Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

I saw the Oliver Anthony song a few days ago on Steve Bannon's show. It's certainly blown up since then. I moved to West Virginia a couple of years ago from suburban DC and this song really shows the contrast between the ordinary people in flyover country who have been ignored and the powerful in the government who hold them in contempt. I hope that enough people realize that the old left-right struggle has been replaced by the globalist elites and their minions vs. ordinary people.

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Oliver Anthony agrees with you. When he found out that the Republicans had played his song at their debate, he responded indignantly: "My song is about those people!" Anthony aligns with no party.

Side note: I've been bingeing YouTube "reaction videos" of the song. Reaction videos are where someone watches a music video they've never seen or heard before, and reacts to it in real time. For some reason, the majority of "reaction video" content creators are black, and this song has been reacted to dozens of times. This homogeneous cohort provides a fascinating window into the minds of music-savvy black people with respect to the message in "Rich Men..." Of course, we can't generalize about people's attitudes by race, but regarding these particular people, the reaction has been unanimously and passionately positive and heartfelt. Tears have even been shed. "FACT!" and "TRUTH!" are exclaimed often.

Calling this song a right-wing anthem (or a left-wing anthem for that matter) is just plain dumb. This is an anthem about class. Woke ideology and identitarianism are a corruption and a dead end. Let's talk about the rich men north of Richmond, shall we?

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Thanks for all this—the Oliver Anthony story is incredibly moving. If you look at the tens of thousands of comments on you tube, you'll see they come from all over the world, from people who are moved to the core by this song. I don't think the naysayers stand a chance against this stuff because they haven't gotten, maybe ever, to this level of the real. Listen to it to weep & rejoice!

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It's nice to see you here, Ammiel Alcalay. I read in "After Jews & Arabs" and "Keys to the Garden" for years & years, when I was a student at the GF of the New School in the 1990s. And another book, too. I love so much the passage from the Quran you shared there: of calling the uncertain darkness of twilight to bear witness. And that every person is always at a loss. So amazing. Anyway, I've been listening to this song all weekend & also think that its rawness & suffering must cross all lines. Should this man be turned into some kind of avatar of hate, then we all are truly lost. So it's heartening to read that the truth he reaches in his anguished song seems to be felt for what it is... Otherwise, should you ever wish to write a children's book, please reach out. @Enchantedlion.

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Thank you so much for this comment! I remain amazed when I get actual responses to my work because it so often appears that one is working in some kind of vacuum, so this is very much appreciated! I have actually seriously been thinking about starting a substack since i think it would be the perfect venue for reaching people as there are really no print publications left that would have the kinds of things I have in mind. Responses to comments I make on various substacks are always encouraging... I will certainly look at Enchantedlion! Thanks again.

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I've just been perusing Enchanted Lion & I'm completely blown away, I had no idea! What a truly wonderful thing. I will keep looking & certainly be in touch. I had a great circle of friends back in the 1970s who were children's book illustrators, Ditzi Zimmer, Peter Blegvad (Peter's parents were prominent illustrators too), & others...

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I imagine there are many of us who would like to read & share around the things you have in mind to write! A substack sounds like a great idea. Actually, now that my thoughts are percolating, I'm thinking we have a book you might consider writing an introduction for... It's a book of paintings by Italian artist Alessandro Sanna that's about our hands, our impulse to create & destroy, and is also through & through about war... I've been considering using a fragment from Wendell Berry or one from Zbigniew Herbert as an epigraph, since I couldn't settle on who might possibly write an intro, but now I'm having a brainstorm. If you're curious, please email me: enchantedlion [at] gmail. Thanks for considering & for replying, Ammiel!

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There is this rising sense of desperation, of hysteria from these people - they are literally frothing at the mouth. The "press" is embarrassing itself so wildly, as is every member of the chattering PMC. They increasingly resemble "Reefer Madness" - "yes, yes... we've got him now!!!!! Arrggghh!!!!!"

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

It's really ugly to see, when people I know behave this way, without any sense that what they are displaying is one of the worst tendencies humans possess. They completely dehumanize Trump, calling him names while they grin and laugh while their eyes flash. These are the same individuals who have tried for their whole lives to convince themselves that they would never be a part of a lynch mob, a witch trial.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Author

Indeed. I have never seen anything like it, this level of sustained hatred. I've never seen people so cruel and disgusting. I have to admit I have lot a lot of respect for a good many people I used to know.

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And those who are blinded by their hate consider themselves our moral, ethical, and intellectual superiors. They know this for a fact because they went to school for it and have student loan balances to prove it -- which they expect /us/ to pay down for them.

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And you are required to embrace the hatred. Failure to do so puts you among those to be hated.

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Yup! Your comment and those of others here leads me to believe that we are understanding how the other side thinks and operates.

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You mean “lost” ... typo

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Sasha, like you, I've lost respect for a lot of people I know, but I've also gained a lot of respect for others--starting with you, and a few other brave brave journalists out there. Keep on, you are making history with this work.

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Didn't see it personally but it is a lot like Nazis and Bolsheviks .

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The Nazis never had a chance. Nobody in the world can hate like 'Bolsheviks'. Never forget that the Nation of Israel took out full-page ads in large-circulation newspapers in Europe and the Anglosphere announcing their declaration of war on Germany -- in 1933!

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Yup, Donald Trump is the new Daniel Pearl and the woke are the new ISIS.

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I particularly like how Trump is always described as a "divisive President" or his "divisive Presidency", when the divisiveness came purely from the hysterical MSM, the donkeys, and especially the lead donkey at that time -- HRC.

Talk about Freudian projection.

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The leftists project outrageously, all the time it seems! Pretty much everything they say about “the far right” is about them. It’s so obvious, it’s hard to understand how they don’t see it!

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

People who are captured by a cult are never /aware/ that they are in a cult. They think it's normal because everyone around them thinks and behaves the same way.

And speaking of the Far Right shibboleth, just look at the collective conniption fit the Marxists are having over "Rich Men North of Richmond". It's too delicious for words. Twitter is literally blowing up with hate.

