Not sure I trust the polls ...wasn't Hillary supposed to win by 93%, and what about that red wave in 2022 that turned into a red trickle? And finally, Trumps only 5.2% up? Who the hell would vote for a man with dementia or some other malady? who's running the country...? wtf

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We at least know Joe is not running much between the hours of 4:01pm to 9:59am. These being the sundowner hours, per his own White House aides.


That to me is enough to warrant invoking the 25th Amendment. That process has to begin from his inner Cabinet. If they won’t do it, House needs to start immediate hearings to bring even more pressure. IMO, the system needs to be upheld, even if outcome is Harris as POTUS. If not, why have the 25th Amendment?

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Invoke the 25th now!

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Newsome/Obama ticket in 2024 with Newsome suddenly having his own cognitive issues leaving Big Mike in charge. 😉


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If Obama says that, what is Jill going to do? Is it not true that Obama is "large and in charge" of the Demo Party?

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I’ve seen no evidence Obama is in charge, just conjecture. This is why the House must call for immediate hearings and ask these questions loudly for the cameras. The House should also have its Sergeant-at-Arms arrest AG Garland for not handing over Hur audio tape interview of Biden. Citizens deserve to hear that, now more than ever. Biden should also immediately subject himself to cognitive dementia testing.

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If Obama, who Demos regard as a veritable Living God, says "We should invoke the 25th Amendment", are Demos going to say no to that? I don't see that happening.

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If Obama were to take that position, then there would be a process where Joe steps down voluntarily, rather than have his legacy be forced Constitutional removal. It’s ‘pursuit’ and threat of the 25th that is the point though. The self-removal result then occurs before that Amendment is actually invoked.

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Big Mike tells Bama what’s what.

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I admit that you have succeeded in befuddling me: who is "Big Mike"?

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Hey David, search “Big Mike Meme” and I think you’ll laugh. 😂

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For the most part, the "rippling" of the Red Wave was limited to states that had very close and hyped-up elections. Increase in interest leads to increase in turnout, which always ups the Demo vote. The idea that abortion was the key is more wrong than right.

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But Trump beat the polls on Election Day significantly in 2016 and 2020. I think that the claim that Trump supporters don’t trust pollsters is the cause and it still exists. The 2022 polls were mostly accurate and the red wave was mostly hype.

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I trust Nate Silver, and so far, he has Biden with a 35% chance of winning. That was pre-debate.

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Well, at the moment, Jill is steering this boat. Comforting, huh?

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The Shadow Government is running the country, who takes orders from the Elite; all under supervision of Israel.

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I agree with you up until the Israel part. This admisnistration aka Shadow Gov't did give money to Iran ( who sponsors terrorists) and is withholding bunker busting bombs that detroy terrorist tunnels to aid Israels efforts (to destroy Hamas) as I understand it.

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Agreed. Not sure why this person posits that Israel supervises America. They are an ally, and also have a strong lobby in our government. But beyond that gets into antisemitic territory that I reject.

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They believe they are effectively shrouding anti-semitism in an Anti-Zionist cover.

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And Leslie, for you my dear, a cognitive Trump Derangement Syndrome test can be administered.

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Jul 1
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The Democratic Party is using the courts to persecute its political opponent. Additionally, they are engaged is suppression of speech AND tried to remove their opponent from State ballots. Now the country has seen the Democrats with help from State Media have LIED to America for 4 straight years on the cognitive health of POTUS and we stand here today not knowing who is calling the Executive branch shots from 4pm to 10am every day. And you want to talk about Trump tall tales at the debate? Are you mentally unstable or just forgot to swallow the red pill presented to you last Thursday night?

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I'd take that over Biden who was basically a vegetable and didn't even know where he was...

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This comment just about says all you need to know about the left. Let me guess… you’re worried that Trump is going to start/support wars and weaponize the justice system against his political opponents…. Compared to the guy in the White House who is actively doing it. I wouldn’t trust Biden with my remote control let alone with the nuclear codes.

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That's their theme, "Bidens a good , honest man and Trumps a con man" what BS. Please do tell the 50 lies Trump said....Yes, Trump exaggerates, "everyone wanted Roe overturned..." maybe evryone in his orbit but JOE says "No military were killed on his watch" or " The border's more secure" those are MAJOR lies. Bidens a liar, has always been one and he had to leave th 88' Presidential election because he lied about having 3 degrees and finishing top of class when he had 1 degree and was 76 out of 85 in his class. He also plagerized a UK speech. Google it. God help us. Look up left in the dictionary and it should say "Habitual liars and propangandists".

