Wow. Excellent article with compelling descriptions to see clearly the many devils in our midst. These devils must be defeated. Obama needs exposed as the puppet master of this horrid administration. Biden needs charged with treason. Garland, Jack Smith, and their ilk need disbarment.
And now that a mirror is being held up in front of the Left, they don't like what they see -- and want to distract everyone from seeing what they are seeing. "Squirrel!"
Yet another brilliant distraction. The whole UFO thing must be the longest running psyop in the IC's history. And it's damn effective.
That said though, I do truly believe that if our government knew of, had contact with, or recovered some material from some sort of ET's, they would do everything in their power to conceal it and, if possible, weaponize any recovered technology. Trust No One.
In the preface to the 1997 edition of 'The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World', Col. L. Fletcher Prouty wrote this:
"It will be interesting to see what "enemy" develops in the years ahead. It appears that "UFO's and Aliens" are being primed to fulfill that role for the future."
I have learned one thing about ETs from this fable. They choose to always appear or are found by government officials. They never land in the burbs or the city streets.
Yes! and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who just downgraded our global investment rating and pay no attention to BRICS countries about to cut out our US dollar entirely from their economy.
Every time I see another UFO headline and read how all these senior people in the military and government have information about UFOs, my brain goes back to the signed letter from 50 current and former intelligence analysts. What a load of malarkey.
Facts don't care about your feelings. this indictment is not just about a threat to a former POTUS, but to the Bill of Rights. If it succeeds, freedom dies & dissent becomes illegal. A few years ago these same Democrats/hypocrites warned we couldn’t trust our voting systems. A Must Watch OAN’s Election Integrity, the report the media doesn’t want you to see. Check out this excellent compilation:
Still didn't answer why you're so scared of watching a video of your fellow Dimokkkrats in a congressional hearing, they are right there in action. WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF?
It would be good to see how much Obama is involved in the executive branch; if Biden sold out our country (as it seems), treason is a reasonable charge but I don't think it's legally solid; Garland directly told local police to NOT arrest rioters in front of SCOTUS justice's homes which is against the written law (among other horrendous things Garland has done) and Jack Smith removed the 5 or 6 times Trump said "lawfully and peacefully" in his speech on Jan.6, in the evidence that Jack presented to the Grand Jury for indictment of Trump (on "trying to overturn the election") and "their ilk" are those who've done similar and the answer to these things, at a minimum is disbarment.
Sometimes I think that those who are in control of the progressive mob and the "narrative," have something far more nefarious up their sleeve. It appears to me they are trying to instigate a civil war. A war in which they can they crush all the witches once and for all.
"The origin of fourth-generation war lies not in technology nor in tactics, but in a vastly larger phenomenon: a growing and near-universal crisis of the legitimacy of the state. All around the world, the state has become a prisoner of a new class—an elite class that can’t make things work, that uses its wealth and power to insulate itself from the consequences of things not working, and which cares about only one thing: remaining the elite."
The crisis of state legitimacy stems from the fact that the ruling class isn't elite, but alien. And as an alien, hostile elite, that class works 24/7 to make sure that nothing works, as they desire the elimination of the native population. In the meantime, they import millions of non-whites to dilute the original population's strength in numbers.
You haven’t been paying attention if you believe this is a race war, regardless of the intentions of the democrats. This is an ideological war and has finally united people of various pigments.
Yep, Representative Omar just said in an interview that there needs to be a strategic, concentrated, creative governmental endeavor to find, track and weed out extremist whites. I'm paraphrasing what she said, but I got it in a nutshell - she's for purging whites from society.
No race or ethnic group known has every divided in terms of enlightenment. Race is the ultimate natural/physical divide (aside from sex, which I'm not convinced is more powerful, except in individual terms). The Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School, who Hitler unfortunately missed, applied Lukacs/Gramsci's theories and deracinated the white people of Europe and the Anglosphere in less than a century. Importing millions of non-white primitives into their countries only hastens the abolition of the European Peoples. Cultural Marxism is essentially the theory that existing societies can be dissolved by enough aliens and abnormals working together to attack every aspect of that society (known as the 'culture of critique'). Of course, it was a natural for Gramsci (an Albanian in Italy) and Lukacs (a Jew in Europe).
