In his analysis of our current political moment the Dutch professor Mattias Desmet, author of "The Psychology of Totalitarianism," claims that the essential thing each of us must do when the culture has began to curdle into a "mass formation" hypnotic denial of reality is - more than anything else - tell the truth as we see it. Even though many people will see the absurdity of the mob's claims and assertions, only a few people will have the courage to say what they see and feel to be true when doing so is personally risky and/or costly. Sasha is one of those people. Let's each of us resolve to follow her example. We do not need to be strident, convincing or even particularly effective, but we need to be public in our individual spheres. That's what keeps the hypnotic spell from drowning us all: a few people who will not be bullied into saying what they clearly know to be false.

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The truth as I see it is that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell on July 5, 2016 during the presidential election, when FBI Director James Comey “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history the “rule of law” began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (FISA Court) of James Comey, (et.al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable and the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump is my proof.

Please be cognizant, the Comey/Hillary Clinton "exoneration" was made three weeks prior to the July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan. According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia. According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, (Clinton’s former campaign director), acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, delineating Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussion.

If you know anything of the Communist takeover of Russia by Stalin and Lenin you can easily see the four indictments of Donald Trump are "Stalin's show trials circa 2023", with Obama orchestrating, via-fax, from the basement of his home in Washington, DC. Therefore because our Constitutional Republic is fallen; as We the People encounter the 2024 election cycle, it is wise to conduct yourselves as living is a “Post-Constitutional Republic”. I compare it to the time of Jesus Christ living in Roman occupied Jerusalem/Judea/Samaria.

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Yes! Millions of us, veterans, active duty, former contractors, that held security clearances knew that something very important went off the rails within the FBI/DOJ when Comey gave his perplexing press conference listing in detail, Clinton and her aides' numerous violations of law followed with, "...but, that's not why we are here." From that moment to this moment, everything they do stinks of corruption and rot.

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And it was Trump who "graciously" said that he would not pursue Hilliary and let her off. She had suffered enough from losing the election. Well, we see where grace got Trump and are reminded of the need to bring the right weapons to an existential fight.

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And could you imagine at that point in time if he did pursue charges against her....he would have been attacked as a dictator. Look at what they did to him during his time and then add that to the list. OMG their evil heads would have exploded for sure! President Trump always said that we follow the Rule of Law. Look how long it has taken for the truth to come to light. I believe all the evidence will be shown at some time....we may be heading into some rough times. Be prepared for those times and stay vigilant.....these evil bastards will not walk away without a fight and we already know they could care less about us Americans. Military may be the only way to end this madness. Especially in heavily Blue Cities.

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Yeah, even he couldn't fathom how bad it actually was.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Because he made some lousy appointments.

Trump didn't realize that most DC Republicans are feckless weenies.

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Slow to understand what's happening.

I heard Hakeem Jeffries say "Trumps pulling the strings."

Every now and then they show their hand, it's Obama pulling the strings isn't it. I really dislike him and his Marxist wife. Talk about "fundamentally changing this country"...we've been screaming about that since 2008. So many thought Obama was so impressive as President. I thought, especially when they traveled overseas, Trump and Melania were much more impressive. It's just that the media praised the O's incessantly giving their sycophants that impression. Yuck.

HOW DO WE STOP THIS? I'm frustrated knowing what's going on but not knowing how to fight it. I think I'm going to meet my congressman and maybe work in his office. I have to do something.

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Yes Faith you are correct, it is Barack Hussein Obama pulling the strings.

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Check out Julie Kelly’s Substack article with a link on Real Clear Politics called “Biden DOJ Designates Grandmas as America’s New Terrorists.” I’ve got a comment there where I posted the Federalist article about the woman who went to the Jan 6 Capitol rally and why she did. I hope a lot of people read Julie’s article and then also that. I’m a paid subscriber so I can comment there. I don’t know if unpaid subscribers can also comment.

“Why I Am Joining the Jan 6 DC March For Trump.”

“0n Nov 4, 2020, I suddenly saw with my own eyes the depth and breadth of the political corruption myself and others had tried and failed to prevent for so many years.”


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It is my humble opinion: At the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, (along with Judas Iscariot), will be condemned for eternity to "the outer darkness, where there is great weeping and gnashing of teeth".

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Sessions was Trump's first big mistake. He was a terrible AG.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Have heard that Sessions was playing a role (for Trump). Perhaps small skirmishes have been deliberately skirted because they were entirely inadequate to deal with the whole massive penetration of corruption. We have needed to wait until more people SAW it and would cry out for truth and justice. I do think we are getting there... But many have been playing a role: Pence? Barr? Sessions?

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Well said Jeff: Please remember that Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarret are the son and daughter of Marxists/Communists.

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Did it not seem like Comey just stuck his finger in America's collective eye and said, "Just try to stop us you powerless peons."

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Yes, exactly. Further, he lied when he told us that "no reasonable prosecutor would make a case" against Hillary. First, I don't think he asked a single prosecutor at DOJ, and second, James Baker (lead legal counsel for the FBI) testified before Congress that he would have taken the case against Hillary.

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It was truly bizarre.

Basically, yeah, Hillary did all this corrupt stuff, but eh. . .

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Let's not throw in the towel just yet.

