It's because she is actually mentally ill. Her father clarified that she used to spend her days in a deep depression because she is on the spectrum and overdoes climate fatalism.
Her parents allowed her to be a public voice on climate at a young age because it was therepeutic for her and kept her from wallowing in despair doing nothing behind a closed door in her room.
All of which makes Thunberg the perfect poster child for the Left to idolize. And if someone doesn't think that's weird, well....then Martin & Hogg offers a nice set of 'artisanal' boots that are perfect for you.
After fully demonstrating anarchy-tyranny in 2020, in which we saw democrats cheering arson riots while arresting soccer moms for taking their kids to the beach, we now see democrats embracing a 24 year old gun control activist as their #2 guy.
This after America has had a clear demonstration that violent people can run riot and when you call the police about someone breaking into your house you won’t get a timely response because antifa is burning down all the strip malls in town. I’m not sure Americans want to hear right now that democrats are just itching to take their guns away. During the 2020 riots there were lines out the door at sporting goods stores, and people weren’t shopping for footballs.
Fortunately we won't be entrusting anything important to him, unlike Germany that made her their chancellor of energy security, starting the Ukraine war.
Both are individuals whose opinion is no more significant than that of millions of other young people, yet the media and leftist leaders put them and keep them on a pedestal as if we must bow down and worship them.
My God. They must NEVER meet. A Hogg-Thunberg union is too much to contemplate. If 47’s free IVF should ever be banned for a couple, they would be the one.
David Hogg is not a Parkland shooting "survivor" because he was at least a quarter mile away in another building at the time of the crime. It's as if I were near a fatal traffic accident at a distance of 400 yards and around a blind curve, then claimed that I was "involved in a bad wreck." His entire narrative is built on a lie, but the MSM doesn't question it. He's a little man who saw an opportunity "to be somebody." The scam appears to be working.
For that matter, all of us are Parkland survivors. In addition, I have been in two supermarkets that were later shot up by some crazy so I survived that too.
One of my drunk relatives that I had gotten in a fight with, shot at me with a 45 from only about 10 yards away and missed! Lol. Glad you survived too.
I prefer to almost be killed by animals. So far, it's been five bears (two at the same time but not together), two cougars, one boar, and two alligators. No snakes. Sorry!
Yikes! Glad he missed. Did this happen recently. A lot of unhinged, weirdos running around these days
. Been biking around my whole life. Wasn’t until I was 47 years old that I started getting hit by cars like crazy. Now I ride into the traffic. Facing the drivers.I want to look into the eyes of these incompetent, reckless drivers. So far so good. No more hits.
It’s good having you around Libertarian. Truly a solid, well meaninged voice of Reason. Thank you. And you too Sasha.
Hey Kristen, be careful around cars! We’d miss you here. I got hit by a car also when I was running from the police as a teen. I ran right into moving traffic and luckily the car hit the brakes and I rolled off the hood and into the windshield without breaking the glass or any bones. I kept running as soon as my feet hit the street. Lol.
Regarding being shot at; it was my brother and so not a stranger. When the cops arrived at our house (we were teens) because the neighbors called, I told them he threw firecrackers at me. You could still smell the gunpowder so between the sound of the shots and that, they accepted it. Life gradually got less crazy. Anyway, good idea about facing traffic now so you can see the crazies coming at you. Stay safe!
I have nothing to do with guns but have been present for several shootings somehow by living in US cities and stuff happening. Cops shooting people, people shooting people. I don't mean I've been inside. I've been on the street nearby - one time certainly within 5-10 degrees of shooting angle about three to four times the shooting distance past the target. Thankfully for me, sadly for the victim, the aim was good.
And I love the 2nd amendment because if we didn't have it I probably would already have been a shooting victim in my home, from people showing up who wouldn't have to fear that I *might* have a gun for self-defense.
David parlayed his 15 minutes of fame into a Harvard degree, a failed My Pillow competitor company, and now a gig with the DNC. I don't hate him because he knows how to play the game of Democrat politics, I hate him because he's a disingenuous fraud.
Just about everyone sees through his charades by now. I'm just content with watching the DNC go up in the ashes of their own identity-based, racist, classist fire.
David Hogg got to his High School after the shooting started (some say, it was after it ended) and I saw the video of his father coaching him, over and over, on what to say to the journalists when they got there: "Okay David, do it again, but this time, more emphasis on how scared you were". "That was better, now talk slower and show more fear in your facial expression"........ Some say he videoed himself hiding, back at his home, in his closet. IMHO, he's a fraud.
Except that, as soon as a future employer sees his name, they wouldn't hire the guy; if they were halfway intelligent. That kid has a history of running his mouth about things that he doesn't understand, has been in the media spotlight, and, at first blush, seems to be a terrible fit for any business outside of politics.
I was in a grocery store with my daughter--7 years old at the time--when it was being robbed at gun point by 2 men. The cops screamed at me to "Hit the floor!" Who knew that I was a survivor of an armed robbery.
It would be hilarious if you just went "AWWWWSHUDDDDUPPPPP!!!!!!!" and kept shopping as if nothing was happening, then later on snuck behind the guy, took his gun, and ran away bantering "can't catch me! Can't catch me!"
Hogg is a crisis actor and pathological attention whore. IOW, a perfect fit for the Democrats. And a near guarantee that our next President will be named J.D. Vance.
David Hogg got to his High School after the shooting started (some say, it was after it ended) and I saw the video of his father coaching him, over and over, on what to say to the journalists when they got there: "Okay David, do it again, but this time, more emphasis on how scared you were". "That was better, now talk slower and show more fear in your facial expression"........ Some say he videoed himself hiding, back at his home, in his closet. IMHO, he's a fraud.