Edit: forgot this was already mentioned in the O.P.

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I too relish the wokesters' fits. They have very tight sphincters, which can make it very amusing when they lose control.

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It's frightening when it is revealed how thin is the veneer of civilization.

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Memetic violence, straight out of René Girard.

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Bingo. I think back on my years in public school and then college, all the teachers and students constantly talking about lynching and racism and nazis, sometimes crying in class, you could see so obviously they all pictured themselves hiding Anne frank in their attics and standing up to lynch mobs... well, I’m glad we got to test that theory and see that shockingly few will stand up against something that is wrong but low status.

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Beautiful! LOL! One of my friends even says stuff like, “I’d like to think I’m one of the ones who would have protected the Jews.”

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Removed (Banned)Aug 15, 2023
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It doesn't have to be.

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Yeah, you are right!

Remember when Trump mocked the disabled reporter?

Remember when Trump said John McCain wasn't a hero since he didn't escape from his 5 years of torture at the hands of the Viet Cong.

I am sure you do.

Wouldn't it be nice of our leaders were kind and compassionate?

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As President Biden said in regard to the dead and suffering on Maui:

No comment.

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umm, all the FEMA activities are in full swing, as every President does every national disaster. There is no news here.

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There is a major difference between time-honored rudeness and insensitivity on the stump (well-deserved in many cases) and a psychotic obsession with railroading a Presidential candidate into the klink on obviously BS charges.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a southern border? We had one when Trump was in charge.

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what does this have to do with anything?

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Trump never mocked a disabled reporter. This has been repeatedly debunked. (I'm surprised you didn't bring up the Charlottesville remarks, which were also debunked.) He was shown repeatedly making the exact same gestures in other situations. He was, however, definitely disrespectful of McCain -- who viewed Trump as an aberration.

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“Wouldn't it be nice of our leaders were kind and compassionate?”

“Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.” ~Niccolo Machiavelli

IOW, I am old enough to remember Jimmy Carter.

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He didn't mock that reporter.

He did badmouth McCain.

You must be perfect, are ya?

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I disagree with your premise that he tried to steal the election. IMO, the election was “stolen” before there was an election. So there is no common frame of reference to debate.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Trump complained about what he believed to be cheating, just as he (rightfully) complained about the mail-in ballot campaign foisted on us, presumably as a way of controlling the Coof contagion, the response to which was a colossal balls-up that paved the way for a totalitarian Ministry of Information and was used as a pretext for declaring the American Right "political extremists" worthy of surveillance and silencing with the collusion of the IT colossus.

Whatever measures Trump and his legal team may have taken to get a recount or to challenge any result failed. Period.

He did not "incite an insurrection" on Jan. 6.

The level of bitching and attempts to "overturn the election" in Clinton v. Trump (2016) and Bush v. Gore (2000) are always conveniently ignored when condemning Trump's complaints and legal challenges to 2020. The complaints are equally useless, whether or not any actual cheating occurred, but only Trump is being pilloried for it, and a sitting President is using the DOJ to railroad his likely opponent into the klink.

Dementia Joe and his handlers would see us become a Banana Republic before ending this witch hunt that's destroying any remaining faith in the future of the American Republic.

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Sasha has made the big time with her own leftist troll.

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I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Actually- it's NOT the PEOPLE of America.

It's the ruling class.


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You know you are over the target when you take flack.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

This song reminds me of "The Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding.

The sorrow and frustration of poor men.

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I really like Vivek..he brings so much to the political conversation. And yes, because he's of a younger generation, he brings fresh views. For instance, legalizing psychedelics. Vivek knows about the benefits of psychedelics for our vets for PTSD, to stop the veteran suicides. He's up on this and not judgmental about it. I just saw he pulled into the distant 2nd place, 1 point ahead of Desantis.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

Vivek is the only one who can make it past the Democrat’s hate machine and election stealing but even as talented as he is it’s hard to see how he can repair the damage done by things like open borders, the demonization of white people and the police, dumbed down schools and so much other damage they’ve done and are quite determined to continue doing. Just watched the Tucker interview of RFK. Certainly is impressively damning. This is what civilizational collapse looks like.

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They will find a way to hate him.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

The Don and the Viv would make for a great ticket.

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Vivek has already said he’s not interested.

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They always say that, though.

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Vivek is different though. He’s extremely intelligent and self confident and understands what he’s up against and how to best deal with it but is it even possible to overcome the infinitely wide divide between the Woke vs the nonWoke in our society where we no longer even have a common reality? Where is the common ground, the common truth, the common facts?

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Removed (Banned)Aug 15, 2023
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He will get the Christian base behind him.

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Exactly. Kamala shivved Hunter’s dad and got Veep out of it.

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Both these guys are Type A. No second fiddle for either one of them would do.

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Vivek was asked about being Trump’s vp and said no but he’s hopes Trump will be his advisor. Why anyone believes someone as intensely hated by so many as Trump could actually govern is a mystery to me. I can easily imagine him being assassinated by the CIA but in fact he’d never make it to the White House since the election will be rigged against him. Vivek though will be closely watched globally, especially by India, which will make it impossible for them to do that to him. His promotion of meritocracy and traditional values are already making him popular in India. I follow the Delhi site WION and see it there. They’re fascinated and impressed by him.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

This just happened to correspond with the anniversary of the fall of Kabul two years ago. Can't let that be the news story to end the day. Dick the Butcher had a great idea 400 years ago, that only rings truer and truer, "First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

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Wow, this is next-level conspiracy theory!

YOu hit the nail on the head, Americans are still outraged by the Fall of Kabul. This was surely witnessed by the 100,000 protesters that shut down Times Square today.

Thumbs Up, Dude!

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There are no coincidences in politics. You should know that by now.

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so then you surely know that Apocalypse Now opened in theater today in 1979.

Imagine releasing an Oscar Contender in August.

Super Craziness!

Good thing Fani Willis released this indictment when she did, or else we'd be remembering that OSCAR GAFF instead.