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Yes! Remember the first thing Comey told us in his opening statement at that press conference? That no one in government knew what he was about to tell us and that he hadn’t discussed it with anyone. His preface was a huge lie. What kind of President would allow a subordinate such a platform? So tired of the media assisting our leaders in their dangerous lies. I can’t deny my sensibilities with these elites constantly talking down to us like children. Thank you Sasha for taking the hit from your former friends. Your voice helps me maintain my courage to call them out.

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Elizabeth, this is a quote from another whose name I do not know: “The world has devolved into a life or death struggle of facts vs fraud. It is an all out battle between those who are complete storytelling frauds trying to control the world vs. those who seek actual facts, data, science and reason. Why would any sane person believe anything coming from any government, institution or institutional figure when they have been shown time and again to be malevolent frauds who have been wrong - either intentionally or ignorantly or both - about absolutely everything they have purported to be true?”

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Pray tell how do we do that? What does that mean?

You're correct on one point; when those in charge of enforcing the laws refuse to do it on every level and accuse others who threaten their power of breaking the very laws they have refused to follow and /or enforce, you have a takeover. Dems have been breaking whatever law they didn't like for years now- see "Sanctuary Cities."

I really dislike these people, along with the lying, turn-coat media.

#fightback #tellthetruth

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Stalin didn't invent show trials; his trials were widely criticized only when he put the wrong people in the box (i.e., the "Old Bolsheviks"). The people running the 2024 US version of the show trials are good at it because they're the same people who ran them in the USSR.

Considering that the British Crown didn't violate Americans' rights as badly from 1607 to 1780 as today's Democrats do on one slow day, the idea that this time we'll fight for our freedom with ballots still can't pass Patrick Henry's smell test.

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The difference between us now and those 2 previous scenarios (Israel in Jesus' time and Russia) is, IMO, that we have multitudes (hundreds? thousands?) of Christians praying continuously and looking to the Lord for truth and justice to prevail. There is a plan afoot, I believe...

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I'm not on TS, but yes, involving Trump.

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In fulfilling the prophesies of Nostradamus Comey sealed our doom.

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Great points, Carl.

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The English cultural critic Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Malcolm Daniels, Dalrymple being a pen name) had this to say about the current infection of political correctness, with which we are currently saddled.

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

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As Aldous Huxley observed in Brave New World Revisited: “Non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature are deliberately used as instruments of policy, for the purpose of preventing people from paying too much attention to the realities of the social and political situation… Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intellectually ‘on-point’ can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.”

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Aldous and you must have been talking about me. I'm so vigilant I maintain my liberties even with all that's goin' on. And I'm still being governed by democratic procedures so I must be constantly and, moreover intellectually "on point".

Thanx for talking about me. Seems like most people just want to talk about themselves these days. Cheers.

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Yup, watch out for those…. UFOs

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Once they lose their probity its gone forever? That actually makes sense. So, we have to get rid of MOST of the media ..Step 1- they're loooooong gone.

Do you think they think lying is good bc they'll get what they want bc their cause is so just? Such BS, even writing it.

This as I sit and listen to tail whips of outer rain bands from hurricane Idalia. Woke me up at 2AM. I hope those in her way in North Florida, big bend area escaped to higher, safer ground.

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Stay safe, stay brave, stay free. Speak to God on their behalf.

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Thank you David...kind, righteous words there 🙏

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Great share, David. Yeah, Dalrymple is an ace.

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The TRUTH will set you free.

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Great book that everyone should read. It’s obvious they hate the truth.

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beautifully said, Chris N.

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Finally a course of action....THANK YOU!

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Chris Nathan - YES. I agree - we all become truth tellers to the best of our ability.

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Chuck Todd told Vivek that right wing racial attacks on blacks are far more common than left wing racial attacks on whites. Racial attacks are about race though, not about left vs right and the reason why white attacks on blacks seems so much more common is because the media never calls a black on white racial attack a hate crime since they believe only whites can be racist.

Black racial attacks like the one on the Christmas parade in Waukesha where a black man drove his SUV into a parade to kill as many white people, including children, as possible are not called a hate crime. The media blamed the SUV and brushed it off as no big deal. Such attacks though are a very big deal since they are ripping the social fabric of this society to shreds. And just consider the fact that poisoning race relations is only one of the many ways the democrats are working to destroy America. Great to see clips of Vivek blasting the Squad, Ibram X Kendi and the left in general for their vicious nonstop racism. Well worth watching Megyn blast the left and praise Vivek as a Republican finally hitting back at them. Vivek is great. Super smart and very articulate.

“Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Out the Media and For Their Racism.” (10 min)

Megyn Kelly. Aug 28, 2023


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I saw a poll recently where most white people believe that great strides in race relations have occurred in the last 50 years, and most black people feel the opposite. This is done on purpose to divide us all. Anyone who was around 50 years ago knows that a lot has been done. But as long as there is more than one human being, the other one will feel slighted at some point. This is human nature.

