In the future people will view our President standing bathed in red lighting and being bracketed by Marines giving a speech criminalizing half of American and watch aghast. They will recoil at the sight of a President seeking vengeance against the half that didn't support his Presidency.

People of conscience will wonder just how close we came to an authoritarian state.

How close?

Ask J 6 prisoners how close as the rot in a DC jail.

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Yes that speech was when I realized this administration was truly evil. The symbolism and rhetoric said it all. Sadly it went completely unnoticed in my liberal Bay Area corner of the world.

And to top it off, Biden went full gaslighting the following day saying he never called half the country “domestic terrorists”, which he clearly had done. The irony is I never knew what gaslighting was until the media and left started accusing Trump of doing it, but I never saw it in action until Biden came in office. Karine is a master at it. So often what the left has accused Trump of is actually being done by them. We truly are in the upside down world…

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Yes it is absolutely amazing to watch. Biden has classified documents found all over his home, garage and Penn Office owned by the CCP unsecured and since he was VP and Senator didn’t have authorization. Yet they turn around and blame Trump for exact same thing yet his are secured and guarded and as President he had a right to have them. There are so many things like this it’s unbelievable. It really feels like a Movie to show everyone just how justice is not equal. Another thing that isn’t fair is when the government goes after you they have unlimited funds where as most people are struggling to make ends meet so a simple case of being wrongly accused could bankrupt someone and ruin their life. Things desperately need to change. Trump has definitely opened our eyes to the rot. I mean I’ve always known but I was never Political until Trump. First time I voted was 2020 at 40 years old. What happened was I had the TV on to one of Trumps speeches and i was just listening because anytime a President spoke on TV I watched to make sure it wasn’t anything really serious going on. Well the news came on afterwords and they had twisted everything he said cut out parts of his speech to make it seem he said something he didn’t. I was kinda shocked so then I really started paying attention. I had no idea they hated Trump so much and then I found about Russia, Russia, Russian and investigated that and it was all lies by the left and some on the right. I’m still flabbergasted people listen to CNN and other news instead of listening to what people really say and do especially Trump. They just take their word for everything. Sadly I think some just don’t care as long as their side wins instead of voting and supporting what’s best for the Country and our future. Not just for one side but what’s best for everyone and the Country. Especially our children and grandkids future. I don’t know how you could even change that because some ppl will vote Red or Blue no matter what and that’s not how it should be.

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100% agree with all that you said. Pretty frustrating to watch all this go down in real time. Can’t believe you didn’t vote until you were 40!

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Apr 9Edited

Worth listening to what Bret Weinstein had to say about Biden’s “Red Wall” speech in Philadelphia in 2022 when he used the phrase “a clear and present danger” regarding MAGA republicans. Democrats are becoming ever more deranged but it’s not like they’re winning. They’re too deranged and incompetent to actually govern but they can destroy which is what they’re doing with things like open borders, lawless cities like Chicago, dumbed down schools, the war on meritocracy for the sake of “Equity” and the demonization of “Whiteness!” as the source of evil in the world, basically “Woke Marxism!” Certainly very unfortunate for us and for the world.

“There was a diabolical brilliance to Biden’s speech.” (17 min)

Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying on Biden and the left. Sept 10, 2022


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Bret and Heather's "dark horse" podcast is definitely worth listening to. their analysis of current events through their expertise in evolutionary biology is often remarkable .

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Thanks for the link I will definitely watch it later.

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And then there's "The Handmaid's Tale", allegedly about far-right conservatives. Only an idiot would buy into that propagandistic bullshit. But 'idiot' is as good a word as any to describe the hosts of the View and the people who watch it.

Never forget, the democratic party is the party of institutional racism. It created the KKK, and wrote and enforced the Jim Crow laws. It is the party that, then as now, made everything about race. It is the party that created 'separate but equal'. And it was democrat elected officials and ONLY democrat elected officials who tried to stop the MLK marches. If only Whoopi Goldberg bothered to know any of that.