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So if you think Conspiracy Theories are automatically, magically, wrong, how did you apply that to "Russia! Collusion!"? And how do you apply that to the various conspiracy theories made by prosecutors against Trump? Please do explain.

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the term "conspiracy theory" has a different meaning than "conspiracy"

Conspiracy theory = A fantastical story

Conspiracy = A group of people working together for a nefarious goal.

If you read the indictment, you would know not to call the Georgia events a "conspiracy theory" because, you know, they actually happened.

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I screwed up there by ignoring your "fantastical".

It doesn't matter: that part of your definition of Conspiracy Theory is wrong. The killing of JFK long ago became exhibit A for Conspiracy Theories that, though wrong (as far as I can see) do not qualify as "fantastical".

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You mean like "Russia! Collusion!". I see.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Lefties are salivating over the prospect of a Trump mug shot for this latest Georgia indictment.

That pic should seal his winning 2024 at this point.

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Awful. Terrible people. I hope it all backfires.

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Well we shall see about that.

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So I guess they will be holding State Dinners in the Fulton County Prison Cafeteria during these four years?

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

And you claim you aren’t a troll

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Regarding the song: Of course the elites hate it - how can they speak for the masses if the masses insist on speaking for ourselves?

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The definition of irony.......President Trump never received one penny for a salary to be president..........he was followed by a president Biden who has, along with his son, bribed foreign countries for millions as vice president. Keep up the good columns Sasha! MAGA country appreciates you.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

As a Kennedy Democrat https://www.kennedy24.com/ I am appalled at what is happening. Any fair-minded person who loves our country is appalled. Those who are celebrating this might as well be celebrating a Category 5 hurricane. The destruction this leaves in its wake, no matter what the outcomes of the various legal situations, will be complete.

Why is it impossible for me to take any of the indictments seriously?


We know that there was a Hillary-led effort assisted by the corrupt FBI to remove Trump from office from day one. They spent three years dragging the country through hell, assuring us that "the walls are closing in" because of the "evidence".

When that fell apart there were efforts to impeach Trump.

So, before the man even left office it was clear that, for the lack of a better term, the "deep state" was out to assassinate him, 21st century-style.

ALL subsequent legal efforts, whether by Biden's DOJ or from partisan prosecutors, cannot somehow be viewed as separate from the legal shams that came before.

It's called a "pattern".

So now we have an actual criminal in office going after the most legally scrutinized person in history -this on the heels of the phony "J6" committee, convened after the phony "insurrection" that we now know was an orchestrated event filled with government agents.

America is being destroyed before our eyes to try to protect the wealth and power of the ruling class.

Those cheering this on cannot even see who is pulling their strings.


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Removed (Banned)Aug 16, 2023
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In other words you haven't a clue.

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"99% of the pro-articles for him is coming from GOP friendly sites"

This is not the same thing as "a Republican pretending to be Democrat", which is what you said you "see Kennedy democrats as".

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sasha Stone

Imagine my surprise. How silly do they think we are?

Amr, Australia

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Chris Rufo is calling for a “Silent Majority” campaign in the Nixonian style. First, I think it would work, because my feeling is that huge majorities of Americans disagree with globalism, vaccines, corporate monopolies, censorship, transgenderism, war, and corruption. And second, who would have thought that Nixon could be resurrected? Sasha Stone’s piece today reminded me of just how cruel our politics have become to the middle and working classes.

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They need to find a better model and look than Nixon or it’s doomed.

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Sasha, I’m so sad for our once-fine Nation! The Atlanta DA is a joke and all of these bogus indictments are nothing more than coordinated lawfare to keep Trump out of office! I pray that President Trump HANDILY wins reelection, and exacts retribution on these criminals by thoroughly exterminating the vermin we currently have in DC!

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

This relentless effort to railroad Trump into prison before next year's election is frustrating and enraging. If it succeeds, all bets are off and I become "radicalized" and abandon any hope for the future of the Republic short of state secession, which I would back unequivocally and with all my resources, including my life.

Trump is most definitely our Emmanuel Goldstein. The pigs on Twatter sputtering with psychotic glee at Trump's persecution are no better than the mobs gathered for 1984's "Two Minutes Hate." They are in fact worse because their knee-jerk hatred and frothing are more or less continual, ebbing and flowing with the media that chums them with the fish guts that are contemporary "journalism."

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Removed (Banned)Aug 15, 2023
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"You would be better served by dealing with his PROSECUTION by challenging the truth in at least some of the evidence presented in the 91 counts in the 4 indictments."

What "evidence"? Indictments are charges and their proof has to take place at a trial, as far as I know. I'm not a lawyer. Like most everyone else, I need to rely on the legal analysis provided by sources I find reliable. So far, that includes only Glen Greenwald and Matt Taibbi.

I tell you what. You read the bloody indictments and tell me how credible the charges are.

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Vivek Ramaswamy has a law degree from Yale, has read the indictment of Trump and says it’s just politicized garbage that’s weaponized against Trump.

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If the relentless efforts to oust Trump are not PERSECUTION, including over four years of the establishment hammering away at the colossal lie of "Russian collusion to corrupt the 2016 Presidential election," what is?

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From "Wikipedia": "Glenn Edward Greenwald is an American journalist, author, and former lawyer. In 1996, Greenwald founded a law firm concentrating on First Amendment litigation."

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The whole case rests on the presumption that there “was no fraud” because some judges disallowed some lawsuits. If the plaintiffs can prove that every absentee vote in Georgia was legally cast by discrete citizens who both requested and completed and signed off on each ballot, then they have a case. Otherwise the whole concept of “overturning a legally valid election” is hearsay.

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“How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America.”

Real Clear Investigations. Sept 7, 2022


“Speak of the Devil: How Demonizing ‘Whiteness’ Spreads White Nationalism.”

By Bret Weinstein. Jun 5,2019


“Better Left Unsaid-Documentary Trailer.” (2 min)

Curt Jaimungal. Mar 25, 2021


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Tell me something, bonehead: What do you think happens if you actually succeed in throwing Trump into prison?

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Removed (Banned)Aug 16, 2023
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Now do Jussie Smollett and OJ Simpson and Hunter Biden.

