This New York criminal case against Trump, along with the recent civil case, have all but destroyed the credibility of the U.S judicial system. They are actually trying to haul a man off to prison for a non-crime.
As an attorney I always regarded our justice system as the 'crown jewel" of American Democracy. What a tragedy!
It is hard to believe that these Democrat attorneys would intentionally trash our legal system, and be bragging about it all the while.
I am not at all sure we can recover from this disaster. Our legal system may never be the same.
Agreed. I am a full- time mom /homemaker now, but worked as a Deputy Prosecutor, Assistant state Attorney General, and attorney in other areas of litigation. I am appalled at what these deranged lunatics are doing to our justice system. However, with ppl like us, we will be here to pick up the pieces and hold it together. We can, we must, we will.
Kristen, I appreciate your optimism. I sincerely hope that we can somehow manage to bring our country back. It is people like Sasha who keep me from giving up hope completely.
Lol. 😆You have no clue what you are talking about. You are living under Soviet Era justice. Hopefully, under Trump we will restore rights under the Bill of Rights. Until then, my fervent hope is that you or someone close to you gets arrested and receives the same lack of due process as Trump.🤞
Why do you have such hateful words in your mouth? I wouldn’t wish you to be held without due process and I wouldn’t wish it on Trump, either, despite our serious disagreements. Trump has been afforded all his legal rights and is able to appeal any conviction multiple times.
Trump has already promised to ignore the Constitution for at least the first day… in what way is that restoring the Bill of Rights? Suspending the Constitution means suspending the Bill of Rights… and if you think he won’t come for you, I have some bad news from the National Socialists.
1. Trump at best will have a slim majority in the senate with 2-3 moderates that don't like him
2. House GOP will at best keep its current numbers and if Democrats win its a stalemate
3. Hés a Lame duck president from day 1
Now tell me clearly what he can hope to accomplish to give your goals a chance to win. Also 2026/2028 so GOP won't give Trump much chance to give his agenda any chance since the next election cycle will be on top of us.
The saying on a T-shirt says, "Normal isn't coming back; Jesus is." That is about the state of the world at this point. On one level everything is horribly grim, but on another level, people sense that we are racing toward the culmination of history as we know it and the biblically informed sense that Jesus will soon return. Stay close to Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel predicted in the Hebrew scriptures.
But don't believe the nonsense that Christ will take us away so we don't experience the 3.5 years of the great persecution/anguish/tribulation that is prophesied. God and His Son haven't "taken out" others on the planet who have experienced the same, what makes Christians in the Western world so special that they get "taken out of it"? In truth, the text has been wrongly interpreted. The rapture talks of "meeting Christ in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord" but the Greek text word for "air" is not the upper atmosphere, but the the lower atmosphere, with oxygen. I think the Apostle Paul was trying to say that we'd meet Christ on the earth, in the air, instead of under ground, in the grave. The truth is that we who are still alive will go through it and it's only 3.5 years. The shameful and ungodly response is that some Christians don't FIGHT to keep it from happening (which is our RIGHT as free citizens to do and it will provide more time for people to come to the faith and join the body of Christ), because, "Meh, I won't be here for it, I'll be 'raptured'". Note that
Respectfully, I believe in pre-tribulation. Does that mean stop living a life The Lord wants us to live, faithful and obedient? No. I, for one will not live in fear of a punishment that isn’t meant for me.
I disagree. In a short comment, I can't explain all of the reasons why, but I would refer you to two good websites with many resources: and
People had a lot of conspiracy theories about 2012 and Obama that turned out to be false. Please do not spread false information. Jesus would give us signs of His coming and a criminal trial for hush money paid to an adult film actor is most likely not one of them.
Of course it's not one of the specific signs mentioned in the bible in connection with the world being near the return of Jesus Christ. It is however, one of countless signs of the general disorder that will precede his coming. Personally, I would rather pay attention to what is happening in the world than to stick my head in the sand and pretend that everything is fine and dandy.
Trump and Trump-adjacent people are not the only ones being denied justice. Derek Chauvin comes to mind. As does Daniel Penny. And the legions victimized by criminals left free to roam.
Chauvin and Penny are Trump-related because they are both individuals who tried to stop criminals from causing more harm. Trump has inspired many to stand up against lawlessness while the Left is inciting *more* lawlessness in order to create chaos and force people to call for more government (a classic marxist strategy).
Chauvin is a convicted murderer. Why do you support him? Do you support murdering of everyone or just people who “look” like criminals because they wear baggy pants?
Convicted in a leftist activist court. And I could give a single fuk for Derek Chauvin since he was a useful idiot leftist himself and you people get what you people deserve. But, he was trained in the neck kneeling procedure from the shitty manual from that shit police department in Minnesota. There was zero evidence of any trauma in Floyd’s death certificate. There was however lethal limits of fentanyl along with 6 other drugs. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with leftist activism and an abortion of the legal system
For far too long they have relied on intimidation to get convictions. Trump up charges (pun intended) to heap decades onto prison sentences to scare people into pleading guilty. I just looked it up and was astounded to see that 98% of federal cases are pled out. When the unlimited force of the State is allied against you, and they can withhold evidence without any consequences, you realize that system is BROKEN.
A jury of one’s peers (in this case, Manhattanites) is the way the system works. Why do you want a separate system of justice for presidents? That’s a monarchy.
I'm fine with a jury of peers. But it is pretty clear that the Jury has not been allowed to hear the complete Presidents defense and has been tainted by the Judge. All this will come out on appeal when a conviction (if one comes) is thrown out. But keep in mind, this is exactly the sort of railroad that minorities who don't have the resources to hire a TEAM OF LAWYERS or file for appeal have to put up with. Once again, Trump exposes the Establishments rotten games. The democrats have allowed their anger to cloud their minds and their cards are showing. Personally I think it is a good thing when hypocrisy is exposed. Let the sun shine.
Trump has virtually unlimited legal resources so I’m not sure of the exact concern here. I definitely agree that low-income people cannot mount as credible a legal defense, but Trump does not have that problem.
As far as which witnesses were allowed, I am totally sympathetic to that concern and I understand where you’re coming from. I didn’t look closely into why Merchan allowed and disallowed different witnesses, but the great thing about the American justice system is that the defendant can appeal to the New York Appellate Division and New York Court of Appeals, and can even petition SCOTUS for a writ of certiorari.
This is all theoretical. The average minority feeling the pressure of the United States of America on his back has neither the resources and maybe not the willpower. They rot in jail while their public defender gets around to filling out the forms and preparing for court. Heck, a General Officer in the Army was driven to bankruptcy over such tactics.
I'm sorry, because I know it's an article of faith with most people who subscribe to Substacks like this one that the deep state took out JFK, but it isn't so.
There are several ways you can determine this for yourself. Here are four books, rated in order of exhaustiveness, which make it impossible for a sane reader to believe that anyone other than Oswald killed Kennedy:
1. Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi. Bugliosi prosecuted the Manson family. His book about the JFK assassination is 1,500 pages long. He is honest. He admits, as do other lone gunman theorists, that he doesn't know what to make of the Sylvia Odio matter, but he doesn't think that whatever was going on there, it militates against Oswald's being the lone assassin. ( If a 1,500 page dig is too much for you to work into your schedule, you can go to YouTube and watch historian Sean Munger's two part, three hour long review of the Bugliosi book. )
2. Oswald's Game, by Jean Davison. Jean Davison, a retired - to - marriage former college English instructor, devoted nineteen years to going through all twenty - six volumes of The Warren Commission Report and writing her brilliant psychological biography of Oswald, which was published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, in 1983. Interestingly, she too is baffled by the Sylvia Odio matter, but like Bugliosi, she doesn't think it betokens anything important. If I had never read another book about the assassination, Jean Davison's book would have convinced me of Oswald's guilt.
3. Case Closed, by Gerald Posner. Posner's book was published about fifteen years before Bugliosi's, and is considerably shorter. He, like Bugliosi, is a lawyer, and knows how to present a forensic case. He admits in the introduction that when he began his research, he was certain it would lead to Mafia involvement. It never did.
4. JFK Assassination Logic, by John McAdams. I'm not sure whether McAdams was a lawyer, but he could analyze as lawyers must.
If your time is such that any of these strike you as too involving to devote your time to, here, in addition to the Munger videos on YouTube, is another amazing thing: the LEMMiNO channel has a ninety minute graphic recreation of those eleven seconds in Dealey Plaza which in its impressiveness is unlike anything about the assassination I have ever seen. Watch it, and you'll think at its end that the guy who does that channel ( "a Swedish guy in his twenties who likes to make videos" ) deserves some sort of world citizenship award.