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Is it any wonder the Party of Slavery would become Party of Racism.

My whole life I've wondered why the Democrat Party even exists, let alone who keeps voting for it.

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The democratic party has controlled the black community since the time of slavery. Reconstruction was a time when the democratic party made sure that the freed slaves didn't get any silly ideas about having equal rights. And the democratic party is still doing it. Just watch what happens when blacks attempt to leave the 'plantation', even today.

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I've herd this argument, and I lean towards it, at least to a degree, but it has never explained to me the support, at least since WWII, of Northern whites for a modern Democrat Party that has now extended their racism to a take-over of the wealth-creating private sector with wokism and false emergencies.

This Democratic led, freedom-usurping Fascist State needs to be brought to heel.

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I think it’s pretty simple. The hippies of the 60/70s who couldn’t work- taught. Marxism in college.

Then they and their students swallowed the great white guilt so they would support racial quotas and affirmative action.

Despite none of the great society programs working, the guilt factor just gets amplified into victim class du jour so that the dem base is white guilt along with free stuff victims. Just look at what passed in the last budget showdown where the R folded and allowed alphabet sex giveaways ad nauseum.

I’m a victim too! I need my 2 mins of hate. And then I want 2 more. For free damnit. I’m a victim class now!

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Sorry, Burnt! I think I mis-understood you.

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Just keep throwing all that free stuff at them. Vote guaranteed.

Now watch the 12 million illegals get their free stuff, swell the blue cities to get added congressional seats for the blue team.

The republicans should be in a can’t lose position but they have no sack. They don’t fight dirty enough in the balloting process and they will lose again to zuckerfuck. Trump may look like a lock but the republicans only know how to get in the way, not go for the win.

I need my 2 mins of hate.

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You got it, Burnt!

We hear you!

Let 'em have it!

(And vote R anyway...)

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The Democrats have their followers brainwashed that the party switched sides lol

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Atwood got her idea for the costumes from a visit to Afghanistan but somehow transmorgified them from Islam to Christianity.

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Yeah, Margaret Attwood, speaking of overrated novelists whose main appeal is their woke political leanings... She is Exhibit A.

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She is an excellent writer...one of the best the US has ever produced.

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Hey pal, I think you just committed an act of cultural appropriation, or something.

Canadian, American, doesn't really matter. Attwood is a mediocre novelist who's popularity is mostly rooted in her politically correct attitudes and storylines.

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Prob correct re: her politics, but no question she is an outstanding writer. She did stand up to the mob when a colleague was #metooed

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Attwood an "outstanding writer"? Well, maybe. But my point is that she could be every bit the writing talent that you say, but if her themes revolved around the story of a feminist dystopia in which late term abortion was the ultimate sacrament, she would be hooted at/ignored.

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I knew that! My error. Let's say N America then?

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Malcom had it right.

“But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox.”

Malcom X

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I'm very dismayed by what the current Democratic party has become, their extreme woke idiocies. But it's misleading to associate the Democrats of 2024 with the Democrats of the ante-bellum period up to the early 1900s. The Democratic party of that era was the conservative party; the Republicans - personified by Lincoln - were the liberal party. Democrats over time became a party of factions, especially on racial issues. The Democratic convention in 1948 split over southern Democrats' opposition to civil rights laws; many Southerners voted for the Dixiecrats led by Strom Thurmond.

After the major civil rights laws were passed in 1964 and 1965, conservative Democrats began their big move into the Republican party, which over the next few decades resulted in the two major parties becoming quite homogeneous: the conservative party (Republicans) and the liberal party (Democrats). It's anti-historical to blame the modern Democratic party (very liberal) for the KKK, Jim Crow, opposition to the 1960s civil rights marches, and separate but equal. Conservatives of those eras favored segregation, but almost no conservatives in 2024 do. Intellectually honest modern conservatives recognize the stain of racism on the history of American conservatism.

