Yes, there is verified evidence of Dems rigging our elections. I refer you to the work Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger on this, to name just two. Just because NPR, the NYT, MSNBC, etc. have not covered it, does not mean it isn't happening.
Your response is the same, canned, nothing-to-see-here baloney the MSM has been pumping out since 2020. But you overplay your hand by claiming "no fraud anywhere." Really? None at all? Actually, the party line is "not enough fraud to change the outcome." Do try to keep up with the official story/lies.
The fraud is layered: it starts with control of what people were allowed to see on the internet (see: Matt's Twitter Files). It continues with $400 million in "Zuckerbucks" which privatized and partisan-ized the voter registration/get out the vote campaign in key states.. The Fraud is given a mighty boost by 51 intel "experts" lying about the veracity of Hunter's laptop in the weeks before the 2020 election. It moves on to the unconstitutional modification of state election laws by bureaucrats and administrators; which leads to election day becoming election season, with mass mail-in ballots, unverified voter registration rolls, ballot harvesting, and unguarded ballot drop boxes (what happened to chain of custody?). It continues with a recent poll that found that some 20% or more of mail in ballots in the 2020 election were fraudulently filled out; moreover, said mail-in ballots had no meaningful signature verification in many states. And God only knows what goes on with electronic voting machines, which in spite of what you may have heard, can be hacked in ways that are hard to discover. Etc.
No "myth." Just fact. But keep spewing your garbage, I'm sure it makes you feel righteous.
That's a great summation of the fraud. The left dismisses everything because Dominion won their lawsuit but there is so much more that they never even hear about.
Please look at Arizona. Hand count and hand audit are completely different. Not sure what laws were changed but there were many "shenanigans" stuffing the same ballot multiple times in machines, signatures not matching, the ballot image not fitting to page which caused machine errors, people who don't exist or are dead voting, ballot harvesting in states where it is not allowed. Ballot harvesting in nursing homes during the pandemic when family members were not allowed in. I guess if NPR your government news doesn't report it it never happened
Truth doesnтАЩt measure up to government hacks? ЁЯдг YouтАЩre not serious or sincere about othersтАЩ views. If you were, you wouldnтАЩt be in the dark about the factual content on the elections. YouтАЩre willing to dismiss factual reporting without reading it - just so you donтАЩt abandon your normalcy bias and your religious belief in communism and government.
Yes, communism. Even fascism. ItтАЩs all the same in terms of the ends. Slight variation in means. Did you think it just went away? What do you call what the Biden regime is doing now, Capitalism, free markets, liberty? ЁЯЩД That comment illustrates to everyone you have very little grasp - if any - of what is happening. Strange how all the sources you trust just so happen to be propagandists on the Left, and have lied to you for years about literally everything. But anything that proves it to be propaganda is biased. Have you read The 2020Coup? Rigged? Stealing Your Vote? The Deep Rig? Stealing Elections? Neither Free or Fair? No? Why not? Have you read reporting by Sharyl Attkisson, emerald Robinson, Mollie Hemingway? Miranda Devine? John Solomon, even Alex Berenson? Taino, Shellenberger? Have you heard testimony from leftist Robert Einstein? No. What did you think was happening when swing states stopped counting in the middle of the night, while windows were covered so GOP poll watchers were blocked; and how the percentage of bad ballots actually went down when there was such a large number of mail-in ballots never seen before - how does that happen? Why is it there are more тАЬvotersтАЭ and ballots than actual eligible voters? Why did it take weeks to тАЬcount?тАЭ And on and on. When you read any of the information I mentioned above, then come talk to me. Otherwise, you do all of us a disservice by commenting on matters you know nothing about under the guise you have an open mind.
Yes. And if you donтАЩt know that, what have you been doing for three years. You can find excellent reporting on it by several people. Why donтАЩt you know that?
The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled, 20 months after the 2020 election that the drop boxes used were illegal. That makes that election an irregular one not conducted according to the law.
Whether that would change the result or not is immaterial: an election has to be run cleanly according to the law. The Supreme Court ruling shows the 2020 election in Wisconsin was NOT.
Say the ballots were illegal 20 months after the election? I don't think so.
If the ballot boxes were illegal, so were ballots collected with them, just as if I bought a bunch of ballots in a duffel bag to my town hall, the duffel bag would be an illegal collection mechanism thus tainting any ballots collected with it.
You don't know that Democrats changed voting laws in 2020 AND you expect to be taken seriously? Can't you at least pretend you know what you are talking about?
Yes, there is verified evidence of Dems rigging our elections. I refer you to the work Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger on this, to name just two. Just because NPR, the NYT, MSNBC, etc. have not covered it, does not mean it isn't happening.
