Sasha’s perspective on current events is refreshing; direct and to the point but not judgmental, introspective but not preachy, and she calls balls and strikes on both sides of the political spectrum. If we could return the public discourse to this level of decorum, we’d all be better for it. I look forward to her posts..

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We've already jumped that shark. I just dont see any way out now.

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Here is how this author and Substack are evolving for me; Sasha provides insights on current topics and develops the story with substantial experience, bares her soul in personal perspectives, and invites the reader to reflect on their own perspectives and biases. Then, the audience weighs in with their thoughts and views; many of which I have learned so much from. Thank-you all. This is great way for me to keep learning and staying mindful in this crazy world.

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Great comment. Whole heartedly agree. Pretty psyched that the podcast version with media and music was available this week. It really makes it more powerful.

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I really think that a lot of establishment types used Trump as an opportunity to embrace their worst totalitarian impulses. Can't have free speech anymore, too dangerous. Can't have due process now, we know who's guilty if you want that you must love criminals.

Also I think Democrats made a major mistake with their hysteria in 2016. There was and are many problems with Donald Trump, but they always went overboard in the criticism and with their reactions. Like the Access Hollywood tape as you mentioned, or the famous comment about how he could shoot someone on Madison Ave and not lose support. It's obviously hyperbole and not meant literally but I can't tell you how many people pretended it was meant literally.

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So true.

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I am so confused!!

Is this all current commentary? Or from years ago?

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Really enjoyed the post. It's clearly time to move beyond this toxic ideology.

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I enjoy reading your pieces because you are self-aware. Even if at some point, I begin to disagree with your conclusions, I will still appreciate that about you.

Hillary Clinton was honestly the point at which the Democrat Party most obviously became what it is: a party based on identity politics behind which hide a lot of very awful people, Clinton being one of them. I'm not saying the country would have gone round the bend if Hillary had become president. But I am saying that, in contrast to your impression of her, my impression was of someone without a principle she wouldn't contradict if it meant power, including remaining with a philandering husband because Hillary Rodham didn't poll as well in focus groups and pretending (along with her boss) that they had done Libya a favor leaving three people to die horrid deaths and then blaming it on a video of all things. It was all too much, especially after the way they treated Bernie and forced the Democrat Party to "crown" her rather than her earning the spot. Even though I had up to the point for more than a decade primarily voted Democrat, I couldn't do it when it came to her. And then when you become the enemy of all that's "good" because you dared to vote for the Orange Hitler, well, you sort of have your eyes opened.

As for the "loyalty pledge," they are trying to "shape" reality, but to "shape" reality, you have to have everyone on board.

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The Democrat Party hit peak identity politics with Obama, the ultimate form-over-substance politician. With Hillary, they jumped the shark. She's not even a good politician.

Both were avatars for the deeper, darker forces arising slowly since the 60's but which, if Biden and the recent WEF are any indication, may be flickering if not yet burning out.

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Bingo. The Divider in Chief was a huge mistake. He wrecked what little good will and faith Democrats still held with Republicans as it pertains to intelligence and common sense. As Thomas Sowell is apt to say, Obama never said a single intelligent or original thing, he just *sounded* intelligent...which is all a Democrat really wants or is equipped to hear. He turned identity politics up to 11 with all his Trayvon could have been my son BS - ad nauseum every time a cop shot anyone darker than snow white, reality of the situation be damned.

Agreed totally on pantsuit Clinton. She never accomplished anything - short of holding the All Time High Score of staffers and others in her orbit dying "mysteriously."

As for our current puppet of a President, no doubt. The globalists installed him. They got their Green New Deal forced in under duress and executive fiat - and also slipped in under the American people's noses through huge uniparty omnibus spending bills.

How is that working out for everybody?

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We must also remember the crease in Obama's trousers.. Whataguy!

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How quickly people forget Benghazi. Which, thanks to the witch and one of the dumbest Presidents in our history, now has many more slave markets with some being the female sex slave variety.

Libya thanks you, Hilldawg. #metoo indeed.


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“What difference does it make?!,” Hillary yelled…

Well, to these people in Libya it does.

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Not just Libya, but all the countries hit with refugees from there.

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That utterance by Clinton made M Albright seem angelic.

