Last June, a student planned to quote Trump in his seventh grade valedictory remarks. The quote itself was innocuous (about achievement and soaring to great heights) but the absolute meltdown and freak out by the teachers was something to behold! Tears, threats to boycott the graduation and protestations to administrators. These teachers pulled out all the stops to prevent this 13-year old student from saying, “the view is great from up here.” To his credit, he was undeterred and ended his speech quoting DJT. The audience roared with laughter and the graduation continued. That kid had more courage than any adult in the room! It’s still a taboo subject as the subject matter inspires such wrath and hysteria.

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Another unintended consequence of the Trump presidency: showing everyone just how “activist” K-12 education has become.

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Nice commentary. The Left continues to practice its "confession through projection"; that is, accusing others of the very things they are doing. If Trump wins, it will be interesting to watch while the progressive left allows "mostly peaceful protests" to go like they did a couple of summers ago. The democrats practice fascist ploys and traits but call Trump the fascist. (I doubt they even know what fascism really is. They practice it but call is progressive liberalism.) I still have trouble wondering how so called intelligent people can't see what the far left and its media accomplices are doing. Too bad there isn't a vaccine against TDS.

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Trump is no saint. That said, please vote for Trump: Kamala is much worse! Voting Trump means half a million abortions. Voting Kamala, means a million: you'd be "saving" 500,000 babies a year!

The globalists want to kill Trump for a reason: he’s against many of their plans!

Trump is no saint. But at least he's not as evil as Kamala. By not voting, we actually vote by letting “worst” defeat “bad”. Better “bad” than “worst”, right? Plus, half a million babies per year would be grateful for sparing their lives, right?

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Trump is a human. Of course he isn't a saint. There aren't many and not one of them is running for political office.

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Alexis de Tocqueville has a great quote on this subject: “I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”

He said a lot of great things, but this one is haunting: “Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.... The subjection of individuals will increase amongst democratic nations, not only in the same proportion as their equality, but in the same proportion as their ignorance.”

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Yep. And anyone who votes for Kamala is voting for child abuse (gender affirming care for minor children and human trafficking through uncontrolled borders). Who votes for child abuse? People do the Darndest Things: https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/people-do-the-darndest-things-trying?r=76q58

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If Republicans did run a saint, Democrats would vilify them. Suddenly the saint would be worse than Hitler, Mao, Mussolini and Stalin combined.

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Great post Sasha, thank you. My vote has already been cast for Trump. I encourage everyone to vote early. I don’t trust the left or the deep state.

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Not looking for a saint, a boyfriend, a God, etc…just a leader who will bring back safety, sanity and prosperity to this once glorious country.

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Since when has a US president been a saint? Why is he being held to this standard?

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What this election revealed for me was something truly heartening: that racism is NOT universal as they want us to believe and more people are like me than not. I honestly was feeling that I was a rare bird, and I definitely have been scoffed at and ridiculed for thinking the color of one’s skin does not matter. I have been accused of being part of the problem believing that. I have never seen people through a lens of the color of their skin, I only see their spirits through their eyes. I can smile and cheer for and love the beauty portrayed by a person of any color in the same way I can by a white person, and I can be repulsed by a bad actor with white skin (of which there are MANY on the left) just as much as I can by another color or race. It’s your actions and your spirit that matter to me.

This election is showing me that there are MORE people like me than not, I am not alone or even unique. And that makes me feel warmth and joy in my heart and puts a grin on my face for all of us. I love watching us all feel the same way and the dancing video at the end proves what I’m saying. We are more united than they want us to be, than they want us to believe. Don’t fall for the theory that race matters, that you can’t ignore skin color. That’s hogwash.

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Did anyone notice a conflict of interest? As a VP, Harris is supposed to certify the election result, which would be either her own or Trump's victory. Unless she becomes president for the remainder of the Biden's term under the 25th Amendment or Biden unexpectedly dies. Early morning on the election day for the greatest impact.

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The fascist far-left has always been the party of projection – so when they talk about destroying democracy – it means THEY are out to destroy democracy.