As I started by saying, I understand that the conviction that Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy is virtually an article of faith in these precincts, but it was not so. Sometimes, history is like that. Gavrilio Princip, whose assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lit the fuse which started World War I., was something like the fourth backup assassin in the plot to kill the Archduke. He was flabbergasted when he saw the touring car turning onto his street.
And once in history, a nasty little malignant narcissist/psychopath who was one month past his 24th birthday, desperate to become a figure who affects the history of the world, and knew that he has no chance to do it honorably, just could not resist the opportunity to shoot the President.
This may be viewed by many as an assault on The Narrative, but screw The Narrative. Our side's interest must always be in the truth. We are up against a deep state which encompasses a myriad of creeps from several different walks of life, there's no doubt of that, but our battle is not served by a Noahic - like flood second origin story.
And I'll close with this: to a Deep Stater, of course, JFK was killed by a rogue CIA. Robert Kennedy thought at first that it might have been. Late on the evening of November 22, 1963, Kennedy asked CIA director John McCone to come out to Hickory Hill. Kennedy asked him whether the CIA had been involved. McCone said no, and Kennedy believed him. Kennedy later said that he had asked the question of McCone in such a way that Kennedy knew that McCone, a devout Catholic, could not lie to him.
I have concluded that the CIA was indirectly involved. It was blowback from them trying to kill Castro. The Cubans activated Oswald who was a doofus who got lucky. This had to be covered up because it meant war, possibly with the Soviets. By the time we found out about the CIA plots against Castro, it was more than a decade later.
Certainly plausible. I would note that the Mafia was decentralized so I think that the FBI belief that they had a handle on it was overconfident, if not dishonest. We know from the Church Committee that some Mafiosos were involved in the CIA plots to kill Castro and others were finagiling to get their Havana concessions back. This is the simple explanation for Jack Ruby.
I look at the video and know that Auswald (or however you spell his name) didn't shoot Kennedy. It's a matter of physics. Plenty of people on the grassy knoll who were watching saw a shooter.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You can't even spell the assassin's name. And no one - no one - saw anyone shooting from the grassy knoll. It's true, many people rushed toward it after the shooting, because in Dealey Plaza, the auditory clues about where the shots might have come from were impossible to interpret, and it seemed logical to people that the gunman may have been shooting from that area. It was, after all, much closer to the parade.
Google the following: Kennedy assassination Altgens Associated Press photo
James Altgens was a photographer for the Associated Press. He was on the Jacqueline Kennedy side of the street, and as the Presidential limousine approached, took a photo. If you look closely, you can see that Kennedy had already been hit by the second shot. ( Oswald's first shot missed, probably struck a light pole, and the flying fragments cut a young man's face rather badly. )
Look behind the Presidential limousine at the Secret Service car which is within a few feet. Notice that three of the four Secret Service agents on the running boards are looking back over their right shoulders. Instinctively, the agents knew that whatever those sounds were, they'd come from behind them. The only agent who is not looking back is Clint Hill, who is looking intently at the President's limousine. In a split second after Altgens snapped his photo, Clint Hill would begin his desperate, too late run for the Presidential limousine.
Both John and Nellie Connally were certain that the shots had come from behind.
To reiterate, you don't know one damned thing about the assassination. You don't even know the name of the assassin. It would be as if I, who don't know a damned thing about The International Space Station, made a comment about it.
If you're older than fourteen, you should be embarrassed, but at least you succeeded in getting a completely idiotic comment in print. Congratulations.
I don't know who killed him, but Oswald wasn't alone. Explain to me 2 things. The "magic bullet" (most laughable joke of an explanation every publicly produced), and why on the Zabruder tape, when Kennedy is hit, his body surges forward as the bullet exits the back of his head. Could have been multiple government agencies involved.
It was not a "magic bullet." Watch the Sean Munger video. The bullet's seemingly impossible path was caused by the relative positions of the two men. John Connally's jump seat was lower than Kennedy's seat, and somewhat to the right of it. I recommend Munger's video because based on your comment I doubt strongly you have the commitment to study the books.
As for the ZAPRUDER ( NOT ZA"B"RUDER FILM ( NOT TAPE ), look at it. Kennedy's body surges slightly forward as the bullet strikes from behind, but then the neuromuscular reaction caused by such a massive injury to that part of the brain causes the head to snap back. All neurologists say this.
I doubt seriously you have even taken the time to watch the Zapruder film. Please try to develop a mind which is capable of independent research and is not wholly dependent for its contents on the lowest common denominator "thinking" of people who, like you, don't know a damned thing about what they are talking about.
Because of people like you, we are going to lose the country.
You obviously have something that I lack -- the time for the deep dive into... stuff. I don't have a dog in the ring; my comment was reflective of the completed credibility collapse that we're experiencing -- and, as the Babylon Bee Offishul T-shirt that I happen to be wearing today suggests, the Conspiracy Theorists' score is getting ridiculously impressive. Curious; have you also explored the counter claims?
Oh, heck, yes: I'm 72. I have to admit that I was incredulous when the early conspiracy mongering started, but by the late 80s, I had learned things which made me wonder about the Mafia and about the Cubans.
About the Mafia: as Attorney General, Robert Kennedy had had all of the Mob hangouts bugged and all of their phones tapped. The government has hundreds of hours of tape. Not one thing indicated any involvement in the assassination. And several of those guys died in prison as a result of things the Feds picked up from those tapes.
Now, the Cubans! I'll tell you, I think I know of one writer who may have broached the following, but I haven't read his book, so I won't name him: if you know about Oswald's last months, you know that in September, he spent several days at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. Judging from his behavior in November, 1959, when he defected to Russia, it's pretty easy for anyone to imagine that he was hoping to be allowed into Cuba. He certainly would have dangled his cred as the man who had tried to kill Edwin Walker several months earlier.
I do not find the following far fetched. The Cubans would have been immediately aware that they had a gen - u - ine violent nut on their hands. It's easy for me to imagine that they might have encouraged Oswald to kill Kennedy. They might even have told him about the Kennedys' ongoing attempts to kill Castro, and that he would be doing The Glorious Peoples' Revolution a far greater service if he shot Kennedy. Further, they would have told him that if he did, they could never avow him. They would have known that for a psycho like Oswald, this would have been like an aphrodisiac.
Did it happen? Who knows? But it does not seem far fetched. LBJ was certain that the Cubans had had something to do with it. The Kennedys had kept Johnson locked out of all the Castro assassination plots. When he found out, he was appalled and probably a little scared and cancelled the whole thing.
He said in private, "I found out we were running a goddamned Murder, Inc., in the Caribbean."
The plan to kill Kennedy was orchestrated just like the attacks on Donald Trump. Very well orchestrated by professionals, neatly packaged. So the books you mentioned all went for the bait, witnesses not questioned about the shot or shots from the grassy knoll, X-rays missing, government autopsy reports doctored. So at 77 years young my research and my evidences trumps yours.
Bobby, I’m 68 and like you have read a lot of books about the JFK assassination. It was enough to make your head spin: CIA,Cubans, Mafia, some combo thereof, etc.
I never believed the Oswald did it alone scenario. Jack Ruby made it impossible for me to believe that. Too convenient.
As the years passed, I realized that there was only one reason to take the extreme risk of murdering Kennedy: to make LBJ the President. Kennedy’s personal life would have made it easy to torpedo his re-election campaign in 1964. At that time the American public would never have shrugged off the affairs, the medical issues, and the attempts to kill Castro. The CIA, Cubans, and Mafia all knew about these things. A few well-placed leaks would have made sure JFK lost the election. No need to take the risk of assassination.
But there was only one way LBJ was ever going to sit in the Oval Office. If Kennedy hadn’t been killed, LBJ could have ended up in prison for the Bobby Baker corruption scandal.
Johnson was desperate to be Vice President because he knew about Kennedy's Addison's disease, and knew that the prognosis was that Kennedy was not expected to live to be fifty. Johnson thought that was his best chance to become President.
What always astounds me about guys like you is that you take it for granted that everyone is a lowlife, everyone can be bought, no one can be trusted, and most preposterously, that the kind of massive conspiracy it would have taken to pull off what you imagine could have been carried out, and in sixty years, not one person would have talked. Not one person would have left a memoir to be published posthumously, knowing that his doing so would make him one of history's immortals.
This is absurd.
As for lowlifes, yes, there are lowlifes, but the vast majority of people in the military and in public service sixty years ago were men and women of honor. Over 500,000 members of that generation had died in World War II., you know, another 50,000 in Korea.
You won't bother to read any of the books, so watch the videos.