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You avoided the question. Typical.

Why do you hate America so much?

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In other words, death or prison. Typical driven-by-rage liberal response.

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Heaven help us.

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I've been here before. Protest songs, a nascent anti-war movement, standing up for the working class, pushing back on the capitalist warmongers and fascists, except apparently now I'm right wing. No matter the label it's time for me to break out the old tie dye and renew the struggle. Peace to my Brothers and Sisters. Don't trust anyone over 80.

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Isn’t it incredible? I recently looked at a Rolling Stone articles, all defending the people in power and wars. Neocon through and through. And I realized that when I wasn’t paying attention, they had sold their soul to the devil they used to detest. It’s horrific to see once awesome people and entities become The Man.

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It's a three-player game: Populists, Leftists, and Elitists. What happens first in three-player games is that two players gang up to knock out the third player. For the historical moment, the Leftists and Elitists have formed an alliance to knock out the Populists. What happens next in three-player games is (predictably enough) that the surviving two players fight it out against each other. That is (unless we stop it) coming next. And the Elitists are (predictably enough) going to win. Then the Leftists are going to be shocked, shocked, that Big Money does not really support redistribution of wealth, and that employees can be fired for refusing to renounce redistribution of wealth or for uttering the merest pipsqueak of an objection to the power of the powerful. Orwell's 1984 will arrive, just 40 years too late.

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I like the model. But I think that the Elite will allow and foster redistribution of middle class wealth there is a 1% Elite and 99% poverty; and zero middle class in between.

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They will seek to drive the middle class down, yes. But economics will still mandate a good life for highly skilled persons like doctors, and lawyers, and their helpers, though I think that the tendency for judges to pre-judge cases (literally showing "pre-judice" will continue, reducing demand for lawyers.

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But only one had developed a superficially compelling ideology that would justify doing so.

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Sorry: "d" instead of "s".

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No. I mean what I said.

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An interesting video about how AI is rapidly transforming the beauty industry. I’m retired but worked for many years with mostly immigrants from all over the world in Chicago. Many were Vietnamese. Great people. Smart, reliable, hard working with traditional values. Many though had wives and relatives in these nail shops where they made a lot of money. One Vietnamese guy I knew was highly skilled (CNC machinery) but quit to work with his wife in her nail shop where he could make more money. Those days are rapidly coming to an end. Same with manufacturing. My company is automating their machinery as fast as they can. This window of opportunity for immigrants as well as working class, native born American people like me, a high school dropout, is very rapidly closing.

“How artificial intelligence and robotics are transforming the beauty industry.” (6 min)

CBS Mornings. Aug 1, 2023


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Very interesting. This developing technology certainly hints at a Huxley/Orwell dystopian future where the elite will live a feudal ruler’s life while the vast majority of people will be barely subsisting on their UBI checks, waiting for the next government distribution of soma... and from this perspective, most of these unskilled “asylum seekers” will be millions more dependents of Uncle Sam! Not a happy thought.

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That song is incredible. I don't even like country music but it moved me in a way a song hasn't done in a long time.

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“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa

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More and more people are waking up to the insanity of the left. Finally!! It’s a beautiful thing!

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I think it's less a matter of waking up and more a matter of finding the courage to speak up about it. The responses to Oliver Anthony's song and "The Sound of Freedom" movie illustrate this. These expressions of anger and frustration and the efforts to smear both by the usual media suspects (shame on "Rolling Stone") have galvanized a lot of the working class, those that usually just keep their heads down and get on with life.

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Thanks, Sasha. Very sad about the new indictments. Mark Levin compared these many charges to Putin’s persecution of his political opponent Navalny. However, Navalny faces 30 years, Trump over 600. The song you posted is powerful. It has many YT comments about people who are suffering here in America. Scary times. People in the comments spoke of their dire circumstances—living out of cars, hard labor jobs, loneliness. Why don’t our “leaders” see the pain the country is in?????!

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I saw a video yesterday of AI powered robots in Washington state being used to pick apples. They first scan them to see if they’re ready to go. An immigrant worker in the field was asked what he thought of this. He said young people are no longer willing to do this type of work so it has to be done by robots. This is happening in manufacturing and pretty much all areas of our society while at the same time our open border is bringing in millions who need everything since they arrive with nothing. They say they want to work but how long would they be willing to work in the fields or washing dishes at a restaurant?

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Big business, and politicians.

They send a lot of the money they earn back to their home countries, so it isn't like they're doing as much to stimulate the US economy as actual US citizen workers would.

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Thank you so much for sharing Oliver, so grateful for you being so in touch with interesting things going on! That is simply raw, authentic, American truth. Collective feelings, in my opinion, are growing so palpable for a desire for good, for a desire to fight the daily, unashamed deceit and lawlessness we continue to witness.

I believe strongly change is coming, courage is growing, and the Truth will prevail. Of course we're human, so our apathy and sinfulness may ultimately lose the battle for America, but I choose to believe change is coming, good change.

Love your neighbor as thyself, that's a good way to move the ball forward, to figuratively pour hot coals over the heads of our enemies, Prov 25.

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What remains very fascinating to me is that Democrats (including legacy media) have 100% tried this case in the media - not a shred of counterpoint or defense of any of the "crimes" has been parsed. I would love to see the smug faces of the J6 Committed members and vast overpaid staff when even a moderately-competent attorney starts to cross-examine some of the witnesses, or plays some of the video or taped conversations that the J6 Committed did such an excellent job of suppressing. Not ignoring, suppressing. I really hope the hearings are televised so that many many swing voters can see and say "Whaaaaaaaat? I didn't know THAT".

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This Real Clear Investigations article below from 2020 is about the “1619 Project” and what the author Nikole Hannah-Jones told the editors of the Chicago Tribune about its purpose which is, she said, to instill guilt in white liberals so they will support reparations for blacks. White liberals are not being targeted though. White children in our public schools are. And our Woke white leftist ruling class loves this and is totally supportive of it. She was even given a Pulitzer Prize for this poison in 2020. This is not “black history” though. This is anti-white hate mongering pretending to be history. This is evil and this is what the democrats have become. And these are the same people who are working to put Trump in prison.