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I’d rather have a conman at the controls who knows how to use them over someone who can’t find the controls.

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Team Biden, at this point, is about as credible as Hamas when it comes to truth telling. Biden's performance in that debate was worse than I could ever have imagined at any time in history.

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You are only succeeding in showing your desperation. Why you continue to insist on doing so is a mystery.

You seem to believe you can deflect the issue here. No one will take your bait.

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So Team Biden said Trump lied during the debate? That’s a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black!

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Mediate? Yeah - they’re not biased. And I bet they were ‘surprised’ at Joe’s state at Thursday’s debate.

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So I clicked on the video link you provided, which took me to YouTube, a Google property. An ad started, pitching some product for children. I clicked the skip button and a second ad started with Kamala Harris pitching for early donations to their campaign. Hit skip again and got the CNN read on the ruling, which focused on Sotomayor's dissenting opinion, with talking heads to explain how this is the end of the world as we know it. Only by returning to the post and clicking again did I get the Fox News clip that you linked to. I stopped trusting Google for search a long time ago, but I thought YouTube was still legit after you wade through the ads. This incident suggests there is a big red button like a fire alarm inside Google. The inscription may read "In case of accidental truth release, break glass."

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If you subscribe, you can eliminate the ads on YouTube. I don’t know if it’s worth it, especially since one is supporting Google by doing that. But a lot of good content is on YouTube and focusing on it without being disrupted by ads is nice. Google is too powerful. I am surprised they got the green light to buy YouTube.

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I don’t understand how you go from being the Any info you need anytime any second people.

To deciding that any truth or realty needs to be blocked at all costs.

First. It is impossible.

Second. . It’s too much work. To learn later on that you are attempting the impossible.

They forgot to respect fundamentals and basic rules of nature and life. These basics cannot be changed. Or ignored. Or else you end up with what we’ve all been witnessing for years now. A strange attempt at taking over the world with no clue how.

And Still. They will keep pushing and failing.

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Very insightful.

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So the 3 dissenting judges apparently would have Obama prosecuted for murder due to the targeted drone strike killings of US citizens.

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Yes, this is why the SCOTUS ruling today is good for the entire country. It also ‘protects’ Biden as well once he leaves office.

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That’s a great way to put it👍


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I don’t think that’s right

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Given that the Cadaver in Chief has been senile since about a year after being crowned, does that mean he can be prosecuted since he has had no official acts for the past 30+ months (other than possibly protecting his druggie son)? So who gets that "presidential immunity"? Obama, his psycho wife?

This could get complicated.

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Very good point.

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I look forward to Trump winning and all those celebrities who said they would leave the USA going to France --- and finding Marine LePen in charge.

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That’s funny!

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I hear leftist heads exploding nationwide.

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Yes, it’s turning into a Broadway musical as I’m also still hearing the sound of a million shards raining down from the gaslight that shattered Thursday evening. It’s all going to start caving in on Democrats now. I just fear us normie’s are going to pay the price as knives are getting extra sharped in Beijing, Moscow, Tehran and Pyongyang.

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Matt, “ The Producers”. “Down and out producer Max Bialystock (Zero Mostel), who was once the toast of Broadway, trades sexual favors with old ladies for cash contributions. Max's new accountant Leo Bloom (Gene Wilder), offhandedly muses that if Max found investors for a new production that turned into a flop, he could legally keep all the extra money. The duo begins to put together the worst play possible, titled "Springtime for Hitler", with a terrible director and a hippie-freak star.”

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Yes, all those countries are going to push up their plans before Biden leaves office.

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😆’fraid you’re correct.

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Just a reminder for those who believe that Obama can't be prosecuted for murder: droning an American citizen without due process is still murder. Even if you were to claim that it had to be done to prevent an imminent attack (hard to make that case here, though), murdering an American citizen's child without due process is another matter altogether. Just remember, Dems/the Left started this game, so don't be surprised to see it come back to haunt them many times over...

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Guns to cartels.

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That's right - amazing how much sh!t we forget about when we're trying to bury the bad memories of the past...