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"As for the 'loyalty pledge,' they are trying to 'shape' reality, but to 'shape' reality, you have to have everyone on board."

For those of us who are reasonable, that is true – however, when you all but own the culture in its entirety, it seems all that is really needed is the media apparatus, whether it be social media, infotainment, or TV/film. For those folks, I guess that IS everyone – or maybe, everyone that matters to them, anyway.

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On a related but unrelated note, did "Jim Treacher" unban you? I'm not trying to put salt on a wound. I'm making up my mind what my principles will allow.

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I crossed a line, and he was right to ban me. To his credit, it was only for a day.

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You're a better person than I am. Mr. Treacher has crossed many lines. He is, although entertaining, a very disrespectful person, so for him to assume someone would not disrespect him back, especially if he kept picking at a subject that he should be smart enough to know is a sore point with some people, is a bit ridiculous and has left me a little repulsed by the whole thing.

But if I don't see you there, I know to look for you here, and I do have a free Substack and am trying to write more. So please drop in and comment or just say hi if you have time. You were/are one of the bright spots on JT.

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Thank you, so much!

I'll find your substack!

I'm back, commenting on JT's newsletter!

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Well, I DID...but, it's gone, now...

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I guess my ban is permanent.

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I’m sorry for that. I enjoyed reading what you had to say.

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Yes, I went in to look and couldn't see it.

I'm sorry because it was a good group and he did post some funny things I wouldn't have found otherwise.

I will see you around. Take care.

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Hey Lillia, I really appreciate your comments. You not only challenge fairly but you provide compelling arguments from which I gain insight. Thanks much.

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"what a coming together of ghastly things, vengeful, petty malicious people who don’t really have a case, and fearful powerful people looking to protect themselves. It’s grotesque.”

Sounds just like Democrats but more importantly, exactly like Hollywood

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And Silicon Valley, and NYC, and Harvard/Stanford/Berkeley, and G.town, and Ottowa, and Canberra, and Wellington, and Brussels, and London, and OxBridge, and on and on. Terrifying, really.

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Sasha, your writing has become must-read pieces. Keep up the great work!

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Wow. What the hell happened to Doug Liman? Until now, I associated him with highly enjoyable films like, "Swingers," and the Bourne installments he directed – now, those vehicles are of someone whose work I don't recognize, anymore.

I recall Bill Whittle once predicting that the next Republican nominee (and likely president) would come from the entertainment industry – he was proven correct with the election of Trump.

When Whittle made that prediction, the inference, on my part, would be because most of the younger voters wouldn't have the attention span to listen to reasoned, well-constructed arguments that required both abstract and critical thinking – it's unclear whether I've been proven correct.

Donald Trump is many things: polarizing, abrasive, coarse – but he is also patriotic, occasionally too emotional, and too trusting of the people who are supposed to be protecting his best interests. The left will never admit it, but one reason they hate Trump is because he possesses character. Even IF even part of that Billy Bush hit job was even remotely true, how was Trump (now as much a product of Hollywood as he was of corporate enterprise), any different than Weinstein (who was still revered among the ultra-hip Hollywood crowd like Holly Hunter), or any other slimy predator like the guy who demanded oral sex from a fourteen-year old girl?

I still contend that the only reason the #metoo movement got any traction was because some editor at the NYT ignored the memo and published the very first story. That editor likely lost his/her job, and while it wasn't a bad thing that such people were finally exposed, the biggest casualty was due process as it became clear that it had no place in social media.

The hell that was to be paid, and is still being paid today, would be a now seven-year temper tantrum because the female Al Gore didn't win the election. The grand delusion: all the polls that indicated Hillary would win in a landslide, all the pundits on the Sunday "news" shows, all the late-night TV show hosts, the galaxy of cool Hollywood stars like George "Mr. Self Righteous" Clooney, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Tom Hanks, et al., the "women" of The View, the entire cast and crew of SNL, all convinced that Hillary would win the election, and when reality hit them squarely in the face, there was only wailing, gnashing of teeth, and all but the rending of garments, but there would be no acceptance, ever. Instead, we got a Russian hoax, and a new editorial standard to refer to Trump's presidency as illegitimate, and lies about Kavanaugh, Barrett, and anyone and anything else Trump sought to accomplish.