Great post, Sasha. I've been watching a lot of the confirmation hearings and it is very telling: The dem-comms are practically shaking with anger (warren and schiff actually are). I think the reason is, once the uncovering of the corruption and how they have been able to feather their nests stands a chance of actually happening--there will be no way they can 'katy-bar the door'... The floodgates will open, whistleblowers whistling and they will turn on each other, viciously... Look at how Bernie's eyes practically popped out of his rant-filled head when RFK Jr threatened to expose how all the pharma $$ have found their way into certain politicos coffers... This is a dog-fight, to be sure. And it will, with justification, end some careers...
I'm shakin n' quakin' after watching that... But seriously--it is amazing watching Team Trump upsetting numerous big govt apple carts. The had a good thing going (for admin state anyway): easy hours, work from home, massive benefits and on and on... But now--apples ALL over the place and it is just going to increase... No wonder they're shaking...
Trump was just the first person willing to pick up the face up cards on the table and play them. And he paid a significant price and was inches from being killed, and months from being bankrupted and put in prison for life for playing those cards. Nobody else dared and we see why. Not Rand, not Jeb, not the postmans son, not even Ted.
This is indeed extremely powerful, and obvious, but the Democrats still don't seem to have a clue. You would think Trump having more minority votes than any Republican candidate ever would be a massive wake up call, but here we are.
the fear & loathing that founded the demoncrat party, determined to protect enslavement at all costs, has never changed. election fraud has kept them in the sphere, allowing a psychopathic psyop of how much abuse women would tolerate; forced masking, injections, men in their locker rooms,. sports arenas, prisons, illegals raping, murdering them, etc. Funny to watch funding for the commie drama events unfold, but it's over for them politically if Trump can end election fraud.
Say what you must about RMN, but the VN war ended on his watch.
All people, including presidents have flaws....some, like Biden, more pronounced than others. Trump's flaws are well known because we have the benefit of 2016-2020. He may go down in history as one of the great ones.
They're doubling down on all the craziness. It shows that they have zero willingness to take a good hard look at their own shortcomings, zero self-reflection.
The 'permanent change' comes after the prosecution phase, and I suspect that will happen shortly after key people are in place. The evidence was collected in DJT's first term.
Without actual justice, nothing changes. So if we do not see prosecutions, then all the lunacy will simply return with the next WEF/Davos psychopath puppet government.
What a blessing, to have won the House in '22, so Comer, Jordan, et al could at least take Committee primacy and gather the data ahead of this barely unified government.
The Biden pardons are a small fraction of the guilty. And those pardoned will be compelled to testify as they cannot claim self-incrimination under the 5th. The pardons actually aid the effort to expose the corruption. Plus, the Bidens are bit players. They stole millions, which is running around money compared to the depth and breadth of the corruption taking place. There are TRILLIONS of dollars unaccounted for. Where did it go?
To be honest, I don't think we will ever have an answer. I suspect DOGE is simply a way to appease the plebes, not a genuine forensic audit. Accounting rules changes made during the first Trump admin make discovery effectively impossible. The treasury and every other agency can lie with impunity under the new rules. They have two sets of books, like any other criminal organization, because that is what the US government is, an organized criminal operation, ... with nukes.
It's not that the Dems went too far is a few directions. it's that they went too far in every direction. Too far with identity politics, which turned out to be just racism in it's newest form. Too far with gender, Alphabet LBTQetc. Which just put the fringe sociological segments in the foreground with too much power. Too far with crazy spending. Too far with open borders, which would have soon destroyed the country. Too far with globalism, which encouraged putting almost all manufacturing offshore. Too far in using the federal government as a political tool. Too far in censorship in a country founded on free speech. Too far in turning education into indoctrination, which will be the hardest to recover.
The same is happening to the UK just now, it’s as if our so called prime minister has taken a page out of Biden’s playbook…. We’ve got at least 4 years of this mayhem to suffer but one thing is for sure, they’ll be gone at the next election….
I think there is still a danger. These people believe in authoritarianism, not democracy. They try to maintain a discreet silence. But I don't think anyone who is paying attention is tricked by that.
Given that Demarxism took the last one in the shorts, we'll have at least one more real national election without the full Eric Holder cheat code.
We NEVER want to fully federalize elections. Never. That's precisely what the Progressives' long game desires.
What we DO need in America is a federal minimum standard of election operations that must be met by ANY state wishing to submit their results for certification for a federal seat - House, Senate, or POTUS. Still under state control in our Constitutional Republic. The difference matters greatly.
If state level Democrats want to spam out ballots to dead people and moved-aways, or indulge in absurd "ballot-curing" operations like California, they should be free to disenfranchise those foolish enough to have elevated them to power. People get the government that they deserve.
As for scam, a lot of them apparently are working with USAID (if you haven’t kept up the last few days, go on X and look up @mikebenzcyber and @datarepublican (small r) and you’ll understand). But even for those who aren’t up to their eyeballs in that money grift, I think it’s just ego and power. They have too much of the first and can’t give up the last.
Without question, many of the Senators do. If you'll recall, when Joe dialed up the Biden Crime Syndicate as VP by adding the "running wide-open" Hunter Operation to Uncle Jimmy's long-standing grifting program, history tells us that Mitt Romney's and John Kerry's sons could not flee Burisma in Ukraine fast enough. McConnell, Pelosi, etc all have globetrotter bagman family members "playing office" overseas. Like for insider trading at home, Congress writes law and Congress likes grift, so Congress seldom limits Congresspersons' financial opportunities
Most of Tulsi's "Ukraine bio-labs" were real, but I'd expect that we leaked a few extra pretend bio-lab sites or other disinfo to Putin in order to get some server farms and document storage under a Russian artillery barrage. Don't forget CrowdStrike there, too.
