Congratulations on your plan for this Tuesday! I had never been a registered Republican (never a Dem, just liked the “independent” title for much of my adult life), until 2020. There was no way in hell I wasn’t voting in the primary. I joined the party and won’t look back. My husband has always been a Republican. GOP has many flaws, but who doesn’t? I’ve been more involved and engaged with all of this. Some days it’s too much to process, but most days, I know that I’m where I need to be. Stay strong. Love your posts! 🇺🇸…P.S we already voted….straight RED. Go Steve Garvey (yes we’re Californians) 😊

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An AWESOME recap of where we are. I'm right there with you - there are more of us every day. On bad days, I think the alien baby is too big to stop, now. But then I see glimpses of hope - the Canadian courts declaring Trudeau's weaponization of the Emergency Act to be unconstitutional. The French farmers literally rolling over Macron's elitist government. The latest FreeThinking article. Gives me a glimmer of hope.

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I wasn't registered to vote in 2020 because I couldn't vote for either candidate. Two years later, I registered as a Republican and will proudly cast my ballot for Donald J. Trump for all the reasons you cited here, Sasha.

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I SO enjoy every single one of your posts & messages. Thank you!

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Sasha I voted for the first time in a Republican primary recently. It was a bit awkward as I knew the election worker and chances are she leans to the left. She gave me really weird look. Voting isn't really private when one has to declare the party to do so. I once read something online where a woman said her and other Progressives were getting the lists of Republican voters and planned to make their lives hell by harassing them.

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The question is, are there enough people who want our country back? You are right Sasha, this won't end with Trump vs. Biden. Even if Trump wins, we face a long process of holding the people who got us into this mess accountable. I try to imagine a world in which these people are held to account but it is hard. So many people refuse to even acknowledge that there is anything wrong.

I suppose a hopeful sign is that despite the Left controlling all the establishment media, Trump is still winning in the polls. Imagine what the situation would look like if the actual news was fairly and accurately reported and Big Tech wasn't working so hard to suppress any stories that hurt Biden. Trump would win in a landslide.

Another hopeful sign is knowing that there are people like you Sasha who have made a quite remarkable journey. It is possible to wake up and realize that the world is quite different than what the media would like us to believe. Bless you for having the courage to tell the truth.

No matter what happens, we are in for a lot of turbulence at the end of the election. I only hope our country survives it.

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One of your best, Sasha, and thank you again for your mention of the police-enabled mob attack on Trump supporters at the San Jose Convention Center during the summer of 2016. That is the moment when I was "red-pilled," as cops set up a set of barriers that delivered Trump supporters exiting his rally directly into the maw of a raging mob, then stood idly by while they got bloodied. It was the ugliest thing I've ever seen in this country.

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I hope you are correct Sasha. The insanity has to stop.I love that you are registering as a Republican to vote for Trump. Purple would be a huge improvement in this nutty state of California. Keep up the great work you're doing!!

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Saving our Republic will not come down to either Trump or Biden. It will come down to a few good journalists and a handful of honest judges who will do the hard job of pushing back against this totalitarian regime and freeing all Americans up to vote for the person who best represents their interests.

Wrong. It will happen when all of us stand up and say no more, and demand our "elected" or "appointed leaders" to do the same. The mistake we are making is waiting for someone, even Trump, to fight for us. (though I welcome all allies).

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Congratulations 🎈 I’m excited to learn you will register as a Republican and vote straight ticket. I admire your courage and honesty, so well shown in your Substack articles. Welcome to MAGA. Your description of what the Dem Party has become is spot on reminding us it’s important to take a stand. I never thought our justice system would be so tyrannical. I never thought that 3 years later Garland is still pursuing more J6 protesters to arrest. The number of J6 prisoners is appalling. Their horrible treatment, improper food and lack of medical attention, held months/years without trials, lack of justice of fair treatment, and attorneys targeted if retained is beyond what our country has ever experienced. After 2+ years of covid mandates and 3+ years of abuse/injustice, it will take a lot to rebuild our country back to its former status. No one fights harder than Trump. After all this administration and the intelligence community has thrown at him, no one else could endure. Trump has to have the cleanest record if they need to change laws or fabricate crimes in order to indict.

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Rural white males also experience disproportionately higher casualties in war. For example, here are Vietnam US military deaths by race.

“DCAS Vietnam Conflict Extract File record counts by RACE OMB NAME ( Race) (as of April 29, 2008 )

Race Number of Records







WHITE 49,830

Total Records 58,220”


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Love this. And I also posted that White Rural Rage goes into Mein Kampf territory.

The hate against normal Americans is both funny and scary.


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I have long believed -- or maybe it was merely hope -- that this would have a "Devil and Daniel Webster" type of ending. Where the jury of the worst men of American history for a moment departed from their malefactor ways and were men once more after Webster finished his presentation on behalf of Jabez Stone.

Sasha, you wrote a mouthful here:

So many foolishly believed that Biden’s election would mean it would stop. Oh, how wrong they were. It just became official government policy.

Thank you, Ms. Stone, for your sense of right and wrong.

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I couldn’t finish listening to those two douchewads authoring the book. What a crock of demagoguery. And of course our favorite oracle of truth. Al Sharpton is there to verify the ultimate truth of their works. The more I hear the MSM jabber endlessly about how wrong my existence is the more I want to see them all completely buttfkd by a total Trump and GOP face stomping.

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Great writing and introspection as always.

I have to laugh because Alien was on TV today and I watched it start to finish after not seeing it for many years. There are no coincidences. What a dark, dreary, depressing movie to watch on a Saturday morning. Aprapos for this timeline though - and also 1979 when it came out. I have a feeling like 1980 is right around the corner...

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

Alas, Sasha Stone, you end with a clip of Nina Simone but forgot the punchline:

when Kamala Harris was Attorney General in California, she bumped Nina Simone's family from administering her estate and named herself Trustee. It took her only a few weeks to transfer $2M from Nina Simone's estate to her personal account and to slap a gag order on Nina Simone's family.

That's right, the same Kamala Harris that is now VP. Deep State and then some.



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