I was part of a movement on the Left that endlessly softened language to avoid offending a single person we deemed marginalized. What we couldn’t say, what we had to say … The list just kept getting longer. The judgments more severe.
That Trump is an existential threat not for anything he’s ever done, but what he says is proof enough that this war we’re fighting is a war of words.
I’m not allowed to use the word “sterilize,” just like I’m not allowed to use the word “mutilate” to describe what’s happening to thousands of young people all across this country. As though the words themselves are anywhere near as bad as the deeds they describe. I’ve realized lately that soft language often masks monstrosities we could not face otherwise.
As George Carlin once said:
We need hard language. We need Churchills, not Chamberlains. We need war generals like Patton, who wasn’t exactly a nice guy. Mark Milley would have said he suffered from “white rage.”
But here we are now, facing down a once-in-a-generation medical scandal that will end in lawsuits, memoirs, and decades of judgment from future generations of how so many people could have gone along with a movement that amounts to mass sterilization of children.
It’s because it’s all been neatly packaged in soft language to make us feel like we’re doing something good for the most vulnerable among us. We feel good doing something good. Our language unites us across social media, and it’s code for “we’re on the same tribe.”
“Gender-Affirming Care” sounds so positive, so nice, so kind. But it’s really the kind of ideological mandates cults require. It masks what it ultimately means - lifelong, permanent, irreversible harm to young people who do not have the maturity to make those decisions. That it’s gone this far is a failure of such epic proportions someone will eventually have to take the blame for it, and that person must be Joe Biden. This scandal should be hung around his neck like a dead cat. The entire Democratic Party owns this one.
So let’s say it plainly:
“Bottom surgery” is chemical and surgical castration.
”Top surgery” is breast amputation.
Many of those who undergo these procedures come out of it feeling mutilated.
Puberty blockers mean a strong chance for loss of sexual function.
Hormone therapy is untested medical experiments on children that often lead to sterilization.
And recently, we know it dramatically raises one’s chances of heart disease.
“Gender dysphoria,” which was extremely rare until recently, was mostly a male condition when it existed at all. We called them transsexuals if they had surgery to become the opposite sex or transvestites if they simply wanted to dress up in women’s clothes. But it was unheard of among young girls until just a decade ago or so. Now, it’s increasing at an alarming rate, with no signs of slowing down, at least not here in the US.
Here are some stats from Reuters that only track up through 2021. You can imagine what they must be now:
And, of course, it’s big business:
The Right Side of History
Courage is not for the soft. And the only courage on display once again is on the Right. They have the stones and the fortitude to ban “gender-affirming care” in their states.
Now, we’re staring down the most dire situation where the GOP, at the hands of MAGA, is in disarray - the chaos in the House dominates the headlines. Every strategy employed by the Democrats in 2020 and 2022 is back again with a vengeance. As long as Trump is the emergency, they have full access to their emergency powers.
But nothing the Right has done or said is worse than what the Democrats have allowed on their watch. No matter what chaos erupted in the House or how many trials Trump faces, they’re not castrating young men. They’re not amputating the breasts off of young women, and they’re not sterilizing children.
That is the hard line that ends any argument. I see the nonstop headlines scaring voters against Trump, then we see how someone like Matt Gaetz can give them exactly what they need to validate their ongoing demonization of MAGA. Now they have half of the GOP turning on the other half.
So now we have the Right attacking the Right. That won’t end well.
That kind of division can easily hand more power to the Democrats, who already have more power than ever. They see themselves, still, as the “resistance,” like Ukraine, and MAGA as the invaders, like Putin. That should worry all Americans that they could go this far just to hold their power.
But in the end, it doesn’t matter. They’re still the side sterilizing children, just like they were the side that fought to keep slavery as a permanent institution in America. So keep that in perspective as we watch them deflect their failures onto the Right.
Hillary Clinton thinks MAGA is a cult and that its members must be deprogrammed, and clearly, it’s an idea that has been brewing on the Left for quite some time, as this montage illustrates:
Here is a parody video of what that might look like.
But let’s just say it was true, all of it. That MAGA was a cult, and everyone is brainwashed. And it was a “violent insurrection.” At least they’re not sterilizing children. Hard language, not soft.
I’m tired of fence-sitters like Bill Maher, so consumed by his ego and his hatred of Trump that he can only help puncture the liferaft. Sorry, pal, all that means to me is that more children will be sterilized just because you can’t stand Trump.