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I am unsure if blacks are better off 50 years ago than today because in the meantime Democrats have optimized the ruin of most blacks by subtle but enslaving policies and practices such as; welfare for fatherless homes leading to 70%+ births out of wedlock for blacks, resulting in 70% of blacks without a father in the home; abysmal public education run by Dem Teachers Union resulting in the majority of black students not proficient in either reading or math; “According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a sector of the U.S. Department of Education, 84 percent of Black students lack proficiency in mathematics and 85 percent of Black students lack proficiency in reading skills.Nov 4, 2021” https://thehill.com/opinion/education/579750-many-of-americas-black-youths-cannot-read-or-do-math-and-that-imperils-us/

; Dem DA that don’t arrest blacks leading to cops that don’t arrest leading to more black criminals on street leading to more crime on poor blacks; Affirmative Action and DEI handouts and discrimination against non-blacks leading to a false sense of accomplishment or guilt over having benefited due strictly via racial disparities on others. The list goes on.

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Amen brother! When will people, black or white, wake up to the fact that government help of any kind always comes at the price of your soul. I don't want anything from my government but to protect us from invasion and get out of my face. It is sad, the only 2 things I want, I can't have.

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Awesome post!

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We are all better off today. We have more material wealth than any other people. Bad culture leads to bad outcomes. I don’t blame the teachers as much as I blame the dysfunctional culture. You can’t teach people what they don’t want to learn.

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Public school teachers lead the way in promoting the lies that are destroying American culture. Ideology first, the three Rs second, if at all.

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Yes, but the university educated leftist teachers, supported by the communist teacher's unions want to destroy America. They can only teach what they have been taught. The biggest part of teaching is to impart a love of learning, not hatred.

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Most of the wealth in the hands of Americans is held by a very small percentage of the hands, and the money shifted even further upward during the Covid wipeout. A large percentage of the white male population is underutilized and disregarded, and they are killing themselves in great numbers. The problems of single parent families within the American black population is also a change for the worse, in part because the loss of a second income and sharing of expenses increases the percentage of families living in poverty.

On a less tragic note, I personally am doing well enough, but I am doing nowhere near as well as I was during Trump's presidency.

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In my youth, there were guys selling grilled chicken on the streets of Miami FL. They made a living I suppose. Did they comply with the health dept? Probably not, but if everyone got sick there, they would not be in business. We need to make it easier for people to have small businesses without licensing requirements. You might say that there will be a race to the bottom. I suppose, but there are high end restaurants and places that charge more than other places. The food might be better, but maybe not. But there is a spectrum of pricing and if everyone went for the cheapest, the others would not exist.

Here in flyover country my local small engine mechanic says he would need a special license that requires formal training in diesel mechanics to work on my 30 year old diesel tractor. Preposterous.

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The licensers increase while the businesses they "regulate" decrease. We have become a nation of regulatory bureaucrats living parasitically off the declining population of workers and producers.

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There are two main causes of Black poverty and crime these days: 1) refusal to abandon a sub-culture that is in effect "slave culture", and 2) "fatherless families".

Unfortunately, there seem to be limits as to what we can do about the latter. Women basically refuse to "marry down". Being very un-PC, I regard this phenomenon as "hard-wired". But the "fatherless families" syndrome means that there is, in effect, a short or "marriageable" Black men. No longer incentivizing Black women to "marry the government" is necessary. But it may not be sufficient. Literally subsidizing marriage, an institution that would not exist if it was not very useful, would help. But at this historical moment, not even the Repos are in favor of this common sense solution. We are very far from where we need to be.

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Good points. In general though I see to many well intentioned government subsidies incentivizing very bad behaviors.

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I am not sure what you mean, so that it is difficult for me to respond.

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I highly recommend reading Heather MacDonald’s City Journal article from last year which explains why blacks believe AmeriKKKa is permeated with white racism aka “systemic racism.” Truly disastrous. Excerpt here:

“Figures from President Biden on down are telling blacks, nonstop, that they are under lethal threat from whites, and that it is white supremacists, not black criminals, who pose the greatest threat to their safety. “Buffalo attack ignites safety worries for Black Angelenos,” reads a headline in the May 22 Los Angeles Times. New York representative Jerrold Nadler, a sponsor of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, says, “Democrats are taking the fight straight to the . . . violent extremists that are terrorizing minority institutions.” A Washington Post-Ipsos poll found that 75 percent of black Americans were very or somewhat worried that they or someone they love will be attacked because of their race. A respondent interviewed by the Post says that he is “apprehensive at stoplights, imagining a White man getting out and shooting him in his car.” 

“Using Tragedy for Racial Propaganda.”

After the horror in Buffalo, President Biden and others peddle an entirely false charge: that whites are the biggest source of hate crime and interracial violence in the US.

City Journal. Heather MacDonald. May 23, 2022


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The syndrome you refer to is an inevitable result of what I call "Divisonist" ideology. There are both direct and indirect reasons for this.

The direct reason is that the ideology tells Blacks that Whites are a danger to them, both lethally and trivially, in the sense that mere disagreement is presented as "harm" or being made not "safe". (But only to Leftists, of course. How many people does it take to disagree?)

The indirect reason is that, as my father used to (more or less ) say, "The more attention is drawn to differences between groups" (which would these days be called "communities"), "the more hostility between groups increases." Evidence, both experimental and historical, in support of this proposition is overwhelming.

On the experimental side, my "go to" citation is the chapter "Your Brain on Groups" in Ezra Klein's Why We're So Polarized" (which otherwise completely ignores this one very inconvenient chapter). Those who are very un-PC may wish to consult the "Diversity + Proximity = War" section of Chateau Heartiste, which is (or was) a site devoted to the theory and practice of womanizing. The studies cited are quite numerous. It is predictable that the mere propagation of Divisionist ideology will itself produce cases where Whites attack Blacks, which will of course be trumpeted (no pun intended) as proof positive that the ideology is correct.

