First and foremost, I hope you feel better very soon.
Second, I'm (very unexpectedly) sitting here in tears, barely able to type this message. Your writings always get my attention, but this one hit much deeper (for reasons I wish didn't exist).
I was just 26 when this song first came out, and fell in love with it immediately. The music, t…
First and foremost, I hope you feel better very soon.
Second, I'm (very unexpectedly) sitting here in tears, barely able to type this message. Your writings always get my attention, but this one hit much deeper (for reasons I wish didn't exist).
I was just 26 when this song first came out, and fell in love with it immediately. The music, the depth, her voice; I loved everything about it (and still do).
More than that though, I've since lost hope for us all. Remembering all of the controversy when Combs first re-released this song, and the amazing fortitude Ms. Chapman showed in standing up for everything about it, including that it was HELPING her legacy & finances (and NOT hurting either). She remains a hero in my brain, and this is all why. I'm SO THRILLED she agreed to do this duet with him (for all the reasons you so eloquently outlined).
My wife was watching last night, but I only glanced past. She asked me, "Dave- who is that?" I said, "That's Tracy Chapman!" She replied, "I thought that was her!"
I didn't sit and watch though, as I did do this morning (resulting from this email).
"The power of Chapman’s lyrics resonates through time, social status, and even race - bridging the gap and making us whole.
Maybe it does not seem like a big deal, but if we can come together with this song, perhaps all hope is not lost. Maybe art, music, comedy, and movies can unite us as long as we open our minds and hearts."
It DOES seem like a big deal, Sasha. A VERY big deal.
THANK YOU (as sincerely as I could possibly say that)! <3
First and foremost, I hope you feel better very soon.
Second, I'm (very unexpectedly) sitting here in tears, barely able to type this message. Your writings always get my attention, but this one hit much deeper (for reasons I wish didn't exist).
I was just 26 when this song first came out, and fell in love with it immediately. The music, the depth, her voice; I loved everything about it (and still do).
More than that though, I've since lost hope for us all. Remembering all of the controversy when Combs first re-released this song, and the amazing fortitude Ms. Chapman showed in standing up for everything about it, including that it was HELPING her legacy & finances (and NOT hurting either). She remains a hero in my brain, and this is all why. I'm SO THRILLED she agreed to do this duet with him (for all the reasons you so eloquently outlined).
My wife was watching last night, but I only glanced past. She asked me, "Dave- who is that?" I said, "That's Tracy Chapman!" She replied, "I thought that was her!"
I didn't sit and watch though, as I did do this morning (resulting from this email).
"The power of Chapman’s lyrics resonates through time, social status, and even race - bridging the gap and making us whole.
Maybe it does not seem like a big deal, but if we can come together with this song, perhaps all hope is not lost. Maybe art, music, comedy, and movies can unite us as long as we open our minds and hearts."
It DOES seem like a big deal, Sasha. A VERY big deal.
THANK YOU (as sincerely as I could possibly say that)! <3