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Glenn Greenwald is one of my top people I follow for what’s going on domestically and internationally. He says the democrats have been demonizing Trump for so long that they now totally believe their own bs lies about how monstrously evil Trump is, another Hitler, evil incarnate, therefore no matter how befuddled and lost Joe is he’s still far better than the devil Trump. I agree. That seems to be the only path they can follow, especially since they believe their own lies. Basically though, this means we lack a common reality, have no common truth or common understanding of the rule of law. This is just not working at all and simply cannot work. This is an impossible situation. This is why I believe only AI can save our sinking ship.

“Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Media Coverup Of Biden Age.” (10 min)

Breaking Points. Saagar interviews Glenn Greenwald. Jul 1, 2024


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Totally agree with Greenwald’s take. An honest psychiatrist or social psychologist would have to see the left’s Trump hysteria as some type of collective psychosis. They’ve manufactured a dangerous fantasy world based on their primeval terror of Donald Trump. Even worse, they’re using all their available levers of power to attempt to force the entire country into that world with them. It’s treacherous. I’ve never seen anything like this in America.

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Jul 2Edited

“I’ve never seen anything like this in America.”

Probably nothing like it since the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts in 1692. Such events were common during the dreadful twentieth century though when major nations like Germany, Japan, Russia and China were possessed by ideologies like fascism and communism. Our left traded class for race and called it CRT, DEI or just “Woke!” Basically race based rather than class based Marxism. A few years ago Putin gave a speech about how Russia had been ruined by Marxism and basically said “Been there, done that, no thanks.” Leaders like Putin and Xi understand perfectly what’s happened to America because it occurred to their country’s in their past.

“You push the parents aside and make the child take these decisions that can destroy their lives. And if we call the spade a spade, this is nigh to crime against humanity, and all of that under the banner of progress…”

“Vladimir Putin addresses the decline of western civilization in anti-woke speech.”

Putin highlighted similarities between woke progressives to the Soviet revolutionaries who took over Russia in a speech translated by the Kremlin. Oct 22, 2021


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I have sadly this is the state of our media they overhype things as dangerous when portraying other viewpoints.

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It certainly is confounding that are country is living in (at least) two realities. Unsustainable!

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“Our” not are

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You can edit these posts by tapping the 3 dots on the right although you have to be on the browser to edit rather than on the app where you can only delete.

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Thanks. Yeah I pretty much only use the Substack app on my phone…

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Good clip. Thanks for posting it.

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Every act as President and official acts as an X-President are immune from prosecution. The DOJ is a department of gangsters that have hit-men (FBI). The American People are coming after both of them.

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Also, Trump should NOT debate Biden again!

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I agree with you. In my read if Biden stays in race, he’ll push for 2nd debate already scheduled for Sept to remain. But look for Team Biden to get a time change to noon or 1pm start time. That is the upside down world we currently live in. Trump should reject any further debates, citing similar words as Hur… that Biden is ‘a well meaning elderly man but I won’t debate a person suffering from Lewy Body dementia’

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It looks like we saw two things that were expected, and one that was not.

1) Official acts are protected, non-official acts are not.

2) It is up to the lower courts to decide, case by case, what is official and what is not.

3) There is a presumption that any given act is official, unless there are good reasons to think that it was not.

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AND that assuming or alleging “motive” cannot be a determining factor!

That was big.

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Trump had every right to act on his perception.

But Far Lefties love nothing more than criminalizing belief.

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Yep, a reason that Biden may feel initial relief, until he analyzes how his own crimes will be considered "unofficial." Assuming he's still able to analyze...

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Fab result and polling but Dems won’t allow this to continue without something on the back burner. Amr Australia

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Mr. Shapiro‘s assessment of Obama‘s culpability with respect to drone strikes is interesting in its unintentional (or intentional) limited scope. The real question should be: Can a president order a lethal drone strike against an American citizen without due process?

Perhaps that question will be answered at some point in the future.

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The answer is “no. President can’t legally kill US citizens without due process”. I’d they could, millions more would be killed by Biden with Fauci’s help.

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Did you delete your comment or did *they*?

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I did. It was too off topic.

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What I want to know is WHO are individuals and probable foreign players in this shadow government that appear to be running things?

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To our elite leftists…..you need to run quickly to Home Depot and buy up all of the mortar you can.

It’s starting to crumble!

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The question is not what is an official act, but rather what is an unofficial one? Presidents are officials and every action they take is official. An unofficial act would be something unrelated to government in any form, such as robbing a bank or raping a reporter in a closet like one former president did.

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Then technically what Nixon did was official as well....

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