Your assessment of their cover up is spot on Sasha. I hope the electorate makes them pay dearly for their deception. It was very sad to watch Biden publicly melt this evening and deep down I do have a sense of empathy that he was enabled to embarrassed himself. At the same time he seemed so cold and unconcerned about the victims of immigrant crime and some of the J6ers who I believe were sentenced harshly. Its time to end this charade.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

While I would normally have sympathy for someone suffering from elder abuse at the hands of his wife, I will show Mr. Biden the same kindness, compassion and respect he and the American Left have displayed toward Mr. Trump, his followers and the American middle- and lower-class since 2015: not one damn bit.

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...or show him the same concern he showed the 13 dead at Dover AFB when he checked his watch as their bodies were coming off the plane.

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Exactly, when he said no soldiers were killed under his Presidency my heart broke for those families.

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Yes. And although we mourn for the 13 dead, we don't hear much about the wounded who suffered horrific and life changing injuries.

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KJ, are you lost? You're on the wrong Substack...;-)

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Copy that.

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Yes, he didn't show my family compassion at all when we lost our income due to his vaccine mandates. By the way, I had already had covid when they were rolled out, a mild case. Haven't had it since. Eff him.

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I am retired military and was outraged by SecDef Austin forcing the military to take the covid DeathVax. They learned nothing from the toxic anthrax vaccine being forced on the military which caused injuries and death.

I am outraged at the Secretary of Veterans Affairs forcing the employees and contractors to take the covid DeathVax.

I am outraged that the VA will deny disability compensation to any veteran who was harmed by the covid DeathVax while on active duty.

And...I want to stay pissed off.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Indeed, also the horse he rode in on, his corrupt family, those who spawned him and ground which he walks upon. We may as well make the Effing commodious, no? :-)

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Biden is likely now suffering from a combination of Lewy-Body dementia and early onset Parkinson’s. He has a lot of protein built up in his brain, and needs to be relaxing out the rest of his days somewhere other than the White House. You can see it in how he walks (stiff arms) and the face. Biden handlers so far, including his wife, will not subject Joe to a cognitive test made/public to confirm this, because it would drive a 25th Amendment event that strip them of their power.

Here is one significant development since the debate. Zelensky is now putting together a ‘comprehensive’ peace plan. Did he see the writing on the wall?


What impact will the debate have on Judge Merchan sentencing of Trump come July 11?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 30

Some really good information to know. Thanks for that. Will follow up with aljazerra link, though I place them just slightly above wikipedia as an authoritative source. My personal opinion is that Zelensky is a grifter and a pig, much like is ounterpart in the White House.

Your second question is even more interesting. Will Merchan see himself as the last bastion of defense, another Strock-Page insurance policy, if you will, and sentence Trump even more harshly that before, given Biden's face plant in the debate? I think he was going to give Trump some jail time either way. I wish I knew.

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Coffee spit... Bravo.

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I believe this was planned by the Dems, to give them the time they need to draft someone else.

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I don’t feel sorry for him. He’s always been a corrupt, lying, stupid, cruel, and, for years, a dementrd man. He has always known he shouldn’t be president, especially since he knows his mind is gone. Who cares about those murdered by illegal immigrants? Americans murder too. Who cares about the J6 political prisoners? Goodness gracious, some of them entered offices and turned over desks. Off with their heads! Not at all the same as burning down cities and cars. He tried to justify withholding needed weapons against Hamas by saying they would kill innocents in urban streets, despite Israel having evacuated over a million Gazans beforehand, which Biden had said couldn’t be done. He invented the massive lawfare against Trump. I think you could only feel sorry for him if you were sorry for everyone in the world, and those of us who have always been against Biden are the ones truly deserving of pity.

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Agreed. I’ve been seething at Biden and the Dems for the last 4+ years but I couldn’t help but feel a little bad for Biden tonight. The moment has become too big for him.

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I don't feel bad for him. I feel bad for Americans and all of the victims of this awful man. We will pay for Bidens policies for decades to come. Worse are the victims of violence and drug deaths that have suffered under his policies. Leaders never pay, only the powerless pay.

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And don't forget his staff and Cabinet secretaries.

"Deep fakes" ... KJP. is a mendacious joke -- along with the Ivy Leaguers and their coastal clones who infest the District.