“If you read the whole project, I don’t think you can come away from it without understanding the project is an argument for reparations,” she told the Chicago Tribune in October.

“I'm not writing to convert Trump supporters. I write to try to get liberal white people to do what they say they believe in,” she said. “I'm making a moral argument. My method is guilt.”

“Disputed NY Times ‘1619 Project’ Already Shaping Schoolkids Minds on Race.”

Real Clear Investigations. Jan 31, 2020


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Someone help explain why the film Cry of Freedom is anathema to the left. I don’t get it. Sasha?

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The film is detested by the Woke for several reasons; straight white male is the hero, hero is Christian with nuclear family of wife and children, hero is based on a real man, film exposes pedophiles as evil rapists and that offends Woke pedophiles who support sex with children.

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Now we know why cult hero of the left Obama picked Biden as VP. Biden is the leftist puppet now. But O also said, “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Let the impeachment inquiry begin!! Reveal his bribery schemes. Bring Biden down.

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Here is the UniParty establishment's thoughts on Mr. Anthony. I used to start my day with these idiots at NRO.


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Those Neocons love war and hate anyone not onboard with ensuring US is spending hundreds of billions of dollars fighting or fomenting war. Cowards and traitors.

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Still waiting on that kazoo solo.

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So why don’t the police in Chicago stop the crime spree which is destroying the city? Partly because they’re severely short handed due to cops abandoning police work and also because they’re ordered not to. What do the democrats think of the disintegration of major cities like LA, NYC and Chicago? They think Trump is the greatest danger there is to America so we need to focus our attention on putting him in prison. The Democratic Party has become a criminally insane, open borders, globalist, anti-white, hate group. This does not bode well for our future.

“Chicago cops watch armed robbery in progress, but supervisor orders them NOT to chase the criminals; at least 11 people robbed in overnight spree.”

CWBChicago. Aug 16, 2023


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Great beard on that man, I'll tell you.

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Anthony is singing for the people with the pitchforks, the ones Obama protected his Wall Street pals from.

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A “little illegality” has never bothered, the dems --unless they think the republicans, are responsible ...then the sky, is falling!

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The law is non-partisan.

We should all remember that it's important to read the indictments before we comment on the motivation behind them.

Personally, I welcome both the Trump and the Biden investigations. It's important to uproot corruption in the highest levels of our government and by the most powerful members of the government.

Maybe I am alone in this but I trust the jury system for the most part. Should these cases go to trial, the jury members will be the ultimate arbiters of what is fact and what is fiction, not the journalists, not the bloggers, not the politicians and not the twitterati.

Remember, Sasha, when you applauded the Johnny Depp jury? Do you remember applauding their decision?

You should follow the same process here. You should welcome the chance for Trump to acquit himself. Surely, if he's done nothing wrong, the jury will set him free.

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Um, no. Not in this case. I already know the charges. The problem is that they're wrong about Trump's intent and wrong about how he went about it. Nothing they have charged him with is worth what they're done to this country. He is not just a former president but he's the current challenger to the sitting president. They could have brought these charges back in 2020. They didn't. This is action by Biden, and probably Barack Obama, to stop Trump from taking power. This is not THEIR country. They do not have the right. Trump also can't get a fair trial.

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2nd response.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could produce evidence Obama was behind this. Or Hillary. Or Hunter. Or Pelosi. Or anyone except the people in our government whose job it is to investigate and prosecute crimes.

Looking forward to your exegesis of this latest indictment and how it's all manufactured folly.

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Do you really believe that Biden (a man who repeatedly wanders about aimlessly on stage) is in charge of the administration?


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More than Reagan was.

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The difference between Reagan and Biden is that america LOVED Reagan and they think Biden is a crook.

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And Reagan loved America.

Biden loves his bank account.

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Do you wear socks with your sandals?

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No way the great one is behind all this. He has greater priorities ‘I make love to men daily, but in the imagination".

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The people in our government responsibly doing their jobs in accordance with the law are not a cabal conspiring against the people.

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Obama was reported to visit Joe Biden at the white house to tell Joe Biden to take trump seriously because he can win. That was just the "reported" part. And you can dang sure bet he was telling Joe what he needs to do next.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

They couldn't have brought these charges back in 2020, many of the crimes occurred in 2021! And 2022!

Maybe if everyone in the Trump Admin who was issued a subpoena would have cooperated, they could have charged him (and ultimately acquitted him) quicker.

But investigations take time. This is basic fact. For anyone to think otherwise is pure folly.

And let's face the truth, if these crimes were properly investigated two years ago and the trials were over by now, Trump would be in jail by now.

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“And let's face the truth,”

We lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? There obviously is none. We always just talk past each other. This can only get worse and is getting worse by the day. The same people who insist Jan 6 was an “Insurrection!” have no problem with Joe’s open southern border or pornography for public school children. This is simply not working at all.

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There is no open Southern Border. Please provide evidence otherwise (such as actual numbers)

I have no clue what pornography you are talking about. But I seriously doubt bukkake films are required in AP English these days.

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7,000,000 to 8,000,000 illegal trespasses in 2.5 years says the southern border is effectively open.

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Plus once they cross the border it’s now virtually impossible to deport them and since so many are single young men we’ve basically imported a huge underclass of gangs and criminals who will do immense damage to this society. Hard to see how we can survive this.

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It's great to see numbers, but how do they compare to other years. And where did you get these numbers?

I've met many "illegal" immigrants, most are kind and compassionate people who merely are looking to improve their lives. Many will take two or more jobs just to send money to families from their home countries.

It's funny that you should denigrate people who desperately want to come and share in the American Dream.

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Have a look at RFK Jr.'s documentary, "Midnight at the Border" and get back to us. If the border isn't "open" it sure is porous.

And gay porn isn't so much on AP English syllabi as it is available in K-8 school libraries. Who said anything about "bukkake"? Letting your auto erotic preferences show?