More than simply hoping Russia "punches itself out", watching that "special military operation" develop on the border for months and letting war come to the Ukraine was also a clean-up operation.
That's why we call it the Congressional Nursing Home. Politicians on both sides don't want to leave because they make so much money off the American taxpayer, lobbyists, insider trading, money laundering (ie/ foreign "aid")!
Just please don't talk about federal "term limits!" until we can tear down the Citizens' United verdict by "re-casting" 14A.
The Order of Operations in a controlled demolition matters bigly. We can't have "permanent DC" running an endless stream of Congressional newbies. Look at how much more effective Trump 47 is than Trump 45 was, after some time to reflect upon being punked by DC in his first go-round.
Term limits are NEVER the answer, which is why our founders realized their mistake and took it out of our original Constitution. Term limits don't make better candidates (ie President? State of California?). All we'd get is a bunch of lame duck politicians who'll do whatever they want since they know not to worry about getting re-elected in the long term. And it'll push out the "good guys" as well. The globalists want nothing more than having meaningless elections and useless politicians. That's how they're pushing for a Convention, which will be out of control and destroy our Republic with a Constitution we won't recognize.
Restoring election integrity in the states is the better way, as well as Nullification of unconstitutional federal laws (Article VI), but We the People need to inform ourselves of the rights and responsibilities enumerated in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Dec of Indep in order to hold our officials accountable.
The Big Bucks would still have control by offering cushy jobs, etc. And the lobbyists would easily capture the newbies. I think we should move in the opposite direction: pensions generous enough that "What the hell am I going to do next?" would not be a problem. I think we should also put their pay in the hands of some other institution. Yes, I know: that would require a Constitutional Amendment. But the system we have now is worse: run by de facto bribery. We need some *serious* (and practical) reforms in this country.
Citizens' United is how all this campaign Pac money ruined our political process by making corporations people. After that the shit really hit the fan.
Amen. Term limits would result in Congressional staff running an asylum of their own design. It is the quality of candidates and the apathy of many voters that results in repeat offenders like my personal favorite, Lindsay Graham.
I feel like they are evil to the core and they'll never change...NEVER and I'm grateful for that!
They can't recognize that the reason they lost id that the country isn't buying , and never will, what they're selling so get a new product or go broke and they are in the process of going broke. And they deserve if for all the heartache they put us through with the economy, the border, the DSI and discrimination and it's all gone and they know more electric everything and threatening people that push back against I'm doing this to you because I love you and you need it.
Gratefully, you're not my mother and Donald Trump, I believe, is the one person, fearless to the bone, that could have saved us. Thank you Sasha for all of your brilliance and optimism. You saved me in my darkest hours and wrote some of the best colunms I have ever read.
Sasha, you’re spot on. Trump isn’t the root of the chaos—the real issue is an establishment that refuses to admit its own failures. The left has spent years pushing extreme narratives, silencing dissent, and insisting that anyone who doesn’t fall in line is a threat. But instead of winning people over, they’ve driven them away.
I saw this firsthand in Portland, OR. For years, I believed I was part of a real community—until I started asking questions. The moment I challenged progressive dogma, the so-called “open-minded” crowd turned on me. That’s when I realized: their version of inclusion only applies if you agree with them. Stepping outside that bubble was the best thing I ever did.
Now, instead of taking accountability, they’re in full-blown panic mode, trying to control the narrative by force. But people aren’t buying it anymore. They can scream “fascist” all they want, but it’s their own intolerance, their own ideological rigidity, that’s pushing voters in the opposite direction. 💯
Somehow Democrats have become the party of depression. Learn to live on less. Resent those with more. Feel guilt for what was done to some a century and a half ago. Look for redemption in becoming a different sex than when you were born. Condemn and shun all who disagree.
No wonder they are in a funk. This is pathology masquerading as politics.
The four students weren't shot at Kent State by the police, but by the Ohio National Guard —undertrained, inexperienced, incompetently led, and largely from the rural underclass— probably not delighted that their intellectual, moral, and material superiors were running amok, with the burnt-out ROTC building still smoldering on their arrival on campus that morning. Another under-discussed factor is that the weapons the guardsmen carried were 1940s-era Garand rifles, which didn't allow the vastly safer alternative of leaving no round chambered once the clip was inserted and the bolt released.
Much less the ass of the Governor of Ohio, along with all of the adults involved in the decision making. The Guardsmen were hung out to dry, as were the students and other demonstrators.
I'm quite sure that of the four "KIAs", two were registered Kent State students. Yes, the left activist perps who precipitated the catastrophe were generally not enrolled full time students there or anywhere. Soon after the KSU ROTC building was set on fire at nightfall, the administration specifically requested the Ohio governor to deploy the ONG on campus ASAP.
If you insert the mag in a more modern weapon and release the bolt you have just chambered a round. You have to do it the other way around. Plus the safety of a Garand is inside the trigger guard. It is a stretch though to call Kent State students an element of the ruling class. More like the upwardly mobile part of the same rural underclass that the Guard was from. It's roots are a state teacher's college though it has grown and added many programs over the years as is common for universities and is now classified as a research university. Much of this development seems to have happened after 1970. It is classified as selective which means it "only" admits 87% of the applicants.
Yes, generally so but some more modern weapons (and even much older ones, e.g., the 1903 Springfield rifle, IIRC) have a safety feature that permits bolt closure over a full magazine without chambering a round. My main point was that as infantry grunt in "Eye Corps" VN (1968-69), only the "point man" leading a column would carry an M16 with a chambered round, as it was otherwise generally regarded as too dangerous. Also, the psychological factor, say, of racking a shotgun's action would telegraph that the situation was about to get potentially much uglier. Not an option with the Garand.