And then there's the State Affiliated Media who are so very impressed with themselves -- WaPo, the tribal NY Times, and NPR.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Makes one almost yearn for the days of the Volkischer Beobachter and Pravda!

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Not too big he wont admit weakness and being ill ego and pride is the killer of people these days.

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but who propped him up? who knowingly lied about: 'it's gotta be Biden, only HE can beat Trump' (that would be Bill Maher); or even those recently who made those little good soldier jokes about 'if you like RFK, Jr., a worm is eating YOUR brain' (that would be Anna Navarro). the Blue team supposedly reviled Trump sycophants so much. How about ours'?? I'll go back to the wiki-leaks stuff which were damned accurate about Hilary but my team blamed the messenger. I'll go back to all that stupid business about Clyburne and North Carolina being the most important, and the black race the most important, and black religious women, the most important, or at least next to black lesbian religious women in North Carolina and DEI and so forth. Sycophants, sycophants, sycophants, probably many of them cashing neo-con lobbiest checks for forever wars! or demanding mask/covid mandates forever because blue tech people could work at home. and now we're stuck with him. thanks a bleep of a lot, blue state media.

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Jocelyn Nungary.

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I didn't watch it but I've seen the comments coming in. The Mainstream Media seems to be panicking. So now they face the prospect of either Harris or nominating someone who wasn't put before actual voters....which, it seems to me, is kind of what faux-democratic regimes do. What a Hobson's choice! But then they made their bed, didn't they?

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Hence the first ever pre-convention debate. Brokered DNC convention here we come 😵‍💫. Though which democrat figure is hubristic enough to risk their political future losing to Trump? Newsom? Whitmer? Michele Obama?

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Brokered Democratic convention... with 100,000 pro-Hamas demonstrators planning to disrupt with the most extreme anti-Semitic language heard in public in this country since the 1940s.

We'll see how those images from the convention play out with independent voters, or in NY where Biden is ahead by only 8 points (NYT/Siena poll) and 8% of the population is Jewish.

The 2024 Democratic campaign slogan: Ouch!

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When will the cost of keeping a clearly senile Biden be higher than the cost of a temporarily chaotic convention? Where Biden can ‘gracefully’ bow out, pledging to a new candidate his decisively won primary (super)delegates, who trusted him to valiantly preserve democracy a 2nd time against Orange Hitler? Or is this a Ruth Bader Biden moment?

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Convention delegates, unlike golf clubs or houses, are not inherited.

If Biden bows out, they can go their own way and choose any candidate who didn't receive a single vote in the primaries. That's why they call it the Democratic Party.

I wonder if the "Hitler" whose party has unleashed anti-Semitic mobs in America's cities while police, in Democratic run cities, stand back and do nothing is actually Orange?

One Presidential candidate had several Jewish grandchildren, in case you need to tell your Hitlers apart.

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I've argued that in the way that someone said Bill Clinton was our first black President, Trump is our first Jewish one. This would be so if Ivanka Trump has never met Jared Kushner.

It has to do with the man's Noo Yawkishness. Granted, his accent isn't that thick, but his delivery when he's speaking, the inflections, the body language: all extremely Jewish.

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Obviously, Dem Party convention rules prevent Biden from ‘anointing’ a successor despite any endorsement he might offer. FYI - I don’t think trump is Orange hitler. I know dems in media and the party do. I was stating the rhetoric I believe they’d use to persuade Biden to drop out, and the rhetoric he’d use to persuade his 3900 of 4000 pledged delegates to consider his endorsement.

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This convention will be interesting. I'm staying away from the loop the entire week before and during.

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Tulsi Gabbard. Period.

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Gabbard has a greater chance of being trumps vp than the dem nominee.

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The DNC would never ever ever in a million years go for that--and they matter more than the voters.

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Sherrod Brown might be unexpectedly strong. Don't underestimate him.

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Or even PA governor Shapiro

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If he wants to drop out of the Ohio Senate race and give Moreno the easy win just to get a public spanking from Trump, I’m all for it!

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States' laws are different. In Texas in the late 1950s, there was a law which prevented a candidate for President from also running for a seat in the United States Senate. Lyndon Johnson exerted his influence to get that changed.

I don't know the law in Ohio. If it is that he couldn't run for both offices, he might drop out of the Senate race to do it. He's 72, and nobody will remember him as a senator, but the attention which a respectable if unsuccessful run for President would bring him might be hard for him to resist.