By "enlightened" I mean the religion (or cult) of the elite, progressive, woke, and their useful idiots. The unenlightened are those who haven't bought into their ideology and are considered a threat to their hegemony. I don't think the demographics of 20th century Europe are comparable to the present day US. Race is for sure a factor in some regard but it is not THE factor.
"A war in which they can they crush all the witches once and for all."
Then they're even stupider than they appear, since the side they are aiming to crush has all the guns. And if they're counting on the police, who they have constantly vilified, and the "woke" military to open fire on millions of their fellow Americans, they're delusional.
Maybe, but I'm not sure. If they can trigger the Right to large scale violence, the police and military might engage to suppress it. But the violence would have to start from the Right (or a false flag event). That's why what they're doing seems like such in your face instigation to me. Anyway, just gaming out the crappy possibilities.
Also, you can see this happening in how they used J6 to crush dissent (which may have been a false flag instigated by the FBI). Imagine J6 on a very large scale.
They want a civil war, but we won't give it to them because we are too smart to understand that reality - we will come for them first and that is why we are hated.
I’d argue a civil war won’t be given to them for the underlying reasons Sasha found those ‘on the other side’ were generally happy — when she checked in on her humanity - and experienced what was probably an epiphanic change from Chris & Billy to becoming more like Atticus Scout.
Sasha, please consider pulling and tugging on that original string you found and share back with us? Why did you find Trump supporters happy. And more importantly would that happiness remain if Trump was no longer on scene? Id suggest there are deeper truths that await your keen, investigative eye.
The Todd Snider Sympathy cover was divine, thanks for sharing that.
Best line: "Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury."
Bingo. The women who hate their bodies, the men who hate their failures - they need someone to blame.
. . . and behind closed doors, mocked by those he loudly and publicly professes profound adulation. First hand knowledge of this world. If those that took a knee and continue to wear that label as a badge of honor only knew. Pity those who operate on emotion, without critical thinking skills.
Sasha, what an amazing journey you are on. I merely suggest another thread that would have fit your essay. In 2012 a terrible situation occurred. A teenager was confronted by an overzealous neighborhood watchman and decided to attack him physically. In fear that his armed handgun would be taken and used to kill him, George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin. Instead of acknowledging the tragedy and counseling restraint, President Barack Obama opined, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” At that very moment race relations, which had improved every day for my entire life, began their steep decline. Racial animus, fueled by leftist anger, has made the country a less pleasant and more dangerous place to live every subsequent day. I don't know why the left wants to live in a world filled with rage, but it is demonstrably true. I am happy that you found a different way.
I recall the photo that the media shared of Trayvon from when he was 13. It made you think he was just a kid, when in fact at 17 he was a solidly built 6 footer who towered over Zimmerman.
There was the recording of Zimmerman talking to his dispatcher which was strategically edited to place Zimmerman in the worse possible light, played in a loop by the MSM. Then there was Trayvon's phone which was full of racist and bitter texts and was scrubbed by the police. A whole laundry list of lies and deceptions which went on to define the story in the mind of the public. Lies which have gone completely unchallenged. The lie becomes the truth.
Giving both sides is not trying to justify it. He wanted to be a cop and it's a good thing he didn't become one, that said, there's nothing wrong with wanting to protect your neighborhood. It was a terrible confluence of events that caused a young man to smash his head into the ground.
Well yeah he was defending himself after being attacked for no reason and just happened to be stronger, and ended up getting shot for it. I see no ambiguity there and I stand by my original comment. Eff George Zimmerman...