On the historical side, we have only to ask such questions as "Whatever happened to Yugoslavia?" and "What happened in Rwanda?" Other valid cases are literally too numerous to mention.

What it all means is that Divisionist ideology is both intellectually and morally bankrupt. But as with fallacies, it seems to me that, though it is difficult to prove a negative, I am the only one talking about this. I hope that will change. We cannot, at this critical point in our nation's history, afford to leave any good arguments "lying on the table".

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I am a huge Heather fan-rabbit! Maybe she should run for president...

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Thank you for the link to her article. When I read about her I found it very interesting that she was appointed in 1998 to Rudy Guilani’s Task Force on the City of University New York and

At the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation’s annual meeting, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions called Mac Donald, “the greatest thinker on criminal justice in America today.”

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I predict this will change over the next five-or-so years. If Trump is found guilty on any of these fabricated charges (and even if nothing comes of it) many more black people will wake up to the fact that they are not the only ones who are potential targets of the "justice" system, that this system is rigged against anyone not conforming to the current regime's party line.

Along with everybody else, they saw it with the coof fiasco and the years-long campaign of lies regarding Russia, but the political persecution of Trump is very familiar and relatable--being railroaded into court/prison just because you are assumed to be guilty until proven innocent.

Arrested for being black = arrested for being a political threat to the establishment.

Add that to the fact that black people were doing well economically along with everyone else under Trump's policies, and you have a real multi-racial populist movement that will not go away if Trump is somehow shoved off the stage.

It's already begun.

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It was much better until the term of Barak Hussein Obama. He began the division and started a race war. And he was supposed to "Bring us together?" Bull-ony.

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Barack was the worst thing to happen to race relations in the US.

He took the racist position on every issue he could.

He could have helped heal, but he chose to divide, to stoke RACIST fears among blacks with his Trayvon comments, his support of Henry Louis Gates, etc.

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Obama never even had the decency to publicly point out that “Hands up, Don’t shoot” of Mike Brown in Ferguson in 2014 was proven false by his DOJ. He knew it was a lie but kept quiet because he knew it would help to poison race relations and get blacks to keep voting for democrats. Obama is an evil man, right up there with Nancy Piglosi and the deplorable Hag Hillary.

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I agree. I live in GA. We figured out how to get along a long time ago. I work with the philosophy of you treat me like a man and I will treat you like a man (or a lady!). They want to divide us, to make us suspicious of each other. Then they can choose sides and get votes. The government, and especially the Democrats are the problem. Thanks Cheryl!!!

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Divide and conquer.

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It was getting better -- then there was Barack.

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Seva, I didn't watch the debate and have been keeping some distance lately from the fray.

With regard to Chuck Todd commenting on the incidence of "right wing racial attacks" on blacks and "leftist racial attacks on whites," do you know what kinds of incidents he is referencing? I wonder a bit if he was specifically referring to "racially-motivated hate crimes" as officially categorized by the FBI, as there is data kept on those. (The comment appears to be more of an example of a "You do it too!" argument).

Regarding the truth about actual physical attacks perpetrated in America by individuals of one color against individuals of another, the data shows that most violent assaults involve perps and victims of the same color. Of the ones that are "inter-racial," the situation was more likely to be that of a white victim and a black or brown assailant than it was to be that of a white perp and a victim of color.

Considering how much the leftist media does to spin the narrative that black people are being hunted down and killed by white supremacists, the left is likely to be a primary contributor to hate crimes committed by black perps against white victims. So, all those crimes should be added to the tally of how many times the white ruling cult has caused attacks on other white people, including dissenters, conservatives, Trump supporters, or perhaps most of all, disgraced former members of the cult itself.

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Check out Julie Kelly’s Substack article with a link on Real Clear Politics called “Biden DOJ Designates Grandmas as America’s New Terrorists.” I’ve got a comment there where I posted the Federalist article about the woman who went to the Jan 6 Capitol rally and why she did. I hope a lot of people read Julie’s article and then also that. I’m a paid subscriber so I can comment there. I don’t know if unpaid subscribers can also comment.

“Why I Am Joining the Jan 6 DC March For Trump.”

“0n Nov 4, 2020, I suddenly saw with my own eyes the depth and breadth of the political corruption myself and others had tried and failed to prevent for so many years.”


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Thank you for the links, Seva! Both of these articles brought tears to my eyes. The Jan 6 persecution is a heartbreaking example of what happens when individuals and groups honor ideologies instead of human beings who stand before them. I regard this as idolatry as well as a crime against our citizens and against freedom.

The articles are very powerful---I second your recommendation to everyone who reads this post!

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I like Vivek, and glad MK highlighted his strong points. She also offered some criticism and advice that I hope he will hear and heed.

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I like Megyn but she can be a real dummy. Watch the the Tucker interview, 2 min point to 6 min, where Vivek explains what he was talking about. Here it also is below. Megyn also claims the 2020 election was legitimate. Apparently she never heard of Mollie’s book “Rigged” or Dinesh’s documentary “2000 Mules” or the Time article that explained how those opposed to Trump “Fortified” the election to make sure Trump wouldn’t win. And I’m supposed to believe it was a fair election?

