great post, Sasha! My sister informed me Trump is a racist. I asked her to send me some evidence. Everyday I wait expectantly by the mailbox. Still nothing.

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A fact to a liberal is like kryptonite to Superman.

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after posting the above, I texted my sister to remind her that she never sent me any evidence. below is the reply I just got back from her:

Ken, I just googled Is Donald Trump a racist? There were 2 million results saying "yes". You should read articles by Vox, The Washington Post, Newsweek, NPR, APNews, Wikipedia, New York Times, The HuffPost , The Atlantic etc.

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I ran across a Vox article the other day w/ ‘3 reasons why Trump might win’… and one of them was people having “economic nostalgia” 😂

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She just told who the culprits are who have been and continue to relentlessly spread lies about Trump, COVID, Climate Change, what our actual environmental and food crisis is about, the attacks on farmers, you name it - they’re lying about it.

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Tell her that ‘appealing to authority’ to win an argument is a logical fallacy—ask her to cite specific examples of his supposed racism. At least then you could present a counter argument.

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Maybe your sister is the one who posts regular comments like that here on Sasha’s Substack.

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Yeah Google is great isn't it? Too bad she can't give you real proof but can only send you references to sources with THEIR opinion of him. Maybe you need to ask her for the video proof of him actually exhibiting it? 😏😂

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Everyone knows he’s a …pick your favorite pejorative.

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“It’s in plain sight”

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I think we've all been aware of how blacks have been elevated over the years -- sometimes beyond their ability. I appreciate the clarity this article gives us -- showing how they're being used to shield white Leftists, and how identity politics has been used to help the Left avoid tackling REAL problems. An enormous lie, indeed. God, please help us. May the Democrat-Leftist house of cards come crashing down in November.

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And this will actually make people racist.

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Superb article Sasha - since your journey from the grip of the Left, you have a perspective unlike anyone else.

I remember all too well how effective the Left was in manipulating the message from the days of the Vietnam War. We had young men risking their bodies, their lives to protect the South Vietnamese and we had the strident and very well-organized Left pushing a narrative that we were "interfering in a civil war" and we were "war criminals". The messaging came directly from the enemy and we were met with hatred when we got home. It took decades before we finally were seen as the good men that we were.

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Hey Marine, there are a fair amount of other vets following Sasha. Seva, Sam, Danimal, Matt, me to name a few. Not to speak for them, but I think her authenticity, toughness and exile from the Left resonates with veterans. Four of my brothers and I served. Every week I visit the one who was disabled in Vietnam. Thanks for posting; voices like yours have a positive impact on many.

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I will keep an eye out for my fellow Marines on this site! Both my younger brother and I served in combat in Vietnam and both of us were wounded but have recovered. It was a tough return home for all of us.

Thanks for your and your family's service - Semper Fi!

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Thank you all for your service! If we have anything to be ashamed about , as a nation, it is the treatment of you vets when you returned from Vietnam.

I remember when the draft was happening and all the boys were getting numbers.

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Thank-you, Chana.

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Thank you for your service you guys! As a kid- I protested our involvement in Vietnam, but I never protested our vets! I had older cousins who served, and I respected them- totally!!

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Unfortunately, our Government also had the Hate the Vet narrative implemented.

Thank you for your service.

War is a wealthy man’s eugenics tool.

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It's not eugenics when the very best of us - courageous, selfless young people - are the ones lost. The wealthy are only rarely worthwhile contributions to the gene pool.

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Holding you and all vets in my heart. Your service came from a pure place.

A Canadian Grandma

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Thank You!

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The treatment of Navarro is soooo third world.



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Lawfare will kill the US quickly and DEI will make sure we’re good and dead. I read an excellent (if long) article yesterday in (I think) the City Journal about DEI in medical schools and medicine and it’s terrifying, esp with the large current number of white elderly. Just the story of how they’ve removed racial differences in kidney transplants (when there are well established, critical, medical differences in kidney health criteria ) has resulted in thousands of white people who were critical and dying losing out on a kidney for not very sick black recipients.

On Trump and the lawfare, the left is bleeding blacks and Hispanics. Working under the radar in 2020 worked, thanks to the media is their pocket, but they are so far out in the open now that everyone but the 30% of far left (sorry Sasha) deranged white women and corporate America can see what’s happening. And corporate America is about to see a state seize property for an unprecedented victimless “crime” even before appeal. If that happens without judicial intervention, it can happen anywhere. Even red states can have crazy DAs our blue cities.

Of course, I have constantly thought “THIS will be a bridge too far” and people would wake up en masse, and it hasn’t happened yet. TBH I’m not that hopeful anymore.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Just like the trans issue, the only way the medical establishment will back away is to be sued. Bring on the lawsuits!