And don't conclude that he'd necessarily lose. I don't know much about him, but my impression is that he's a traditional Democrat with a lot of appeal to the kinds of people who will otherwise vote for Trump.

Trump may be popular with us, but the polls have always shown him with a 45% ceiling, as they say.

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He's a doctrinaire IDIOT!

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Yahya Sinwar.

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😂 so zero chance there is a brokered convention in your opinion?

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You should watch. Even just the opening statements. Hilarious. Joe even challenged trump to golf competition insisting his handicap is 8. lol.

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I did breakdown and watch the first 45 minutes...that was all I could take!😂😬

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I will take the horse nearest the door. The one without the Depends.

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Yes indeed

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Whoever told Trump to "be normal" and just follow the stupid CNN rules is the real winner. I'm so far down the rabbit hole, seeing Trump be "normal and calm" under extreme duress and constant lies was off-putting...and yet he won the debate. So shout out to that guy. He probably said: Go nuts at your rallies, go nuts in public and have fun....but not in this debate. Biden ended up looking like the deranged senile lunatic that he has been for roughly three years now. It's kind of amazing.

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I bet Steve Bannon was giving him advice.

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I probably listen to and read a lot more conservative pundits than you do if you typically don’t vote Republican but that was the MAIN advice I was hearing and I thought he did a good job of following that advice, although I would have liked for him to have leaned into energy independence and how much their two differing standpoints affected our economy in a very immediate and visceral way. But I also think that Trump may have missed a few opportunities because I think he was genuinely a little bit taken back with how badly Biden is doing. I think he was expecting Cocaine Joe and he got Dementia Joe and was working hard, not to come off as a bully and therefore missed a few chances. But it was worth it just for him to have come off as calm and collected as he did.

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NYT said Biden looked strong in the face of Trump’s “exaggerations”

And so it begins

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The same NYT who lied about Stalin starving the Ukrainians in the 1930s.

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And much else.

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NYT got a Pulitzer for their lying about the Holodomor.

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And, when more (?) than half a century later, when they admitted they had printed a pile of lies ... REFUSED to return it!! You have to be profoundly sick and evil to behave that way.

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Well...they are liberals.

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Yesterday, the NYT (editorial) called for Biden to step down for the good of the country. First major UDA newspaper to urge him to leave the race.

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It took them at least 4 years to notice he has dementia?

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Yeah, I’m not defending the NYT. They are awful. Just pointing out that the NYT finally saw what we saw for past several years, and made a call which I agree with, leave the race. Biden likely has Lewy-Body dementia and early onset Parkinson’s. Jill and handlers purposely won’t subject Joe to cognitive tests to prove this because it would invoke 25th Amendment.

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Good point.

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Another Potemkin village under construction in that space.

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I'm not sure the village could properly be classified as "under construction." It seems to me to have been quite well built up and nicely furnished already.

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So, I guess the standard is that just as long as he didn't visibly slobber down his chin or drop a load in his pants during the debate he comes out a winner.

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It looked to me from the comfort of my living room that he did both.

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I was gonna say the same thing! He definitely soiled his pants, I checked that box on my bingo card!

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Stop that right now! Those were deep fakes, and you know it!

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NYT and the few remaining clueless liberals in denial.

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And the deception just keeps on comin’

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Classic “who’re you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes and ears?!”

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NYT is GARBAGE! Fishwrap of record.

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yeah, but that was written before the debate. Even they will have to be a little more realistic tomorrow...

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Robert Hur may be the real winner tonight.

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And Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, the wittiest guy in the Senate, who said a few months ago that if aliens landed and told him to take them to his leader, he'd be embarrassed.

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That guy. I love him. He's hilarious.

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Who is that?

Any relation to Ben?

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The special counsel that investigated Biden's stolen classified documents and violations of the Espionage Act. He essentially told us that Biden is incompetent to stand trial.

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Talk about vindication.

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He’s FINE to be a world leader though, that’s no problem!

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Their hatred forTrump and our country has consumed them and is slowly destroying them.

Our country has been through challenges in the past (Civil War, depression, and more). We will get through this also. But the pain the woke left has inflicted on us will take many years to subside.

