The left is confused right now. They anxiously await their marching orders. All will be well - just tell us what to think.

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Right? They are asking each other, “what are we supposed to do, what are we supposed to write?” Imagine if no marching orders came? If only…

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A nice thought, one can only imagine. I'll settle for, "Ya know, our last set of orders were kinda bullshit."

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RemovedJul 5
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Support Biden "by any lies necessary".

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Even a week ago, Democrats and DNC-Media were crowing how Joe's age was his "super-power".

I hope they're enjoying eating their crow.

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Unfortunately they understand (even if they won’t admit) that the truth is their enemy; without a sense of reality, it’s impossible to regret anything. Everything is just reality for now.

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That's the downside of everyone having their own "truth". There is only one truth.

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RemovedJul 5
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Frankly, I think that's the better alternative. I'll probably write-in Tulsi like I did in 2020.

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RemovedJul 5
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It's never a waste to vote your conscience. I won't vote for the lesser of two evils.

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What is more important my job or my party loyalty? This is 1984 Societ mindset

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You know, Sasha, keep it up - absolutely love your point of view. Just sayin'

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The good thing about the corporate media is that they are too arrogant and/or ignorant for their own good. They overplayed their hand pushing desired narratives vs facts with the pandemic and now Biden, waking up more and more people to their bias and incompetence. And instead of self-reflection and course correction, they keep doubling down and destroying even more of their credibility.

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So right! And this goes for the hanidling of the steel dossier, the laptop coverup, the hanling of the"pandemic"...all of it...suddenly we are all awke now...and we see you all!

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Sounds good; even looks good on paper, but the credibility in question has long been zero for some and is simply not an issue for the rest. Sadly.

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Another SPOT ON podcast.


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My first taste of the nastiness of Biden was his ugly speech right after the George Floyd's verdict. Next was the Afghanistan exit, which he still continues to lie about. After all the destruction wreaked by this administration, the only person to be fired is the luggage thief. You would think Biden would want to clean up his legacy, but no, apparently he's fine with it all, as are the Democrats. They don't seem to care about the seriousness of this situation.

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To me it was that red lit “Dark Brandon” speech he gave in Philadelphia in September ‘22. That was despicable & divisive and shameful coming from a sitting president, in which he basically called half the electorate “domestic terrorists”. Then he had the audacity to gaslight us the next day and claim he didn’t say that (or maybe his senility actually made him forget). Either way it was unacceptable. Unfortunately the whole thing blew right over my liberal friends and families heads…

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The Fall Of Democrats:

Something Significant

Died In These People.

Or Worse,

Never Lived.


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This is fantastic, Big T is taking on Big Pharma: TRUMP TO INVESTIGATE BIG PHARMA FOR THE "STUNNING RISE" IN AUTISM, INFERTILITY, ALLERGIES, & CHILD ILLNESS! "If Big Pharma defrauds American patients & taxpayers or puts profits above people, they must be held accountable." Share to amplify his AMAZING message! ~


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RemovedJul 5
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Climate change is a hoax. Wake up and quit letting them lead you by the nose. The climate has always changed and always will, and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. It’s a money making racket.

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It is the Left that laughs off the science of climate change: the time frame for stopping is *centuries*. The real agenda is having a pretext to demand that Whites lower their standard of living, in order to atone for their crimes.

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cry harder

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So the question is: does biden even remain in office until monday? Or will his doctor suddenly announce he has some dreadful disease that they just found out about, because of his poor showing on the debate? I told my friends in 2019 that he had early dementia, but what do i know? I guess my neurological nurse's training gave me some insight after all. It's been hideous to watch his decline for the last 5 years.

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Didn't need to be a neurological nurse. Anyone who has ever dealt with a parent or spouse with dementia could see it if they weren't in denial.

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He should resign immediately or Congress should invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him today. It’s really dangerous to have a dementia patient driving a car let alone be president. Unbelievable times.

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Then what? Dems throw some nitwit in as a Hail Mary, Harris or otherwise, Trump wins (or not....who tf knows?) and half the population is ready to kill the other half. This is a dire crisis....nothing less.