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So what "pornography" is in the libraries?

Because I don't recall Laura Ingalls Wilder's steamy sex scenes between Almanzo and her father.

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Megyn interviewed Steven Miller who was in the Trump administration and talks of how totally out of control illegal immigration is. “Seeking asylum” is a farce. Literally hundreds of millions, even billions, of people can now cross our southern border by simply saying “Asylum seeker” and once inside it’s now virtually impossible to deport them plus many are single young men. If that isn’t an open border and a recipe for disaster I sure don’t know what possibly could be.

“Actual Long Term Consequences of Crisis and Chaos at the Southern Border.” (5 min)

Megyn Kelly with Stephen Miller. May 12, 2023


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That looks like an important research paper. How many PhD candidates use it to back their theses?

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“Bukkake” — from the guy who claims he isn’t a troll.

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I agree with your comment. While I definitely would have wished for the wheels of justice to move more quickly and that Trump have been indicted many months ago, the bottom line is that as concluded by the House January 6 Committee and by the most recent Federal grand jury indictment, there is very strong reason to believe that he is guilty of multiple very serious crimes.

With the exception of a few figures such as Chris Christie and Will Hurd, few Republicans currently seem prepared to grapple with the actual crimes with which Trump is charged. Instead they keep trying to deflect the conversation by saying that these indictments are politically motivated or politically timed.

Note that when Sasha writes that "Nothing they have charged [Trump] with is worth what they're done [sic] to this country," she does not mention that the most recent Federal indictment accuses him of conspiring to subvert the 2020 Presidential election. What could be more serious than that?

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Oh good grief.

The trolls are tag teaming each other now.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023


That is offensive. Instead please try to engage with our arguments.

I have repeatedly presented evidence which conflicts with many of the views expressed be readers herein. My evidence has not been challenged. Most readers have ignored it. Some have responded by calling me names.

I have repeatedly requested people to present evidence for problematic assertions that they have made. Again those requests have not been answered.

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Poor baby!

I simply made an observation.

If you find it "offensive," I truly don't know what to tell you.

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That’s a lie. You routinely make assertions without evidence. I just liked at your posts; lots of assertions but no unambiguous objective links provided. You are typical Woke by accusing others (ie lack of evidence) if exactly what you are remiss in (ie not providing unambiguous objective evidence). Prove me wrong and list all your assertions and the corresponding unambiguous objective evidence. Until then you are just another troll.

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what's more important? The kind of kinky porn found on Hunter Biden's missing laptop of course.

Republicans want to know what it us just to see if it's already in their collection.

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Jesus H. Christ!

What's more important, the porn on little Biden's computer or his fake position on Burisma and the fraudulent pimping of his father's influence?


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You would do well to study Jared Kushner's Company, Affinity Partners.

ON this I am not kidding. You'd be outraged if you looked at it closely.

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Depp isn't Trump. There is little doubt that the prosecution of Trump is political. If it was not, then each member of congress would be currently either indited or on trial for the 4 felonies a day they are sure to have committed. They are not because it is not in the interest of our government to prosecute every crime (just the ones against Republican Senators or Governors, or popular presidential candidates that are not uniparty shills). Just the ones that work to their advantage (prosecutorial discression - see Hilliary - who Trump himself made sure the dogs were called off - see what it got him). Since it is political, putting him on trial in a place that is the very epicenter of politics, where 95+ percent of the populace has bought into the Trump is evil line (what percent of democrats believe this and then multiply that by 0.95, then multiply that by 12 and you will see the minimum number in the jury not yet selected that already think he is guilty). Plenty of innocent people in jail. especially where there was a mob mentality in convicting them.

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The jury in a heavily Democrat area -- which has been repeatedly told that Trump is a white supremacist Nazi -- will be sure to evenly weigh the evidence on both sides.

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Full circle phenomenology of the Ouroboros devouring its own tail.

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Loved the song by the red head guy. Only he says “living in the new world”, when really it’s the same as it ever was, just with new tactics...

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I too have gained a lot of respect for Vivek thru all of this persecution of DJT. He may be a good option for our future. If we can ever possibly get our country back. A huge task that at the moment seems impossible, because of the Rich Men North of Richmond. Great song, Oliver Anthony!

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Oliver Anthony represents the cry of millions of Americans who are beginning to see how the ruling class has promised much and delivered nothing. As his battle cry spreads, and as Jason Aldean's similar battle cry spreads, even more people will awaken from their slumber. It is becoming an avalanche of suddenly awakened Americans realizing they have been betrayed by those they trusted.

We read in history books about how such scenes play out, and it is usually not pretty.

Thanks Sasha.

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I keep asking those who are gloating over these indictments what, exactly, they think will happen if they actually manage to throw Trump into jail.

They never answer.

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Maybe your simple question will be enough. They have been conditioned to hate, not to think logically. Maybe when they do think about it, they will decide that nothing good will come out of it.

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Glenn Greenwald does an excellent job analyzing this indictment and the nauseating hypocrisy of the "left".


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Sasha, your willingness to transgress every Lefitist orthodoxy is absolutely spine-tingling!

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Thanks Claudia, that is extremely encouraging! I'll write you about the intro separately...

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Oliver Anthony doesn't go to sleep dreaming of the day when the US can have it's own Tscheka and Gulags the way Woodie Guthrie did.

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The irony of mentioning Oliver Anthony as a "folk hero on the right, a kind of Woody Guthrie figure" is really hilarious!

Woody Guthrie was an avowed Communist because he believed Communism was anti-Fascism. In most any time since the Reagan presidency, Anthony's song would have been an anthem of the Communists both here and abroad. Guthrie sang of the good that government did, even if it was done in a bone-headed fashion. This song speaks to me as a critique of government and the ways it is destroying the morale and strength of the people while those in government get rich. At least, that's my opinion.

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Taking it well I see!

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023


Did Vivek Ramaswamy actually say anything about the content of the charges against former President Trump? Did he argue that the evidence cited in the indictments is insufficient to prove the charges? Did he argue that Trump has exculpatory evidence against the charges?