The Harvard prof. Henry Louis Gates kerfuffle with the Cambridge police, "Do you know who I am?" and Obama's "That policeman acted stupidly" taunt was the first salvo in what would become the race war we find ourselves in today. A sort of trial run for the Trayvon hoax, which as you state became the cornerstone moment. Obama the "healer" regressed race relations by a half century before his first term was over. That legacy lives on today.
oBama ain't no big guy. Bill Ayers, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and Val Jarrett are the big guy. They bought Obama everything he's got and that includes Joe Biden. Obama does what the big guy tells him to do.
The fact that the phrase “race relations” is thrown around indicates there’s racism, otherwise there would be no need for the phrase. It would have been nice to see some restraint from the unhappy and frustrated unhinged on both sides, but where there’s a ying there’s a Yang. The haters on the right trashed and slung mud all over a dead teen walking back from a trip to the store. They held up every teen fault and failure as if he was evil incarnate. You can bet if any of their sons had been followed and stalked, they would have wanted their sons to beat the stalker into a pulp. Both sides made a circus out of a tragic situation and death of a teen. It was disgraceful all the way around.
Sasha, reading this makes me so happy to be a subscriber. During Covid, I was taken aback by several close Female friends who screamed at me over the phone, "I hate Trump and hope he d..s.," but gushed over Gov Cuomo. I thought it was temporary insanity caused by lockdowns. I was wrong....I mostly avoid politics when talking to them, knowing any mention could trigger a meltdown. I've discovered the solution to their problem - read beyond the twitter feed and MSM - but they refuse to listen to another side of the story. Poor them.
Whew, that's the best thing I've read in years. I'm glad you're here, though I bet there's a lot that we wouldn't agree on, but that's ok. Decent people can hold conflicting opinions on an awful lot. I agree, I don't want to be the problem/devil.
This was an amazing and sad piece to read. The brainwashing is still alive and well today and I don’t know how we are ever going to expose it all as the msm has been controlling the masses for years and every single person has one of those idiot boxes in their home front and center, myself as well :(
Fortunately I got rid of msm and cable news 4 years ago as I was tired of the violence, the sex, the reality Crap, the lies, the commercials, etc. (yet it’s also on streaming channels and I can now only watch animal rescue and house hunting shows lol) I knew DJT was not what the idiot box and the lying msm made him out to be and I knew he wasn’t perfect. He loves this country (and what’s left of it…) but I wish he would have fired the little man in the white butcher coat and the governors were not given the power to shut their states down. Worst thing to happen and has destroyed millions. Also the 2020 riots were a blatant attack on the people and should have been stopped immediately especially during a pandemic right with that crazy virus so dangerous and contagious…..😵💫🙄🤯🤥
Mind blowing how good you are at this Shasha ... metaphors, analogies, trawling them all in with your analytical nets ... including the latest, this judge who considers violence (in libertarian terms the initiation of physical force against others, indiscriminately) justifiable depending on the cause ...
“The Left accuses Trump’s side of being a cult, but the truth is that it’s the Left, not the Right, consumed by a fundamentalist ideology that mandates compliance.”
Great article, Sasha. Very good. Who though is the cult leader of the left? Certainly a major one is Ibram X. Kendi. I saw a video of Vivek Ramaswamy recently at a Townhall meeting where he was asked what he would do on his first day as president. He said he would issue an Executive Order banning race based affirmative action. That’s exactly the opposite of what Biden did on his first day in office which was to issue an Executive Order to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with Equity aka Equal Outcomes. This actually highlighted the profound difference between the Woke(democrats) vs the nonWoke(republicans) in our society.
The Woke left traded class for race, “Woke Marxism!” and certainly are demonizing white people as the source of evil in the world but this goes far beyond race since they also try to destroy anyone of whatever color who gets in their way plus their campaign to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with “Equity” is a war on standards and since standards are the essence of civilization they are in effect waging a war on civilization itself. Basically a war on sanity by the insane.
Here’s what the WSJ’s Holman Jenkins had to say about the Woke left in an article a few years ago: “The charge of ‘systemic racism’ is their obsession. Using the word rightly, however, ‘systemic’ in America has been our attempt to protect individual rights against the immoral chaos of nature, including human nature, from which all kinds of racial and other irrational hatred emerge. This may be a losing battle in the long run - nature will prevail, civilization won’t.”
