The deplatforming of that poor man’s video is absurd. That was a reasonable, earnest, in good faith attempt to start a conversation. I tried to comment on the rumble link but think it must be a developing technology. Thank you for posting and for the excellent primer on what fascism really is.

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Critical thinking amongst the proles represents an existential threat to the State and will not be tolerated.

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Why the hell doesn’t this have 500 likes? Is there anybody who articulates as clearly and forcefully as Sasha the hazards of the current moment?

All of you who nursed, cultivated, massaged and refined your public displays of contempt for those of your fellow citizens who voted “incorrectly” in 2016: does the suppression of this video not shake your certainty that the elected president - despite his contemptible attempt to stay in office after losing the election, easily swatted aside by our durable constitutional system - was actually the greatest hazard our system faced? It’s really time to wake up. If some coach in wherever he is can have a video like that suppressed than so can whatever you have to say be suppressed. Wake up.

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My thoughts, exactly.

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Substack is an absolute treasure trove of information, original opinion, deep thought, and enlightened and engaged commentary. Unfortunately it still flies under the radar of a leviathan Media-Industrial Complex. You have to seek it out and select your own set of Stacks in which to consume and engage.

As always with people, there are those who see the rewards in this and are willing to put in the effort to stay informed (and constantly question their own beliefs). Then there are those who open their phones, empty their minds of any lingering shreds of independent thought, download pre-programmed points of view from some mass media propaganda outlet, and go about their meaningless day regurgitating it as unassailable gospel. The next day they forget all about it and download a new set of shibboleths to embrace. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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One of the great disasters is how the government and the medical community were unwilling to speak up about the vaccine test results. When more people die in the vaccinated group than the unvaccinated group is a data point that should have been public knowledge and discussed. When 44% of pregnant women in the test group lost their child during testing should have been mentioned a year ago not weeks ago.

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Agreed. And I think this is one of the key issues right now that is beginning to seep through the Reality Distortion Field. The government and Big Pharma can no longer deny the reality of both the dangers and ineffectiveness of the jabs. Yet the social media platforms are still engaging in blatant censorship. Some will wake up, others will roll over and put the pillow over their heads.

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Hi Frank. My understanding is that the best data we have does not show that either of these two things is true (more deaths of trial participants in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated groups and 44% of vaccinated pregnant women in the test group lost their child). In fairness, I can’t tell you what I think the actual numbers are or provide any kind of link to back up my general impression. It does seem that you are familiar with the research results. Can you post a link or two that show the basis for these claims? If your data is valid these are incredibly important things for people to know, so having persuasive original sources really matters. Thanks!

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21 minutes in the guest speaks about 80% of the women who were continued to be followed during the Pfzier trials lost their babies. Somewhere else I saw the 44% number. The data continues to get worse with death rates rising above the average and accelerating in all groups. https://drdrew.com/2023/in-undercover-video-pfizer-director-admits-concerning-mrna-effects-on-womens-reproduction-w-dr-naomi-wolf-ask-dr-drew/

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You are probably right, but greatchanges can begin in small ways. Lexington Green, i.e.

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I wonder how that would have turned out if King George had the equivalent of the FBI, Social Media, and "fact checkers" at his disposal?

Fact Check: A group of Colonists engaged a squadron of British Regulars and stood their ground, suffering only minimal casualties.

FALSE. No British troops were stationed anywhere near the town of Lexington during April of 1775.

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Fact Check: Is the above Fact-check correct?

FALSE. Fact checker is a former Twitter executive who meets regularly with DHS.

Fact Check: Is the above correct?

FALSE. Fact checker is not an executive but just a very nice former director of "safety" at Twitter who is concerned about terrorist activities at public hearings. He wishes safety for all Americans.

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Substack is a great place for its content, but its GUI sucks absolutely. It is so difficult to log in, and once logged in so difficult to find articles to read. Looks like the system architecture's degree is in political science and not in computer science.

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Important to remember that fascism is always a movement of the ruling class - the academic purges are the clearest sign of who the fascists are in our time.

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The left is completely oblivious to its own hegemony. And it projects like a m-fer.

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Whatever the Left claims the rest of us are up to is usually tipping their hand. So when we hear Democrat after Democrat claim that the Republicans are out to "end democracy," I kinda get a feeling of what the Dems' real plans are ...

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Another fantastic piece by Sasha that cuts to the heart and soul of the matters she chooses to speak out about. Every time I read her latest, I ask - Where the hell did she come from?

The suppression of my fellow American's video renewed my mission to de-FAANG my life. Google/YouTube truly is the new evil empire. (But then I ordered a used copy of Pendulum through Amazon.)

We have to hit them where it hurts and only money talks. That is why our family has only bought Pepsi products since the day Woke-Coke came out against the Georgia election integrity legislation that triggered the move of the All-Star baseball game from Atlanta to Denver.

(One picky error, however: The Fourth Turning was published 10 years before that stated above - 1997, not 2007, making its prognostications even more prescient.)

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I enjoy your essays so much Sasha. I feel like you being a former Dem gives added credibility and force to your unique perspective. I gifted a one month sample to a friend and extended it to a year today. I will be gifting others I'm sure.

Are you an H.L. Mencken fan by any chance? One of his great quotes seems apropos to where we are now: "The worst government is the most moral. One composed of cynics is often very tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression"

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Favorite H.L. Mencken quote: “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”

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Sasha you are spot on, amazingly insightful and a joy to read. Keep them coming and thank you so much.