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This “the parties switched” cope of the left is such revisionist bullshit. 😂

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You are very uninformed about American history if you believe what you wrote. ALL historians - whatever their political beliefs - agree with what I wrote.

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What?! You mean academics like Howard Zinn also agree with revisionist narratives that blame Republicans? Where did I put my shocked face?

Democrat Robert Byrd was a KKK grand wizard and president pro tempore of the senate until 2010. That’s 2 years after Obama was elected. Sitting Democrat Vice President Joe Biden eulogized and praised him. Just stop.

Your entire world view is “things I don’t like are conservative so when people in my faction do things I don’t like they are actually republicans.” 🙄

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The first sentence of my first comment: "I'm very dismayed by what the current Democratic party has become, their extreme woke idiocies." People who are well-informed about U.S. history know that what I say here is historically accurate. That most conservatives many years ago were racist doesn't mean that most conservatives in 2024 are racist - they're not.

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I appreciate your initial comment. It's more rational and informed than much of what I see on the subject. But it really isn't as simple as to say that conservative democrats became republicans. True, the Dixiecrats were synonymous with the KKK. But as they lost control in the south, they didn't all become republicans, they just lost power and control. Aaron is accurate when he derides the revisionists for saying that the KKK members switched to the republican party. The republican party wanted nothing to do with them, and did not support them in any way.

Keep in mind that not all southern democrats fit the term 'Dixiecrat.' Also keep in mind that, as a percentage, there was more support for the civil rights and voting rights acts of the 1960s from republicans than democrats, even though LBJ was pushing them.

And my original statement stands; the democrat party is the one, the only party with a history of institutional racism. And it's still true today. Democrats love compliant blacks, just as they always have. But when a black person or group dares to express individuality, apart from the democrat party, the hammer comes down. Don't think so? Check out Clarence Thomas, Kanye, Tim Scott, etc.

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Very simple test for the "big switch" theory.

Did George Wallace switch?

Did Robert Byrd switch?

Did Ross Barnett switch? (Not to my knowledge).

Did Watergate hero and fifties Dixiecrat Sam Ervin switch? No.

Some Dixiecrats (Thurmond, Helms) switched to Republican, but not all.

I think the "big switch" trope is a way for modern, snowflakey Democrats to rationalize the true history of their party.

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Yes I agree

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Democrats and the left still rely on Jim Crow's "One-Drop Rule" to classify black Americans. Remember that every time someone describes Obama as a "black man".

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Obama is as white as he is black. And he was raised by the white side of his family. Few blacks are pure African any more than whites are pure European or Asians are pure Asian. For Obama and his minions to call him black just demonstrates the racists that they really are.

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I didn't watch it but in Handmaid's Tale, didn't they flee from the US to go to Canada where they would be free? Lol? Seems like the opposite is more likely unless Trudeau gets kicked out.

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They want a civil war? Why? To what end?

Is the orange man really that bad?

How many conflicts/wars/Smo’s did he start?

Were you better off 4 years ago than you are now? Truly?

Please explain without quoting cnn or msnbc snippets.

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To them, they need Orange Man Bad.

There always has to be an enemy.

There always has to be some war.

Open and free discussion along with peace and freedom are repulsive to them.

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7 (seven) excellent rhetorical questions!

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Krugman said of "White Rage" that all the value of society is created in cities. If the cities did not receive a constant input of 'value' created outside them, they would stop operating within hours and literally be unlivable hellholes in 10days.

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I always laugh at this. Where does he think food and energy come from?

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I laughed at first as well till I realized in horror that he represented some of the finest thinking of this group of overlords. He has authority and he is that stupidly out of touch with reality. That should horrify everyone.

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Couple of guys with deer rifles using transformers as target practice could bring a city to its knees.

That’s why Krugman is an idiot. He thinks financialization of everything is adding value rather than creating middlemen to dip their hands in everyone’s pockets.