I love your hope, Sasha, that common sense may one day make even a limited comeback, but I fear that Rubicon has been crossed. I also hope that I am proven to be wrong, on this.

Keep on writing!

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You too, NFT

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Great points, Tex. Now go rope a cow.

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Oh, that I could!

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If everyone, women and men, took the journey you have taken in the last few years, America would be a much better place. Through your writing now, you are helping to bring that about.

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Honestly I never understood the total hysteria over Trump. I didn’t take him seriously at first, but once he won I took a “wait and see” approach (kind of like what Chappelle said in his SNL monologue, but then got vilified by wokesters and had to backtrack). And a side of me was glad he won because I seriously hated Hillary (still do, I voted Green Party like I usually do).

Regarding his sexist “locker room talk”, I also recognized it as him just talking shit even though it was trashy. And the hypocrisy from the Democrats astounded me in that they had pussy hat parades over this, but gave Bill Clinton a pass after he received an adulterous bj IN the oval office! That was much more egregious IMO. I’m not sure I can ever go back to being a Democrat and will remain Independent the rest of my life...

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When Hillary sicced the White House dogs (Carville and his ilk) on the few courageous women who came forward to speak their “truths to power,” she demonstrated her true colors to all who would see...the only thing that mattered in life, the only principle she held dear, was the political advancement of Bill and herself.

I wondered at that moment what vile names she would have called my wife, sister, or granddaughters had they the misfortune to have been caught alone with Bill Clinton and the courage to tell the world about it.

Many were so blinded at the time that they could not see Hillary for what she was...but the truly pernicious chose to ignore what they knew in their heart of hearts to be true in order to advance their own political agendas.

Hillary is who she is. She will not change, nor should we expect her to!

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Goosebumps again...you never disappoint. Thanks for such an enlightened narrative of what's going on and again the light of hope is seen in the distance and you're holding it!

Thanks Sasha!

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It's too bad that it had to end this way.

In reality, there never was such a thing as "women's rights". There are only rights, properly understood, which apply to everyone.

It is very unfortunate that the women's movement, and the left in general, have destroyed ALL of our rights with its cockamamie notion of rights.

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I wonder what alternate history would look like if Bill Clinton had become the first spouse. Part of me thinks the ridiculous lengths of Me Too (every woman certainly needs to be taken seriously and heard, but believed?) I think the ridiculousness of what the movement became might have something to do with the fact that with Bill Clinton in office it wouldn't have happened at all. And given the choice between Bill and Trump, we need to ask what system gave us that choice. One side does not have moral superiority.

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During the Clinton-Trump election I had a conversation with a D friend where I said there wasn't a good choice, meaning either vote would bring in someone with questionable behavior, and my friend said "Yeah, but Bill's our guy." This many years later I don't think--but aren't sure--the response would be the same, but it's taken a Victorian moral panic that's bringing down a lot of good men to get there, and power still seems to corrupt absolutely.

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Well said.

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I never liked Bill Clinton. Early on, when they gave the mea culpa to 60 Minutes, he reminded me of me in high school, saying anything to get in a girl's shirt. The difference was, I grew up and stopped before I even left high school and he just kept doing it throughout his life. I began to actually hate Bill Clinton as I watched him sell out his voters on trade and then the whole Monica Lewinski thing. By the time she came along, he knew exactly what he was doing and he knew exactly what the stakes were for her. Additionally, he bore the Presidency of the Untied States and he had a duty to protect our citizens - even Monica - and a duty to sacrifice his personal desires to the greater good. The people who say whatever the President wants in their private life is their own business, I feel are naive as to what the Presidency is.

On trade, economics, and working people, I supported first Bernie and then Trump. They absolutely were a complete repudiation of every aspect of Clinton's Presidency and those who followed. As an employer and business owner - as an American manufacturer - I can tell you that Trump did reverse the 24 preceding years of contempt for American workers and producers. My employees and then my own self, saw solid gains and a complete reversal of that previous contempt. Under Biden, we've lost every gain in wages and security that Trump brought us. Biden has put us back to where we were - maybe worse - long term.

I will never understand the hatred for Trump. I can understand why some people don't like him, but I will never understand the hatred. Moreover, I don't understand how so many Americans would root for the continued degrading of the production class in our nation. We deserve to be treated with decency.

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