I'd word it slightly differently, but it is central to what's going on: The elites took class out of Marxism and replaced it with race to distract us and protect themselves from the actual reckoning that this country needs.
Wow. Excellent article with compelling descriptions to see clearly the many devils in our midst. These devils must be defeated. Obama needs exposed as the puppet master of this horrid administration. Biden needs charged with treason. Garland, Jack Smith, and their ilk need disbarment.
Trump's election merely exposed the left, the media, and the Democrat and Republican Party establishments for what they really are.
Like the song says:
"All I care for about now
Is that I'm seeing the real you at last."
And now that a mirror is being held up in front of the Left, they don't like what they see -- and want to distract everyone from seeing what they are seeing. "Squirrel!"
Spot on BradK…. Did you hear about those UFO’s?!
Yet another brilliant distraction. The whole UFO thing must be the longest running psyop in the IC's history. And it's damn effective.
That said though, I do truly believe that if our government knew of, had contact with, or recovered some material from some sort of ET's, they would do everything in their power to conceal it and, if possible, weaponize any recovered technology. Trust No One.
In the preface to the 1997 edition of 'The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World', Col. L. Fletcher Prouty wrote this:
"It will be interesting to see what "enemy" develops in the years ahead. It appears that "UFO's and Aliens" are being primed to fulfill that role for the future."
I have learned one thing about ETs from this fable. They choose to always appear or are found by government officials. They never land in the burbs or the city streets.
Yes! and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who just downgraded our global investment rating and pay no attention to BRICS countries about to cut out our US dollar entirely from their economy.
Every time I see another UFO headline and read how all these senior people in the military and government have information about UFOs, my brain goes back to the signed letter from 50 current and former intelligence analysts. What a load of malarkey.
Sleestacks UNITE!
Together we stand, divided we fall. We are all Sleestacks now.
Haha! We are in The Land of the Lost these days...
Facts don't care about your feelings. this indictment is not just about a threat to a former POTUS, but to the Bill of Rights. If it succeeds, freedom dies & dissent becomes illegal. A few years ago these same Democrats/hypocrites warned we couldn’t trust our voting systems. A Must Watch OAN’s Election Integrity, the report the media doesn’t want you to see. Check out this excellent compilation:
Lmao, it's not an "article", it's a video compilation of your very own fellow dimokkkrats on election fraud. Why are you too afraid to watch it?
Still didn't answer why you're so scared of watching a video of your fellow Dimokkkrats in a congressional hearing, they are right there in action. WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF?
It would be good to see how much Obama is involved in the executive branch; if Biden sold out our country (as it seems), treason is a reasonable charge but I don't think it's legally solid; Garland directly told local police to NOT arrest rioters in front of SCOTUS justice's homes which is against the written law (among other horrendous things Garland has done) and Jack Smith removed the 5 or 6 times Trump said "lawfully and peacefully" in his speech on Jan.6, in the evidence that Jack presented to the Grand Jury for indictment of Trump (on "trying to overturn the election") and "their ilk" are those who've done similar and the answer to these things, at a minimum is disbarment.
Sometimes I think that those who are in control of the progressive mob and the "narrative," have something far more nefarious up their sleeve. It appears to me they are trying to instigate a civil war. A war in which they can they crush all the witches once and for all.
And then they can “ build back better”.
But only after they first burn it to the ground.
They should be careful what they wish for.
Absolutely. They know every indictment brings Trump more fans, and increases the anger of his base tenfold.
Correction: race war, not civil war. Every Leftist crusade has the same object -- make whites second-class citizens under law.
Here's a take on the future of war:
Money quote:
"The origin of fourth-generation war lies not in technology nor in tactics, but in a vastly larger phenomenon: a growing and near-universal crisis of the legitimacy of the state. All around the world, the state has become a prisoner of a new class—an elite class that can’t make things work, that uses its wealth and power to insulate itself from the consequences of things not working, and which cares about only one thing: remaining the elite."