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“My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods,”

-Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

How is this woman a Supreme Court Justice?

How did this woman pass the BAR exam?

How did this woman pass law school?

How did even GET INTO law school?

These are all rhetorical questions.

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And you'll recall that 3 RINOs vaulted her into SCOTUS: Collins, Murkowski, and Romney.

What kind of people keep electing these worthless clowns? Low information voters....

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The answer to your questions is that it started as Affirmative Action discrimination against white men in the 1960s and transformed to DEI more recently. They are systematically institutionalized racist and sexist implementations.

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The state of Washington just made the bar exam optional. Apparently, there are others as well. Political correctness has been replaced by DEI.

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Didn’t Earn It

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What a joke

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Just a reminder; one doesn't even need to be a lawyer to be on the SCOTUS.

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True, I had forgotten that.

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Another knock it out of the park read by Sasha. They only get better which doesn’t seem possible, but they do.

I’ve been saying for a long time the Democrat Left has taken the lead as America’s #1 hate group. It is and they are.

We see the party of Bull Connor’s updated version of attack dogs sicced on those they despise when they threaten their lock on power. And total power is what they’re all about. It’s been said that evil lives in the weak and the wounded. The toxic Democrat Party has demonstrated it’s ability to ferret out such people to be used for their purpose. Letitia and Fanni are prime examples. There are many more.

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"I’ve been saying for a long time the Democrat Left has taken the lead as America’s #1 hate group. It is and they are."

Understand The Goal. (H/T James Lindsay) That goal is the destruction of liberal western society/civilization. CRT/DEI, The Climate Crisis Transgenderism, Everything coming from the Progressive movement (which now controls the Democratic Party) has that goal in mind. What Really Opened my eyes was The Audubon Society's Transgender Day of Visibility. What the hell does an organization that was founded to preserve bird habitat have to so with "Transgender Rights"? Nothing, Unless That is no longer what they are about. You dig a little deep and you see The Same People/Organization as members/leaders/supporters.

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....all true, but one thing we need to acknowledge: their 'hate' would not be successful if America had not become a 'post-Christian' nation over the past 50 years. Too many people no longer have the discernment of the HolySpirit on them.....

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Valid Point. I recall Francis Schaeffer warning about this in the 1970's. This is not the 1st time in The West this has happened.

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It’s all by design.

If we actually had media not Paid Propaganda Blow holes.

So much of this would never be.

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AMEN!! (coming from a non-religious believer!)

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Steve- and look at the way they changed so many classic bird names! If they found one "black mark" against a bird moniker they switched to some bland -allegedly inoffensive name!

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Silly People gonna do Silly Things. I like to make fun of them. They invite the abuse, and it would be impolite not to offer it.

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....that's akin to Proverbs 26:5 which essentially sez don't be caught taking the words of a fool seriously. Don't engage him in serious discussion. Answer his folly with folly (so as to expose him for the fool he is...).

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I'll try to be serious, ask for a source/example. When that fails as it so often does (People say things because they thing That is what that are supposed to say/think), God gives everyone certain gifts, talents, inclinations. One of mine is being a Wise Ass. Tried to stop, but just doesn't work.

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The high school clique that got out of control.

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....good one, la chev.

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This is more Revenge of the Nerds than a high school clique, although I suppose nerds could be considered a clique.

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Sasha you continue to articulate so precisely exactly what those of us that are still capable of reason and critical thinking are able to see. It so encouraging to me that you were so deeply embedded in woke ideology and was able to break free. I have some family that I have given up hope on convincing them they are on a path of destruction, we can’t even talk anymore. They are educated upper middle class and totally woke. You give me hope for them! Keep fighting Sasha!

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I had read your posts previous to this. Listened to this one, and will do so from now on. You have a gift of bringing together past and present 🎁 in a long and wide view. Please keep on doing what you do. Much appreciated.

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I've been clearly and loudly "cancelled" by a number of former friends because i was able to see anything good that Trump had done for America. And the reason is that Trump is a racist. And if you like him, then you are too. As you say, calling someone a racist is the most evil label the left can come up with. Meanwhile, under the control of the left, we have gigantic crime, murder, rape, child-sex trafficking...but that's ok...as long as one is not a racist. And they cannot even see this. I feel grateful that these former 'friends" exposed their true selves to me. Now i can concentrate on people who have value and values.

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Indeed being cancelled by many we were once close to is the initial introduction to their tolerance levels.

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Thanks for this...a great quote!

