Another conservative US military veteran goes to prison for a misdemeanor. Justice has gone missing in the USA. Justice wandered off just like Biden wandered off at the G7 summit.

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I am Steve Bannon, Steve Bannon is Me! Great article Sasha…jailing him will only further unite MAGA and wake up some more “normies”. They know not what they have done! We already know the entire playbook. Everything the left calls out about others..they themselves are! Next 4 months will be bumpy but certainly entertaining if not terrifying. Predicting it now…as others have already. Prepare yourselves for a major - major black swan event!

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As Bannon said to Tucker the other day, he will be down, so it is time for the next person to stand up. Just as on D-Day, the first wave went down and the second wave kept coming and saved the day. Make sure nobody you know, and nobody they know fail to vote this election. Make sure they are registered (still time). Take them to early vote. Get them mail in ballots. Help them fill them out and turn them in. 40% of the populace typically doesn't vote. THat block could form a plurality and win every single election.

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Excuse me, but get them mail in ballots?

At any rate, if Ds are going to steal another election, why waste your time voting at all?

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You have to win to change the rules.

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Actually with all the democrat sos’s that changed the rules illegally I might add, just before the election, it’s a wonder it wasn’t more lopsided. Pdt had 48 states, Im pretty sure. And yet, lost. How does that happen. You with the four names, ( real men only need two) should probably be strapped in a chair and forced to watch 2000 mules for a week straight. You might get it, then.

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But then again, you’re probably as brainwashed as they come.

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Voting by mail ought to be ended and computerized voting machines tossed out, "hanging chads" notwithstanding.

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You might find it interesting to online search voting by mail to determine things like processes by state, security, portions voting using that method by party, etc. It comes across as very secure, not withstanding the Trumpian attempt to undermine because greater portions of Ds vote that way. It seems to me that

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If there are 1 million mail in ballots, or say 10 million mail in ballots, how do you verify that the person who is supposedly voting filled it out? One of the problems of doing this is to overwhelm any system that could potentially verify the person who cast the ballot is the one who both filled it out and mailed it in. Once the ballot is removed from an envelope and "cast", any chance of verification is gone. If the system was overwhelmed and not sufficient time to compare signatures on the ballot and on the envelope passes, it would be relatively easy for actors with $Billions to fund such actions to cheat the system. Such as through ballot harvesting schemes. Keep in mind that the Big Guy cut on last years budget was $780B. That is a lot of loot for those whose hand is on the tiller. I trust NEITHER PARTY to be honest with that much money up for grabs.

Once the ballot is removed, all chance to prove it was fraudulent AFTER THE VOTE COUNT are gone. That is why harvested ballots are the perfect election crime. Google "Is ballot harvesting allowed in Europe" and see that you get no answer to that question. I had heard that it was not permitted for obvious reasons of voter anonymity and security of ballots. When you get no answer to a simple question on Google, it lets you know that the question is politically unwelcome.

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Again, you should really check reputable online sources that go through the rigorous security to ensure the person voting is legit, with an open mind, before you conclude that it is not. When I did my checks, I was rest assured that security was there. You would not have all security officials in all US states whether Dem or Rep say the 2020 election was the most secure in history if it was not.

Trump's own officials say 2020 was America's most secure election in history. Homeland Security put out a statement with state and local officials that countered the president's rather shameful fraud claims.

Look, I realize this is one of the bigger ones Trumpers have to keep true and alive - Sasha does it regularly and even offers "proof", so at least she's figured out in HER mind what went fraudulent, even if in reality it did not. Recall all those recounts requested by Rs in the closest places that invariably resulted in Ds being assigned more votes. Hey wait, you're saying the vast majority of recanters were Dems cheating? You see... you go down all sorts of rabbit holes, but they invariably don't make sense or have disputed time and again. And sure enough Trump uses that more than anything to ever more astonish us folk outside MAGA land, as in how is a noted buffoon like Trump saying such incredibly buffoonish things and actually being believed by MAGA.