One could say …Shame on them, but they have NO SHAME.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

There is no room for mercy. Trump got no mercy - they gloated over their election fraud and called the Stop The Steal protestors insurrectionists and have put a good number of them in jail on trumped up fake charges.

I want to see the Trump momentum continue with repeated open requests to MAGA voters to vote in record numbers on election day so that 2024 will go down in history as the election where the sheer numbers who turned out in person to vote for Donald Trump was what ultimately decided the election because they collectively made it "too big to rig!".

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My relatives said the insurrectionists deserved what they got. I said there is no such thing as an insurrection without guns, police, some media, and a small army. These so-called "insurrectionists" were mostly old people that had signs, flags, and maybe a few cans of bear spray. A riot? yes. But not an insurrection. People are so easily blinded by propaganda it's easy to understand how the Germans embraced Hitler in the 1930's.

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Agree neither party deserves an ounce of mercy they wanted this BS they get it. Our two party system is toxic and maybe we should treat them as such?

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Multi-Party systems are worse: the small parties wield disproportionate power. And that is anti-democratic.

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I watched some of this so called "debate" (really a joint press conference). This TV spectacle was really about who is going to attract the low information voters (the dumbest of the sheep) in the fall election. The vast majority have already chosen their candidate. It wasn't so much the answers given but how these two appeared visually that is going to matter. Trump was as expected, short on facts but he's always like that so there was no surprise there. For Biden it was a disaster. He slurred his answers (some nonsensical) but worse was the expression on his face. He appeared as if he had suffered a recent stroke and perhaps had some dementia. It was as if someone had pulled the curtain and the great wizard of Oz was exposed for what he was. The lying media is not going to pull this corpse across the finish line. It's VERY CLEAR Joe Biden will not run for president in November. He's going to be replaced and for you political sports fans the (WITH WHO?) will be a great story. Though Sleazy Newsom is begging for the job his record in California is going to be as difficult to sell to the nation as a Senile Joe is. My guess is Lady Gretchen out of Michigan will be the pick (a horrible person) because decent people are not part of this totalitarian team the Uni-party has become. My hope would be that Trump or Kennedy wins but that only happens if there isn't massive mail in ballot and computer fraud. If I were a betting man, I'd bet on fraud given the stakes of the Democrats being on the losing side in this election.

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At some point in the debate I leaned over to my husband and said incredulously, "Does he have spittle on his lips?!" He did. Go back if you can stand it and check him out during one of those long freeze states with his eyes all buggy and mouth hung open. He clearly has drool on one side of his mouth. Holy crap.

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RFK is not good either

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I didn't say he was good. I said given the current players, that if I had to pick I'd pick Trump or Kennedy. Most of my reasoning is because there is a reasonable possibility there will be the needed turnover in the FBI and Justice Dept should the Democrats lose. I don't expect much change but I'd be happy to see the march toward the coming totalitarian state halted for a while. The Democratic Party has become a party that I've only read about in history books. For the first time in my long life I see domestic American totalitarianism and it depresses and frightens me.

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I prefer none of them I think this is in my 40+ years the worst selection I have ever seen.

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In retrospect, I think George Bush jr was really bad also.

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He was a war criminal.

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Indeed. And a stupid one at that.

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Choices are never unlimited. You must pick one of the available options. Wishing for a perfect candidate accomplishes nothing. Endlessly pointing out “both sides bad” leads nowhere.

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Both side are terrible just not good. I hate echo chambers where they whore themselves for their candidate no matter how much they know they suck. I have no issues bashing my side even though my ideology is more aligned to them.

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Pennsylvania will cheat...again.

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It’s really just mostly Philly that cheats. I’m from there; they actually have no idea how to hold an election without cheating. Zero experience or practice at it.

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Pittsburgh cheats.

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Chicago cheats.

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But, Trump votes by mail, as do millions of Americans. I wish it was 'very clear'. When does the DNC ever admit they are wrong, though?

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Sherrod Brown.

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He would be great. But the DNC would say he's not enough DEI...

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Nothing wins people over like calling them “the dumbest.” Keep that winning (for OUR SIDE) energy going. Love it! Keep calling us deplorable, dumb, stupid and things like that. We feed off of it. 🤣🤣🤣

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Biden’s puppeteers ( HBO and alike) should be charged with Elder Abuse to include Jill. How evil are these people that parade around a mentally ill man for their benefit of money and power. Additionally, lying to the American people that the President is of sound mind and can continue to run the greatest country in history. I wonder just how many people not just here in America, but around the world, will go to bed tonight feeling comfortable knowing Biden has a finger on that Red Button of destruction!