What is interesting is that you are right about Bobby Baker. Robert Caro writes about this extensively in volume 4 of his LBJ biography, "The Passage of Power." But Caro doesn't even entertain the idea that Johnson may have orchestrated the Kennedy assassination. This is telling: Johnson wanted a phone line entirely private to him, unknown even to the White House telegram operators. This was so he could get investment tips from "Judge" Moursund, his fixer, back in Texas.
Hardly the sort of behavior you expect of a man who has masterminded the crime of the century.
You make another good point: Kennedy's affairs. I think the Reeves book, "A Question ( or maybe the word is 'Matter' ) of Character" is still in print. He was a historian at the University of Wisconsin. He did believe that if Kennedy had been reelected, his affairs would have been exposed circa 1966, and of course, he would have had to resign. But he did not think this would have happened before the 1964 election. And anyway, don't you think the idea of killing the President to keep his sexual awfulness from being exposed is rather daft?
If you think it was a coerced hit, the burden of the argument shifts to you: explain why ANYONE would do such a thing, knowing, as he would, that he would never again be free, and would probably go to the electric chair. Why wouldn't such a person have taken off out of Dallas with maybe a carry on bag and the clothes on his body? You would have. I would have. Anyone would have.
Everyone who knew Ruby described him as voluble, ruled entirely by his emotions, and having a hair trigger violent temper. He was also a cop hanger on, because they were good customers for his strip club. If you watch video and film of Oswald that Friday and Saturday, you'll be able to get a couple of glimpses of Jack Ruby in the crowd.
You weren't alive then. I was eleven. You simply cannot imagine the public outrage and despair about the assassination. I think 9/11 comes closest to it. Watch interviews with people that Sunday morning who have just been told that Oswald had been shot. Not one person was upset or said anything like, "So, the assassination must have been a conspiracy." People hid it, but no one was upset. Ruby had no known intention even to go to the police station that morning. He had gone to the Western Union station across the street to wire money to a woman. He realized that Oswald was about to be moved, and decided to shoot him.
He was shocked that the cops were furious with him, saying things like, "Hey, it's me, Jack Ruby, what is it with you guys?!" Plainly, the man was a dolt who expected to be hailed as a hero.
I completely agree. Even if Trump manages to pull off a victory, how do we manage to put the American justice system back together? What would it take? There are thousands of people within our government who decided collaborate in the destruction of our founding principles to get Trump. How do we hold these people accountable? It will take years of hearings and trials that, try as a might. I just can't imagine happening.
I saw an article by James Comey saying that the Trump trials are proof that the American justice system has withstood the "stress test". No James, you gigantic doofus, the Trump Presidency was a test to see if the elites would allow a man who was not a part of their club to lead this nation. Unfortunately, they failed that test in spectacular fashion.
I hope we can somehow manage to come back from this but I'm not optimistic.
Anyone who's constitutional rights were violated in willful disregard to those rights can bring a claim against the government under §1983 of the U.S. Code. See also, Tanzin v. Tamvir.
A lot of them will get away with whatever they have done but be replaced. That should be good enough. At the end of World War2, Stalin wanted to hang every German officer of rank colonel or above. A lot of Americans wanted to kill every Japanese officer. It didn't happen. The world got to be a better place for a generation or so. Here we go again. Welcome to History.
As a Manhattan attorney for the past 25 years I can tell you the corruption and decay in the New York court system is widespread. The one party system appoints affirmative action / box punching candidates for judges. The bench is weak and filed with political appointees and incompetence
I am JEWISH. I voted straight democrat for 37 YEARS... 37 YEARS ... until 2004. I did not leave the democrat party ... it 'LEFT' me!!! So come on fellow Jews! This is no longer the party of JFK and LBJ ... swallow the 'RED PILL' ... and go MAGA!!! p.s. what more incentive do you want when Judas Joe has STABBED ISRAEL IN THE BACK!!!
Donald Trump just went to the Libertarian Convention and stood up to booing leftists (Sorry Libertarian, you are one of "my guys" on Substack, but let's both admit there are a ton of leftists in that party.)
Would Joe Biden ever dare to go talk to people where half of them would try to sabotage his speech and scream him down? I don't think so. Trump did, he handled it. He dealt with it. He put his message out there and did the hard thing. He even made some tough promises that I don't agree with. The leftist media outlets are *seething* about it. They are trying to spin it. It won't work, it never really has.
The dude is something else. There has never been a politician like him, as far as I can tell - and *that* is what makes him Trump. The guy is a force of nature. They call him Hitler, I call him the best thing that has happened to this country in decades. Now if they would just stop destroying *the country* to try and stop him - that needs to happen ASAP.
As expected from you a totally rational response. I practically had to quit X - the "libertarians" there are nothing but vitriolic hate filled lefties. They moved the convention's MAGA people to the back of the very libertarian of them?? I have to wonder if that "party" - if you can call it that - was co-opted by libs. Is it the Libtardarian party now? Sure seems like Trump just exposed it...
Agreed. The Libertarians are the party of political narcissism... it's all about loving the reflection that they see in the mirror, nothing else matters.
TDS is real and infects people of every political persuasion. Also, I think there's a big difference between the individual citizen like myself with libertarian views on most issues and many of those who claim membership in the Libertarian party.
The latter has made some decent reforms since the rise of the Mises caucus, but loyalty to any party regardless of that party's positions on policy and its actions is just stupid.
P.S.. I advocate the elimination of all political parties for independent candidates.
Personally, I think the powers that turn the dials will assassinate him. The global agenda to contain us into manageable herds is too powerful. It will take the hand of God to stop them.
Bit of a conundrum on that one... the Secret Service kinda complicates things. So -- of course -- the trial balloons from out in left field to remove it.
Not to speak for him, but in his case, I believe the upper-case 'L' is more a matter of being grammatically correct than indicative of identification with that party that is all but libertarian.
Great essay. I agree that this is a kinder, slightly more humble version of Trump. Biden (I agree about his squinty, reptilian eyes) has no successful policies on which to run, so he's resorted to telling blatant, easily debunked lies about Trump, and ruining graduation speeches with his dark, bitter campaign rhetoric. The thought of four more years of this guy is so scary and depressing.
I'm an attorney, too, and completely agree, except it's even more calamitous to see the profession persecute lawyers upholding the mandate that everyone is entitled to representation. John Adams, wherever he is, must be apoplectic. This will continue until they face retribution, when they will scurry back under their rocks; they are cowards, one and all.
Biden is busy appointing as many Woke “social justice” judges as possible on the federal courts. They will rule on the basis of race and gender rather than the rule of law. All areas of our society have now been ruined by this “mind virus.” Immigration, education, the military, police, the media and even medical schools are being dumbed down for the sake of “equity.”
What serves as "the spike protein" for the mind-virus is failing to acknowledge the reality of fallacies. All fallacies are superficially plausible, or they would not create
a danger of reaching false conclusions. But the Far Left never met a fallacy it didn't like: through the miracle of fallacies, any desired conclusion can be reached! Getting rid of what used to be the standard "Fallacies Unit"we all got in high school was the critical step in the fall of the West. I speak of it as a "done deal" because I think it is.
Best thing I have seen in my time hanging around here. I will note that the Hero's Journey is as old as literature so it definitely resonates even in a cynical soul like mine.
The question is how much damage will the Left do to the fabric of the country before it plays out and what impact will it have on the rest of us. Already, we have been transformed into a low trust (i.e Third World) society. We may still be rich for now but we are in that social trap that you see in much of the world. An old Soviet joke described them as Upper Volta with rockets. Now we are Venezuela with money.
And there is no place to flee to. The entire Western world has gone down the same drain. Macron rules by decree, Germany is working up to banning the opposition party, Australia set up concentration camps for COVID, the UK conservatives betrayed their base and are about to be dumped for a leftist regime, Canada is trending toward North Korea.
Spot on about no better place to flee to; my immediate and extended family all got Irish citizenship and passports as a get-out-of-Dodge-quick plan. But even Ireland has caved now.
My father was Irish Catholic, mother was German/Swedish Lutheran. All three of those countries have abandoned Christianity and embraced Woke as their faith. That’s a major reason why they’ve so badly failed to assimilate their Muslims. Their culture no longer offers anything worth assimilating into and is in fact quite insane. Plus the Muslims in Europe seem to be lower class, poorly educated and lack skills whereas ours seem to be mostly middle class, educated and have skills. Big difference. I worked with two Indian Muslims from Gujarat in Chicago who had no problem with assimilation since they came with education and skills plus America still has a great many people with traditional values which made it much easier for them to fit in here. One of them once told me his daughter married an Indian Muslim immigrant in the UK who was a cop there. He said his daughter’s town there was just like being in a Muslim town in India with the mosques and veiled women. Probably the only area in America like that would be the Somalis in Minneapolis who are low class, poorly educated, lack skills and live in a super Woke city.
