
As I have said often; America today is much closer to pre war Germany than we are to ourselves. We've seen nothing like this in our history.

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America is close to post rise and fall of the roman empire. Also post rise and fall of Constantinople. Let me see. Uhh.... Post rise and fall of the ancien regime. Post rise and fall of the aztec empire. Post rise and fall of the Comanche. Uhh......duhh....

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Hmmm, pre-Boshevik Revolution, pre-Russian Revolution.

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On target. Biden is a pathological liar and has been for decades.

If I watch it live, it will probably be Trump's live fact-checking.

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I made it through about 20 minutes. I couldn't take any more of the hate he and his party present. Boy are they angry.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Neil, you are missing all the Democrats wrapped in Blue & Yellow Ukraine colors. One old D Rep even had the Ukraine flag wrapped around his neck.

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That's about as long as I lasted. :)

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Mark and all, suggest you watch it without someone else telling you how to think. I’m a full on Trump supporter. But I also like to interpret for myself, first time.

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May God have mercy on you. ;)

I have issues with my temper. So I doubt I could handle it well. I am recording it however.

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😂😂😂 I’m usually not into watching these but I’m watching this like some watch NASCAR… for the crashes. Will he stumble in walk or speech. What kind of drugs is he on?

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There is always the White House transcript. They pick up every stumble.

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There is always the White House transcript. They pick up every stumble.

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that's rich, having Trump fact checking something

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Beats the Hell out of Lyin Biden.

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oh yeah, because Trump is a fountain of truth !

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I prefer promotional exaggeration to bald-faced lies. :)

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is that like alternative facts?

"there's a sucker born every minute" PT Barnum

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Dave, you & LeB live on delusions. The alternative facts came from “your side,” the liars cheaters in the FBI CIA who completely turned truth into lies ( Russiagate) so go the FUCK away. I’m so sick of idiots who still believe all of the lies of the MSM and government. Will you ever reach a point where you are actually embarrassed that you believe what the government tells you? You are like the Germans who quietly ignored Hitler’s ovens. You are disgusting that you go along with it because if you are even remotely intelligent, you can see the truth.

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I have another saying for you. "Quit while you are ahead."

Good evening.

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The agents of chaos were in full command during the riots of 2020. I doubt if many Republicans were burning down buildings, looting businesses, and cheering on the autonomous zones in our cities. But let's all hold hands and pretend it never happened.

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It will happen again if Trump is successful. Perhaps more violent in scope than the last time.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

I know, we need to be thinking many steps ahead, it's a chess game, because when they unleash the Antifa types and the guards called in, Natonal media we'll scream Dictator or some other BS.

What do they have planned if Trump wins? We need to war room that and have a rapid response team at the ready.

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Open the gates to the capital and let the world see what Dems have become. It's just a building.

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Add to your very accurate comments that Biden has created a black hole in the commercial real estate markets and many small or medium size banks ans small and mediul size businesses will be sucked into this black hole. Fed Chairman Powell finally acknowledged that today. Biden will talk about how he cares about the middle class. I am angry at such ignorance and hypocrisy and I cry for our country.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

I liked Gurri's piece until he talked about agents of chaos in the GOP.

If he means Trump and his followers I disagree.

Sitting down here in Mexico City I do definitely see my native country disintegrating at alarming speed.

The words of WB Yeats, "And what rough beast?" keep going through my mind.

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I think he means it in a good way.

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Great poem by Yeats.

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Okay you had me at “My thoughts are” followed by all red meat.

I believe Biden’s speech will be fairly predictable. It will be filled with blaming others, touting unacknowledged achievements, and several outright lies.

What are the odds he’ll say any of the following:

“As a Biden”

“My dad had an expression”

“My son Beau”


“Honest to God”

“No lie”

“I’m serious”

“It’s no joke”

“Look folks”

“Democracy is at stake”

“The greatest existential threat”

I’ll probably be flipping the channels and tune in as much as I can tolerate driven by the feeling of morbid curiosity similar to when you’re driving by a road accident.

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Oops Jim you forgot “lying dog-faced pony soldier”

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I was prepared for all that. I was not prepared for the endless screaming. He was nuts.

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You called it Jim. What a partisan speech !

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

I am not an American - I am Australian but I follow US politics because freedom of speech even in attenuated form and my ability to live my life with some fragments of liberty to engage in the pursuit of "happiness" and well-being (materially and mentally) for myself and those I love will be gone from the world as a whole once America terminally loses the tattered remnants of government of the people, by the people, for the people.