The crisis of state legitimacy stems from the fact that the ruling class isn't elite, but alien. And as an alien, hostile elite, that class works 24/7 to make sure that nothing works, as they desire the elimination of the native population. In the meantime, they import millions of non-whites to dilute the original population's strength in numbers.
You haven’t been paying attention if you believe this is a race war, regardless of the intentions of the democrats. This is an ideological war and has finally united people of various pigments.
Yep, Representative Omar just said in an interview that there needs to be a strategic, concentrated, creative governmental endeavor to find, track and weed out extremist whites. I'm paraphrasing what she said, but I got it in a nutshell - she's for purging whites from society.
Disagree - it's about the enlightened class versus the unenlightened class. Unenlightened non-whites are every bit the enemy as unenlightened whites.
No race or ethnic group known has every divided in terms of enlightenment. Race is the ultimate natural/physical divide (aside from sex, which I'm not convinced is more powerful, except in individual terms). The Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School, who Hitler unfortunately missed, applied Lukacs/Gramsci's theories and deracinated the white people of Europe and the Anglosphere in less than a century. Importing millions of non-white primitives into their countries only hastens the abolition of the European Peoples. Cultural Marxism is essentially the theory that existing societies can be dissolved by enough aliens and abnormals working together to attack every aspect of that society (known as the 'culture of critique'). Of course, it was a natural for Gramsci (an Albanian in Italy) and Lukacs (a Jew in Europe).
By "enlightened" I mean the religion (or cult) of the elite, progressive, woke, and their useful idiots. The unenlightened are those who haven't bought into their ideology and are considered a threat to their hegemony. I don't think the demographics of 20th century Europe are comparable to the present day US. Race is for sure a factor in some regard but it is not THE factor.
"A war in which they can they crush all the witches once and for all."
Then they're even stupider than they appear, since the side they are aiming to crush has all the guns. And if they're counting on the police, who they have constantly vilified, and the "woke" military to open fire on millions of their fellow Americans, they're delusional.
Maybe, but I'm not sure. If they can trigger the Right to large scale violence, the police and military might engage to suppress it. But the violence would have to start from the Right (or a false flag event). That's why what they're doing seems like such in your face instigation to me. Anyway, just gaming out the crappy possibilities.
Also, you can see this happening in how they used J6 to crush dissent (which may have been a false flag instigated by the FBI). Imagine J6 on a very large scale.
Yes, and the "Gov Whitmere kidnapping" was a dry run.
Absolutely. It's why the pokes become more and more blatant and brazen - they seek to provoke a violent response from the non-left.
They want a civil war, but we won't give it to them because we are too smart to understand that reality - we will come for them first and that is why we are hated.
I’d argue a civil war won’t be given to them for the underlying reasons Sasha found those ‘on the other side’ were generally happy — when she checked in on her humanity - and experienced what was probably an epiphanic change from Chris & Billy to becoming more like Atticus Scout.
Sasha, please consider pulling and tugging on that original string you found and share back with us? Why did you find Trump supporters happy. And more importantly would that happiness remain if Trump was no longer on scene? Id suggest there are deeper truths that await your keen, investigative eye.
The Todd Snider Sympathy cover was divine, thanks for sharing that.
I agree, we are generally happier and can take a beating - for only so long, but it will be longer than they are willing to push.
Something about ruling in hell vs. serving in Heaven comes to mind.
You rock! Wonderful threading all the events together into a cohesive whole. Always a pleasue to read your work.
And I just finished The Fourth Turning is Here. I see why you are so excited and named your substack after the series If books. Amazing.
That was the most profound and vulnerably honest thing I've read in quite some time. I don't see any need to comment further.
I only hope that we as a nation can begin to heal before the collective madness of our self destruction consumes us completely.
Best line: "Trump became the receptacle for all of their own inner torments, their hatred of their own bodies, their failures in life, and the negative thoughts they had to bury."