Time for those of us who believe in law and order to move to Moscow. Putin’s not perfect but is infinitely better than the thugs who rule us plus I’m sure Moscow is a far safer city than Chicago where crime is simply out of control and destroying the city.
Nonsense. I am going nowhere. It is right there within our reach, but we allow a 40% PLURALITY to not even vote. You see the Youtube guy. That is 40% of the populace. It is time to cal them to action and put this nonsense down. There is no place to go. Romanticize all those places. I have been to most and there is NO PLACE ON EARTH AS GREAT AS THE USA.
I’ll go to Ireland before Moscow, Seva. Btw - I am remembering our men and women who served in the military and are now dead this Memorial Day. Going to American Legion bbq later too.
Ireland will now pay farmers to kill their cattle sooner than usual, before they’re too meaty. You know - in order to fight global warming & save the planet.
Correction: Thousands of West Europeans and even some Americans have settled/retired in Hungary, and they find that not speaking Hungarian is a relatively small problem, more than compensated for by the pleasures of living in Hungary.
Yes, it is a "medium-difficult" language to learn. (I've been teaching it for 30+ years, and my students achieved near-fluency only by spending months or yearsin Hungary.)
OTOH, many (younger) Hungarians speak some English (or German or French or . . . ) so it's not difficult to find some help. And learning "pidgin-Hungarian," i.e. using some basic expressions and common nouns, goes a long way to gain support and assistance.
(And, btw, Estonian is also related to Hungarian, even if the two are not mutally understandable.)
I dunno Andras, I spent a little time in Hungary (winter right after Berlin wall came down)- when I returned to Berlin- I suddenly could understand German (I don't speak it AT ALL) because my brain was desperate for something I could comprehend! I do think I might find the winters more difficult than the language though!! I still remember the great subway system, and my stop at "Deak Terr" being called out. I also remember the zoo and their having the exotic animal (North American Raccoon) on display!!
I hope I don't need the advice. I am linguistically challenged. Even Spanish was a challenge. I gave up German after my then 3yo daughter made fun of me
The first historical linguistics actually began with Hungarian and Finnish being recognized as somehow related. The discovery that Sanksrit was related to Greek and Latin (which were in turn related to each other) only came later. The Greeks and Romans had nothing more than hazy idea that Latin was somehow descended from Greek, which does not work.
By the way, it is odd that Latin is not called "Roman". It seems there must have been a time when "Roman" referred to the Etruscan dialect of Rome. Many etymologies of Latin words make sense only if the speakers were farmers. Too bad I cannot remember any ... they're somewhere in Palmer's "The Latin Language".
As for "Germany is working up to banning the opposition party", I would like to know what the evidence is. Not that I doubt you. I just want to know what is going on.
It seems to me that the continental Europeans are in general obsessed with mollifying Muslims. As if that can be done, by anything other than creating an Islamic State. Oh well. They long ago became "committed to the trail". They will find out the hard way where it ends.
God is using Trump in a mighty way. Trump is God's "David" in our time. May God bless and protect him, his family and our once great nation. Thank you Sasha. Once again an excellent overview of our world.
Thank you Sasha. I stopped everything this morning to listen to your piece. Nothing. I just sat at the kitchen table, drank coffee and listened to this beautifully written, heartfelt piece.
Thank you for speaking for something deep inside of myself.
How I wish I could share this with those true friends I used to have.
They would hate me though. Perhaps they already do.
None of my friends have ditched me, not even my relatives or the people at my church. (That's our new church as of 15 years ago.) There are times when we just don't discuss politics. Am I uniquely fortunate?
“I could see that I’d been lied to, not once or twice, but nonstop everyday since 2016.”
Excellent comment below on this despicable LA Times editorial claiming George Floyd really was “murdered.” The msm is evil. I don’t believe anything they say. Comment below is typical of the comments on this article. I was surprised by the onslaught of such comments, some even recommending watching the documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis” about the hoax. I was also surprised that Yahoo allowed such an avalanche of damning comments against this bs LA Times article. Their race narrative is crumbling and collapsing by the day along with so many of their other lies. No doubt about that. What has been seen cannot be unseen. They will not regain the trust they’ve lost.
“The official autopsy report tells us the following: George Floyd died in a hospital, of a heart attack, about 20 minutes from the scene of his arrest. It recites the existence of advanced, untreated heart disease and the presence of fentanyl and other drugs. A common symptom of fentanyl ingestion is the "wooden chest" syndrome in which the patient complains of the inability to breathe. No signs of focal hemorrhages, clouded eyes, lung congestion or other signs of asphyxia. The one thing that so many of these unfortunate incidents have in common is a decision by the individual to resist arrest, which in this case resulted in a wrestling match on the ground. Did this decision by Mr. Floyd to resist arrest play any part in his death?”
“Editorial: Four years after George Floyd, the backlash is underway.”
Real Clear Politics. Los Angeles Times. Editorial Board. May 24, 2024
What amazes me is that people who know better repeat the lies. Chauvin was not on Floyds neck. He just wasn't. When I see an obvious lie like that one and the bleach comment, I realize the author is a manipulator.
Joseph Campbell much? A beautiful article 😍. Will the hero make it all the way back? Will the hero be stopped just short, but the gods will assure his hero status for all time? To be continued...
Long before he ran for president, I grew up thinking Ronald Reagan was a terrible person. When he reached the highest office, he still had problems. But I now remember him as the best president I've ever experienced. I thought Jimmy Carter was a good person, perhaps the best who achieved the Oval Office -- but he was a terrible president. After years of trouble and loss and shame and negativity, Reagan brought HOPE to America, and as it turned out, to the world. There were many factors leading to the liberation of Eastern Europe, but we'd be fools to ignore the part Reagan played. He brought hope to America, told us we could be great -- and in many ways we rose to his expectations.
For years I hated Donald Trump; I couldn't stand to watch him on TV, and feared what he might do with presidential power. I've now come to believe that we need Trump as we needed Reagan almost half a century ago. My only fear is that the entrenched powers on both sides of the aisle are so powerful they will be able to continue to destroy America even if Trump does win the presidency. My best hope is that he could slow down the destruction, and begin to turn the tide. The real battle, and the real hope, is still in the hearts and the minds of the people.
This New York criminal case against Trump, along with the recent civil case, have all but destroyed the credibility of the U.S judicial system. They are actually trying to haul a man off to prison for a non-crime.
As an attorney I always regarded our justice system as the 'crown jewel" of American Democracy. What a tragedy!
It is hard to believe that these Democrat attorneys would intentionally trash our legal system, and be bragging about it all the while.
I am not at all sure we can recover from this disaster. Our legal system may never be the same.
Agreed. I am a full- time mom /homemaker now, but worked as a Deputy Prosecutor, Assistant state Attorney General, and attorney in other areas of litigation. I am appalled at what these deranged lunatics are doing to our justice system. However, with ppl like us, we will be here to pick up the pieces and hold it together. We can, we must, we will.
Kristen, I appreciate your optimism. I sincerely hope that we can somehow manage to bring our country back. It is people like Sasha who keep me from giving up hope completely.
Bringing our country back begins with a unanimous jury verdict to convict. I look forward to the celebrations in the streets this week.
Have hope that a future Republican candidate can bring the party back from the grip of 1938-era fascism.
Lol. 😆You have no clue what you are talking about. You are living under Soviet Era justice. Hopefully, under Trump we will restore rights under the Bill of Rights. Until then, my fervent hope is that you or someone close to you gets arrested and receives the same lack of due process as Trump.🤞
Why do you have such hateful words in your mouth? I wouldn’t wish you to be held without due process and I wouldn’t wish it on Trump, either, despite our serious disagreements. Trump has been afforded all his legal rights and is able to appeal any conviction multiple times.
Trump has already promised to ignore the Constitution for at least the first day… in what way is that restoring the Bill of Rights? Suspending the Constitution means suspending the Bill of Rights… and if you think he won’t come for you, I have some bad news from the National Socialists.
Okay lets be honest right now
1. Trump at best will have a slim majority in the senate with 2-3 moderates that don't like him
2. House GOP will at best keep its current numbers and if Democrats win its a stalemate
3. Hés a Lame duck president from day 1
Now tell me clearly what he can hope to accomplish to give your goals a chance to win. Also 2026/2028 so GOP won't give Trump much chance to give his agenda any chance since the next election cycle will be on top of us.
What an imbecile. You’re a fucking maroon.
