful that Donald Trump came along and allowed me to find a place. I welcome all, because it's not about immutable characteristics, it's about Western values. If you're a fan of preserving them, you're a Trump Republican. Great podcast. As always.

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Biden,/the Dems/the media put Trump in the crosshairs. Thomas Matthew Crooks merely pulled the trigger.

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I have to admit I have been very skeptical and cynical about our whole political process going back at least 10 years, probably even more. Living in CA, failure has become an institution. I love this state. Furthermore, I have rolled my eyes at the condescension, the snarkiness, the pharisaical narrative that has been out there especially since 2020. I am really tired of it and was resigned to vote libertarian once again as a protest against a hail storm. Since the debate, and since this weekend, I have felt something else. It feels almost affected to say it, but to once again turn to my father and his brothers, who served in WWII, and their brother who gave his life at Heartbreak Ridge in Korea. Did that mean anything, when we have ceded another $60B to a corrupt Ukraine? Something is different with me, and I love how you Sasha, have turned with Grace to a new way of looking at things. I loved JD Vance's book, which I read only over the July 4th holiday. I love that Amber Rose is at the convention. A page is turning. Over a hundred thousand fentanyl overdoses are de rigueur in the US, many of them in California. Maybe we can change some of that. Maybe we can change veterans being homeless, self medicating PTSD, instead of opening flood gates to people who are not invested in this country. A turning point for me was seeing another homeless person let his dog defecate on the island in front of the supermarket where I have gone for 20 years, and walk off. I circled around and asked if he was going to clean up, and he gave me a sarcastic answer. Do we just let that go? Do I just keep looking the other way? I am tired of it. We had a neighborhood watch meeting at our house in May where over 40 people attended, some from out of the area. We have to take things back. People have been quiet for too long. Maybe there really is a way to get re-invested back into this process, into this unique experiment that is not based on Unity, but on competitive ideas, let the best ones win.

Bless you Sasha, your posts introduced me to Tucker and some new ways of thinking. Keep it up.

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The best thing about JD Vance is that he's not only qualified to be VP but he doesn't "giggle." 👍

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No word salad either!

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Good point. JD is probably one of the top ten most intelligent person in the entire country. I can't wait to see him debate Harris. No amount of yellow school buses is going to save her from being mopped along the floor.

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At this point it's looking very likely that Harris will be debating Trump, not JD. Whom JD will debate is a big question mark.

P.S.: Harris will STILL be mopped on the floor, bigly! :-)))

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You're right. Thanks for correcting me. #YellowSchoolBuses in route to support their biggest cheerleader.

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Here’s what JD Vance posted on X about the assassination attempt. An excellent summary and assessment of our situation. This is an impossible situation. Will he change his mind about this? How can he when it’s so true. This is just not working at all and I can’t see how it ever will. This is why I believe only AI can save us from the abyss.

“Today is not just some isolated incident.”

“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs.”

“That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination.”

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Seva, I like and respect your points of view, but could you elaborate how "only AI can save us from the abyss"?

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DON’T get him started on AI !!

He thinks it’s the solution to all the worlds ills. 🙄

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Humanity is at a crossroads. One path leads to an AI powered utopia. The other to a dystopian nightmare of war and civilizational collapse. The best of times. The worst of times. We will soon see which path fate has in store for us.

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The word utopia originates from the Greek roots “ou” (meaning “no, not”) and “topos” (meaning “place”) – literally

“no place”

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UTOPIA, 1551, from Modern Latin Utopia, literally "nowhere,"

There is no such place, no such condition. AI will not save us, it will just be another master.

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Integrated AI: The psychology of modern LLMs (2024). (11 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Jun 17, 2024


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Listen to what the world’s top AI scientists are saying and you’ll understand. It doesn’t take an advanced degree in computer science to understand what they’re saying. Why this sails past so many like water off a duck’s back is beyond me. America is disintegrating and our world is very rapidly heading for a truly global WW3. The momentum is now for death and destruction. The only thing I see that can gain control of this and alter the path we’re on is AI.

“The Next Decade in AI by Ray Kurzweil and Ilya Sutskever.” (17 min)

AI Workshop. July 11, 2024


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Of course they would. 🙄

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JD is cool and so are you but if I had to place a marker, It would be on "barely housebroken 20-YO who couldn't get any and wanted to impress some chick who didn't even know who he was." (This in no way excuses the cited rhetoric.)

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Not mutually exclusive. 20YO loser is the instrument but Democrats designate the target.

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Sasha, please keep up the daily podcasts. I could easily listen to you every day.

Today, I was listening while walking in lower Manhattan, and your words sent a prolonged chill up my spine, choked me up and also made me the happiest about the future I have been in years. A conservative in NYC has to be careful. This is the fourth turning. Things are changing incredibly fast, for the better. And you are the narrator. Thank you.

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Democrats are waging a two front war: Internally on Trump/MAGA, externally on Putin/Russia. They are fanatics with an obsessive/compulsive need to destroy both. The more both men outmaneuver them, the more intense their hatred of them becomes. They are possessed and simply incapable of reflecting on what they’re doing and changing course. Captain Ahab is their role model. Fits them perfectly. Great clip from the movie. Truly a classic.

“What does Captain Ahab symbolize?”
“Ahab is a symbol of the destructive nature of man. He symbolizes vengeance and obsession in his quest to destroy the white whale.”

"Ye damned whale. From hell's heart I strike at thee. With my last breath I spit at thee. Thou damned whale.".

“Moby Dick (1956): Gregory Peck’s best scene.” (8 min)

The Great Gambino. Sept 2017


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Always great to see your comments Seva ... :)

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Seva has extensive experiences and is really well read in both classics and current domestic and international topics; and references his arguments to support their credibility.

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