You don't insert a magazine in an 03. You feed an internal magazine from the top with a stripper clip. Military may be different, especially in VN, but the civilian world, including police, training contraindicates carrying a weapon without a round chambered.
Your evident firearms knowledgeability, Richard, is respected. I actually attended, in person, the on-campus two-day, 50th commemoration of the KSU debacle and hoped to deliver a presentation there, as I thought the clip-fed Garand issue was central as to why things turned as ugly as they did: the Garand having never been considered as appropriate for riot control. But my abstract was submitted late and rejected, although I did get to speak from the floor. 1963, I bought my first '03 Springfield (a very early one that wasn't originally chambered for the 30-06 cartridge and judging from the proof marks, was re-barrelled at Rock Island Arsenal sometime prior to WW1), and it is now in my adult son's possession. Yes, inasmuch as police/security personnel generally keep their weapons holstered until the actual SHTF, an accidental discharge of a holstered weapon is extremely unlikely. In the field, we didn't carry our M-16s in VN in holsters, of course; nor on our shoulders, nor on our backs with a canvas sling, but always at the ready. An indeed anybody —excluding the point man— who ever saw what a 5.56 bullet does to someone wounded by one would be certain not to have rounds chambered.
You may be right about the Garands but I think your statement about training was the right one. Current practice in US military is to carry rifles with a round chambered. Probably because training is better than it was in Vietnam days. These days even the Taliban follow the finger straight protocol.
Thank you! Another detail is that, if my memory serves me, Nixon himself authorized the Guard to shoot live rounds at the protesters. One of the consequences of this event is that some local law enforcement people opposed the idea of bringing the National Guard into the 2020 riots in Portland. They told me that the National Guard is still not well trained in riot control.
"their intellectual, moral, and material superiors"
Perhaps you'll trip over a bit self-awareness today, but you seem pretty comfortable with your pomposity. I'm sure it will take more than my efforts, though, Mr. Potkin.
I'm wondering if i'm the only one that heard about the FBI informant Terry Norman, who was the only armed person at the shooting other than the guardsmen. They claim to this day that they were shot at first.
David Hogg is the second most annoying person in the Western world. The first is Greta Thunberg.
she reminds me if the Shining for some reason.
How dare you!
It's because she is actually mentally ill. Her father clarified that she used to spend her days in a deep depression because she is on the spectrum and overdoes climate fatalism.
Her parents allowed her to be a public voice on climate at a young age because it was therepeutic for her and kept her from wallowing in despair doing nothing behind a closed door in her room.
All of which makes Thunberg the perfect poster child for the Left to idolize. And if someone doesn't think that's weird, well....then Martin & Hogg offers a nice set of 'artisanal' boots that are perfect for you.
Martin & Hogg artisanal vegan-friendly, cruelty-free pleather boots.
And those boots are made for walking
And that's just what they'll do
And if we let them, those boots are gonna walk all over you, and me, and everyone!
Akin to making an idol and hero out of George Floyd
I’m quite sure they are all the wealthier for it, as well, coincidentally.
Well at least he saved the world from child labor first.
Holy cow, that’s so sad.
Yeah, I'm sure that why. /sarc
This is going in Bartlett's:
"I'm sure that why"
/comp earn
Those parents need to be publicly shamed! What a toxic young woman they unleashed. Anti-Semitic and very obnoxious-
That should be her new career: acting in Stephen King movies.
She's the twins. Come play with us and live forever.
. . . and ever, and ever. Lol.
More like the girl in the well from The Ring.
She certainly is all wet.
She reminds me of Sissy Spacek in Carrie.
After fully demonstrating anarchy-tyranny in 2020, in which we saw democrats cheering arson riots while arresting soccer moms for taking their kids to the beach, we now see democrats embracing a 24 year old gun control activist as their #2 guy.
This after America has had a clear demonstration that violent people can run riot and when you call the police about someone breaking into your house you won’t get a timely response because antifa is burning down all the strip malls in town. I’m not sure Americans want to hear right now that democrats are just itching to take their guns away. During the 2020 riots there were lines out the door at sporting goods stores, and people weren’t shopping for footballs.
2020 was the culmination of my personal red-pilling. It sealed the deal.
David Hogg is an incompetent fool. Please make him the face of the Demoncat party and let him talk a lot!
He's every Republican's dream to run against.
Fortunately we won't be entrusting anything important to him, unlike Germany that made her their chancellor of energy security, starting the Ukraine war.
Positive Energy Hogg.
Both are individuals whose opinion is no more significant than that of millions of other young people, yet the media and leftist leaders put them and keep them on a pedestal as if we must bow down and worship them.
Agree, he makes me want to puke.
My God. They must NEVER meet. A Hogg-Thunberg union is too much to contemplate. If 47’s free IVF should ever be banned for a couple, they would be the one.
David Hogg is not a Parkland shooting "survivor" because he was at least a quarter mile away in another building at the time of the crime. It's as if I were near a fatal traffic accident at a distance of 400 yards and around a blind curve, then claimed that I was "involved in a bad wreck." His entire narrative is built on a lie, but the MSM doesn't question it. He's a little man who saw an opportunity "to be somebody." The scam appears to be working.
For that matter, all of us are Parkland survivors. In addition, I have been in two supermarkets that were later shot up by some crazy so I survived that too.
One of my drunk relatives that I had gotten in a fight with, shot at me with a 45 from only about 10 yards away and missed! Lol. Glad you survived too.
I think 45's were not known for their accuracy, but if it did hit you it would be like a truck.