Convict of what? The prosecution hasn’t even defined what actual crime was committed, except being someone leftists really hate.
Did you read the judges instructions? It’ll make your head spin.
The saying on a T-shirt says, "Normal isn't coming back; Jesus is." That is about the state of the world at this point. On one level everything is horribly grim, but on another level, people sense that we are racing toward the culmination of history as we know it and the biblically informed sense that Jesus will soon return. Stay close to Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel predicted in the Hebrew scriptures.
But don't believe the nonsense that Christ will take us away so we don't experience the 3.5 years of the great persecution/anguish/tribulation that is prophesied. God and His Son haven't "taken out" others on the planet who have experienced the same, what makes Christians in the Western world so special that they get "taken out of it"? In truth, the text has been wrongly interpreted. The rapture talks of "meeting Christ in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord" but the Greek text word for "air" is not the upper atmosphere, but the the lower atmosphere, with oxygen. I think the Apostle Paul was trying to say that we'd meet Christ on the earth, in the air, instead of under ground, in the grave. The truth is that we who are still alive will go through it and it's only 3.5 years. The shameful and ungodly response is that some Christians don't FIGHT to keep it from happening (which is our RIGHT as free citizens to do and it will provide more time for people to come to the faith and join the body of Christ), because, "Meh, I won't be here for it, I'll be 'raptured'". Note that
Respectfully, I believe in pre-tribulation. Does that mean stop living a life The Lord wants us to live, faithful and obedient? No. I, for one will not live in fear of a punishment that isn’t meant for me.
I disagree. In a short comment, I can't explain all of the reasons why, but I would refer you to two good websites with many resources: and
People had a lot of conspiracy theories about 2012 and Obama that turned out to be false. Please do not spread false information. Jesus would give us signs of His coming and a criminal trial for hush money paid to an adult film actor is most likely not one of them.
The actress who has a written and signed affidavit denying what you said.
Jesús said no one but the Father knows the time of His return, not even Jesus, and no specific signs, like the flood; best be prepared: now.
Of course it's not one of the specific signs mentioned in the bible in connection with the world being near the return of Jesus Christ. It is however, one of countless signs of the general disorder that will precede his coming. Personally, I would rather pay attention to what is happening in the world than to stick my head in the sand and pretend that everything is fine and dandy.
Trump and Trump-adjacent people are not the only ones being denied justice. Derek Chauvin comes to mind. As does Daniel Penny. And the legions victimized by criminals left free to roam.
Chauvin and Penny are Trump-related because they are both individuals who tried to stop criminals from causing more harm. Trump has inspired many to stand up against lawlessness while the Left is inciting *more* lawlessness in order to create chaos and force people to call for more government (a classic marxist strategy).
Chauvin is a convicted murderer. Why do you support him? Do you support murdering of everyone or just people who “look” like criminals because they wear baggy pants?
Convicted in a kangaroo court characterized by misconduct by prosecutor, judge and jury. He was effectively lynched.
Convicted in a leftist activist court. And I could give a single fuk for Derek Chauvin since he was a useful idiot leftist himself and you people get what you people deserve. But, he was trained in the neck kneeling procedure from the shitty manual from that shit police department in Minnesota. There was zero evidence of any trauma in Floyd’s death certificate. There was however lethal limits of fentanyl along with 6 other drugs. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with leftist activism and an abortion of the legal system
For far too long they have relied on intimidation to get convictions. Trump up charges (pun intended) to heap decades onto prison sentences to scare people into pleading guilty. I just looked it up and was astounded to see that 98% of federal cases are pled out. When the unlimited force of the State is allied against you, and they can withhold evidence without any consequences, you realize that system is BROKEN.
I believe the term is "trumped up".
Replace BROKEN with RIGGED.
A jury of one’s peers (in this case, Manhattanites) is the way the system works. Why do you want a separate system of justice for presidents? That’s a monarchy.
I'm fine with a jury of peers. But it is pretty clear that the Jury has not been allowed to hear the complete Presidents defense and has been tainted by the Judge. All this will come out on appeal when a conviction (if one comes) is thrown out. But keep in mind, this is exactly the sort of railroad that minorities who don't have the resources to hire a TEAM OF LAWYERS or file for appeal have to put up with. Once again, Trump exposes the Establishments rotten games. The democrats have allowed their anger to cloud their minds and their cards are showing. Personally I think it is a good thing when hypocrisy is exposed. Let the sun shine.
Trump has virtually unlimited legal resources so I’m not sure of the exact concern here. I definitely agree that low-income people cannot mount as credible a legal defense, but Trump does not have that problem.
As far as which witnesses were allowed, I am totally sympathetic to that concern and I understand where you’re coming from. I didn’t look closely into why Merchan allowed and disallowed different witnesses, but the great thing about the American justice system is that the defendant can appeal to the New York Appellate Division and New York Court of Appeals, and can even petition SCOTUS for a writ of certiorari.
This is all theoretical. The average minority feeling the pressure of the United States of America on his back has neither the resources and maybe not the willpower. They rot in jail while their public defender gets around to filling out the forms and preparing for court. Heck, a General Officer in the Army was driven to bankruptcy over such tactics.
I think the legal system has been this way since the deep state took out JFK. It's just being exposed now for what it is.
I'm sorry, because I know it's an article of faith with most people who subscribe to Substacks like this one that the deep state took out JFK, but it isn't so.
There are several ways you can determine this for yourself. Here are four books, rated in order of exhaustiveness, which make it impossible for a sane reader to believe that anyone other than Oswald killed Kennedy:
1. Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi. Bugliosi prosecuted the Manson family. His book about the JFK assassination is 1,500 pages long. He is honest. He admits, as do other lone gunman theorists, that he doesn't know what to make of the Sylvia Odio matter, but he doesn't think that whatever was going on there, it militates against Oswald's being the lone assassin. ( If a 1,500 page dig is too much for you to work into your schedule, you can go to YouTube and watch historian Sean Munger's two part, three hour long review of the Bugliosi book. )
2. Oswald's Game, by Jean Davison. Jean Davison, a retired - to - marriage former college English instructor, devoted nineteen years to going through all twenty - six volumes of The Warren Commission Report and writing her brilliant psychological biography of Oswald, which was published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, in 1983. Interestingly, she too is baffled by the Sylvia Odio matter, but like Bugliosi, she doesn't think it betokens anything important. If I had never read another book about the assassination, Jean Davison's book would have convinced me of Oswald's guilt.
3. Case Closed, by Gerald Posner. Posner's book was published about fifteen years before Bugliosi's, and is considerably shorter. He, like Bugliosi, is a lawyer, and knows how to present a forensic case. He admits in the introduction that when he began his research, he was certain it would lead to Mafia involvement. It never did.
4. JFK Assassination Logic, by John McAdams. I'm not sure whether McAdams was a lawyer, but he could analyze as lawyers must.
If your time is such that any of these strike you as too involving to devote your time to, here, in addition to the Munger videos on YouTube, is another amazing thing: the LEMMiNO channel has a ninety minute graphic recreation of those eleven seconds in Dealey Plaza which in its impressiveness is unlike anything about the assassination I have ever seen. Watch it, and you'll think at its end that the guy who does that channel ( "a Swedish guy in his twenties who likes to make videos" ) deserves some sort of world citizenship award.
As I started by saying, I understand that the conviction that Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy is virtually an article of faith in these precincts, but it was not so. Sometimes, history is like that. Gavrilio Princip, whose assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lit the fuse which started World War I., was something like the fourth backup assassin in the plot to kill the Archduke. He was flabbergasted when he saw the touring car turning onto his street.
And once in history, a nasty little malignant narcissist/psychopath who was one month past his 24th birthday, desperate to become a figure who affects the history of the world, and knew that he has no chance to do it honorably, just could not resist the opportunity to shoot the President.
This may be viewed by many as an assault on The Narrative, but screw The Narrative. Our side's interest must always be in the truth. We are up against a deep state which encompasses a myriad of creeps from several different walks of life, there's no doubt of that, but our battle is not served by a Noahic - like flood second origin story.
And I'll close with this: to a Deep Stater, of course, JFK was killed by a rogue CIA. Robert Kennedy thought at first that it might have been. Late on the evening of November 22, 1963, Kennedy asked CIA director John McCone to come out to Hickory Hill. Kennedy asked him whether the CIA had been involved. McCone said no, and Kennedy believed him. Kennedy later said that he had asked the question of McCone in such a way that Kennedy knew that McCone, a devout Catholic, could not lie to him.
I have concluded that the CIA was indirectly involved. It was blowback from them trying to kill Castro. The Cubans activated Oswald who was a doofus who got lucky. This had to be covered up because it meant war, possibly with the Soviets. By the time we found out about the CIA plots against Castro, it was more than a decade later.