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I knew "Civil War" was going to be a fraud from the moment I saw some quotes about it from Alex Garland... he was clearly a wokester pretending to be "fair" in his representation of "both sides." GTFOOH.

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I wish I could say that this article is way off the mark, and that the Democrats aren't like this, but in fact the article describes in accurate detail exactly what they are like. I still hang out with my Democrat friends, and every time I do they try to focus the conversation on Trump and on his "stupid" followers. The level of pleasure they experience when they get on this theme is quite disturbing, like the bloodlust of a lynch mob. There is no insight at all that their obsession with Trump and their need to see him and his "followers" strung up, shackled, humiliated and left to rot in prison, is a preoccupation of an unhealthy nature. It used to be all about fear for them, that the "authoritarians" are planning a coup and it will happen soon if the Democrats lose any of their political power. Now the emotional tone has become much uglier, and much crazier: "You should watch MSNBC, you should watch MSNBC!! They tear Trump apart! It's so hilarious, I can't stop laughing!"

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Same with my friends. They still try to blame their problems on Trump, white-supremacists, racists, Christians, or conservatives. All different names for the same people, they think. Sadly, my father, a lifelong Republican and previous Trump-supporter, has embraced CNN rhetoric since 2020. Thanks, Covid. Every time we talk, it is shocking to hear him gleefully wish for the destruction of Trump, Trump followers, those evil “election deniers”, and other CNN prized enemies.

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CNN is the gun, and the Democrats are the bullets that go wherever the gun points.

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Humans ability to not see their own worse self must have been developed for some kind of survival of the species benefit.

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It would be best for Earth and everybody else on it if the humans were all taken out.

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😂 Right! And now I am asking myself which species is it that Mother Nature wants survive.

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Precisely what I was about to say! There are some others that have been around for a long, long time. I pray that they will survive our incredibly destructive tenure on this planet.

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My very progressive sister-in-law is a big fan of Margaret Atwood's, "The Handmaid's Tale." She thinks Trump will bring us the Handmaid's reality. She really believes this. The Left has fallen through the looking glass.

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“She really believes this.”

Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth. Are we in a “Dark Age” where reason is in retreat? Certainly does seem so.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”

Quillette. Feb 8, 2021


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The funny thing is that places like China are getting very concerned about the collapse in fertility rates.

It would be ironic if the novel came to fruition not from the right, but from the left.

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It’s so bizarre that some people really believe this. I couldn’t get past the plot point that Americans would hand over their guns.

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“and who are tormented only by one person and his followers.”

They also have the same obsession/compulsion to destroy Putin/Russia. From the start of our proxy war on Russia both our political and military leaders stated that their goal was regime change and to weaken Russia to such an extent that they’d never again be a threat to any other country which also means they’d lack the ability to defend themselves from attack by any other country so that America/NATO could do to them what we did to Gaddafi/Libya which has never recovered from the “Freedom and Democracy!” we brought them. I totally distrust our ruling class and feel Putin/Russia are also quite justified in their distrust.

“This decision to expand NATO into Ukraine was irresponsible in the extreme.”

“The most important video on Ukraine.” (7 min)

John Anderson interviews Prof. John Mearsheimer. Jan 10, 2024


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Not to mention that every country in NATO, except Iceland, has been part of at least one invasion of Russia. Napoleon and Hitler had pan-European armies. Sweden and Poland invaded multiple times.

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After reading a few reviews of the movie, all I took away from them is that the director keeps saying, ad nauseum, that the movie is a defense of 'journalists' who have been getting a bad rap lately....for reasons unstated. Hmm, I wonder what those reasons could be? Covid lies and Donald Trump come to mind. The DNC running MSNBC and all the other networks is pretty obvious. Paul Krugman is a Communist as are all the Democrats at this point and those 'journalists' deserve the ire they are getting.

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Delusions spread quicker than viruses.