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Nevertheless, why create a voting platform that is more easily corrupted than the paper ballot? I consider it yet another blind acceptance of a technological "improvement" that was pushed on everyone without their consent and that in the long run proves to pose, if not more problems than what it replaces, than certainly different and unforeseen problems. Sort of like "the law of unintended consequences."

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It’s mind blowing to me where you are now as opposed to where you were when I first started following you on Substack. I heard you somewhere and liked what you said so I subscribed and then I was like ah fuck, she’s a libtard. And then you you just kept waking up. You saw everything and you expressed it better then anyone could going through that process. I loke to listen to your podcast but I love to read your writing so much more as it just totally unfolds so eloquently. I love where you are going Sasha. I feel like I was already there but we are on the same journey together. I really didn’t know Bannon and Waroom until a few years ago. I actually watched Fox News and thought it was great for a long time. What a fucking waste. I love how we are all shifting away from where we started towards something more honest but all came from somewhere different. Thank you for your beautiful work and evolving mind.

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It's like MAGA has become the third party that has been trying to surface for a long time, the anti-establishment party; thus the reason why both sides hate Trump and spent 4 years sabotaging him.

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I think it's more because we cringe at the delusional buffoon's braggadocio. This may play well in the heartland, but outside of it, not so much.

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"Outside the heartland" in shining examples of True Democracy like NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles?

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Oh Bill! Are you not a city boy? All cities are pretty much alike nowadays in western world democracies both in continent and off.

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What's my location have to do with anything, Simon Jean Paul Adams?

You are avoiding the point by focusing on me and generalizing about "western world democracies"--why does Trump "play well in the heartland" of the US? Are you not insinuating that people living outside of major cities are stupid because they tend to vote for your "buffoon"?

I think you'll be surprised by the number of people in shithole cities (that is to say major cities governed by the DP) who vote Trump. He's gaining more of the youth vote, the black vote, the latino vote, and the working class vote . . . if he's not murdered or somehow kept from taking office by dubious pseudo-legal means, he should win.

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He's gaining more votes among those non white demos. We have a couple of things going on here perhaps - the dumbing down of America, poll errors (e.g. the red wave that wasn't), Biden gaining in other areas to negate the few of these suckers voting for Trump.

Call me kinda skeptical that Trump is now appealing to blacks and other minorities (good people on both sides, white nationalism, murderers and rapists, they're sending us mental institution residents, etc.), the young woke contingent. Already does well with the working class.

It reminds of the youthful LGBTQ contingent supporting the terrorist organization Hamas. Imagine these types preferring and then living in the Gaza Strip over say Tel Aviv given a choice. I'm sure reality might knock some sense into them.

I'm not suggesting Trumpers are stupid, I'm just saying they've fallen for one of the world's most obvious cons. It happens, but on this scale, it's kinda hard to fathom. Call me skeptical re the appeal of the guy that said there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville, rapists and murderers, they're sending us residents from mental institutions, it's a muslim ban.

Also, given the potion of households living pay check to pay check with no savings, clearly inflation will cause pain. What exactly are Trump's plans in this regard? Many prominent economists say Trump's plans with accelerate inflation - e.g. Larry Summers: “There has never been a presidential platform so self-evidently inflationary as the one put forward by President Trump. I have little doubt that with the Trump program, we will see a substantial acceleration in inflation, unless somehow we get a major recession first.”

Axios has what looks like a fairly well reasoned assessment - https://www.axios.com/2024/05/08/trump-biden-2024-economy-inflation

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Wow. I’m trying to be adult, but I just want to shake you.

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The problem for the far left is that they keep on hurling the same old lies and we on the Pro-freedom right have to respond with the truth to demolish them in order to defend ourselves.

And this is adding to an ever-expanding list of similarities between the Nazi and Democratic party that cannot be denied – all because the far-left has nothing else and they insist on pushing it.

Such as this from 1933, where Goebbels admires Roosevelt and the Democrats for the fascism of the New Deal:

Goebbels on Roosevelt and the New Deal


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I have to laugh. Look who is playing Donald Trump in that SNL skit. An actual murderer, and also an attempted murderer. You could also call him by another moniker: the grim reaper...he sure was for Halyna. I call these things signs. These people are evil, and it always comes out. The fact that he was in that specific skit, making fun of the actual hero and calling other people death merchants is absolutely wild to me. I wonder if he will do time for his homicidal tendencies, or will the system give him a pass...