He tells of a 42 year old graduate student who receives two 911 terrorists at the airport in LA, takes them to his house, spends lots of time with them but the account of what he said happened is that he met these two Saudi terrorists randomly at the airport and they became such good friends that he took them home. The FBI and the 911 Commission looked into this and said his account is accurate. No problem with it. Now though in 2021/2022 the FBI quietly releases a report that in fact this man who met the two terrorists at the airport was actually a Saudi intelligence operative. So the FBI and the 912 Commission lied about this. Why?

Episode 17: Tucker Carlson and Vivek Ramaswamy. (45 min)

Documentia. Aug 17, 2023


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I watched it as soon as it came out… Megyn and guest just had a couple of points to make that could benefit him. After all, he’s great! But he is a bit green here and there.

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No one called Trump a racist until he ran for President.

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Now seemingly everyone’s a ‘racist’ 😜😂😂😂

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Without regard for any actual race issue. It is now an all-purpose epithet, the power of which has been completely neutered.

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But it still has poisoned our society. Basically ripped our social fabric to shreds.

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I was first called RACIST when I questioned some of Barack's policies.

That was all it took.

I was really taken aback, rereading my comment, seeking the racism, & finding nothing but a political remark with absolutely no reference to race.

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Accusing everyone of racism is form of societal control - a way of gaining power - so you must ignore ANYONE who uses name calling as a weapon!!

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According the the Left's brains trust, everyone white is a racist. It's the new original sin.

Everyone with two brain-cells to rub together knows the "anti-racist" line is a colossal lie, and soon (if it's not already the case) accusations of "racist" or "white supremacist" will no longer have the same effect. It's even more true with the "misogynist/trans/homophobe" epithets. This is not the case in England, which has been completely taken over by leftist ideology and is now in effect a police state in which merely photographing an anti-tranny sticker is grounds for a police investigation.

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I’m Irish Catholic and even I sympathize with the Brits now. Btw - that show Clarkson’s Farm was great.

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Double “like” for the Clarkson’s Farm reference! And speaking of witch hunts, there will be no season three, because Jeremy Clarkson has been canceled due to his humorous (and true) remarks about Meghan Markle. We are all poorer because of this.

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I did a bunch of research back 2015 and found nothing indicating racism.

It took about 5 minutes for people who had admired Trump for years as a big shot NYC celebrity, to nod and agree, "Yep, he's a racist. And his supporters are all white supremacist racist Nazis."

It was astonishing.

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Follow like sheep. My thoughts on propaganda:


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"No one called Trump a racist until he ran for President."

True - on the contrary, Trump was the darling of the Dems when he was a donor and doing the rounds of the talk shows. He appeared regularly on Morning Joe. Both Larry King and Oprah Winfrey urged Trump to run for President back around 2005. HA! Be careful what you wish for.

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What did they call Trump that they didn't call every Republican since Eisenhower?

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True, to some extent.

I recall seeing Reagan & George W. described as stupid Nazis way back when.

This time around, it just sort of exploded, with all the lies about racist "dog whistles" and constant lies about Charlottesville, anything having to do with illegal immigration, etc.

When ya see someone call Trump "an existential threat to democracy," ya know that person is nuts.

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Joke going around in Bush 2's term: "Why did the chicken cross the road? It's Bush's fault, and you're a racist."

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That nut is parroting the establishment (tm) narrative and will be rewarded for doing so.

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The Tik-Tok video was amazing. We need a lot more of this. I'm thinking of a bumper sticker to make: "I'm voting for Trump because Fuck You!"

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I love this Stack for so many reasons, but mainly for common sense. If we allow this to stand we are a banana republic.

Be advised: The republican party is the biggest obstacle here and I don't mean you wonderful People at the ground level. 30+ incumbents 'retired', including the Speaker, in 2018 when incumbents win 93% of the time giving control to democrats. In 2020 state republican parties purposely allowed their state election laws to be violated regarding accepting uncustodied ballots before and after the allotted times, etc. 2022 the senate majority leader purposely withheld senate PAC funds from at least four wonderful candidates(Kelly Tshibaka is wonderful) to support the status quo; being in the minority and making yuge bank on behalf of their globalist lobbies. Think "more money for homeless" here; they increase funds and then pocket it.

The current theme of the GOPers on X and the Daily Wire et al is that Trump should be blamed for the whole of Covid and the 'vaccines'. He was smart enough to realize that 80% of the people believed in Saint Fauci despite the data.

The UniParty is ONE and they do NOT like you. Any of you.

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Trump is a true populist. Therefore he is a threat to the globalist aims of both parties, the "leaders" of which are eager to join the WEF path to Chinese-style totalitarianism.

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Well stated.

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There are 3 in the current mix. DJT, Vivek Ramaswamy, and RFKJr.. interesting times we are immersed in.

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Neither do I. The CIA has been creating wars for years and past Presidents have always supported the Military Industrial complex....he didn’t. He was ending the war. So, look at what he’s accomplished and then look at what is happening under the fool in the WH now. I hope you do vote for Trump, he loves America. This administration is doing its best to take us to hell.

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You are right, mfrass. My belief is that JFK was murdered for threatening the MIC. If Trump wins in ‘24, I could see assassinations becoming a thing again.