The mere thought of watching or listening to this year's SOTU speech fills me with dread. I wont be watching it - I will just look for some commentary from my own trusted sources.

I think the SOTU will be peak gaslighting from TPTB aimed at demoralising people who still want to live as citizens of a free and sovereign nation not as subjects/serfs/minions in a totalitarian global dictatorship.

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Down under, mate. LOL!

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

"He is puny, unworthy, stupid, and petty." Add greedy, envious, corrupt... self-destructive.

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stop talking about the Orange Messiah that way !!

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America has a big problem, but it is not Biden - he is just a symptom; maybe just a distraction. Does anyone really think that Biden is making policy?

The government (Trump) needs to solve (4) basic problems - the border / immigration laws; election integrity; censorship; and last, but not least, over-spending.

I think that the American people can & will resolve most of the rest of our real problems, to include: transitioning kids, DEI-CRT, abortion, teachers unions, law & order, homelessness, etc. - it may take awhile, but we can do it. Foreign affairs will always be there to deal with. Climate change is just the current flavor of political scam, & one of many distractions.

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A sane reponse for sure.

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Yeah. We're toast.

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I'm gonna watch and play SOTU bingo. Every time he says MAGA, or any other of his idiotic buzzwords, or lies, I'm taking a shot of bourbon. I figure I'll be plastered no more than 10m into the speech.

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I’m pouring myself a glass of 4 Roses now. I expect to have to refill !

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I also had Four Roses Small Batch.

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I can't watch...getting over a stomach virus and will not subject myself to more 'illness' :(

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Democrat party...not Democratic Party. A huge difference.

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So true, they cleverly renamed the Democrat party the DEMOCRATIC party so that, what's the opposite? The UN-democrat Republican party lol....It's If the Glove doesn't fit, we must acquit territory.

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'art comedic' is an anagram of democratic. Suits them nowadays.

Then there's 'crime octad'. Octad is eight as opposed to triad which is three. Must be a lot worse then. :)

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I read yesterday it called the "Hate of The Union" speech.

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Now it's the "Fate of the Union".

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It's Poopy Pants Joe's farewell tour.

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While Biden and his minions are scum, that isn't the main problem. The problem is that half the country approves of the scum.

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I bet you it’s going to be the republicans fault that the border is wide open.

Oh and he won’t mention Laken Riley.

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He did mention Lincoln Riley, coach of USC

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of course its the republicans fault - they wouldn't pass the foreign spending bill that would throw pennies at the problem! Funny that Trump didn't need acts of congress to shut the border.

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I tried to steel myself and tried to watch it. After around 20 minutes , I couldn’t stand anymore.

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You were not alone--that's why President Biden didn't do himself any favor with his performance. Those Rush Limbaugh "Low Information Voter" who might have tuned in would have been as put off as you. Read: Election 2024 Rush Limbaugh Low Information Voters and SOTU and the Low Information Voter at danbutterfield.substack.com

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I don't dare even watch. I find the man (Biden) so utterly repulsive.

Some on our side have said they feel sorry for him, given his obvious cognitive issues.

I don't. Feel soory for him.

He is vile, venal, vicious, and almost preternatually corrupt.

He deserves his humiliation.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

I believe we are in a post-democratic era where the outward forms of democracy are used by string pullers to persuade us that the system still works.

The state of the union speech is one of the features of that rickety old structure. It's one of those times when the usual suspects put on their false personas and pretend that the system established by the founders still works.

Many Americans realize that they are being deceived and degraded by their elected officials.

Many more people, however, keep believing. They are the ones who eagerly complied with the idiot Covid edicts. They may not be reachable.

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Biden portrays himself as a nice guy but the truth is he's a jerk.

I saw that first-hand when I covered him in the Iowa caucuses.

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"I believe we are in a post-democratic era where the outward forms of democracy are used by string pullers to persuade us that the system still works."

I think you are correct. The question I have is, when did it start? When they cheated in 2020? How about when Bush II was given the Presidency by the Supreme Court? Or was in when Nixon got booted? Or when someone killed Kennedy?

Maybe it's been like this for decades, but we're only just now learning about it because the mainstream media has lost its grip on the US citizenry. In practical terms, and you suggest this, it really doesn't matter. We're dealing with a criminal elite that has no compunction doling out any abuse necessary to maintain power.