Yea! I got a head start because I was downstairs and when I heard the clip click in I ran like hell out the front door and down the porch.
So you were a moving target, probably the best plan.
In the 1300’s the Chinese called them “hand cannons”. You can see them at the Firearms museum in Cody, Wyoming, inside the Buffalo Bill Museum.
We almost lost you, Libertarian!
More than once, bro!
Don’t you dare leave us, Libertarian! Love you bro
In 50 years of hiking in Texas, here are my grand totals for encounters with significant reptilian predators:
rattlesnakes: 1 (blacktail, at about 6500 feet, in a collapsed volcano)
coral snakes: 2 (1 in a creek with monarchs covering 1 branch of a tree)
moccasins: 8 (2 at once in a blackwater pond, and 1 on the far side of the trail)
alligators: about 500. Or rather, about 50 seen about 10X ...
Monarchs may well go extinct due to "the new climate" in Texas.
I prefer to almost be killed by animals. So far, it's been five bears (two at the same time but not together), two cougars, one boar, and two alligators. No snakes. Sorry!
Yikes! Glad he missed. Did this happen recently. A lot of unhinged, weirdos running around these days
. Been biking around my whole life. Wasn’t until I was 47 years old that I started getting hit by cars like crazy. Now I ride into the traffic. Facing the drivers.I want to look into the eyes of these incompetent, reckless drivers. So far so good. No more hits.
It’s good having you around Libertarian. Truly a solid, well meaninged voice of Reason. Thank you. And you too Sasha.
Hey Kristen, be careful around cars! We’d miss you here. I got hit by a car also when I was running from the police as a teen. I ran right into moving traffic and luckily the car hit the brakes and I rolled off the hood and into the windshield without breaking the glass or any bones. I kept running as soon as my feet hit the street. Lol.
Regarding being shot at; it was my brother and so not a stranger. When the cops arrived at our house (we were teens) because the neighbors called, I told them he threw firecrackers at me. You could still smell the gunpowder so between the sound of the shots and that, they accepted it. Life gradually got less crazy. Anyway, good idea about facing traffic now so you can see the crazies coming at you. Stay safe!
I have nothing to do with guns but have been present for several shootings somehow by living in US cities and stuff happening. Cops shooting people, people shooting people. I don't mean I've been inside. I've been on the street nearby - one time certainly within 5-10 degrees of shooting angle about three to four times the shooting distance past the target. Thankfully for me, sadly for the victim, the aim was good.
And I love the 2nd amendment because if we didn't have it I probably would already have been a shooting victim in my home, from people showing up who wouldn't have to fear that I *might* have a gun for self-defense.
David parlayed his 15 minutes of fame into a Harvard degree, a failed My Pillow competitor company, and now a gig with the DNC. I don't hate him because he knows how to play the game of Democrat politics, I hate him because he's a disingenuous fraud.
Just about everyone sees through his charades by now. I'm just content with watching the DNC go up in the ashes of their own identity-based, racist, classist fire.
David Hogg got to his High School after the shooting started (some say, it was after it ended) and I saw the video of his father coaching him, over and over, on what to say to the journalists when they got there: "Okay David, do it again, but this time, more emphasis on how scared you were". "That was better, now talk slower and show more fear in your facial expression"........ Some say he videoed himself hiding, back at his home, in his closet. IMHO, he's a fraud.
Well at least the degree's worth something.
Except that, as soon as a future employer sees his name, they wouldn't hire the guy; if they were halfway intelligent. That kid has a history of running his mouth about things that he doesn't understand, has been in the media spotlight, and, at first blush, seems to be a terrible fit for any business outside of politics.
If Liawatha can be Native American I guess he can be a shooting survivor. “Never let a crisis go to waste”…..
I was in a grocery store with my daughter--7 years old at the time--when it was being robbed at gun point by 2 men. The cops screamed at me to "Hit the floor!" Who knew that I was a survivor of an armed robbery.
It would be hilarious if you just went "AWWWWSHUDDDDUPPPPP!!!!!!!" and kept shopping as if nothing was happening, then later on snuck behind the guy, took his gun, and ran away bantering "can't catch me! Can't catch me!"
Hogg is a crisis actor and pathological attention whore. IOW, a perfect fit for the Democrats. And a near guarantee that our next President will be named J.D. Vance.
David Hogg got to his High School after the shooting started (some say, it was after it ended) and I saw the video of his father coaching him, over and over, on what to say to the journalists when they got there: "Okay David, do it again, but this time, more emphasis on how scared you were". "That was better, now talk slower and show more fear in your facial expression"........ Some say he videoed himself hiding, back at his home, in his closet. IMHO, he's a fraud.
Darwin was wrong. See David Hogg.
Darwin was wrong. See Genesis Chapter 1. God created the universe and everything in it in 6 days. And then he rested.
The guy has a head shaped like a Yield sign.
Yield, hogg crossing.
Hogg🐽at Parkland shooting sounds like AOC in the Capitol on Jan 6th - far away opportunism.
Thank you for this. I needed this laugh.
Hogg fits right in to the Dem party.
I died in the Parkland shooting.
Me too! We should start a Parkland Dead Guys with Suits club!
Protest Survivor Stormed Beach at Normandy.
Hogg farm to table.
Yes but he looks good on camera! Gavin, like Pete, like Kamala...all empty suits.
Wait, good-looking people aren't always trustworthy? Mind blown.
I am a "survivor", 6 degrees of separation
I am also a distant friend of Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick
I love it when people insert the facts.