Hey, Richard, read my answer to Casey Jones just now and let me know what you think of it.
Certainly plausible. I would note that the Mafia was decentralized so I think that the FBI belief that they had a handle on it was overconfident, if not dishonest. We know from the Church Committee that some Mafiosos were involved in the CIA plots to kill Castro and others were finagiling to get their Havana concessions back. This is the simple explanation for Jack Ruby.
I look at the video and know that Auswald (or however you spell his name) didn't shoot Kennedy. It's a matter of physics. Plenty of people on the grassy knoll who were watching saw a shooter.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You can't even spell the assassin's name. And no one - no one - saw anyone shooting from the grassy knoll. It's true, many people rushed toward it after the shooting, because in Dealey Plaza, the auditory clues about where the shots might have come from were impossible to interpret, and it seemed logical to people that the gunman may have been shooting from that area. It was, after all, much closer to the parade.
Google the following: Kennedy assassination Altgens Associated Press photo
James Altgens was a photographer for the Associated Press. He was on the Jacqueline Kennedy side of the street, and as the Presidential limousine approached, took a photo. If you look closely, you can see that Kennedy had already been hit by the second shot. ( Oswald's first shot missed, probably struck a light pole, and the flying fragments cut a young man's face rather badly. )
Look behind the Presidential limousine at the Secret Service car which is within a few feet. Notice that three of the four Secret Service agents on the running boards are looking back over their right shoulders. Instinctively, the agents knew that whatever those sounds were, they'd come from behind them. The only agent who is not looking back is Clint Hill, who is looking intently at the President's limousine. In a split second after Altgens snapped his photo, Clint Hill would begin his desperate, too late run for the Presidential limousine.
Both John and Nellie Connally were certain that the shots had come from behind.
To reiterate, you don't know one damned thing about the assassination. You don't even know the name of the assassin. It would be as if I, who don't know a damned thing about The International Space Station, made a comment about it.
If you're older than fourteen, you should be embarrassed, but at least you succeeded in getting a completely idiotic comment in print. Congratulations.
I don't know who killed him, but Oswald wasn't alone. Explain to me 2 things. The "magic bullet" (most laughable joke of an explanation every publicly produced), and why on the Zabruder tape, when Kennedy is hit, his body surges forward as the bullet exits the back of his head. Could have been multiple government agencies involved.
It was not a "magic bullet." Watch the Sean Munger video. The bullet's seemingly impossible path was caused by the relative positions of the two men. John Connally's jump seat was lower than Kennedy's seat, and somewhat to the right of it. I recommend Munger's video because based on your comment I doubt strongly you have the commitment to study the books.
As for the ZAPRUDER ( NOT ZA"B"RUDER FILM ( NOT TAPE ), look at it. Kennedy's body surges slightly forward as the bullet strikes from behind, but then the neuromuscular reaction caused by such a massive injury to that part of the brain causes the head to snap back. All neurologists say this.
I doubt seriously you have even taken the time to watch the Zapruder film. Please try to develop a mind which is capable of independent research and is not wholly dependent for its contents on the lowest common denominator "thinking" of people who, like you, don't know a damned thing about what they are talking about.
Because of people like you, we are going to lose the country.
You obviously have something that I lack -- the time for the deep dive into... stuff. I don't have a dog in the ring; my comment was reflective of the completed credibility collapse that we're experiencing -- and, as the Babylon Bee Offishul T-shirt that I happen to be wearing today suggests, the Conspiracy Theorists' score is getting ridiculously impressive. Curious; have you also explored the counter claims?
Oh, heck, yes: I'm 72. I have to admit that I was incredulous when the early conspiracy mongering started, but by the late 80s, I had learned things which made me wonder about the Mafia and about the Cubans.
About the Mafia: as Attorney General, Robert Kennedy had had all of the Mob hangouts bugged and all of their phones tapped. The government has hundreds of hours of tape. Not one thing indicated any involvement in the assassination. And several of those guys died in prison as a result of things the Feds picked up from those tapes.
Now, the Cubans! I'll tell you, I think I know of one writer who may have broached the following, but I haven't read his book, so I won't name him: if you know about Oswald's last months, you know that in September, he spent several days at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. Judging from his behavior in November, 1959, when he defected to Russia, it's pretty easy for anyone to imagine that he was hoping to be allowed into Cuba. He certainly would have dangled his cred as the man who had tried to kill Edwin Walker several months earlier.
I do not find the following far fetched. The Cubans would have been immediately aware that they had a gen - u - ine violent nut on their hands. It's easy for me to imagine that they might have encouraged Oswald to kill Kennedy. They might even have told him about the Kennedys' ongoing attempts to kill Castro, and that he would be doing The Glorious Peoples' Revolution a far greater service if he shot Kennedy. Further, they would have told him that if he did, they could never avow him. They would have known that for a psycho like Oswald, this would have been like an aphrodisiac.
Did it happen? Who knows? But it does not seem far fetched. LBJ was certain that the Cubans had had something to do with it. The Kennedys had kept Johnson locked out of all the Castro assassination plots. When he found out, he was appalled and probably a little scared and cancelled the whole thing.
He said in private, "I found out we were running a goddamned Murder, Inc., in the Caribbean."
The plan to kill Kennedy was orchestrated just like the attacks on Donald Trump. Very well orchestrated by professionals, neatly packaged. So the books you mentioned all went for the bait, witnesses not questioned about the shot or shots from the grassy knoll, X-rays missing, government autopsy reports doctored. So at 77 years young my research and my evidences trumps yours.
Trump committed serious crimes and so of course the prosecution was carefully planned to get a conviction.
You realize that the DA’s job is to prove the government’s case against defendants, right?
You haven't read the books. You vindicate the observation that there's no fool quite like an old fool.
Bobby, I’m 68 and like you have read a lot of books about the JFK assassination. It was enough to make your head spin: CIA,Cubans, Mafia, some combo thereof, etc.
I never believed the Oswald did it alone scenario. Jack Ruby made it impossible for me to believe that. Too convenient.
As the years passed, I realized that there was only one reason to take the extreme risk of murdering Kennedy: to make LBJ the President. Kennedy’s personal life would have made it easy to torpedo his re-election campaign in 1964. At that time the American public would never have shrugged off the affairs, the medical issues, and the attempts to kill Castro. The CIA, Cubans, and Mafia all knew about these things. A few well-placed leaks would have made sure JFK lost the election. No need to take the risk of assassination.
But there was only one way LBJ was ever going to sit in the Oval Office. If Kennedy hadn’t been killed, LBJ could have ended up in prison for the Bobby Baker corruption scandal.
Johnson was desperate to be Vice President because he knew about Kennedy's Addison's disease, and knew that the prognosis was that Kennedy was not expected to live to be fifty. Johnson thought that was his best chance to become President.
What always astounds me about guys like you is that you take it for granted that everyone is a lowlife, everyone can be bought, no one can be trusted, and most preposterously, that the kind of massive conspiracy it would have taken to pull off what you imagine could have been carried out, and in sixty years, not one person would have talked. Not one person would have left a memoir to be published posthumously, knowing that his doing so would make him one of history's immortals.
This is absurd.
As for lowlifes, yes, there are lowlifes, but the vast majority of people in the military and in public service sixty years ago were men and women of honor. Over 500,000 members of that generation had died in World War II., you know, another 50,000 in Korea.
You won't bother to read any of the books, so watch the videos.
What is interesting is that you are right about Bobby Baker. Robert Caro writes about this extensively in volume 4 of his LBJ biography, "The Passage of Power." But Caro doesn't even entertain the idea that Johnson may have orchestrated the Kennedy assassination. This is telling: Johnson wanted a phone line entirely private to him, unknown even to the White House telegram operators. This was so he could get investment tips from "Judge" Moursund, his fixer, back in Texas.
Hardly the sort of behavior you expect of a man who has masterminded the crime of the century.
You make another good point: Kennedy's affairs. I think the Reeves book, "A Question ( or maybe the word is 'Matter' ) of Character" is still in print. He was a historian at the University of Wisconsin. He did believe that if Kennedy had been reelected, his affairs would have been exposed circa 1966, and of course, he would have had to resign. But he did not think this would have happened before the 1964 election. And anyway, don't you think the idea of killing the President to keep his sexual awfulness from being exposed is rather daft?
Jack Ruby?
If you think it was a coerced hit, the burden of the argument shifts to you: explain why ANYONE would do such a thing, knowing, as he would, that he would never again be free, and would probably go to the electric chair. Why wouldn't such a person have taken off out of Dallas with maybe a carry on bag and the clothes on his body? You would have. I would have. Anyone would have.