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That’s what RFK said about JFK in his interview with Tucker. I can also easily imagine Trump being assassinated by the CIA. Tucker asked Trump if he feared that but he didn’t really answer.

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I pray that doesn’t happen and I fully believe that President Trump is protected by God and the Military. 🙏🇺🇸

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I’d love to see Tucker interview Putin. Tucker says the reason why our ruling class hates him and the Russians is because they’re Christian. That’s true but I think it would be more accurate to say because they’re Woke and Putin and the Russians are nonWoke. They’re white, have traditional values, believe there are only two genders and believe they have a right to have borders.

This is totally unacceptable to our Woke ruling class plus no doubt the reason why they want to be right on Russia’s border is so that they’ll have a base in Ukraine to promote regime change in Russia, install a puppet government there, and then plunder Russia’s vast resources in many areas. Putin has very good reason to totally distrust our demonic ruling class which is also waging war on Trump and his supporters in America.

“Tucker Carlson Planning Interview With Putin.”

American Briefing. Aug 28, 2023


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Russia was invaded by the Germans going through Ukraine. They would be idiots to not worry about NATO taking it over.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Let that be a Russian problem.

US foreign policy (if it can be called such) of "regime change," aiding coups around the globe to install autocrats beholden to the US for giving them power, is as thuggish and brutal as Putin has ever been to dissenters from his rule.

Putin's autocracy is being used as yet another pretext for extending US influence, just like Russia's invasion of Ukraine could have been avoided with any sort of honest US diplomatic effort. Instead, we goaded Putin into war by installing a puppet in Ukraine.

Diplomacy is dead under the globalist American uniparty.


Trump as President would reverse this trend. It's one reason why globalists want him out of the picture.

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Aug 29, 2023
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BRICS is a rational response to Biden's incompetence as a leader/diplomat and the deep State's efforts to install puppet leaders in as many nations as possible.

Trump has the diplomatic skills to negotiate and contend with BRICS, which is a response to Biden's blunders and his administration's inability to do anything positive, especially with foreign relations.

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Define "just as much in bed as Biden, in fact more so". Sounds like a broad smear for the sake of saying something negative. Please provide some factual evidence, I am curious.

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I used to think the same but knowing what I have awoken to about these Elites, CIA, FBI, etc...I am on the fence. Did I think that because the MassMedia told me?? Very similar to what they do to President Trump and others that go against them. And when you look into the history of Ukraine and who was behind it...you can understand why Putin is protecting his people which is what a leader of a country is supposed to do. I would love to have Tucker Carlson interview him to hear what he has to say.....and the hysteria from the left when they can’t stop it....let’s see how they spin it....maybe with another indictment against Trump.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Wow so I can’t think that our own government is not involved in coups of many foreign countries, money laundering, human/child trafficking, etc but just know that Putin is a bad man!! Was Putin a bad man when he helped us destroy ISIS in the Middle East? Is he bad for destroying the Azov Nazis in Ukraine? I’m not believing the “narrative” anymore but hey you do you.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Ok Commie....I see you who you are

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I listened to this podcast last year and it makes so much sense - former Swiss intelligence officer explains the war. He points out - if you remember that Biden announce Russia will attack Monday. Then no it was Thursday, then no it was next Tuesday. Why did he claim to know this and why was he wrong?

Putin may be all those things you say but here's a very level headed view of the whole 'war' in Ukraine. I wish more people would at least consider this possibility because otherwise none of this war makes sense.


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Thanks so much, dude.

Never heard anything bad about him til now.

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Wow ... just wow ... what a truly remarkable voice you have Shasha ... never stop ... !!!

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Excellent… both the story of your personal evolution and the various assembled clips. I’m embarrassed to say this was the first time I’ve heard Rich Men North of Richmond, and I loved it. You are doing sterling work and making a real difference… keep fighting!

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She's one of the few former leftist stooges willing to come clean abut being bamboozled.

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Not very long ago, to admit affiliation with Trump engendered vicious rebukes from my liberal friends. Upon learning of my politics, their faces would turn bright red and their agitation often caused spittle to be projected toward me. The left is full of blind hatred. The right sees the injustices so evident today, and instead of destroying property, holds mass rallies, filled with enthusiasm and patriotic anthems. I choose to be a part of the latter movement. I will again tell my friends of my support of Donald Trump. I would probably not go so far as to put a bumper sticker on my car because it will only invite vandalism.

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It’s truly sad when we support a candidate, however we cannot put a bumper sticker on our vehicle or a yard sign in our front yard. Radical leftists, you know the ‘tolerant’ ones🤦‍♀️, would definitely commit vandalism because their feelings are superior to anyone else’s. It’s why we see very few stickers or yard signs, but the rallies clearly show the real number of supporters.

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I'm not a Democrat but I did not support Trump in the 2016 election. I mainly voted for him because I detest Hillary. After he took office, I realize he meant what he said. Mainline Republicans hate him because he is an actual RINO, one who is Republican in name only, which is a good thing because Republicans are really nothing but right-wing Democrats, if that. The difference between the two is minimal. Donald Trump is the first presidential candidate and president since Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democratic Party, who actually had the support of the people. And people are incensed at what is happening. He's not only going to win the nomination, he's going to win the election, although Democrats will try their dead-level best to steal it just like they did in 2020. That election has yet to actually be investigated. Courts dodged it by claiming those bringing suits "lacked standing" including when the State of Texas sued challenging the Pennsylvania election because of irregularities. Things are terrible now as this country is circling the drain. God only knows what's going to happen. I fear we're headed to civil war. It's happened before and, no, it wasn't about slavery. It was about the power of the Federal government just like it is now.