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Absolutely. This should have happened years ago. He has really endangered the country with his policies..and let's guess how long before the 25th was invoked if our former pres had put on an act like that one.

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One thing's for certain, Biden is the consummate figurehead for the spirit and soul of the Democratic party in our time.

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If this was not so true it would be funny!

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RemovedJul 5
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Utterly braindead response.

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FIVE years? For whom did you vote in 2020? (Asking for a friend.)

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I am not a citizen, so i follow the law and i do not vote.

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But i AM a legal resident, with a green card.

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Welcome! Immigrants like you who follow and respect our laws are wonderful to have. And great that you are engaged here and using your voice to better our country. Well done, Julia.

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I am grateful to live in the usa. We've had a wonderful life here and i am also grateful for your kind remark

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Media has been Democrat operatives for far longer than 2020. Back to the 60s anyway when they were the core of the left wing in the intraparty struggle. One of the staples of Rush Limbaugh's shows was lampooning the media. Remember Chronkite's admission about manipulation of news and the fabrication by Rather of the story about Bush in the military.

Sadly, the right wing media niche seems to have gone crazy too. I blame Salem Media which controls Townhall, Red State, PJM, Instapundit, Hot Air and others. All they do is whine about Democrats instead of trying to fix Republicans. I think the message is we should vote for anyone with an R, no matter how useless. It is nothing but clickbait so maybe it is just the money. The Ukraine war was a real eye opener about right wing media. At any rate, it is about as useless as the MSM now.

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You sum up my feelings better than I can do. Thanks!

I don’t think Biden can withstand an impeachment that challenges his ability to run the country prior to election. Though there is a very high stakes gamble here, because Trump’s risk of age related decline is not insignificant.

Trump’s vp choice may be a deciding factor?

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"But at least it’s catching up with them now, four years later."

I see no sign of ANYONE being "caught up with" in any meaningful way. Not one single resignation or sacking, much less any sign of prosecution. Wake me up when anything happens -- it's still a LONG way to November.

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Happy Independence Day to you Sasha. Another great piece on what is unveiling in this once great country that is no more.

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Great column Sasha.

Let's never forget that 'The Propaganda Press' is being honest about Joe B right now not because they finally want to report the truth - but because they feel Biden isn't the best candidate to defeat Trump in November.

Their sudden honesty is a political calculation on their part, and nothing else.

And God help us, the Propaganda Push that will come if Kamala is made President will be beyond anything any of us can even imagine.

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The democrats are not the Democrats anymore. Ever since someone left the back door opened and allowed that POS from Kenya into their club, they've morphed into an anti-American, Socialist, Progressive, treasonous bunch quite intent on destroying and overtaking our beloved America. I'm of an opinion similar to that of Mr. Netanyahu and his belief on how to deal with Hamas: Wipe out the entire bunch! They cannot be trusted!

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RemovedJul 5
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Oh ffs. Yes the crazy ones are crazy. And insignificant. Most 'conservatives' atm are what were Democrats 5 minutes ago, and you know it. Stop playing games like 'the crazy right' is at the helm when you know the far more dangerous and rabid "crazy left' is not only fucking everything up, but actively out destroying the very foundations of The West.

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Out for a (s)troll, are we? This ain't Huff Post here, dear. Nor Vox, or Politico. Stick an egg in your shoe and beat it.

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Far more important is that the Democrats are not Democrats anymore. They are Neo-Communists.

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First time I've actually listened to and watched your podcast. Girl, that is some kick-ass analysis and reporting!

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Can't wait for Part 2 . . .

But I keep reminding myself I might be a fool for imagining this feeling I have as akin to some sort of "cathartic release".

Because it is never over until the fat lady sings . . . and maybe they have the biggest psy-op in history waiting in the wings to be rolled out on schedule.

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Their trying hard with bird flu...and climate change...but something bigger is coming for sure...

Remember how they all tried to tell us trump was in bed with putin? ...well...i start thinking..

I wonder who the puppet master is in bed with.

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