Everyone who knew Ruby described him as voluble, ruled entirely by his emotions, and having a hair trigger violent temper. He was also a cop hanger on, because they were good customers for his strip club. If you watch video and film of Oswald that Friday and Saturday, you'll be able to get a couple of glimpses of Jack Ruby in the crowd.
You weren't alive then. I was eleven. You simply cannot imagine the public outrage and despair about the assassination. I think 9/11 comes closest to it. Watch interviews with people that Sunday morning who have just been told that Oswald had been shot. Not one person was upset or said anything like, "So, the assassination must have been a conspiracy." People hid it, but no one was upset. Ruby had no known intention even to go to the police station that morning. He had gone to the Western Union station across the street to wire money to a woman. He realized that Oswald was about to be moved, and decided to shoot him.
He was shocked that the cops were furious with him, saying things like, "Hey, it's me, Jack Ruby, what is it with you guys?!" Plainly, the man was a dolt who expected to be hailed as a hero.
This has slowly but surely crept from total whacknoid to.... Something Else.
I completely agree. Even if Trump manages to pull off a victory, how do we manage to put the American justice system back together? What would it take? There are thousands of people within our government who decided collaborate in the destruction of our founding principles to get Trump. How do we hold these people accountable? It will take years of hearings and trials that, try as a might. I just can't imagine happening.
I saw an article by James Comey saying that the Trump trials are proof that the American justice system has withstood the "stress test". No James, you gigantic doofus, the Trump Presidency was a test to see if the elites would allow a man who was not a part of their club to lead this nation. Unfortunately, they failed that test in spectacular fashion.
I hope we can somehow manage to come back from this but I'm not optimistic.
Anyone who's constitutional rights were violated in willful disregard to those rights can bring a claim against the government under §1983 of the U.S. Code. See also, Tanzin v. Tamvir.
A lot of them will get away with whatever they have done but be replaced. That should be good enough. At the end of World War2, Stalin wanted to hang every German officer of rank colonel or above. A lot of Americans wanted to kill every Japanese officer. It didn't happen. The world got to be a better place for a generation or so. Here we go again. Welcome to History.
Comey is a socialist/Marxist Dem and he hates the USA and justice....or he's incredibly brainwashed by his wife (a pink hat wearing leftist).
As a Manhattan attorney for the past 25 years I can tell you the corruption and decay in the New York court system is widespread. The one party system appoints affirmative action / box punching candidates for judges. The bench is weak and filed with political appointees and incompetence
I'm only a Paralegal but have been aghast at this "trial" NOTHING about it has been normal court procedure. Absolute sh@tshow.
I am JEWISH. I voted straight democrat for 37 YEARS... 37 YEARS ... until 2004. I did not leave the democrat party ... it 'LEFT' me!!! So come on fellow Jews! This is no longer the party of JFK and LBJ ... swallow the 'RED PILL' ... and go MAGA!!! p.s. what more incentive do you want when Judas Joe has STABBED ISRAEL IN THE BACK!!!
100% the party left Jews just as it left Blue Dog Democrats. Only corrupt followers of Bolsheviks and Maoists are in power of the Democrat party.
Welcome to the party. Tread cautionously as many republicans are on the dark side, too.
Damn near every single one, except for a handful in the Freedom Caucus (so-called), where I suspect there is more than one closet RINO.
well... very very few (unless you are talking about the RINOs!)
The Dems have betrayed the Jewish people. If the Dems win, the only thing to stop the next holocaust will be Israel’s nukes. BOOM
Foreign interference for me but not for thee …
Donald Trump just went to the Libertarian Convention and stood up to booing leftists (Sorry Libertarian, you are one of "my guys" on Substack, but let's both admit there are a ton of leftists in that party.)
Would Joe Biden ever dare to go talk to people where half of them would try to sabotage his speech and scream him down? I don't think so. Trump did, he handled it. He dealt with it. He put his message out there and did the hard thing. He even made some tough promises that I don't agree with. The leftist media outlets are *seething* about it. They are trying to spin it. It won't work, it never really has.
The dude is something else. There has never been a politician like him, as far as I can tell - and *that* is what makes him Trump. The guy is a force of nature. They call him Hitler, I call him the best thing that has happened to this country in decades. Now if they would just stop destroying *the country* to try and stop him - that needs to happen ASAP.
Excellent point. And since I DO speak for all Libertarians, I can assure you that we are 100% backing Trump this election. :D
As expected from you a totally rational response. I practically had to quit X - the "libertarians" there are nothing but vitriolic hate filled lefties. They moved the convention's MAGA people to the back of the very libertarian of them?? I have to wonder if that "party" - if you can call it that - was co-opted by libs. Is it the Libtardarian party now? Sure seems like Trump just exposed it...
I imagine it would be hard to vote for the “gay communist” that was nominated by your party.
I’m just a Libertarian in philosophy; am not in their party.
Libertarians HECKLE Trump, Act Like Leftist Children, Then Get Absolutely ROASTED!
Viva Frei
May 26 2024
My Comment? "The Libertarian Party is not a real Political Party. Its a debating society."
They don't care about winning, they care about ideological purity. As for Foreign Policy? NEWS FLASH! It's NOT the 17th century anymore.
Agreed. The Libertarians are the party of political narcissism... it's all about loving the reflection that they see in the mirror, nothing else matters.
Like Ii said It's a debating society, an incubator of ideas. That iis what 3rd parties are.
Unfortunately the same can be said of far too many "Republicans."
18th century, but yeah, most of them don't know as much about the Constitution as they think they do.
Even The 18th century was not what a lot of people think is was. Lot of Globalism going on then.
Yes They seem to have the same attitude as William Buckley Republicans
Why would a leftist pose as a libertarian?
TDS is real and infects people of every political persuasion. Also, I think there's a big difference between the individual citizen like myself with libertarian views on most issues and many of those who claim membership in the Libertarian party.
The latter has made some decent reforms since the rise of the Mises caucus, but loyalty to any party regardless of that party's positions on policy and its actions is just stupid.
P.S.. I advocate the elimination of all political parties for independent candidates.
Personally, I think the powers that turn the dials will assassinate him. The global agenda to contain us into manageable herds is too powerful. It will take the hand of God to stop them.
Bit of a conundrum on that one... the Secret Service kinda complicates things. So -- of course -- the trial balloons from out in left field to remove it.
Not to speak for him, but in his case, I believe the upper-case 'L' is more a matter of being grammatically correct than indicative of identification with that party that is all but libertarian.
Democrats did not become bad guys. They reveal their true selves. And Republicans are not much better. Sad reality.
"The Democrats and Never Trumpers probably wonder how it is that Donald Trump can still be this popular after everything they’ve thrown at him."
People are not stupid. Sometimes it's enough to see who does the "throwing".
Great essay. I agree that this is a kinder, slightly more humble version of Trump. Biden (I agree about his squinty, reptilian eyes) has no successful policies on which to run, so he's resorted to telling blatant, easily debunked lies about Trump, and ruining graduation speeches with his dark, bitter campaign rhetoric. The thought of four more years of this guy is so scary and depressing.
I'm an attorney, too, and completely agree, except it's even more calamitous to see the profession persecute lawyers upholding the mandate that everyone is entitled to representation. John Adams, wherever he is, must be apoplectic. This will continue until they face retribution, when they will scurry back under their rocks; they are cowards, one and all.
Biden is busy appointing as many Woke “social justice” judges as possible on the federal courts. They will rule on the basis of race and gender rather than the rule of law. All areas of our society have now been ruined by this “mind virus.” Immigration, education, the military, police, the media and even medical schools are being dumbed down for the sake of “equity.”
What serves as "the spike protein" for the mind-virus is failing to acknowledge the reality of fallacies. All fallacies are superficially plausible, or they would not create
a danger of reaching false conclusions. But the Far Left never met a fallacy it didn't like: through the miracle of fallacies, any desired conclusion can be reached! Getting rid of what used to be the standard "Fallacies Unit"we all got in high school was the critical step in the fall of the West. I speak of it as a "done deal" because I think it is.
Best thing I have seen in my time hanging around here. I will note that the Hero's Journey is as old as literature so it definitely resonates even in a cynical soul like mine.
The question is how much damage will the Left do to the fabric of the country before it plays out and what impact will it have on the rest of us. Already, we have been transformed into a low trust (i.e Third World) society. We may still be rich for now but we are in that social trap that you see in much of the world. An old Soviet joke described them as Upper Volta with rockets. Now we are Venezuela with money.