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If it makes you feel any better I was cancelled in 2016 by a friend from high school. In 2016 I was 56 years old and the person who cancelled me was our foreign exchange student my senior year. She is from and still lives in New Zealand. I didn't like her horrendous FB posts about Trump (including the Kathy Griffin decapitation) and when I asked her why she cared so much since she lived across the international date line, she cancelled our friendship. I cancelled FB!

Always better to be your authentic self because in the end, it's all you have. Placing your values before friendship or being accepted by supposed friendships allows us to sleep really well at night.

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yes, because in the end, it's just you, on your deathbed, reviewing your life and deciding whether you lived it well or wasted it...and at that point, it is too darned late to change anything...except maybe say how sorry you are to a few loved ones, for your transgressions! yeah....those cancellors (they think they are chancellors!)...let them go ahead!

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If you're lucky or blessed to have enough time to evaluate before you die.

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We all have the time. Most people just do not know that. They are invested, and mesmerized by the shallow

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True enough!

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Chicago is being destroyed by city-wide black wilding, crime and carjacking, 24/7, at all hours of the day and night. Why is so little done to stop this? Because a serious crackdown on crime would have a “disparate impact” on blacks which would be considered racist and unacceptable. As bad as Chicago is though, Memphis is far worse and black leaders there are already saying it’s racist to even attempt to do so. And as always, the Democratic Party is on their side and supports them.

“If Memphis was its own Nation it would have been the most dangerous one on planet Earth in 2023.”

“The only Tennessee city tracked for the Wirepoints report, Memphis had a murder rate of 63.9 homicides per 100,000 people in 2023. A total of 397 homicides were reported in the city last year, up by 38 percent from 2022, when the city saw 288 homicides.”

“Memphis murder rate exceeded the murder rate of Chicago, which reported 23.2 murders per 100,000 people, and Philadelphia, which saw 26 murders per 100,000 people. The city also fared worse than cities with a similar or lower population, with the murder rate in Memphis also exceeding the murder rates of Baltimore, Detroit, and New Orleans.”

“Black Leaders Say It’s Racist To Stop Black Crime.” (16 min)

Actual Justice Warrior. Mar 17, 2024


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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

As I life-long Chicagoan, I can tell you that the only 'desperate impact' in Chicago has been on law abiding citizens. It is the direct result of the former and current 'affirmative action' occupants of City Hall - Lori Lightweight and Brandon Johnson. These two far left lunatics (along with their enablers in the media, the CTU and the Soros-funded DA (Kim Foxx) ) have allowed Chicago to devolve into a classic third-world shithole. Even the occupants of the Gold Coast are now clutching their pearls so hard their hands are starting to bleed. But they continue to vote for these morons.

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I’m retired but worked for many years with many legal immigrants from all over the world in Chicago that I knew well since I would often ask them about their former countries and what they thought of America. One was a Hispanic from Peru who drove for Uber/Lyft on weekends and would also pick up people who would flag him down on the street to go somewhere. He once told me he would not go to the south side at night. I asked him what he tells blacks who want to be taken to the south side at night. He said he just tells them that he was almost killed twice on the south side so he would only go there during the day and then only to a main street, never to a side street. He said the south side is a whole different world which it certainly is.

They were excellent people with traditional values and all of them were appalled by black behavior and very much felt it’s blacks, not whites, who very much need to change. Never will you read about that in our wonderfully progressive msm. I also live in Avondale where this 39 year old woman was shot “and critically injured” during an attempted carjacking. This is just not working at all.

“Woman critically injured in Avondale shooting.” (21 sec)

WGN News. Mar 17, 2024


“Woman describes being attacked twice, minutes apart, in Chicago.” (2 min)

ABC 7 Chicago. Feb 6, 2024


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The Dems are going full banana republic this election cycle. Making up new legal theories to go after their opponents with 21st century spectral evidence and witch trials is not the rule of law. That is morally bankrupt corruption. Case closed.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Right, and can we say the new extremes of the DemLeftists are because they are 'losing' ??? Because they are more desperate than ever ???

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Just remember folks: You're next. It is already starting with the Texas National Guard being overrun yesterday.

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Those videos of the soldiers getting rolled over by the illegal mob were shocking.

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And they've all been released into the US!

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Yes, I was shocked to learn they were processed and released just like all the others. WTF?

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It's getting scary now.

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I know!

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If you want to know the power of propaganda, ask yourself why everyone calls what happened with the 2008 financial crash/bailout a "crisis" rather than what it really is, a scandal.

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Excellent post Sasha. You say out loud what everyone here knows to be true. Thank you!

Tick tock. Their tyranny will fall.

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remember how BLM riots couldn't spread COVID but churchgoers and Trump rallies could? https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/6-ridiculous-propaganda-lines-of


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