Let us all remember that freedom of speech does not extend to allowing criminal conspiracies.

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Criminal conspiracies.... like, um... Burisma? Oh wait - you didn't mean REAL criminal conspiracies, did you....

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When you charge someone with involvement in a criminal conspiracy. That is what Jack Smith did in his recent Federal indictment and what Fani Willis just did in her Georgia indictment. You produce evidence to a grand jury and the grand jury decides if there is probable cause for indictment.

If you have it, please show me the court admissible evidence of criminal conspiracy in the Burisma case.

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Vivek says the charges against Trump are simply garbage and are destroying the country. Does America even still exist as a country?

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

If it does not, to whom am I paying my taxes?

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A society needs at least some degree of trust and cohesion to be a country. We have none. Externally our cities are crumbling and increasingly lawless. Internally America has already ceased to exist as a country which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. If you doubt that I recommend watching the Tucker interview of RFK which was on tonight.

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"the evidence cited in the indictments"

Indictments aren't evidence. Evidence is what will be needed in court to make the charges stick, and will be subject to challenge and opposing evidence and witnesses.

But you know that, shill boy.

The entire raft of indictments by Biden's DOJ and partisan DAs who ran campaigns on "getting Trump" is de facto election interference. These indictments are the whole point of this charade. They will fall apart in open court once they are subjected to minimal legal scrutiny, much like Hunter's sweetheart plea deal; but they will have achieved their real purpose which is diverting attention and resources from the campaign.

None of it, however, will get Biden elected.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023


I think that you may misunderstand the terms “evidence” and “indictment.

The way in which the recent indictments work is that the prosecution presents evidence to a grand jury that certain individuals have commit certain crimes, the grand jury decides if the presented evidence makes it probable that the accused commit the crimes, and then in the actual indictment the individuals are named, the accusations are stated, and the evidence supporting those charges is presented.

Later in the actual trial that evidence can be produced in court, the defense can challenge it, and the defense can present its own exculpatory evidence.

So yes, of course indictments are not in and of themselves evidence. I did not say that. However if you read the indictments they cite the evidence on which the charges are based. And that is what I said.

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"the prosecution presents evidence to a grand jury"

In as one-sided a legal setup that there is.

But, again, you know that.

In the present situation, all of these prosecutions are transparently political. They are attempts to stretch and bend the law like a pretzel in order to paint the leading opposing candidate as a criminal - an attempt that started with the Russiagate hoax and continued with two failed impeachments then the phony "J6" malarkey.

The pathetic attempts to legitimize all of this (and the blatant covering up of the Biden corruption) is only succeeding in making the rot in Biden, the Dems, MSM, DOJ, FBI, et al, clear to more people.

And it's setting us all up for a societal breakdown that we may never recover from. The fact that your ilk cannot see this or doesn't care or maybe even wants this is the most dangerous thing.

We are in a heap of trouble.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

And I unlike your comment.

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And I fart in your general direction.

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Blah, blah, blah. No one believes any of the crazy crap you fanatics are pushing. I live in Chicago which is being destroyed by city-wide black wilding which the police are way too short handed to deal with. Does it concern you that America’s major cities like LA, NYC and Chicago are experiencing ever worsening social breakdown due to crime and the ever worsening flood of “asylum seekers” through our open southern border? Does it concern you that the society you live in is disintegrating? Not that I can see. You Woke fanatics seem blissfully unaware of it and just endlessly gloat about how this time for sure the orange monster is finished. You people are insane.

“What does Captain Ahab symbolize?”

“Ahab is a symbol of the destructive nature of man. He symbolizes vengeance and obsession in his quest to destroy the white whale.”

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Spot on, Seva. Hundreds of thousands of youth suffering and getting killed by criminals and drugs and still the so-called Progressives want to maintain the status quo urban leaders who foster these environments for decades. Their apathy and hypocrisy is literally breathtaking.

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Seva. I’m sorry. I have to disagree. There is a whole list of problems this country is facing. Due to everything that comes filling all positions with incompetent people.

Black Wilding is not even on the list.

That is a law breaking issue. That is what we have a police force for. If the police are responsibly responding to the problem of black Wilding. Wherever that maybe. I live in Dorchester, Ma. A Boston neighborhood. We don’t have Black wilding here.

Then you should go to them and ask them why?

Once again...

incompetent people in jobs they don’t belong in. Equals . Broken down systems. It’s basic and we need to start fixing it. All of it.

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“That is a law breaking issue. That is what we have a police force for.”

Nobody wants to be a cop in cities like Chicago. Far too dangerous in too many ways. That’s why there is an ever worsening shortage of police in our big cities.

“Democrat-run Los Angeles receives second mall ransacking in a week.” (3 min)

Sky News Australia. Aug 14, 2023


“Victim speaks after being robbed at gun point in Humboldt Park.” (2 min)

CBS Chicago. Aug 15, 2023


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And I should add. Massachusetts has its own share of problems. Big ones. Just like the rest of the country.

But I’m sorry. Black Wilding? Come on. That sounds ridiculous.

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How can we even start to address the issues of it all when everybody seems hell bent on over dramatizing the effects of bad government. This is easy. These people need to be replaced and they will be. We are nearing the end of this down cycle. Thank God. And we will all start doing something better. Because we can’t be doing any worse as a nation. No. That is not an exaggeration. The United States of America looks like a complete freak show. It’s almost impossible to believe.

Good times are on the horizon.

And it really doesn’t matter who the president is. As the democrats have shown us by selecting a corrupt, brain dead, doofus As the best candidate they could come up with out of the whole world.

So Its up to all of us to make the difference.

It’s easy. Just do Right by everything you believe. We are a good people. All from strong ancestry. All of us. Let’s just do it.

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I also wanted to add. Thank you Seva. I disagree on this issue with you.

You are a great force for good things and I appreciate the effort and time you take fighting for all of us. Keeping us all informed.

I’m just so fed up with all the HYPE over the negative. We should be way passed all that now and into the land of solutions. This fear mongering that we see everyday if you turn on the news is at the point of insanity.