I'll be shocked if we have a clean election in November.

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In a sense it doesn't matter whether elections are honest because the people who get nominated by the two parties are cut from the same cloth, so to speak.

So after the dust clears, we always wind up with a president committed to pleasing oligarchs through endless wars and the deliberate worsening of life for the 99 percent.

Someone, I forget who, said, If elections changed anything they'd make them illegal.

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You're not wrong, but we're not in Kansas anymore. We've been riding the tornado through bizarro world ever since Trump was elected in 2016. It's not a two-party game any more.

I'd ask you to consider if this year's election fits the mold you are describing; essentially the quadrennial kabuki theater of competing parties where we cheer for a winner. Doesn't matter who you vote for, the rich win. If elections mattered, we wouldn't be allowed to vote. It's all bread and circuses. Etc.

Trump is not really a Republican. McConnell hates him. Romney hates him. He called McCain a loser. The Bush family despises him and funded DeSantis. The Koch brothers funded Haley's candidacy. Even the RNC was playing hardball till he clinched the nomination 3 days ago.

I get that Trump doesn't really care about the middle class. He's a grifter. These are reasonable criticisms. Whether Trump is sincere or not isn't the point. The point is that his game is to point at the elite and make fun of them for the entertainment of the masses. And sell gold sneakers. This kind of behavior is not allowed. Trump has0 to go, and the lawfare efforts are failing miserably.

I'll rephrase my original comment about a clean election to: I'll be shocked if we have a regular election in 2024. I expect Trump to be sidelined somehow. I expect Haley to pull the Republican nomination, and Newsom (or Whitmer) to take the Democratic nomination after Biden steps aside "due to health concerns." To the uniparty elite, either Haley or Newsom or Whitmer would be perfectly acceptable players on the 2024 election stage.

But then they'll also have to deal with RFK, Jr. Which is why I won't be surprised to see some sort of national Emergency announced, perhaps this summer, and an official halt to the elections.

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I like Trump and I hope he is elected if only to drive the haters around the bend.

But he wouldn't do any of the things that need to be done to reorient the country in a better direction. He's a protest candidate and little more.

I also suspect that the Biden administration will find a way to cancel the election. Those people have too much to hide, like the Stasi in East Germany after the wall fell.

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I like the cut of your jib, Sir.

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I won't watch but as long as he makes it through without falling down or soiling himself, it will be hailed as a great speech and proof that he is in charge and ready to take on Orange Man.

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He's going to soil himself. There's no doubt about that. Of course he access to the finest diapers courtesy of of NASA and Space Force.

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Hey Sasha,

When are you going on Tucker? Or for that matter Lex’s or Triggernometry podcasts?

You have a great story.

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Sasha's going to have her own show where other celebrities beg to come one.

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Many of us are bored with watching Poopy Pants Joe stumble around and attempt to read his script. The crowd with jump out of their seats from time-to-time to show the MSM that they support having more illegals in our nation than there are citizens in Chicago. To make it more interesting and fun, log on to the Washington Examiner's website and download the STATE OF THE UNION BINGO playing card.

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I find it counterproductive to elevate my blood pressure any higher than it already is, so I will just read the highlights tomorrow. Biden is going to be so jacked up on drugs that he will probably make it through the speech without making any cringe-inducing gaffes…and that is OK. I WANT him to make it through so that the Democrat base thinks that Biden is truly up to the task of facing Trump. Which he is not.

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Don't pop a hemi.

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I think Sasha has just coined a brilliant term: Cold Civil War.

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Spot on description of our selected POS president. He has lied and plagiarized for his whole political career and should be charged with treason if ever an impeachment was warranted.

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I see some of the Democrats dressed without their hoods.

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Somebody tell the GOP to start having a PRE-BUTTAL to the DEM SOTU address instead of a rebuttal. We could SO prep the audience about the lies they are about to hear, plus get a bigger audience. Win-Win.

We're all tired to tears by the end of the SOTU address....rebuttals have a minor audience.


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Haha GREAT idea 😂

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My impression is that "misinformation" and "disinformation" refer to things they hate that might or might not be false, while "malinformation" refers to things they hate that are undeniably true. That last one is truly sinister: it amounts to "Only statements that advance the movement should be "allowed".

It seems that "allowed" long ago became their favorite word. So much for "liberty". But liberty has led to ... "White Supremacy." Everybody knows that!