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Did you ever stop to consider how long that trial is taking to happen, and how quickly they find the time to prosecute MAGA.

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... except Trump himself re his multifaceted election theft attempts.

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If you mean using the legal means and the process in congress to decertify the electors, that seems like a strategy. Not a crime. Fortunately for the Deep State, Pelosi failed to protect the capital from a handful of hoodlums and then a thousand tourists who walked through the open doors, waved in and directed by the authorities. One side is currently quivering in fear that Trump will win and imprison them. For what exactly? Maybe they have committed crimes and are genuinely worried. Who is he going to get to carry this out? The same ones executing the raid on his wifes panty drawers?

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I'd say submitting fake made up electors is seditious. Not to mention his undermining of the entire American voting infrastructure and justice system. He lied about mail in voting, about the election results themselves and continues to do so to this very day, lost all 60 court cases re election and on and on and on. His strategy seemed crude and fly by the seat of your pants, make it up as you go, but somehow, the highly intelligent MAGA crowd (I don't mean academically intelligent, but human smart) ate this nonsense up too.

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I wonder if we can try JFK for this after his death.

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Well, since he's been dead for over 60 years, that would be rather pointless.

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I'd say that everything that you just said reinforces the point of the article. You just happen to be on Big Brother's side at the moment.

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Consider this bit from the "Reason" website on 7/20/2023, then tell us how certain you are about "election theft":

"George Mason law professor Todd Zywicki, who gave congressional testimony about the laws governing presidential elections and transitions in the midst of the Bush-Gore dispute and subsequently published a law review article on the subject, [composed] a declaration that Shafer's lawyers presented to Willis [. . . .]

' It is my expert opinion that the contingent Republican Presidential Electors in Georgia in 2020 acted in a reasonable, proper, and lawful manner. Moreover, it is my opinion, shared by a consensus of experts who have considered the issue over the past several decades, that the casting of contingent electoral votes is not only reasonable, proper and lawful, but the best approach available to enable the resolution of election contests while preserving the ability of a state to have its electoral votes counted by Congress should a judicial contest change the outcome of the election. In conclusion, it is my opinion that the actions taken by the contingent Georgia Republican Presidential Electors were lawful, reasonable, proper, and necessary, and any suggestion that they could be "criminal" ignores legal and historical precedent, the reasoned advice of legal counsel received, and the plain language of the Constitution, federal and Georgia law.'"

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So when you lose, you just "make it up"? That sounds like cheating to me.

By the way, due to the close margins in the initial election results, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced on November 11 that a recount by hand would be conducted. The recount was completed on November 18, and Biden was confirmed to be the winner on November 19. Secretary Raffensperger is a lifelong conservative Republican. Georgia has 16 electoral votes, so if Trump had managed to get these, he would have still needed other SOSs to switch results to win.

Additionally, I believe Georgia was the state Biden won by the smallest of margins - 49.47% vs 49.24%. What about the fake electorates in swing states where Biden won by a larger margin?

That said, thanks for the response. Very interesting.

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Bravo, Sasha! Well done and thank you!

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Your honesty and discernment is greatly appreciated. When you see the train wreck ahead of us and the determination by sinister rich people in high places to distract everyone from looking, it makes me wonder just how much more of this insanity the everyday folks can take before it all comes crumbling down. Hope it won’t be too late.

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Bannon’s Warroom is one of the shows I regularly listen to (on Rumble to support their platform). The others being the Charlie Kirk Show and Rich Baris’ Inside the Numbers. Between these three shows I get plenty of truth that you’d never hear in a million years on Fox News. I am an Asian American living in Southern California. Most of my family and friends are Trump supporters. Trump Vance 2024.

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You are and AMERICAN of Asian descent... :-D

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You folks did great harvesting votes in the last election. You proved (of course) that we can do it better than the disinterested left. Harvest where you can. We all need to make sure that nobody we know, and nobody THEY know fails to vote.

