You mean the bloodthirsty land stealing genocidal Zionists? No way, they are the good guys fighting evil and saving democracy, the lying media tells me so - ignore the fact that the lying media is wrong about everything else, *this* they got right. Don't you remember, the memory of the holocaust gives them a free pass to act with impunit…
You mean the bloodthirsty land stealing genocidal Zionists? No way, they are the good guys fighting evil and saving democracy, the lying media tells me so - ignore the fact that the lying media is wrong about everything else, *this* they got right. Don't you remember, the memory of the holocaust gives them a free pass to act with impunity and serves as a kill-switch for critical thinking. Watch and learn: The Lab (2013)
I have no idea where this idea that Jews don't hit back comes from. We hit back pendejo and we hit back really really hard. This is the Middle East we are talking about. Only the language of force is understood. And when you fuck with us, we will fuck you up. Our enemies need to read the Old Testament to see what's going to happen to them in the future. Spoiler Alert: Total annihilation followed by oblivion. Think I'm kidding and just bullshitting?
Behold, all who rage against you will be ashamed and disgraced; those who contend with you will be reduced to nothing and will perish. You will seek them but will not find them. Those who wage war against you will come to nothing.…
If Israel is so mighty, they would not keep begging US taxpayers for billions year on year. Show your might and do it without US finds and assistance from now on. Tired of warmongering neocons begging for more US taxpayer money for Zelensky and Israel.
You are conveniently forgetting how Israel holds its end of the alliance with invaluable intelligence and access to latest and greatest military tech. And this dependence on foreign armaments has been noted and it's being worked on as we speak.
As for mighty, there are 7.5 million Israeli Jews vs. over 700 million Arabs and almost 2 billion Muslims. And yet Israel is not just surviving but is leaps and bounds ahead of its enemies. You think you would do better with those odds against you? I don't think so papi, I really don't. It's all about the not-so-secret sauce.
US military super power and trillions in US taxpayer’s dollars keeps most of Africa, most of Central America and Latin America, and much of EU and Asia in US control. Not really a secret sauce, papi.
Nope. Wrong answer. You are tacitly admitting that given the odds I just mentioned, people like you would be crushed instantaneously. You think that despite being under existential threat 24/7 Israel has managed to kick ass due to American power. I consider myself an American patriot, but even I don't think projecting our military power (under astute leadership of President Biden) can do that. Open your eyes wider. History didn't begin in 1948.
You mean the bloodthirsty land stealing genocidal Zionists? No way, they are the good guys fighting evil and saving democracy, the lying media tells me so - ignore the fact that the lying media is wrong about everything else, *this* they got right. Don't you remember, the memory of the holocaust gives them a free pass to act with impunity and serves as a kill-switch for critical thinking. Watch and learn: The Lab (2013)
I have no idea where this idea that Jews don't hit back comes from. We hit back pendejo and we hit back really really hard. This is the Middle East we are talking about. Only the language of force is understood. And when you fuck with us, we will fuck you up. Our enemies need to read the Old Testament to see what's going to happen to them in the future. Spoiler Alert: Total annihilation followed by oblivion. Think I'm kidding and just bullshitting?
Behold, all who rage against you will be ashamed and disgraced; those who contend with you will be reduced to nothing and will perish. You will seek them but will not find them. Those who wage war against you will come to nothing.…
If Israel is so mighty, they would not keep begging US taxpayers for billions year on year. Show your might and do it without US finds and assistance from now on. Tired of warmongering neocons begging for more US taxpayer money for Zelensky and Israel.
You are conveniently forgetting how Israel holds its end of the alliance with invaluable intelligence and access to latest and greatest military tech. And this dependence on foreign armaments has been noted and it's being worked on as we speak.
As for mighty, there are 7.5 million Israeli Jews vs. over 700 million Arabs and almost 2 billion Muslims. And yet Israel is not just surviving but is leaps and bounds ahead of its enemies. You think you would do better with those odds against you? I don't think so papi, I really don't. It's all about the not-so-secret sauce.
US military super power and trillions in US taxpayer’s dollars keeps most of Africa, most of Central America and Latin America, and much of EU and Asia in US control. Not really a secret sauce, papi.
Nope. Wrong answer. You are tacitly admitting that given the odds I just mentioned, people like you would be crushed instantaneously. You think that despite being under existential threat 24/7 Israel has managed to kick ass due to American power. I consider myself an American patriot, but even I don't think projecting our military power (under astute leadership of President Biden) can do that. Open your eyes wider. History didn't begin in 1948.
Right on JR.
Hey lib, using Ukraine and Israel in the same sentence is beneath you.
GG and Carlson ain’t all that.
Just know that you’re actually supporting Hamas, whether you intend to or not. UN, Hamas, Qatar are all Muslim Brotherhood, in with WEF.
There’s only one explanation for conservatives suppprting that. IMO which means nothing.