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And viruses of the mind are the most delusional.

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“We don’t know what they’re fighting about, not really, but we assume from the casting that there is a war based on the idea that America is for white Americans. It isn’t that delineated, but it hums underneath the surface.”

Follow Yahoo News with their daily collection of mostly leftist articles and you’ll see it’s not at all “underneath the surface.” It’s right out there for all to see. I follow Yahoo News every day to see what they think and they are not at all bashful about telling us.

Inside Trump’s plan for mass deportations: ‘America is going to target people who are not white’

Yahoo News. NBCUniversal. Feb 25, 2024


“How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America.”

Real Clear Investigations. Sept 7, 2022


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I read it to just read their bs

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It’s actually a good site to follow to see how truly nuts they are. And these people are supposed to be our “fellow Americans!?”

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I haven't seen Civil War...and doubt I will, but I have to say you nailed it, Sasha, with your spot on assessment that the narrative "reflects the fear and anxiety of the ruling class in this country as it faces a significant confrontation by the middle and working class."

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There was an article in Politico of all places that dismantled Rural White Rage. I think they were first.

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If you read the WaPo opinion page, you will know that Paul Waldman is the hackiest of the lefty hacks out there. He is Keith Olbermann without the caffeine

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Regarding the RT audience score, I'm not sure who's going to attend this piece of hysterical and fantastical schlock other than people who champion the mind virus. Regarding the critic score, Dan Tabor from "Cinapse" is one that got it right, at least partially.


"The film brought to mind Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi’s GoodBye Uncle Tom, a film made by Italians about American slavery pre-Civil War. Tom is pure lurid exploitation, that never misses an opportunity to exploit its subjects for another loaded shock. I felt like Civil War is very much cut from the same cloth, a foreign filmmaker exploiting the violence, chaos and turmoil currently at the heart of America, who’s not concerned with really digging into how or why we as a country can pull itself out of this, or even if we should. The film instead leaves the viewer shell shocked and with more questions than answers, at least here in the US. Most international audiences will probably relish in its anti-American message that paints our country without hope and unworthy of salvation, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. "

Regarding the English director Alex Garland, his films have become increasingly up his own arse and unwatchable as his fame among the Hollywood glitterati set increases.

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The FUNDAMENTAL problem with the Left is:

1. They think they “think” when they DO NOT think at all… They are DRIVEN by raw hatred which they PROJECT onto their imagined enemy… Their true hatred is self-hatred but… well, gosh, it’s so much more fun to hate someone else instead of yourself, right?

2. They “think” they have vision and insight into the Right, which in reality is a PROJECTION of themselves and they’re looking right into the mirror and have NO CLUE… NONE…

3. Combine #1 and #2 with INSUFFERABLE arrogance and you have blind rage with unbridled surety of their “righteousness”… This is what leads people to do the UNTHINKABLE and not only justify it but take pleasure in it… Laughing as Christians are thrown to lions…

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I call it moral vanity.

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Since the corporations are concentrating on diversity hires, what happens to all of the young white males out there?

In the Ferguson riiots a small group of mature black men picked up their heavy duty weaponry and stood guard over a white owned gas station.

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Well, males without families can get by on very little. So much of our production comes from men working hard to support families.

If employment prospects are low, they won't get married and will work enough to make ends meet and spend the rest of their time playing video games.

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Presumably, the Wild West was wild because of all of those unattached males Women moving in eventually civilized it, and the children were of course half and half.

Or they’ll spend the rest of their time running urban combat operations.

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I don't know. The relations between the sexes are way different now. Men are less motivated to chase women given falling testosterone levels and the availability of porn. Women for the most part aren't clamoring for them either.

Maybe some will get mad, but I think most will just say screw it.

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Could be, the testosterone thing is a thing. For a more realistic look at how it could play out I suggest the book “The War of the Flea,” by Robert Taber. But true, it would not be the urbanites.

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