If you are still voting for Democrats in 2024, you are going along with it. So shut up about it. Because you don’t care enough to put your vote where your mouth is. You want to have it both ways. You don’t want to be slammed by the cultural elite for being “far-right,” but you understand how dangerous and destructive their policies are. But you’ll still vote for Team Blue.
To them, this is a holy war to make all of us think the way they do, speak the way they do, believe what they believe. “Gender Affirming Care” is its own kind of religious cult by now. Every child involved in it is love-bombed as though they were being indoctrinated into a fundamentalist sect.
One can absolve oneself of the sins of heterosexuality, masculinity, or whiteness by proving one’s allegiance to the cult. The farther they go, the more celebrated and cared for they are.
Taking “T” or testosterone takes them one step closer to the rapture, and all accompanying problems are ways to suffer for our collective sins. The bleeding, bone loss, hair growth, and pain are all part of the ritual. Breast scars are symbols of allegiance and devotion to the cult. Show them off and be proud of taking this journey.
But for many of them, when their brains mature, the euphoria wears off, and they’re forced to live their lives as adult humans, they realize they now have to accept bodies hacked by those who should have protected them from permanent, life-altering surgeries. Counselors, teachers, doctors, parents.
This young man had his testicles surgically removed, otherwise known as castration.
Vote Blue No Matter Who
I know how we got here. I helped get us here. I am straight out of central casting of the exact kind of person, kind of Democrat, kind of mother that got us into this mess.
I was a child of the counterculture revolution. We watched Oprah every day at 3 and marinated in all manner of abuse - domestic, child, and elder. Our bad childhoods meant we were now suffering. But when Oprah didn’t work, we turned to therapy. When that didn’t work, we turned to Big Pharma. We’ll fix you, they promised. It’s not your childhood, or the world around you, it’s your broken brain.
Then we tried to become perfect parents raising perfect kids, and if anything wasn’t perfect, we turned again to Big Pharma to fix our children’s broken brains. I never took drugs, and neither did my daughter, but it was, by far, the norm, not the exception.
Never, in all of those years raising my daughter in the most progressive public school district in Los Angeles, LAUSD, did gender ever come up. It would never have. Because we believed in girl power and we didn’t mind feminine boys. There were plenty of gay parents, and we all accepted them too. That was what we called tolerance. But decades later, it has become a full-blown religion with no separation of Church and State.
In Los Angeles now, my daughter’s former school district is rolling out “National Coming Out Day” at public elementary schools. It isn’t enough that they fly the Pride flag alongside the US flag for the entire month of June.
This bizarre, cult-like seminar foisted upon kids in ways that would make Scientology blush, insists on teaching them to separate and define themselves - and, in fact, rank themselves by category:
The toolkit suggests students "engage in a gallery walk of everyone's identity map" and respond to writing prompts like, "Who am I? What did I learn about my identity? What were some of your identities that were the same or different than your classmates?" Teachers are also told to share images of students’ maps with the district.
They’re dragging out Jazz Jennings to talk to KIDS — someone whose life has been ruined by this madness and is now attempting to seduce and lure more children into it, pretending it’s all flowers and rainbows.
Jazz Jennings is a biological male in his 20s and has never had an orgasm. Not only that, but must also “dilate” the manufactured false female organ every day, or it will close up. Will they tell the children that? Elliot Page, formerly Ellen Page, waited until adulthood to transition but is now helping to sell to children the concept that they’re ready for all of this. What is the point here other than indoctrination?
Parents are left twisting in the wind, as Dr. Miriam Grossman tells Megyn Kelly:
We need an escape ramp for parents who want to rescue themselves and their children modeled after domestic violence shelters. They need a way to separate them from the online fantasy world, the cult, and away from the systems that “affirm” this fast-moving social contagion.
Language got us into this mess, and language will get us out of it.
Don’t despair. We’re fighting on the right side of history, and for that, we will be rewarded one day. Just don’t fall for the ratf*ckers who want to divide the party.
Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy - even the neocons like Nikki Haley and Mike Pence are all fighting on the same side. Let’s try to remember that. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to save countless children from living lives of misery and regret. Let’s not blow it now. Think Patton. Think Churchill. Failure is not an option.
But at the end of the day, Democrats and Never Trumpers, you are the ones who will have to defend your cowardice in the face of this scandal. You will have to explain why you remained silent and went along with something you knew was wrong.
So go ahead and call us bigots, transphobes, TERFS, “MAGA extremists.” Viciously attack people like Matt Gaetz, Steve Bannon, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Dave Chapelle, Bill Maher, Megyn Kelly, Helen Joyce or me - call us whatever you want. Destroy our lives all you want.
At least we’re not sterilizing children.
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