And there is no place to flee to. The entire Western world has gone down the same drain. Macron rules by decree, Germany is working up to banning the opposition party, Australia set up concentration camps for COVID, the UK conservatives betrayed their base and are about to be dumped for a leftist regime, Canada is trending toward North Korea.
Spot on about no better place to flee to; my immediate and extended family all got Irish citizenship and passports as a get-out-of-Dodge-quick plan. But even Ireland has caved now.
My father was Irish Catholic, mother was German/Swedish Lutheran. All three of those countries have abandoned Christianity and embraced Woke as their faith. That’s a major reason why they’ve so badly failed to assimilate their Muslims. Their culture no longer offers anything worth assimilating into and is in fact quite insane. Plus the Muslims in Europe seem to be lower class, poorly educated and lack skills whereas ours seem to be mostly middle class, educated and have skills. Big difference. I worked with two Indian Muslims from Gujarat in Chicago who had no problem with assimilation since they came with education and skills plus America still has a great many people with traditional values which made it much easier for them to fit in here. One of them once told me his daughter married an Indian Muslim immigrant in the UK who was a cop there. He said his daughter’s town there was just like being in a Muslim town in India with the mosques and veiled women. Probably the only area in America like that would be the Somalis in Minneapolis who are low class, poorly educated, lack skills and live in a super Woke city.
Time for those of us who believe in law and order to move to Moscow. Putin’s not perfect but is infinitely better than the thugs who rule us plus I’m sure Moscow is a far safer city than Chicago where crime is simply out of control and destroying the city.
Nonsense. I am going nowhere. It is right there within our reach, but we allow a 40% PLURALITY to not even vote. You see the Youtube guy. That is 40% of the populace. It is time to cal them to action and put this nonsense down. There is no place to go. Romanticize all those places. I have been to most and there is NO PLACE ON EARTH AS GREAT AS THE USA.
I’ll go to Ireland before Moscow, Seva. Btw - I am remembering our men and women who served in the military and are now dead this Memorial Day. Going to American Legion bbq later too.
You might take a closer look at Ireland before you pull that trigger.
Ireland will now pay farmers to kill their cattle sooner than usual, before they’re too meaty. You know - in order to fight global warming & save the planet.
I think that Hungary is a better place but the language is very difficult. Related only to Finnish and tribal people in Siberia.
Correction: Thousands of West Europeans and even some Americans have settled/retired in Hungary, and they find that not speaking Hungarian is a relatively small problem, more than compensated for by the pleasures of living in Hungary.
Yes, it is a "medium-difficult" language to learn. (I've been teaching it for 30+ years, and my students achieved near-fluency only by spending months or yearsin Hungary.)
OTOH, many (younger) Hungarians speak some English (or German or French or . . . ) so it's not difficult to find some help. And learning "pidgin-Hungarian," i.e. using some basic expressions and common nouns, goes a long way to gain support and assistance.
(And, btw, Estonian is also related to Hungarian, even if the two are not mutally understandable.)
I dunno Andras, I spent a little time in Hungary (winter right after Berlin wall came down)- when I returned to Berlin- I suddenly could understand German (I don't speak it AT ALL) because my brain was desperate for something I could comprehend! I do think I might find the winters more difficult than the language though!! I still remember the great subway system, and my stop at "Deak Terr" being called out. I also remember the zoo and their having the exotic animal (North American Raccoon) on display!!
I hope I don't need the advice. I am linguistically challenged. Even Spanish was a challenge. I gave up German after my then 3yo daughter made fun of me
The first historical linguistics actually began with Hungarian and Finnish being recognized as somehow related. The discovery that Sanksrit was related to Greek and Latin (which were in turn related to each other) only came later. The Greeks and Romans had nothing more than hazy idea that Latin was somehow descended from Greek, which does not work.
By the way, it is odd that Latin is not called "Roman". It seems there must have been a time when "Roman" referred to the Etruscan dialect of Rome. Many etymologies of Latin words make sense only if the speakers were farmers. Too bad I cannot remember any ... they're somewhere in Palmer's "The Latin Language".
Imagine a wandering trib, half of them as stubborn as Finns and the other half as devious as Hungarians.
As much as I hate to say it Seva, you are probably right.
As for "Germany is working up to banning the opposition party", I would like to know what the evidence is. Not that I doubt you. I just want to know what is going on.
It seems to me that the continental Europeans are in general obsessed with mollifying Muslims. As if that can be done, by anything other than creating an Islamic State. Oh well. They long ago became "committed to the trail". They will find out the hard way where it ends.
The Gates of Vienna is a news aggregator that has a lot of European content from You won't find anything in MSM
Idea of moving was raised in another forum. I asked, "Where?" Answer (giggles) "Cuba by way of Canada" ROTFLMAO
And the good news...........
God is using Trump in a mighty way. Trump is God's "David" in our time. May God bless and protect him, his family and our once great nation. Thank you Sasha. Once again an excellent overview of our world.
David or Cyrus the Great?
Thank you Sasha. I stopped everything this morning to listen to your piece. Nothing. I just sat at the kitchen table, drank coffee and listened to this beautifully written, heartfelt piece.
Thank you for speaking for something deep inside of myself.
How I wish I could share this with those true friends I used to have.
They would hate me though. Perhaps they already do.
To thyne own self be true.
Hang in there, Chris. As for the friends who ditched you--if they really were your friends, they would not have ditched you.
A good friend told me once "Those who believe the lies about you are not your friends. Those who are your friends won't believe the lies about you."
I've never forgotten that.
None of my friends have ditched me, not even my relatives or the people at my church. (That's our new church as of 15 years ago.) There are times when we just don't discuss politics. Am I uniquely fortunate? ALWAYS give me hope! The greatest gift of all! Thank you!
This is the best thing I’ve listened to all day. Thank you
“I could see that I’d been lied to, not once or twice, but nonstop everyday since 2016.”
Excellent comment below on this despicable LA Times editorial claiming George Floyd really was “murdered.” The msm is evil. I don’t believe anything they say. Comment below is typical of the comments on this article. I was surprised by the onslaught of such comments, some even recommending watching the documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis” about the hoax. I was also surprised that Yahoo allowed such an avalanche of damning comments against this bs LA Times article. Their race narrative is crumbling and collapsing by the day along with so many of their other lies. No doubt about that. What has been seen cannot be unseen. They will not regain the trust they’ve lost.
“The official autopsy report tells us the following: George Floyd died in a hospital, of a heart attack, about 20 minutes from the scene of his arrest. It recites the existence of advanced, untreated heart disease and the presence of fentanyl and other drugs. A common symptom of fentanyl ingestion is the "wooden chest" syndrome in which the patient complains of the inability to breathe. No signs of focal hemorrhages, clouded eyes, lung congestion or other signs of asphyxia. The one thing that so many of these unfortunate incidents have in common is a decision by the individual to resist arrest, which in this case resulted in a wrestling match on the ground. Did this decision by Mr. Floyd to resist arrest play any part in his death?”
“Editorial: Four years after George Floyd, the backlash is underway.”
Real Clear Politics. Los Angeles Times. Editorial Board. May 24, 2024
What amazes me is that people who know better repeat the lies. Chauvin was not on Floyds neck. He just wasn't. When I see an obvious lie like that one and the bleach comment, I realize the author is a manipulator.
"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
I would replace "man" with "child". But yes.
Joseph Campbell much? A beautiful article 😍. Will the hero make it all the way back? Will the hero be stopped just short, but the gods will assure his hero status for all time? To be continued...
Yep. Time to re-read Campbell's Hero of a Thousand Faces.
Long before he ran for president, I grew up thinking Ronald Reagan was a terrible person. When he reached the highest office, he still had problems. But I now remember him as the best president I've ever experienced. I thought Jimmy Carter was a good person, perhaps the best who achieved the Oval Office -- but he was a terrible president. After years of trouble and loss and shame and negativity, Reagan brought HOPE to America, and as it turned out, to the world. There were many factors leading to the liberation of Eastern Europe, but we'd be fools to ignore the part Reagan played. He brought hope to America, told us we could be great -- and in many ways we rose to his expectations.
For years I hated Donald Trump; I couldn't stand to watch him on TV, and feared what he might do with presidential power. I've now come to believe that we need Trump as we needed Reagan almost half a century ago. My only fear is that the entrenched powers on both sides of the aisle are so powerful they will be able to continue to destroy America even if Trump does win the presidency. My best hope is that he could slow down the destruction, and begin to turn the tide. The real battle, and the real hope, is still in the hearts and the minds of the people.
I have a question. Why does the chart with the poll of popularity in various states show Trump and Harris, not Trump and Biden?
Very powerful, Sasha! Thank you!!