Great post, Sasha. I've been watching a lot of the confirmation hearings and it is very telling: The dem-comms are practically shaking with anger (warren and schiff actually are). I think the reason is, once the uncovering of the corruption and how they have been able to feather their nests stands a chance of actually happening--there will be no way they can 'katy-bar the door'... The floodgates will open, whistleblowers whistling and they will turn on each other, viciously... Look at how Bernie's eyes practically popped out of his rant-filled head when RFK Jr threatened to expose how all the pharma $$ have found their way into certain politicos coffers... This is a dog-fight, to be sure. And it will, with justification, end some careers...
You’ll like this from FreedomToons:
I'm shakin n' quakin' after watching that... But seriously--it is amazing watching Team Trump upsetting numerous big govt apple carts. The had a good thing going (for admin state anyway): easy hours, work from home, massive benefits and on and on... But now--apples ALL over the place and it is just going to increase... No wonder they're shaking...
Trump is NOT the issue…..THEY are the issue. Such a powerful point Ms Stone.
Trump was just the first person willing to pick up the face up cards on the table and play them. And he paid a significant price and was inches from being killed, and months from being bankrupted and put in prison for life for playing those cards. Nobody else dared and we see why. Not Rand, not Jeb, not the postmans son, not even Ted.
This is indeed extremely powerful, and obvious, but the Democrats still don't seem to have a clue. You would think Trump having more minority votes than any Republican candidate ever would be a massive wake up call, but here we are.
the fear & loathing that founded the demoncrat party, determined to protect enslavement at all costs, has never changed. election fraud has kept them in the sphere, allowing a psychopathic psyop of how much abuse women would tolerate; forced masking, injections, men in their locker rooms,. sports arenas, prisons, illegals raping, murdering them, etc. Funny to watch funding for the commie drama events unfold, but it's over for them politically if Trump can end election fraud.
Instead of "tin soldiers and Nixon coming" it's now "Elon Musk and Trump coming"
try to relax
It'll be fine. I would have preferred Ron DeSantis, but this will be good for America. You'll see.
Say what you must about RMN, but the VN war ended on his watch.
All people, including presidents have flaws....some, like Biden, more pronounced than others. Trump's flaws are well known because we have the benefit of 2016-2020. He may go down in history as one of the great ones.
We have the better deal.
the spirits of Washington and Lincoln are here.
Schrodiner's Feminist
David Hogg? They have lost their mind.
Camera Hogg. Good luck trying to keep that asshoe out of view.
Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, David Hogg
Slow, steady progress it seems. Imagine where they'll be in 200 years
A flatworm.
well, they didnt pick the dud light twink so at least they have that going for them.
They're holding him for a future Cabinet position.
As what? Secretary of Wimpiness? He'd be great at that!
They're doubling down on all the craziness. It shows that they have zero willingness to take a good hard look at their own shortcomings, zero self-reflection.
"Oh -- so sneering you over to our side didn't work? We'll we're gonna sneer twice as hard!"
He's in Hogg heaven.
One major assumption and some ambiguity about when loss was suffered but essentially correct.
The 'permanent change' comes after the prosecution phase, and I suspect that will happen shortly after key people are in place. The evidence was collected in DJT's first term.
Without actual justice, nothing changes. So if we do not see prosecutions, then all the lunacy will simply return with the next WEF/Davos psychopath puppet government.
What a blessing, to have won the House in '22, so Comer, Jordan, et al could at least take Committee primacy and gather the data ahead of this barely unified government.
But, Biden already pardoned all the guilty people. Public awareness won't have much impact.
The Biden pardons are a small fraction of the guilty. And those pardoned will be compelled to testify as they cannot claim self-incrimination under the 5th. The pardons actually aid the effort to expose the corruption. Plus, the Bidens are bit players. They stole millions, which is running around money compared to the depth and breadth of the corruption taking place. There are TRILLIONS of dollars unaccounted for. Where did it go?
To be honest, I don't think we will ever have an answer. I suspect DOGE is simply a way to appease the plebes, not a genuine forensic audit. Accounting rules changes made during the first Trump admin make discovery effectively impossible. The treasury and every other agency can lie with impunity under the new rules. They have two sets of books, like any other criminal organization, because that is what the US government is, an organized criminal operation, ... with nukes.
I disagree. Public awareness leads to a less gullible, and therefore less manipulated, populace.
It's not that the Dems went too far is a few directions. it's that they went too far in every direction. Too far with identity politics, which turned out to be just racism in it's newest form. Too far with gender, Alphabet LBTQetc. Which just put the fringe sociological segments in the foreground with too much power. Too far with crazy spending. Too far with open borders, which would have soon destroyed the country. Too far with globalism, which encouraged putting almost all manufacturing offshore. Too far in using the federal government as a political tool. Too far in censorship in a country founded on free speech. Too far in turning education into indoctrination, which will be the hardest to recover.
The same is happening to the UK just now, it’s as if our so called prime minister has taken a page out of Biden’s playbook…. We’ve got at least 4 years of this mayhem to suffer but one thing is for sure, they’ll be gone at the next election….
If there is a next election.
I think there is still a danger. These people believe in authoritarianism, not democracy. They try to maintain a discreet silence. But I don't think anyone who is paying attention is tricked by that.
Given that Demarxism took the last one in the shorts, we'll have at least one more real national election without the full Eric Holder cheat code.
We NEVER want to fully federalize elections. Never. That's precisely what the Progressives' long game desires.
What we DO need in America is a federal minimum standard of election operations that must be met by ANY state wishing to submit their results for certification for a federal seat - House, Senate, or POTUS. Still under state control in our Constitutional Republic. The difference matters greatly.
If state level Democrats want to spam out ballots to dead people and moved-aways, or indulge in absurd "ballot-curing" operations like California, they should be free to disenfranchise those foolish enough to have elevated them to power. People get the government that they deserve.
