The Supreme Court Rules President Immune for "Official Acts"
Sends the case back to the lower court
This news is just breaking, with Andy McCarthy and Jonathan Turley on Fox News announcing:
I do not know enough about this to offer any better explanations than the above. Still, it means he has limited immunity from prosecution for official acts but no immunity from unofficial acts.
I guess now the question will be what qualifies as an official act.
The big win for Trump is that the case won’t go forward until after the election, which is why all of the ruling elites on the Left are losing their minds over it, proving that all they really care about is the 2024 election, not justice.
Here is NBC’s narrative-shaping headline:
From the Daily Wire:
NY Times cover:
Here is a link to the decision.
I will spare you the mass hysteria tweets by people like John Dean and Eric Holder.
Here is a tweet thread of someone I trust.
Meanwhile, Trump has opened up a 5 point lead by a reliable polster:
So if that holds, Trump wins both the EC and the popular vote.
Not sure I trust the polls ...wasn't Hillary supposed to win by 93%, and what about that red wave in 2022 that turned into a red trickle? And finally, Trumps only 5.2% up? Who the hell would vote for a man with dementia or some other malady? who's running the country...? wtf
So I clicked on the video link you provided, which took me to YouTube, a Google property. An ad started, pitching some product for children. I clicked the skip button and a second ad started with Kamala Harris pitching for early donations to their campaign. Hit skip again and got the CNN read on the ruling, which focused on Sotomayor's dissenting opinion, with talking heads to explain how this is the end of the world as we know it. Only by returning to the post and clicking again did I get the Fox News clip that you linked to. I stopped trusting Google for search a long time ago, but I thought YouTube was still legit after you wade through the ads. This incident suggests there is a big red button like a fire alarm inside Google. The inscription may read "In case of accidental truth release, break glass."