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I don’t think he has access to the Red Button! 🫢

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The Nuke football went missing when that Secret Service agent in LA got robbed. (Just kidding, FBI).


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I suspect that Biden was almost as bad in 2020; and that is why he was told to campaign from a basement -- hidden, silent, and spoken for, and defended by the party puppeteers and media hacks. Now, the entire world has witnessed the unfiltered truth of not only the real President Biden, but also the sinister subterfuge and the depth of the lies his party and the media hacks will go to, to protect radical leftism and the assault on law. For too long the media has gotten away with masterfully hiding that the issue (at any given moment) is never the issue. God save our republic and secure our unalienable rights.

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This was all clearly orchestrated with the fake news media, who universally trashed Brandon immediately after the debate. Somehow they watched closely while fielding phone calls and texts from politicians and officials across the country calling for his ouster. Of course, Brandon was the same lying misfit that we have been watching for the past few years—but tonight, all in perfect unison, the entire media suddenly viciously echoed the same sentiments that he must be replaced.

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If you have ever struggled with whether or not we live in a simulation, wonder no more. We just bore witness to the rerelease of the “Ides of March,” reskinned for a less savage age. A cover of the death of Caesar with a more catchy hook. The only thing missing was Joe Biden crumpling on stage with the Democrat senate and his old allies behind him, daggers dripping with blood, “Et tu Obama?”

Ultimately this debate should have never happened. Republicans knew that, but most importantly Democrat kingmakers knew it. They still decided to humiliate this frail old man who they have manipulated and contorted into a Gordian knot of their own making. And this was the way they would force a new nominee? I’m disgusted beyond measure. No matter what, human beings should never treat each other like this and more (most) importantly, certainly not the person who is the living embodiment of America.

Our Republic died tonight along with Joe Biden’s chances of reelection, and you should all quake in fear for the rise of the American Empire. No matter who wins the presidency, all Americans will lose.

I say this as a staunch conservative who despises what America has become under liberals, but let there be no confusion. The worst is yet to come.

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I like your use of "Julius Caesar" as a point of reference.

But I don't agree that our Republic is dead. It is in real trouble. But we've undergone worse blows throughout our history. Almost from the very beginning, as early as Washington's second term, this was never a sure deal. Biden has been both a beneficiary and victim of our hyper-saturated, exquisitely manipulable media age. And we have all suffered for it. Biden is not our first incompetent, or at least infirm, president. The most obvious comparison to him would be Woodrow Wilson, I think.

And, at the risk of sounding pedantic, in the play, the conspirators, or at least some of them anyway, were supposedly genuinely motivated to try to save, or restore, the Republic that had been taken over by a general who had overstepped the bounds of his authority. It's been a long time since I've read, or seen, the play, so my recollection of how Shakespeare depicted the events and rationales of the conspirators may be off course.

Also, to keep stretching this, if the 2020 election was, in effect, stolen (I feel compelled to say that I happen to be agnostic on that particular question, I have not yet managed, for a whole host of reasons I won't go into in a Substack post, to sort out, based on the wide variety of sources I've, so far, consulted, what happened in 2020, and afterwards, on through J6, and for the purposes of the present discussion, those reasons don't matter anyway, sigh.), then wouldn't Biden's election have been The Crossing of The Rubicon, and therefore, the moment when The Republic died? (That's what we have now, two dueling Rubicon scenarios: If the Dems stole the election, then Biden crossed the Rubicon. If they didn't, then, according to them anyway, Trump crossed the Rubicon on J6, or tried to, or something . . . )

Finally, I can't help but ask, if Obama is, in this scenario, Brutus, then who would be Marc Antony?

Anyway, I'm just one more anxious citizen, up way, way past his bedtime, trying to process this latest turn in our collective, national psychodrama. So, please forgive me any . . . foolishness . . . I may have committed here in attempting to reply to your post.

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Your post is creative and offers relevant and intriguing questions. I’m thinking we may have crossed the Rubicon with the Patriot Act and other broad measures to significantly restrict individual freedoms. Or may have been when Obama drone killed US citizens without trials. I also don’t like that Presidents start wars since Vietnam by bypassing what was supposed to be the authority of Congress.