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I can only imagine the cocktail of drugs they are currently pumping into him to make him stand up straight and not drop or go off script.

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Time released microdoses of hallucinogenic.

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I can’t watch a dementia patient pretend to know what he’s saying in his speech tonight. His handlers are destroying America while we watch and do nothing.

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Agreed. I just got a text from the queen of word salad this afternoon asking me for money to help the libs after the trouncing they recieved on Super Tuesday. This is gonna get very interesting!

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"The Queen of Word Salad"? Is that Kamala Harris?

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You got that right! I'm watching our stumbler in chief tell lie after lie after lie and those stupid democrats clap after ever single one of them and the silly queen of word salad has gotten more exercise in the last 60+ minutes standing up and sitting down after every lie he tells than she has gotten as vp in 3+ year now That's the Truth!

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I think I’m going to enjoy a good bourbon and listen to some music instead of watching the SOTU

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What music are going to listen to? A little Techno?

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Actually listening to the Stones- Black and Blue. 1976 classic

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After watching the real Joe Biden - angry, bullying, screaming - I now understand why his children turned to drugs and alcohol to escape their torture.

But it's not just Joe - it is the Democrat party. He is a near perfect personification of them.

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The Democrats and their media allies have done a masterful job of painting Joe Biden as this nice guy from Scranton. The reality is that he is just a nasty, vicious awful human being. Just find old video clips of him from the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings and see the look of delight on his face as they plot to destroy him. It wasn’t just pragmatic. He truly enjoyed it. he really is an awful person

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I tried to listen, just to find something that someone could like about that lying, perverted, dumb as dirt, sniveling good for nothing waste of skin, but all I wanted to do was cry. I had to turn it off or I would have just had to turn off the road and sob.

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LOL, I’ve turned into a Prog.

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I can understand about half the words he’s saying.

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the photo of Vegetable-Criminal-Judas Joe at the top of this article is ... HYSTERICAL!

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“Spin of the Union”

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Biden and Harris had little primary support in 2020 and therefore have no base and no real support.

Katie Britts response was feckless at best and represents the GOPe.

Trumps response was outstanding. As he has proven his whole life not defined by a corrupt media - a real leader.

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While agreeing with you on principle, I didn’t view the SOTU. I wouldn’t give it a pair of minutes of my time.

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I don’t either, I am listening to my radio shows talking about it. :-D

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Gotcha; I’m in the War Room, myself.

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You are wise to do so :-D

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Thanks 👍🏼

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The Liar in Chief is in rare form....hardly missing a beat on this speech that someone wrote for him.

If his mouth is moving.......

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Wow what’s up with taking selfies with the corpse? 😂😂😂😂

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Let's call it what it is; the Radical Democrats State of Delusion.

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Maybe blocking the motorcade will be an excuse to not have him give speech and be seen as retard.

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Wouldn’t it be something if the president actually gave an inspiring speech?

With carefully considered words of wisdom?

Instead of a blab-a-thon cobbled together by a bunch of Ivy League speech-writers, who exist in a privileged, monied coven.

And so this president - along with most of those of the recent half-century - come off as ward-heelers listing the handouts & pork lined up for their constituents.

Speech-writers?!?!! ✍️ What a lowbrow, tawdy crock of shit.

I mean, could you imagine Abraham Lincoln needing speech-writers?

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A lot of you will want to put Sloppy Joes on the menu tonight so here's the secret recipe.

Heat up some grease in a good pan. Add aromatic vegetables to the hot grease and stir and stir. After a little while add some ground meat and smoosh it all together. Add salt and pepper. Continue to smoosh and stir until meat is brown and granular. Grab a plastic squeeze bottle of ketchup and let it rip. The same for mustard if you got it. Think of other things to throw into the mixture such as dried herbs and spices. Douse it with something like Worchester, tabasco, or soy sauce. Immerse the mixture in a cup or two of your finest wine, reduce heat and simmer until thick.

When thickened, serve between the two halves of a sliced bun. Poor meat mixture over the bottom half first, top with Velveeta and sliced gherkins, and then crown it with the top half.

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Biden is clearly only a tool of Obama's crew. Trump is a megalomaniac with only a passing grasp of the issues. Take your pic, no serious leadership will emerge from this farce of an election.

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Clear? Really? Not the lest bit concealed but flagrant? No opacity but plain and clear as you like. Do you have examples.? What's your smoking gun?