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Wilson’s celebration will be short-lived.

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Another excellent post!

The irony of "when they say Globalists they mean Jews" smear is that the Globalists have made life much worse for Jews by importing and enabling anti-semitism as I wrote about this very morning.


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Jews are our brothers and sisters. Some of them good. Some of them evil, just like anyone else. Personally I love Jews. Especially Israeli Jews. I also have different views about some of them like Chuck Schumer, Alex Soros, and his father. These folks are evil and destructive for humanity.

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Anyone trying to run other people are destructive for humanity.

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Which means every politician,of any stripe, since politics were invented. Those that seek to rule others, already have a major character flaw.

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There are those who seek to direct others, and those who want to set them free. Obviously there needs to be recognized ground in between. We have been perfecting our union for 200 years. Not everything needs changing. Just sayin.

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The EU vote for populist is a preview of US 2024 election. “The past weekend’s elections for the European Parliament provided the clearest evidence yet that large numbers of voters have had enough of the bipartisan progressive-green-secularist-globalist consensus under which they have been governed for years. France, Germany, Spain, Italy and smaller countries saw huge advances by parties of the right that oppose mass immigration, reject extreme climate measures and resist the continuing dissolution of their civilization into a relativist, multicultural mush.”


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Many of those countries are sick of their own population being railroaded and stepped on while immigrants dont have to do anything and get everything they want. It breeds resentment and anger to which the elites are blissfully unaware of or paid to not care.

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The EU has honest elections.

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I'm sure they will start tweeking "their democracy".

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I enjoyed that piece so much. And the old Bannon clips were a treat. I’ve only been watching him for a couple of years, but I’ve learned so much and appreciate the interesting guests he brings from diverse disciplines. I can’t help but wonder what part he is playing behind the scenes these days or if he is just still laying low on that front while he encourages the “force multipliers.” He is indeed a force to be reckoned with.

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All this AND you end w EP's If I Can Dream??? Just when we think we can't love you more ...


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Thank you Sasha. This piece was was by far my favorite of all you've written. I enjoyed learning more about you and what made you change your opinions in so many ways. You, in your own right, are truly a voice to be reckoned with.

This piece is honest, truthful and very POWERFUL. I wish I could broadcast it from the roof of my home. Even though I know my dem loving neighbors would attack me. He'll, I can't even keep a Trump sign in my yard for more than 48 hours. They all get stolen.

I don't look forward to these final months of the election. I have developed a normal ol' lady health condition and will be home resting most days until I have surgery in late July or early August. Then I will have about 3 months of recovery time. It's all good physically because surgery will easily fix me up. This condition is serious but it won't kill me. This all came up suddenly and sadly, I had to quit my new job I had started 3 months ago. I'm just too ill to be a dependable employee.

So when the election season is in full steam, I will basically be confined to bed rest.

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Said a prayer for your full and fast recovery, Anne.

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Thanks very much for your prayers.

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yes, prayers for you Anne! Sounds like your good attitude will get you through it!!

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Thanks so much for your prayers. No matter what my motto in life is, "I'm so happy I can taste it in my spit!" 🙂

There is no reason in the world to be negative. I'm not worried about the surgery. I'm more upset about being laid up during the height of the election season. I would usually be busy rallying the troops and getting people to the polls to vote.

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Sasha, this post is one of your very best. I want to use a bunch of beautiful swear words to describe how much I like, but I’ll keep that to myself and the smooth bourbon I had while enjoying your fine work.

Bannon: ‘When they get to the name calling it means they’ve lost the argument and we’re winning’

Also, in response of us Populists to the Elites (especially the RINOS): ‘we’re un-clubbable and we’re f*cking proud of it’

Couldn’t help but think of Steve’s absolute takedown of David Frum on that 2018 Toronto debate stage w/ that passioned quote.

Love this guy. Bannon is the spiritual leader of this movement. A 4th Turning “MLK” for the American working class regardless of race, creed or sexual preference. He knows it and so do many (many) of us. He is my ‘Grey Champion’.

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Well done Sasha… and thank you for your powerful voice!

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