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Thank you. But I was just riffing off of Petty Rage Machine's depiction of the Democratic Party's leaders to the conspirators in "Julius Caesar."

From your long-term perspective, to mangle my metaphor even further, we long ago crossed the Rubicon. To your list, I could add the metastatic growth of the administrative state to increasingly supplant, with its acquiesence, Congress' legislative authority and the corresponding exponential growth in the amount of money necessary to mount a credible election campaign.

I believe I am correct in my recollection that in 2008 Obama was the first presidential candidate since the enactment of the Presidential Campaign Matching Fund to so far exceed the fundraising limit to qualify for those funds that he declined to apply for them.

In that light, this latest incident is just another leap across a creek, a tributary to a tributary. The journey back is long and upstream.

And yet, I continue in my shaken conviction that we still have a Republic to keep, to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin. Keeping in place a system of checks and balances to constrain the abuse of power and maintain our rights and liberties was never meant to be an easy or pleasant business. To put it mildly. It has, arguably, always been, at best, a barely contained bar brawl.

Or, as my old man used to say, quoting someone or other, "Politics ain't beanbag!"

Thank goodness Substack posts have a word limit or this could turn into an improvised ramble on U.S. Constitutional History in which I would, if not constrained, certainly far exceed my limits of knowledge and understanding. ;)

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It’s refreshing to read someone assert that they are agnostic with respect to anything at all. Everyone else seems to know with near certainty the exact disposition of all the significant events that have ever occurred in the world AND the underlying motivational structure of all the participants involved. Who are the foolish ones?

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Oh, don't get me wrong. I know with absolute certitude that we are governed by an intergalactic cabal of twenty foot tall lizards. It's all the other stuff I'm unsure about.

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That "frail old man" has caused the destruction of America.

Public humiliation is not enough.

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And has reaped millions in the process. He may be frail now, but he’s always been a liar, plagiarist, racist, and corrupt (as well as pedophile when showering with his daughter). His ego knows no bounds. His corruption started in full swing as VP. He’s always used sympathy as a voting tool, starting with his dead wife and then his son Beau, to which he brings up as much as possible even when inappropriate or with incorrect information (a lie).

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He did not cause the destruction of America. All countries got worse with Covid. Hurt us tho, sure...

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Covid was a bioweapon created and funded by the US Government.

Biden FORCED people to take the covid DeathVax or lose their jobs.

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Biden opened the border- we will never recover from that damage

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what a Debbie Downer! Covid was a world-wide problem, that yes, the blue team did not handle as well as they should have.

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Biden was no fucking shape to do it and he did it anyways. This is what fucking BS egos get you a pile of shame and load of crap. If he had any remorse he would ditch both himself and Harris and allow something else but ego and pride is his game.

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This was a setup to move Biden out of the presidential race.

The fake Leftist Democrats saying I didn’t know he was a dementia patient is the biggest of lies the democrat political machine is now trying to sell to American people.

Destroying America is still the goal of the Obama Democrat political party.

They just need a different hack to sit in the Oval Office.

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We--speaking for the blue team, are not nearly as smart and cunning as you think...

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We all now have seen what an incompetent president we have. Many have seen what KJP calls deep fakes, but they sure can’t call this debate a deep fake. Biden needs impeached did his many treasonous actions, along with Mayorkas, Garland, and others.

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So frustrating that millions of us have been pointing out his frailty and gibberish for years while he hid in his basement or barely did an interview but now MSM says it was shocking to see him so bad. He’s been tripping, falling, being led by the hand, and speaking gibberish for at least years; and Chief Moppet hair gaslights us that it’s a cheap fake. 😂

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The Media is still trying to cover some of Biden's missteps with fact checking, and others saying Trump lied or misstated things. Biden looked terrible, the facial expressions. He sounded like he was drunk. There were a few times he came back to himself, seemed to get a little wind, but clearly not someone who could do another 4 years. Sad they pushed him to this. Media owes Trump an apology for all the made up things said about him, some of which Biden brought up in the debate again. Yet none of that has been brought up in fact checks. Charlottesville, the laptop, the suckers and losers comment...

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I know it’s so annoying how they just go on and on about how Trump lied so much when Biden told some absolute and easily disproved doozies up there, which he does ALL THE TIME!!!

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