Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
The Democrats' Stormy Hypocrisy

The Democrats' Stormy Hypocrisy

The Desperation to convict Trump has meant coming full circle for the party once dogged by sex scandals.

Bill Clinton once said, “Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line.” We had to fall in love with him, that’s for sure, because by 1992, baby, we’d kissed a lot of frogs. Falling in love with him meant overlooking his blatant, unending womanizing. We believed, or we convinced ourselves to believe, that his personal life should be private.

Our gold standard had been JFK, after all. His womanizing was seen not as a character flaw but as evidence of his superiority among men. He was so handsome, so charismatic, and such a great leader, why wouldn’t Bill Clinton want to follow in his footsteps?

And he did. If Hillary Clinton didn’t care, why should we? The stoic, ever-stalwart wife took her place alongside other tolerant First Ladies like Eleanor Roosevelt and Jackie Kennedy.

The two parties have switched places. The Republicans fall in love or have with their once-in-a-generation star, Donald Trump, and it’s the Democrats who fall in line. Unfortunately for them, they’ve spent the last four years consumed with hatred over one man who threatens their power.

They readied their army for war once they realized America was on the precipice of dramatic change. That would mean blunting Trump’s win in 2016 - and failing. It would mean destroying his one-term presidency - and failing. It would mean raiding Mar-a-Lago, indicting him four times, impeaching him twice, and attempting to throw him off the ballots in several states, and now, a criminal trial in New York, that will very likely fail. Even if they squeeze out a conviction, most voters aren’t going to care.

For the Democrats, it’s all come full circle. They are now trying to convict a former president on nothing more than a sex scandal. The thing they most feared once upon a time is now their most powerful weapon.

Bimbo Eruptions

Power and charisma are intoxicating for men and the women who can’t resist them. That’s never been more true than in the wake of JFK and the generation of men he inspired. The Republicans were the side that cared because they followed the moral code of Christianity. The Democrats did not.

The feminist movement gave women a blank check to go out and have as much casual sex as they wanted. They embraced that newfound freedom with vigor. No victims were they. Erica Jong’s 1973 book Fear of Flying laid it out.

We were the party of loose morals. Most women didn’t even get married, and if they did, they were soon divorced. The road to happiness was in serving yourself. That also meant we didn’t judge men who had affairs, not like they did on the Right. It also meant that the candidates we fell in love with often had unintended “bimbo eruptions.”

In 1987, Donna Rice was the bimbo who helped bring down once-promising Gary Hart, pictured here with one of his strongest advocates, fellow womanizer Warren Beatty.

There were still enough traditionalists for Hart’s behavior to matter when it came to winning an election. One of the many ways things were so different back in 1987, was that the New York Times Editorial Board actually criticized a Democrat:

The media was blamed for turning the presidential elections into tabloid fodder. It shouldn’t matter, we continued to insist. Their private lives are supposed to be just that - private.

With Gary Hart out, the Democrats were left with Michael Dukakis, who lost to HW Bush in a near-landslide:

By 1992, there was no chance we were going to allow a few “bimbo eruptions” to take down our most promising candidate since JFK. Hillary Clinton was standing by her man. Once again, the New York Times was not afraid to offer a scathing dissent against the Democrat:

Back then, though, journalists in the mainstream had teeth, not like today.

The debate over whether the personal life should be any of the public’s business persisted all through the 1990s, that we might have better politics if we could leave behind the personal.

That might explain why Barack Obama was willing to stand with John Edwards in 2008, even as his reputation was rocked by a sex scandal involving a mistress and hush money.

Here, Obama and Edwards tag-team the strongest candidate in the race, Hillary Clinton.

But the Edwards story kept getting worse, eventually forcing him to drop out of the race. But even then, Obama still considered him to run as his vice-present. But that fell apart when Edwards was charged by the DOJ for breaking campaign finance laws:

Ultimately, the jury would deadlock, and he would skate the charges. The Left couldn’t throw him under the bus completely and defended him against any criminal wrongdoing. Here is Hillary Clinton having nothing but nice things to say about him, once again, choosing not to care about candidates' personal lives.

Here was a typical defense of Edwards, stated by the Los Angeles Times’ David Horsey:

One thing is sure: No one has been sent to jail for 30 years for doing what Edwards may have done. A big, fat fine may be justified, but demanding more than that for violating ever-shifting campaign finance rules is draconian.

But Horsey, like all virtue signalers of the Left, seems fine with Trump being on trial for a much lesser charge. He also has no problem stretching the truth by casting Trump as a racist on par with Harvey Weinstein and Stormy Daniels as the damsel in distress.