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We’ve been in a civil war since at least 2016 when Trump won the election and the democrats began their “Resistance!” committed to destroying his presidency. We’re not heading for civil war. We’re heading for civilizational collapse which is already happening in cities like LA, NYC, Chicago, Boston and many other cities in our rapidly unraveling society.

According to police, random movie-goers and people passing by were also attacked.

One of the victims was a woman who stated that “she was grabbed by her hair from behind and pulled to the ground.”

That woman reportedly told police that she was “surrounded and punched and kicked repeatedly while on the ground.”

‘It’s cool now to be violent’: Uncle of teen involved in massive juvenile ruckus unfazed by chaos.

Boston 25 News. Aug. 29, 2023


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We've had civil unrest, not civil war. I've been in a war. When there's war, people die. That's not happening - yet.

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“When there's war, people die.”

People have died. The attack by a black man on the Christmas parade in Waukesha killed 6 and injured 60. There have also been white racial attacks on blacks which are always highlighted by the media as yet more proof of white racism in AmeriKKKa whereas the black attacks on whites are always just dismissed as random street crimes with no known motive. I live in Chicago and much of this city is off limits to me because I’m white and there is no doubt in my mind that the frequent black racial attacks on whites in Chicago are racial hate crimes. What we have here is a rapidly unraveling society and I most surely do blame this on the despicably evil democrats.

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That's not what I'm talking about. You're referring to racial violence. When war breaks out, people start dying by the thousands. Almost 3/4's of a million died in the last civil war in this country. Chicago is just one of many crime-ridden cities (my wife is a Chicago native.) There's as much black on black killing in Chicago and other cities than black on white or white on black. The Civil War was basically Republicans against Democrats. The coming war is going to be about the same thing except there won't be organized armies per se.

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Sam, fair points. Btw, Seva is a Marine.

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Maybe so, but he must not have ever been in combat. Civil war is serious stuff.

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Didn’t JFK have the support of the people?

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My parents said the democrats stole that election from Nixon with the help of Chicago’s Mayor Daley. Daley was at least tough on crime though. He would have been awed and appalled to see what has happened to the city he loved.

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Seriously? JFK was elected by one of the slimmest margins in history.

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Thanks. I really didn’t know. And stop calling me Shirley.

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My not so smart computer probably did it.

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Sam, “don’t call me Shirley” is a line from Airplane movie. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KM2K7sV-K74

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Yeah, I know and my wife says it all the time. I thought perhaps autocorrect had spelled it Shirley. They do that.

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Welcome to the garbage can Sasha. It's not so bad really, I've met a lot of nice people here.

I don't know where we go from here. No matter what happens now, the malicious prosecutions of Trump have made it impossible to have a fair election in 2024. The ridiculous timing of the trial dates have made it abundantly clear (if wasn't clear enough already) that the only reason for any of these indictments is to stop Trump from being elected again.

I understand why Trump's primary opponents want to continue their campaigns. They're not the ones who are prosecuting Trump. But at this point, I believe the only way to stop this madness is for Trump to be elected again. I think the Republican party should rally around Trump and declare unequivocally that their is sufficient reason to believe the 2020 election was rigged and stolen and Donald Trump deserves to be able to serve out his second term.

Even if Trump wins however, we are still left with the fact that about half the country is willing to discard all rules and norms in order to prop up a decaying husk of a man and the administrative state that pulls his strings. There will be bad times ahead.

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Aug 29, 2023
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We have never before seen this level of politicization of the justice department. There have been plenty of presidents guilty of far worse than anything Trump is being accused of and none of them were ever prosecuted. Trump is far from perfect but it is absurd to play the "both sides are guilty" game at this point in history.

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True. Trump won in 2016 without breaking any "norms".

He offered the conservatives a new vision of a successful America and all you have to do is remember how tens of thousands of people jammed into his rallies because of that message. It was a resoundingly positive message that promised a renewed America that we could be proud of, in stark contrast to the Democrat message that America has been evil since its inception and is now irredeemable. People still remember that and still rally around the man who set that positive vision in motion.

The Democrats have nothing to offer except to single out groups of people we are supposed to hate. And The People are saying "No thank you."

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Aug 29, 2023
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Not “could of.” Should be “could have.” Please stop torturing the English language with your atrocious grammar.

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Aug 30, 2023
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" Besides his friends suppressing stories that could of damaged him"

You must be talking about Biden. Trump's story is splashed across the left wing media, which only prints lies about how competent Biden is, when in truth the man can no longer compose a sensible sentence. The media has been protecting Biden by hiding the steady and accelerating deterioration of his cognitive faculties. It is both elder abuse and an unforgivable lie. The "suppression" of stories is happening in front of us as the MSM pretends Biden is running things, when in fact he can barely function anymore. SAD!

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These indictments have nothing to do with what Trump thinks. They are about politicizing the justice system to destroy a political opponent. Trump is not on trial here. What is on trial is the rule of law and the basic Constitutional rights that all Americans should be entitled to.