They are stuck on Horror. There is no HORROR. It’s like. The United States is not Horror nor will it ever be. It’s actually Hilarious. Do you know anyone living in Horror? No. But everyone’s noticed the quality of all is way below anything we should accept as a nation.

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Meant. If the police are NOT responding....

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Come to Chicago and try walking through a black neighborhood and see how well that works out for you. I’m retired but worked for many years with mostly immigrants from all over the world in Chicago. All of them were appalled by black behavior, and for very good reason. Blacks ruin their schools and their neighborhoods and then complain that they’re oppressed because their schools are awful and neighborhoods deadly. In group terms, they are simply awful people.

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The thing about indictments........................they set forth the prosecutions' THEORY of the case with zero rebuttal. That's why you can indict even a PBJ sandwich. Most of what I read in the indicment seems at least somewhat defensible, just based on what little I know (i.e. what legacy media and the J6 Committed haven't suppressed) about what happened after the 2020 election. A gaggle of attorneys including White House counsel discussing a legal theory as a possible remedy is miles and miles away from a criminal conspiracy. And if not, help us all as the next 10 years will be nonstop litigation, one party against the other, with only the attorneys winning.

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I agree that Monday's presser will be more innuendo, perhaps even defineable as "evidence", but with no proof. If you've read Molly Ball's article about how Dems (including notably Mark Zuckerberg) and media put forth a massive and ethically questionable (at best) effort to swing the election for Biden, that's likely the kind of "Proof" that Trump will offer.

What I referred to in the "legal theory" was not what the Prosecution has (we all know about every single bit of it, ad nauseum, from the J6 Committed hearings), but what the Defense will present. Discussing legal theories with attorneys including White House Counsel is not a crime. Other charges may stick, but I think my first-year college student could get "conspiracy" thrown out. Unless they charge it in Georgia...... but remember it takes only one juror.

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Yeah -- who knew Comey had the power to not only outline her crimes, but determine that nobody would ever want to bring charges on any of them?

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“Many people believe that America is simply too big and too powerful to collapse but many people also believed that about the Soviet Union. No one in 1985 would have believed that the USSR, the mighty "Evil Empire,” would be a disintegrating mess in just a few years. I told that to someone last year who said "But the Soviet Union was a collection of separate countries.” What we have here though is a collection of separate realities which is a much deadlier situation.

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I’m retired but shortly after Trump was elected in 2016 and the democrat’s “Resistance!” began I told a Mexican friend at work in Chicago, a Trump supporter who’s from Guerrero, one of Mexico’s poorest and most dangerous states, that the inability to transition to a new government after an election is a classic sign of a failed state. He actually shuddered as if a cold chill had just run down his spine. I never forgot his reaction to what I said. For the past 7 years Woke white leftists like you have been waging a race war against white, working class, Trump supporters like me. I naturally do not appreciate that at all. This does not bode well for our future.

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Exactly. It ALL goes back to 2016 with an elite political establishment that refused to accept the results of the election and have waged war on America with an ongoing coup that continues to this day. In desperation they’re manufacturing “crimes”‘against Trump while using government agencies to provide cover for their own, the typical behavior of a crime syndicate. Such is our current government after eight years of democrat cult leader Barack Obama. They’re destroying the Republic to hold onto the power they believe they’re entitled to. Pathetic.

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They’re destroying America to “save democracy in America.” Truly bizarre. Truly insane.

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Classic Orwellian speak

Dystopian America

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That says it so perfectly to anyone who cares to see what's really going on. When people ask my "why is our nation so divided?" the most succinct answer I can give is comprised of two words - "Hillary Lost".

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"Throw enough shit at a wall, some of it is bound to stick" appears to be the Biden administration's approach to disposing of Trump.

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None of it sticks but they’re going with it anyway since it’s all they’ve got. An impossible situation. This is just not working at all. Just imagine what foreign leaders and people globally think as they see America disintegrating before their very eyes as they watch online. No doubt this has already drastically altered the course of world history.

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luckily None of it ever does.

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The more you persecute an innocent person the deeper the support that person gets. Neocons and Woke are making a martyr out of Trump. See how that works out for you.

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Or, alternatively, the discovery process could force the plaintiff to admit evidence that they did not verify all absentee ballots accurately and that the always-stated concept that “there was NO fraud” is not provable beyond a reasonable doubt.

Everyone has taken this childish view that all elections are on the up and up because nobody has “evidence “ to prove the fraud. But now, to prove that Trump “knew” there was “no fraud”someone will have to prove that fact to be true. It shouldn’t be difficult to pierce that veil, unless evidence has been tampered with.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

right - but his defense counts on the fact that everyone says there was NO Fraud. If his team can prove there was SOME Fraud - then technically, his "state of mind" of overturning an election is not a criminal conspiracy, just misguided.

Recounts are also meaningless, if the votes themselves aren't legitimate. I defy anyone with half a brain to believe that 100% of absentee ballots were requested, completed and submitted by the same person who attested to doing so under penalty of perjury.

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For the record, OJ Simpson was “charged” with two murders. How much did that matter in the end?

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You guys really don’t understand that you don’t sound clever, but just like sanctimonious vultures, do you?

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“DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump...”

It’s the crime of the century! Fani Willis is a legal genius!

Pathetic vultures.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 15, 2023
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You seem very desperate to get Sasha’s attention. :D

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Wasn’t his appointment by Reno and Mukasey also “illegal”? Is there a nuance those of us without a legal background should understand?

By the way, Sasha was just pointing out Dershowitz’s opinion it was not her legal opinion which makes your criticism of her seem impotent and petty.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 15, 2023
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Was Durham’s appointment by three different AGs illegal? Is there some nuance that was previously overlooked or applies to this situation? Do you have anything else to offer other than TDS comments? Your “Trump says” analogy is even more impotent. Have you every heard “jOurNalLIsts” use unnamed or anonymous sources? People say shit like that all the time. You actually may have raise a good point about Durham but who knows...we can’t get past but but but Trump. 😂

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Maybe because the recordings of him and other prominent people are held in reserve for future use.

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