The old people like McConnell need to retire.
McConnell? That makes me wonder: Do all these "old dogs" in Congress have a scam on the side like Biden and his family?
As for scam, a lot of them apparently are working with USAID (if you haven’t kept up the last few days, go on X and look up @mikebenzcyber and @datarepublican (small r) and you’ll understand). But even for those who aren’t up to their eyeballs in that money grift, I think it’s just ego and power. They have too much of the first and can’t give up the last.
Without question, many of the Senators do. If you'll recall, when Joe dialed up the Biden Crime Syndicate as VP by adding the "running wide-open" Hunter Operation to Uncle Jimmy's long-standing grifting program, history tells us that Mitt Romney's and John Kerry's sons could not flee Burisma in Ukraine fast enough. McConnell, Pelosi, etc all have globetrotter bagman family members "playing office" overseas. Like for insider trading at home, Congress writes law and Congress likes grift, so Congress seldom limits Congresspersons' financial opportunities
Most of Tulsi's "Ukraine bio-labs" were real, but I'd expect that we leaked a few extra pretend bio-lab sites or other disinfo to Putin in order to get some server farms and document storage under a Russian artillery barrage. Don't forget CrowdStrike there, too.
More than simply hoping Russia "punches itself out", watching that "special military operation" develop on the border for months and letting war come to the Ukraine was also a clean-up operation.
What is there about "insider trading" that has escaped y'all's attention? No crime (actually legal so far anyway) required.
I believe Martha Stewart was a guest in a federal prison for that (non) crime. Or was it lying about that non- crime?
That was my point! It's not a crime for congresscritters! For the rest of us....
That's why we call it the Congressional Nursing Home. Politicians on both sides don't want to leave because they make so much money off the American taxpayer, lobbyists, insider trading, money laundering (ie/ foreign "aid")!
Just please don't talk about federal "term limits!" until we can tear down the Citizens' United verdict by "re-casting" 14A.
The Order of Operations in a controlled demolition matters bigly. We can't have "permanent DC" running an endless stream of Congressional newbies. Look at how much more effective Trump 47 is than Trump 45 was, after some time to reflect upon being punked by DC in his first go-round.
Term limits are NEVER the answer, which is why our founders realized their mistake and took it out of our original Constitution. Term limits don't make better candidates (ie President? State of California?). All we'd get is a bunch of lame duck politicians who'll do whatever they want since they know not to worry about getting re-elected in the long term. And it'll push out the "good guys" as well. The globalists want nothing more than having meaningless elections and useless politicians. That's how they're pushing for a Convention, which will be out of control and destroy our Republic with a Constitution we won't recognize.
Restoring election integrity in the states is the better way, as well as Nullification of unconstitutional federal laws (Article VI), but We the People need to inform ourselves of the rights and responsibilities enumerated in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Dec of Indep in order to hold our officials accountable.
The Big Bucks would still have control by offering cushy jobs, etc. And the lobbyists would easily capture the newbies. I think we should move in the opposite direction: pensions generous enough that "What the hell am I going to do next?" would not be a problem. I think we should also put their pay in the hands of some other institution. Yes, I know: that would require a Constitutional Amendment. But the system we have now is worse: run by de facto bribery. We need some *serious* (and practical) reforms in this country.
Citizens' United is how all this campaign Pac money ruined our political process by making corporations people. After that the shit really hit the fan.
Amen. Term limits would result in Congressional staff running an asylum of their own design. It is the quality of candidates and the apathy of many voters that results in repeat offenders like my personal favorite, Lindsay Graham.
He’s actually a lizard in disguise.
I thought he was a turtle.
I wonder if any congressional pages have disappeared...
He does look rather reptilian...
How about a visit to the gravel pit...
They didn't lie about Biden's age, they lied about his severe cognitive decline.
...and continue to think it was no big deal, and sweep it under the rug. None of my Dem friends want to talk about it at all.
Loved your podcast. Thanks to Megyn Kelly for introducing you.
I feel like they are evil to the core and they'll never change...NEVER and I'm grateful for that!
They can't recognize that the reason they lost id that the country isn't buying , and never will, what they're selling so get a new product or go broke and they are in the process of going broke. And they deserve if for all the heartache they put us through with the economy, the border, the DSI and discrimination and it's all gone and they know more electric everything and threatening people that push back against I'm doing this to you because I love you and you need it.
Gratefully, you're not my mother and Donald Trump, I believe, is the one person, fearless to the bone, that could have saved us. Thank you Sasha for all of your brilliance and optimism. You saved me in my darkest hours and wrote some of the best colunms I have ever read.
"the country isn't buying...what they're selling so get a new product or go broke" -- Love seeing those free market principles also work in politics!
Fearless to the bone has a real ring to it. And I totally agree.
Sasha, you’re spot on. Trump isn’t the root of the chaos—the real issue is an establishment that refuses to admit its own failures. The left has spent years pushing extreme narratives, silencing dissent, and insisting that anyone who doesn’t fall in line is a threat. But instead of winning people over, they’ve driven them away.
I saw this firsthand in Portland, OR. For years, I believed I was part of a real community—until I started asking questions. The moment I challenged progressive dogma, the so-called “open-minded” crowd turned on me. That’s when I realized: their version of inclusion only applies if you agree with them. Stepping outside that bubble was the best thing I ever did.
Now, instead of taking accountability, they’re in full-blown panic mode, trying to control the narrative by force. But people aren’t buying it anymore. They can scream “fascist” all they want, but it’s their own intolerance, their own ideological rigidity, that’s pushing voters in the opposite direction. 💯
Amen! Well said.