Bingo. The women who hate their bodies, the men who hate their failures - they need someone to blame.
Never underestimate the redemptive power of projection.
I made a meme out of it:
Wow! Are you trying to contribute to the narrative or just vent your spleen?
Any sports fan is purely emotional.
. . . and behind closed doors, mocked by those he loudly and publicly professes profound adulation. First hand knowledge of this world. If those that took a knee and continue to wear that label as a badge of honor only knew. Pity those who operate on emotion, without critical thinking skills.
Well said.
Another pathetic, delusional liberal. No point in engaging.
Sasha, what an amazing journey you are on. I merely suggest another thread that would have fit your essay. In 2012 a terrible situation occurred. A teenager was confronted by an overzealous neighborhood watchman and decided to attack him physically. In fear that his armed handgun would be taken and used to kill him, George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin. Instead of acknowledging the tragedy and counseling restraint, President Barack Obama opined, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” At that very moment race relations, which had improved every day for my entire life, began their steep decline. Racial animus, fueled by leftist anger, has made the country a less pleasant and more dangerous place to live every subsequent day. I don't know why the left wants to live in a world filled with rage, but it is demonstrably true. I am happy that you found a different way.
As Dennis Prager says, "The left destroys everything it touches."
I recall the photo that the media shared of Trayvon from when he was 13. It made you think he was just a kid, when in fact at 17 he was a solidly built 6 footer who towered over Zimmerman.
And a few other propaganda things as well.
There was the recording of Zimmerman talking to his dispatcher which was strategically edited to place Zimmerman in the worse possible light, played in a loop by the MSM. Then there was Trayvon's phone which was full of racist and bitter texts and was scrubbed by the police. A whole laundry list of lies and deceptions which went on to define the story in the mind of the public. Lies which have gone completely unchallenged. The lie becomes the truth.
I remember. If interested, see my essay on propaganda on my substack.
Are you trying to justify what Zimmerman did? That guy is despicable, a wannabe cop vigilante. “Stand Your Ground” my arse...
Giving both sides is not trying to justify it. He wanted to be a cop and it's a good thing he didn't become one, that said, there's nothing wrong with wanting to protect your neighborhood. It was a terrible confluence of events that caused a young man to smash his head into the ground.
Well yeah he was defending himself after being attacked for no reason and just happened to be stronger, and ended up getting shot for it. I see no ambiguity there and I stand by my original comment. Eff George Zimmerman...
Zimmerman DID NOT ATTACK Travon.
The Harvard prof. Henry Louis Gates kerfuffle with the Cambridge police, "Do you know who I am?" and Obama's "That policeman acted stupidly" taunt was the first salvo in what would become the race war we find ourselves in today. A sort of trial run for the Trayvon hoax, which as you state became the cornerstone moment. Obama the "healer" regressed race relations by a half century before his first term was over. That legacy lives on today.
oBama ain't no big guy. Bill Ayers, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and Val Jarrett are the big guy. They bought Obama everything he's got and that includes Joe Biden. Obama does what the big guy tells him to do.
Could be. And you forgot to mention S0r0s.
Trayvon was systemically smashing Zimmerman's head onto the ground when he defended himself...
But we must end the right of self defense, comrades.
Agree, sadly
The fact that the phrase “race relations” is thrown around indicates there’s racism, otherwise there would be no need for the phrase. It would have been nice to see some restraint from the unhappy and frustrated unhinged on both sides, but where there’s a ying there’s a Yang. The haters on the right trashed and slung mud all over a dead teen walking back from a trip to the store. They held up every teen fault and failure as if he was evil incarnate. You can bet if any of their sons had been followed and stalked, they would have wanted their sons to beat the stalker into a pulp. Both sides made a circus out of a tragic situation and death of a teen. It was disgraceful all the way around.