Your response is the same, canned, nothing-to-see-here baloney the MSM has been pumping out since 2020. But you overplay your hand by claiming "no fraud anywhere." Really? None at all? Actually, the party line is "not enough fraud to change the outcome." Do try to keep up with the official story/lies.
The fraud is layered: it starts with control of what people were allowed to see on the internet (see: Matt's Twitter Files). It continues with $400 million in "Zuckerbucks" which privatized and partisan-ized the voter registration/get out the vote campaign in key states.. The Fraud is given a mighty boost by 51 intel "experts" lying about the veracity of Hunter's laptop in the weeks before the 2020 election. It moves on to the unconstitutional modification of state election laws by bureaucrats and administrators; which leads to election day becoming election season, with mass mail-in ballots, unverified voter registration rolls, ballot harvesting, and unguarded ballot drop boxes (what happened to chain of custody?). It continues with a recent poll that found that some 20% or more of mail in ballots in the 2020 election were fraudulently filled out; moreover, said mail-in ballots had no meaningful signature verification in many states. And God only knows what goes on with electronic voting machines, which in spite of what you may have heard, can be hacked in ways that are hard to discover. Etc.
No "myth." Just fact. But keep spewing your garbage, I'm sure it makes you feel righteous.
That's a great summation of the fraud. The left dismisses everything because Dominion won their lawsuit but there is so much more that they never even hear about.
Please look at Arizona. Hand count and hand audit are completely different. Not sure what laws were changed but there were many "shenanigans" stuffing the same ballot multiple times in machines, signatures not matching, the ballot image not fitting to page which caused machine errors, people who don't exist or are dead voting, ballot harvesting in states where it is not allowed. Ballot harvesting in nursing homes during the pandemic when family members were not allowed in. I guess if NPR your government news doesn't report it it never happened
Truth doesnтАЩt measure up to government hacks? ЁЯдг YouтАЩre not serious or sincere about othersтАЩ views. If you were, you wouldnтАЩt be in the dark about the factual content on the elections. YouтАЩre willing to dismiss factual reporting without reading it - just so you donтАЩt abandon your normalcy bias and your religious belief in communism and government.
Yes, communism. Even fascism. ItтАЩs all the same in terms of the ends. Slight variation in means. Did you think it just went away? What do you call what the Biden regime is doing now, Capitalism, free markets, liberty? ЁЯЩД That comment illustrates to everyone you have very little grasp - if any - of what is happening. Strange how all the sources you trust just so happen to be propagandists on the Left, and have lied to you for years about literally everything. But anything that proves it to be propaganda is biased. Have you read The 2020Coup? Rigged? Stealing Your Vote? The Deep Rig? Stealing Elections? Neither Free or Fair? No? Why not? Have you read reporting by Sharyl Attkisson, emerald Robinson, Mollie Hemingway? Miranda Devine? John Solomon, even Alex Berenson? Taino, Shellenberger? Have you heard testimony from leftist Robert Einstein? No. What did you think was happening when swing states stopped counting in the middle of the night, while windows were covered so GOP poll watchers were blocked; and how the percentage of bad ballots actually went down when there was such a large number of mail-in ballots never seen before - how does that happen? Why is it there are more тАЬvotersтАЭ and ballots than actual eligible voters? Why did it take weeks to тАЬcount?тАЭ And on and on. When you read any of the information I mentioned above, then come talk to me. Otherwise, you do all of us a disservice by commenting on matters you know nothing about under the guise you have an open mind.
Yes. And if you donтАЩt know that, what have you been doing for three years. You can find excellent reporting on it by several people. Why donтАЩt you know that?
You really want to play that game?
The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled, 20 months after the 2020 election that the drop boxes used were illegal. That makes that election an irregular one not conducted according to the law.
Whether that would change the result or not is immaterial: an election has to be run cleanly according to the law. The Supreme Court ruling shows the 2020 election in Wisconsin was NOT.
Say the ballots were illegal 20 months after the election? I don't think so.
If the ballot boxes were illegal, so were ballots collected with them, just as if I bought a bunch of ballots in a duffel bag to my town hall, the duffel bag would be an illegal collection mechanism thus tainting any ballots collected with it.
"Depends what the meaning of 'is' is"
-- Hillary Clinton
The whole point of the case was whether collecting ballots in those drop boxes was legal.
It would be awfully silly to claim collecting ballots in drop boxes is illegal but, what the heck, we'll count them anyhow.
Grow up!
You don't know that Democrats changed voting laws in 2020 AND you expect to be taken seriously? Can't you at least pretend you know what you are talking about?