Somehow Democrats have become the party of depression. Learn to live on less. Resent those with more. Feel guilt for what was done to some a century and a half ago. Look for redemption in becoming a different sex than when you were born. Condemn and shun all who disagree.
No wonder they are in a funk. This is pathology masquerading as politics.
The four students weren't shot at Kent State by the police, but by the Ohio National Guard —undertrained, inexperienced, incompetently led, and largely from the rural underclass— probably not delighted that their intellectual, moral, and material superiors were running amok, with the burnt-out ROTC building still smoldering on their arrival on campus that morning. Another under-discussed factor is that the weapons the guardsmen carried were 1940s-era Garand rifles, which didn't allow the vastly safer alternative of leaving no round chambered once the clip was inserted and the bolt released.
“”Their intellectual superiors”? What a fatuous comment.
We can't marginalize irretrievable academia quickly enough, in what remains of our culture. These people.....
Please look up the word “satire”…please.
What does “fatuous" mean in the instant case?
You do get that the "superiors" bit was at minimum ironic, and maybe across the line into hyperbole?
1. They were not students.
2. IF the Admin. at Kent State had not had their heads stuck up their asses (much like College Administrators today) This would not have happened.
Much less the ass of the Governor of Ohio, along with all of the adults involved in the decision making. The Guardsmen were hung out to dry, as were the students and other demonstrators.
I'm quite sure that of the four "KIAs", two were registered Kent State students. Yes, the left activist perps who precipitated the catastrophe were generally not enrolled full time students there or anywhere. Soon after the KSU ROTC building was set on fire at nightfall, the administration specifically requested the Ohio governor to deploy the ONG on campus ASAP.
If you insert the mag in a more modern weapon and release the bolt you have just chambered a round. You have to do it the other way around. Plus the safety of a Garand is inside the trigger guard. It is a stretch though to call Kent State students an element of the ruling class. More like the upwardly mobile part of the same rural underclass that the Guard was from. It's roots are a state teacher's college though it has grown and added many programs over the years as is common for universities and is now classified as a research university. Much of this development seems to have happened after 1970. It is classified as selective which means it "only" admits 87% of the applicants.
Yes, generally so but some more modern weapons (and even much older ones, e.g., the 1903 Springfield rifle, IIRC) have a safety feature that permits bolt closure over a full magazine without chambering a round. My main point was that as infantry grunt in "Eye Corps" VN (1968-69), only the "point man" leading a column would carry an M16 with a chambered round, as it was otherwise generally regarded as too dangerous. Also, the psychological factor, say, of racking a shotgun's action would telegraph that the situation was about to get potentially much uglier. Not an option with the Garand.
You don't insert a magazine in an 03. You feed an internal magazine from the top with a stripper clip. Military may be different, especially in VN, but the civilian world, including police, training contraindicates carrying a weapon without a round chambered.
Your evident firearms knowledgeability, Richard, is respected. I actually attended, in person, the on-campus two-day, 50th commemoration of the KSU debacle and hoped to deliver a presentation there, as I thought the clip-fed Garand issue was central as to why things turned as ugly as they did: the Garand having never been considered as appropriate for riot control. But my abstract was submitted late and rejected, although I did get to speak from the floor. 1963, I bought my first '03 Springfield (a very early one that wasn't originally chambered for the 30-06 cartridge and judging from the proof marks, was re-barrelled at Rock Island Arsenal sometime prior to WW1), and it is now in my adult son's possession. Yes, inasmuch as police/security personnel generally keep their weapons holstered until the actual SHTF, an accidental discharge of a holstered weapon is extremely unlikely. In the field, we didn't carry our M-16s in VN in holsters, of course; nor on our shoulders, nor on our backs with a canvas sling, but always at the ready. An indeed anybody —excluding the point man— who ever saw what a 5.56 bullet does to someone wounded by one would be certain not to have rounds chambered.
You may be right about the Garands but I think your statement about training was the right one. Current practice in US military is to carry rifles with a round chambered. Probably because training is better than it was in Vietnam days. These days even the Taliban follow the finger straight protocol.
OK, that was fifty-something years ago, and in a jungle combat situation. I don't think the training was inadequate.
Yes, the Springfield 1903 worked like that. Carried one for years in school, got real familiar with it.
Thank you! Another detail is that, if my memory serves me, Nixon himself authorized the Guard to shoot live rounds at the protesters. One of the consequences of this event is that some local law enforcement people opposed the idea of bringing the National Guard into the 2020 riots in Portland. They told me that the National Guard is still not well trained in riot control.
My recollection is that Nixon wasn't involved. The NG wasn't federalized and was under command of the state authorities.
That is correct. The commanding General of the Ohio National Guard, General Robert Canterbury was in charge.
I spent 8 years in the Army National Guard, 1990’s. Not one day of riot control training. But many (many) days of wildfire fighting training ;)
"..largely from the rural underclass" that saved the planet in WWII. Nice. Thanks for sharing your unfounded pseudo-superiority with the rest of us.
That shooting took place because travelling Demarxist rabble-rousers baited a shooting. Too bad they didn't take the bullets instead.
Tell me, Daddy, what you did in the war! Are you always such a dense and insulting jerk, Mr. Heiser, or was this a special case?
"their intellectual, moral, and material superiors"
Perhaps you'll trip over a bit self-awareness today, but you seem pretty comfortable with your pomposity. I'm sure it will take more than my efforts, though, Mr. Potkin.
I'm interpreting it as an ironic or satirical statement. He could have made it clearer if it was.
I'm wondering if i'm the only one that heard about the FBI informant Terry Norman, who was the only armed person at the shooting other than the guardsmen. They claim to this day that they were shot at first.
projection noted, unsurprisingly