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Welcome out of the Dark Side, Sasha. Come to the light.

I was a little quicker to see the light, but still, it took a while. I voted for the Libertarian candidate in 2016, because I would not sully my integrity by voting for Trump or Clinton. It was no surprise at all when Clinton et al immediately went on the offensive against Trump. Impeachment and invoking the 25th amendment were brought up within days of the election. That's normal, to some extent, in the constant finger pointing of politics. What was not normal was the abject hate. Pure hatred. Blind hatred.

Why all the hatred? I think I know. Trump isn't really a politician. He doesn't take traditional politics seriously. In other words, he was the first significant candidate to any federal office who mocked the entire process and most of the people participating in it. THAT'S what the political elite can't tolerate. He mocked them, and they spewed their hatred, and then he WON! Thats not supposed to happen. It's not supposed to be possible. It never happened before, and they can't let it happen again.

It occurs to me, just now, that Trump is perhaps a little like Martin Luther. The Catholic church had spent centuries telling the people that they must trust in the judgment of their leaders. The people should not think for themselves or do their own research and study. They should do and think as they are told. Martin Luther posted his theses, stating that the Catholic church had no innate authority over anyone. Suffice it to say, the Catholic church did not appreciate Luther's efforts. And so it is with Trump. He has exposed the Naked Emperor. Well, not exposed exactly, but he has pointed out the obvious; the emperor is naked, and he is fat and ugly.

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Same in 2016 as I could not vote for either. The reaction from those around me was crazy and I countered by saying let's just wait and see what he does. They were apoplectic. Well, I started watching as much actual source video as I could and comparing it to the media take. It has completely changed my view.

But even before that was the moment when Hillary Clinton made her deplorables comment. It led to an arguement with my then husband. I told him that I was appalled and that her comment would lead to a terrible rift in our nation. He laughed at me, said I was crazy. Now look where we are!

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And Trump was not controllable like normal politicians.

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That's the main reason I like the guy. He's his own man, and politicians HATE that.

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Aug 29, 2023
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You make me laugh MLB. The Individualist makes a salient observation of how Trump exposed the big picture facade and your comment is ‘well he’s still not Jesus’ so he’s still no good 😂

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Aug 29, 2023
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Better then the Commies and Pedophiles you support

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And the Dude don’t lie.

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Yes, the Dude abides

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"No better than the people he hates." You mean, the Democrats?

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Ms Stone, this is another thoughtful essay that captures how so many of feel but cannot well articulate. It was well edited also and the clips were well placed and relevant. From the comments here, it appears that not only do many emphatically agree with your rejection of Biden Team’s persecution of their political opponent through CIA, DOJ, FBI snd MSM Gestapo tactics, but some are following your footsteps in their journey to freedom as well. That you have paid such a heavy price for your voice is recognized and appreciated by most here.

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So gratifying to read this, Sasha. It leads me to wonder : how many more like you are out there, quietly thinking the same, possibly planning to vote for Trump too, but keeping it to themselves? Pretty well everyone here knows what happens if you let your Democrat friends and relatives know you are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with what is happening to our country as a result of the Democrats' exploitation of having control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate.

There is absolutely NO indication that, despite Trump's rising popularity, the Democrats and their sycophantic media are re-thinking their ruinous attacks , indictments and nauseating smears of Trump and MAGA voters. They either don't know, or don't care, how it looks to so many on both sides of the aisle. I suspect they are in a bubble of politicians and media surrounding them with high-fives and sanctimony, convincing them they are on the right side of justice. Like the 2106 election, they are supremely confident that they know the hearts and minds of the people. Like 2016, they are heading for a big surprise.

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I’m another one like Sasha, though my rejection of the Democrats started a lot longer ago. I started to have hope again with the Bernie campaign until the DNC colluded against him. In retrospect he wasn’t really a good candidate anyway, though I suspect he might have won in 2016 had he been the nominee.

I have yet to vote Republican, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be voting Trump 2024 unless RFK somehow gets the Dem nomination. That said, I’m still fearful of publicly sharing my support of Trump because I live in the SF Bay Area and I’d probably lose a lot of friends if I did, which I’d rather not have happen. Then again, maybe I’m just being a chicken shit...

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It is a tough call, Gabe. I like the way Sasha ends her essays with “to thine self be true”.

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Check out Julie Kelly’s Substack article with a link on Real Clear Politics called “Biden DOJ Designates Grandmas as America’s New Terrorists.” I’ve got a comment there where I posted the Federalist article about the woman who went to the Jan 6 Capitol rally and why she did. I hope a lot of people read Julie’s article and then also that. I’m a paid subscriber so I can comment there. I don’t know if unpaid subscribers can also comment.

“Why I Am Joining the Jan 6 DC March For Trump.”

“0n Nov 4, 2020, I suddenly saw with my own eyes the depth and breadth of the political corruption myself and others had tried and failed to prevent for so many years.”


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Throughout Donald Trump's first term, the Democrats and rino republicans, along with the intelligence agencies, and administrative state worked to sabotage the one man who real Americans felt finally heard us.

The leftists will now try to provoke someone into doing something stupid. Then they will feel justified in using force to stop the reelection of President Donald J Trump.

I fear this will not end well, because the godless leftists will stop at nothing to retain power.

Thanks Sasha.

May God bless America!

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