One kind of major correction - on the White House contact form, the pronoun field is optional. You don't have to fill it in to send the e-mail. That is NOT forcing conformity. Other than that, I disagree with almost all of what you are saying, but please keep on fleshing out your thoughts. You are being heard.

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So true, Sasha, and so terrifying. I'm gay and I voted for Obama enthusiastically twice. I thought he was ushering in MLK's dream of equality for all. What stronger message could be sent that America was evolving in a peaceful and good way than having a Black man elected POTUS twice...(not to mention legalizing gay marriage.) But early in Obama's second term I realized that I had been betrayed. Obama allied himself with Al Sharpton and the war began. For over seven years now it has been one violent riot after another...arson, looting, billions of dollars in damages, destroying statues of founding fathers, cop assassinations and cop massacres. This, of course, has helped set off the far right which culminated in DC two weeks ago. That is part of the plan. That is how you start a war. I've read that Black leaders like Sharpton and Farrakhan do not believe in MLK's vision of equality. They think either Blacks will be in power or Whites...they can never truly be equal. So in my opinion what we are seeing right now is a Black power move. And I think that the goal is to shame poor white people and turn them into the underclass that everyone can spit on...kind of like Blacks were treated for many years in the South. They have enlisted elite whites and the media to join their side. If you have been reading the New York Times online for the past 7-8 years you can see how the media is part of this plan. 75% of articles reference whiteness, white supremacy and white privilege in some way. This culminated with the 1619 project which presented an American history of shame and misery to replace the history we were brought up on. It is a document of such racial hatred and resentment that it can only be seen as a declaration of war. This obviously is just the tip of the iceberg. My hope and dream is this: that a party will emerge based on MLK's ideas of equality...a party made up of an incredibly diverse set of people who put love of country over their personal identities. I could see this party being led by people like Nikki Haley and Tim Scott. Hopefully what is happening on the left now will one day be looked upon as a sad and shameful chapter in the history of this great country.

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