Horsey wrote:

Why is it that unappealing rich guys like former President Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein all seem to employ the same seduction technique? They lure young women to their hotel rooms with promises of a business chat, then surprise them at the door wearing a bathrobe or silk pajamas, thereby making their true motives obvious.

From “Fear of Flying” to Me Too

Hillary Clinton thought she was playing by the rules to finally make history as the first woman to win the presidency. Losing to Barack Obama in 2008, after he’d showed preference to both John Edwards and Joe Biden, had to be humiliating. That meant by 2016 she wasn’t going to play nice.

When the plan to out Trump as a Russian spy in October of 2016 fell flat, Hillary relied on that old standby, the sex scandal. This time, she had a recording of Trump talking to Billy Bush about all the things a man can do to a woman when he’s famous.

Most people, especially those of us on the Left who lived through the last 40 years of loosened morals and casual sex, knew it was true. Women do let you do things to them if you’re famous enough. Maybe not now, but they did then.

That was just the beginning of how the Left in the Trump era would distort reality to create a version of reality that served their purposes. Trump, an attractive playboy from the 1980s and 1990s would be recast as an assaulter, a rapist, a harasser, a predator. Because Democrats fall in line, we all went along with it.

When Trump won the presidency, that mass delusion only intensified into full-blown hysteria: now a RAPIST was the President! Half of the country that once ran around quoting Erica Jong was knitting pink pussy hats and miraculously transforming into pearl-clutching Puritans. Empowerment was reimagined as victimhood.

Now, even our past wasn’t safe from our collective mania. Every man was a predator. Every woman was helpless. Every bad date, every pass made, every whistle and cat call — and all because Hillary lost the election to Donald Trump.

Men were purged by the hundreds from their jobs.

Our past was excavated, and our history re-interpreted. JFK was reinvented as a creepy sex offender in the film Blonde, forcing Marilyn Monroe to perform oral sex in a humiliating way.

In 2018, Mimi Alford came forward with her story of how JFK deflowered her. But at least she was honest:

"The fact that I was being desired by the most famous and powerful man in America only amplified my feelings to the point where resistance was out of the question. That’s why I didn’t say no to the president. It’s the best answer I can give...”

All the “bimbos” were repurposed as victims, like Monica Lewinsky and eventually, E. Jean Carroll, who insists her tryst with Trump was not rape, but that didn’t matter. She still walked away with a cool $83 mil because he defamed her, they said. Meanwhile, Stormy Daniels got stuck with a lousy $130K payout. Can anyone blame her for attempting to transform into a Me Too victim for a bigger piece of the pie?

Here is Megyn Kelly on the changing story of Stormy Daniels:

Even Bill Maher, who desperately wants to see Trump go to jail on a sex crime, couldn’t help but notice:


The unintended consequences of turning all men into predators and all women into victims has resulted in a crisis for the nation’s men, and the sidelining of women’s rights to make way for the “more victimized.”

As masculinity was punished and heterosexual men were exiled, a new kind of hedonism took its place in American culture. We’re all supposed to be open to every weird kind of pairing, every bizarre new sexual fetish because we’re “sex-positive.” What’s weird now is heteronormativity.

This is what happens when a society pulls too far to the Left, as it did in Berlin just before Hitler rose to power. It begs for strident authoritarianism because people can only take so much. This would naturally lead the Left down yet another path of hysteria as they imagine their hedonist ways might mean Orange Hitler’s guaranteed win.

The exact opposite is true. They are the ones who have leaned into a kind of authoritarianism, or soft-fascism. Their lawfare against Trump has taken us to one of our darkest moments in history.

Here is Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics laying out the danger of this moment, should the Democrats prevail.

By contrast, Trump offers the people more freedom, not less. He offers them a way out of what this country has become and back to what it is supposed to be. They can keep calling it “racism” if they want but sooner or later they’re going to have to explain why Trump is gaining Black voters.

The latest Trump rally is unlike anything we’ve seen in recent American history. There is no other candidate who draws crowds this big, who goes from state to state talking directly to the American people. Trump’s aim is to chip away at the blue majority not just in Jersey but in other states too.

The popularity of Trump can best be explained by what the Left has lost. Even they know it, otherwise Trump would not occupy so much of their attention. They have given up almost everything to be virtous but it has left them with nothing.

If Trump is a monster, he is one of their own making. To quote Friedrich Nietzsche, “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. /The abyss gazes also into you.”

And so it has.


Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone's Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country and to take a more critical look at the left.