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Which gun would you like to see, Boogie? Following Obama's orders, Victoria Nuland led the CIA and the State Department to take over Kiev ten years ago. Now Mini-Obama is trying to turn Russia into another Libya. The natives of Haiti are demanding that the USA stop interfering in their nation and you can be certain that Israel has no desire to take orders from the 3rd Obama administration.

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Thank you, Sasha, for your vulnerability and honesty. Love listening to you read your postings.

I think Gurri gets this wrong when he wrote, "Once it crumbles, the agents of chaos will be in command, as they have been for some time in the Republican Party."

The agents of chaos in the Republican Party are the Tea Party, and they are hardly smitten with the likes of Mitch McConnel, Nikki Haley, and war criminals Bush/Cheney.

The Democratic Party, as I see it, is composed of Reagan/Bush neocon Republicans, Clinton/Obama/Biden neoliberals, 'educated' labor unions (think Randi Weingarten), 'credentialed' managers, a hodge-podge of racial and sexual identity minority groups, faux think tanks and NGO propaganda launderers), the Cabinet Department Leaders (Myorkas, Buttigieg, Garland, etc), big-tech FANG, and self-identifying Republicans who support the likes of Nikki Haley and Mitch McConnell. Basically, everyone who voted for Biden in 2020.

The Tea Party is the other party, and they seem to like Trump as their President. Unlike the Republicans, who exist only in kabuki opposition to Democrats (did you notice Speaker Johnson nodding along with all of Biden's Ukraine propaganda in the SOTU?), the Tea Party is a represents a true populist uprising. They feel pride in citizenship. They don't expect help. They are unafraid of and respect hard work. They don't blame others for their failures. They expect clear and fair rules and bristle when others take unfair advantage. They have philosophical concern for suffering in far off lands, but they don't personalize it and don't take responsibility for it. They don't concern themselves with what Ukranians want, or with illegal economic migrants, or with how Putin runs Russia. They notice that Japan and China are homogeneous ethnicities, suspicious of outsiders and they get it. They care about their children, their future, their schools, their jobs, their local community. Man of them voted for Obama thinking they'd get healing, but found elite hostility toward whites. They rationally and reasonably feel under attack. Trump is the only politician willing to pretend to care about them. I say pretend, because Trump is an obvious flimflam man, but the ruling elite hate him and that is good enough for many of us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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All but the very dense are sensing that something big is going on in the world today and it isn't good. The world is rushing toward the culmination of history as we know it. Stay close to Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel.

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I'm sure the raves Biden's getting for the SOTU and the epic dragging Katie's high school play energy is getting on social media has you positively seething today. :)

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Author

It would if I didn't see them as propagandists and liars. So it just makes me feel sad. What I see are people like you, sadists who have nothing except the tiny bit of joy you get from hurting other people. You have convinced yourselves that you are somehow morally superior and so everything and anything goes. Yet, you can't see beyond your own seething hatred, Jeremy. You are prepared to go along with sticking this country with a man whose brain is clearly fried just to drag him over the finish line and fake-pretend President Kamala. If you think that means the party has a bright future, you have another think coming. You might win in 2024 but so what? Look at all that you've destroyed. Look at your sad little world of terrible films, teenagers with their reproductive organs carved out, phantom breasts that can't feed babies, a third world of poverty getting worse by the minute just hidden from view of people like you. JUST GIVE ME JOE SCARBOROUGH AND RACHEL MADDOW you bleat.

I am new to the realization that the media is a propaganda machine for the Democrats. So yes, it does make me feel bad. But worse is to turn around and look back at the people I used to think were good and kind and had the best intentions for the future of this country, people like you Jeremy. To see the rot in your souls, the deep hatred for people with no power. That hurts most of all.

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Wow, that's a lot of words. Too bad they don't actually have any grounding in reality.

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AW is that you can muster little Jeremy?

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Damn I would not want to get on your wrong side! Reminds me of Princess Bride scene of Westley to Prince Humperdinck: “It’s possible, Pig, I might be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable, vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand.”

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People have been predicting the death of the Democratic Party since 1972. Even after this Biden fiasco it will probably remain afloat. I have no idea why, but nothing seems to be able to destroy it. Frankly, the RP isn't that much more useful. Trump and Ramaswamy have made gains despite it.

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We're in a transformational moment, though, with RFK, Jr. and the No Labels. It is very like the early days of the last Civil War. America deciding what it wants to be.

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