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Your writing is amazing. I've enjoyed every one of your articles. Not just because of the great content but because you write so beautifully.

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This is extraordinary reporting. Upgrading to a paid subscription.

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Me too!

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Where does the "inevitable indictment" come from, corporate media? It's the first time I hear about it. A crime is committed only if there is an intent to commit it. And I have a feeling, there is no intent when movers screw up. But at this point anything can be expected from the DOJ.

I very much hope that 2023 is going to be the year of We, the People. 2020 was the year of We, the Mass Formation (Mattias Desmet) but the spell is wearing out. With the Left's obsession with Trump they completely miss the point that the populist uprising isn't about him. He was only one of the crystallization points and they want to shut him down like they shut down churches in 2020, any place where people meet and talk uncontrolled by Big Tech. But they can't stop the movement which is as diverse as it gets, including politically, left, right and center. People are waking up realizing that the government and the media don't work for them. They run for school boards, local and federal government positions (obviously, for partisan positions, they run either as Republican or Independent). They show up for legislative meetings and stop bad bills. They sue the government. They raise funds. They spread the word despite heavy censorship. They're not afraid. We have to win this war.

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" birth of this new woke industrial complex, a new force a new Leviathan"

Florida's Gov Ron DeSantis has shown how easily woke corporations fold when confronted.

Their thin bullying facade doesn't last long. Today we can truly be grateful for our Federal Republic that allows some power to be distributed among the states.

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It’s sad, the Democratic Party was one of the great institutions of empowerment and opportunity that ever existed. It’s now morphed into a tool for elite interests that makes nick biddels bank look like a piker.

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Ummmmm the Democrat party was the party of slavery. Why it does not get disposed of like the many statues is a wonder.

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The left warns us constantly, on the verge of hysteria, about what MIGHT happen or what the right might do. They have no time to examine what they themselves actually DO. Self reflection would cut into their time for hysteria.

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Sasha I wish you wouldn't say things like Trump is facing an inevitable indictment with such certainty. I enjoy your articles and you make great points about the absurdity of the attacks on Trump's character asking, do you think the speaker of the House would have ripped up a speech if standing behind a fascist? In some of your writings you feel you have to say you don't like Trump or would never vote for him. I just cringe every time someone says that, after all the hell Americans have had to live through with Obama and Biden. Polite society has blown it because of their willful blindness to the evil that has infiltrated America.

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Trump is finished. 77% of voters (per Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles polls) prefer DeSantis over Trump. No point on hanging to a sinking ship. Switch while you can. Trump just emboldens the Democrats and they know very well how to block his administration. Trump too clumsy to take on the Wokester behemoth.

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Trump is far from a sinking ship. Have you ever seen one of his rallies recently? The problem with DeSantis is that he isn't running. Oh I like him too but I ❤️ Trump. I thank him for everything he's gone through for Americans. I like Walsh & Knowles too. Trump took on the swamp rats and the rhinos and they still can't get over him. They just won't leave him alone, he's that much of a threat.

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I recently began supporting you on substack, withholding judgement. worth every penny. I will spread the word as best I can.

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Another very good piece. My one concern is the idea that it's up to the Republicans to fix things. The Democrats are every way a massive failure, but I just don't think the Republicans will offer much, except their version of flirting with absolute power. The Jan. 6th committee will quickly become the Hunter Biden committee, and the FBI will raid his home, or even Joe Biden's home. And like the Democrats, they'll spend all of their time persecuting their political enemies instead of, you know, crafting or implementing smart legislation.

I happen to have roots in what are probably the two polar opposite ideological, and economic, states of the US (a major east coast hub and the deepest of the deep south). And my families are devotees of their respective tribes, via their Fox News or MSNBC intake.

A close, and normally fairly intelligent, member of my "MSNBC family" was convinced after the 2020 election that Trump should be jailed without citing any definitive charge, which was chilling and terrifying. Around that same time, I was talking to a close "Fox News family" member and he was decrying the "cancellation" of conservatives and heterodox thinkers. He brought up the McCarthy era, and I said "yes, this does have some similarities," and he corrected me and said he thought it should be brought back: that kids who identify as "socialists" or "communists" should be put on trial for thought crimes. And I know he didn't come up with that shit by himself. Look, I think a lot of these kids are really dumb, and mostly not fully-formed (and not actually on the left), but I don't think anyone should be fired or jailed, or in any way punished, for their political ideas, no matter how daft.

Most Republicans don't want to try to reset the "pendulum" back in the land of sanity; they want to swing it as far into their camp as they can, and permanently control it, with their slightly different brand of insanity. I think breaking the two-party system is really the only solution here, and concerned people should do what they can to open up the playing field to stop this insane two-party madness.

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Why investigate Biden and his son? That is the scandal, we have had proof of their crimes for years and the FBI has failed to act? Having child porn and actual bribes going to the big man are real not fantasy. Of course the left has been trying to create a crime to attach to Trump for years.

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I completely agree. Would be nice if we could get a viable 3rd party that combines the best aspects of the left and right.

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I talk to people from all over the map politically, and as wildly polarized as we seem to be (and are), it's astounding that almost everyone, deep down, wants essentially the same things.

When people can step out of their insane partisan boxes for even a minute, you'll almost always find decent, reasonable, thoughtful folks on most issues. Is it maybe in the two dumb parties favor to keep everyone seething with anger about meaningless culture war issues all the time, so we can't see the real problems, thereby making sure that nothing can meaningfully change?

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