Sasha, reading this makes me so happy to be a subscriber. During Covid, I was taken aback by several close Female friends who screamed at me over the phone, "I hate Trump and hope he d..s.," but gushed over Gov Cuomo. I thought it was temporary insanity caused by lockdowns. I was wrong....I mostly avoid politics when talking to them, knowing any mention could trigger a meltdown. I've discovered the solution to their problem - read beyond the twitter feed and MSM - but they refuse to listen to another side of the story. Poor them.
Very important in life to learn to rule your emotions.
Truly unfortunate growing up, boys were told to check their aggression while girls got a pass on the unchecked emotion.
I would bet they are also on some prescription drugs.
Whew, that's the best thing I've read in years. I'm glad you're here, though I bet there's a lot that we wouldn't agree on, but that's ok. Decent people can hold conflicting opinions on an awful lot. I agree, I don't want to be the problem/devil.
Mutual respect does not require agreement, only empathy and understanding.
This was an amazing and sad piece to read. The brainwashing is still alive and well today and I don’t know how we are ever going to expose it all as the msm has been controlling the masses for years and every single person has one of those idiot boxes in their home front and center, myself as well :(
Fortunately I got rid of msm and cable news 4 years ago as I was tired of the violence, the sex, the reality Crap, the lies, the commercials, etc. (yet it’s also on streaming channels and I can now only watch animal rescue and house hunting shows lol) I knew DJT was not what the idiot box and the lying msm made him out to be and I knew he wasn’t perfect. He loves this country (and what’s left of it…) but I wish he would have fired the little man in the white butcher coat and the governors were not given the power to shut their states down. Worst thing to happen and has destroyed millions. Also the 2020 riots were a blatant attack on the people and should have been stopped immediately especially during a pandemic right with that crazy virus so dangerous and contagious…..😵💫🙄🤯🤥
Mind blowing how good you are at this Shasha ... metaphors, analogies, trawling them all in with your analytical nets ... including the latest, this judge who considers violence (in libertarian terms the initiation of physical force against others, indiscriminately) justifiable depending on the cause ...
Probably the best ‘why we are where we are’ I have read.
Bravo! Sasha, Bravo!
I see the trolls are out early. Must be a full moon.
Brilliant piece, Sasha.
I am certainly glad you are here.
“The Left accuses Trump’s side of being a cult, but the truth is that it’s the Left, not the Right, consumed by a fundamentalist ideology that mandates compliance.”
Great article, Sasha. Very good. Who though is the cult leader of the left? Certainly a major one is Ibram X. Kendi. I saw a video of Vivek Ramaswamy recently at a Townhall meeting where he was asked what he would do on his first day as president. He said he would issue an Executive Order banning race based affirmative action. That’s exactly the opposite of what Biden did on his first day in office which was to issue an Executive Order to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with Equity aka Equal Outcomes. This actually highlighted the profound difference between the Woke(democrats) vs the nonWoke(republicans) in our society.
The Woke left traded class for race, “Woke Marxism!” and certainly are demonizing white people as the source of evil in the world but this goes far beyond race since they also try to destroy anyone of whatever color who gets in their way plus their campaign to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with “Equity” is a war on standards and since standards are the essence of civilization they are in effect waging a war on civilization itself. Basically a war on sanity by the insane.
Here’s what the WSJ’s Holman Jenkins had to say about the Woke left in an article a few years ago: “The charge of ‘systemic racism’ is their obsession. Using the word rightly, however, ‘systemic’ in America has been our attempt to protect individual rights against the immoral chaos of nature, including human nature, from which all kinds of racial and other irrational hatred emerge. This may be a losing battle in the long run - nature will prevail, civilization won’t.”
“Glenn Loury Destroys Ibram X. Kendi.” (2 min)
Southern Comfort Productions. Nov 15, 2022
Glenn is amazing! He can be found on Substack.
'The Woke left traded class for race, “Woke Marxism!”'
I'd word it slightly differently, but it is central to what's going on: The elites took class out of Marxism and replaced it with race to distract us and protect themselves from the actual reckoning that this country needs.
For the Rich Men North of Richmond puppets and their puppetmasters it's always been about class. Race is the tool used in the deconstruction.