If the worst were to happen, and they were to win, they will open the floodgates and have the country overrun with illegal invaders. The Communazis have already talked about making the undocumented, ‘documented’ - illegal Voters for a one-party Democratic dictatorship.

That means, your vote in the future will be meaningless. You’ll be able to cast it, but it’s effects will be obliterated by a multitude of illegal votes, rendering it useless. You will no longer have a voice in the government that you are forced to pay for.

That is why you must vote for Donald Trump.

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Yes! I voted for Trump in 2016 in Nyc and 2020 and 2024 in SB, CA🇺🇸

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You moved from NYC to CA? What are you? A masochist?

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Nobody comes to Chinada from the USA either. Kalamity herself was marxist born and raised in Montreal. Outremont to be exact. Nice part of town typical of socialist elitists. Sorry we let her out to destroy the finest nation God ever created.

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It's entirely possible she would annex Canada and Mexico, if she wins!

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I think what migrants we allow to stay can be turned. THey come from the real world and know that Tyrants run everything. They are fleeing something. It is up to us to make it clear what we are about here in the GREATEST COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

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...that occurred to me too, Orenv. The whole flood of migrant 'voters' may actually backfire on the Dems.

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Just remember that they started discouraging Cubans from coming over at one point.

That speaks volumes.

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Better a red neck than a blue heart.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

My brother put it well, I think, when he said that you can't reason people out of something they were never reasoned into. Regarding the 2024 election, I think there are many people who will not sit idly by while the Left proceeds to set the country on fire, should Mr. Trump win -- the thinking being that enough is enough. Not 1861, thank goodness. More like 1775.

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Leftists will burn leftist strongholds. How much of their own wealth and security are they willing to burn to satisfy their tantrum? How many communities of color will they raze to make their points???? The left always FEEDS on the poor.

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I think DJT would call in the military immediately and stop the burning and looting hystrionics. Enough is enough.

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Not his job really. That is up to the Cities and the States.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

A mass delusion orchestrated by puppet-master Barack Obama. I have never believed a word he said, but millions of others, have and still do

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Orchestrated by the CIA, not Obama.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

It was a little over 8 years ago that I figured out Trump was hated and the MSM and her Uniparty soldiers began to lie about him. It began in the aftermath of the Feb 2016 South Carolina Presidential debate, where Donald called the Iraq War a "big fat mistake" and sunk Jeb Bush's cadency. After DJT said these words, the Establishment started to go after him big-time, and it has never stopped since. Have a listen to when it all started, sparked by a broadside attack against the MIC:


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Everyone needs to see that. Over and over.

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Thanks for that.

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One of your best! Thanks for making this a great ride!

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Thank you Sasha for taking us along on your journey. It's a great story with what I hope will be a great ending. Somebody (hint, hint) should write a book about it. I will buy copies for all my friends and family.

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A book written by Sasha would be great. Something titled like, “Healing of the Leftist Mind”. It could be a self-help book for those trapped between worlds and Sasha can extend the arm that would pull them safely onto the rescue boat if they so desired.

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Oh how I wish it wouldn't blow up in my face to send this to my husband who is still afflicted with TDS. Some days I fear mine will be one of those broken marriages that Mark Halperin predicted on Tucker. Brilliant, uplifting piece regardless! MAGA! 🇺🇸

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Good luck to you. I tell my wife who is a Democrat, that the only reason Trump is even in the picture is because the establishment has failed to follow what the people want. If only they had built a wall (or even better, enforce immigration laws in the USA), stopped ignoring reality, and ignored the DEI nonsense, there would be no "need" for Trump. Their refusal to address the grievances of the people FEED Trump. She understands this but is a die hard Democrat.

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I hope he respects you enough to try to see where you're coming from ❤️

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You can’t reason with those people — even if they’re your spouse.

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Not so far

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My life-long best friend is married to a man like your husband. How they avoid divorce is a wonder to me. She has to run from the room or duck into the shadows when the subject comes up!

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Send it, Mrs Miller! Some great guy said something something about nothing to fear but fear itself.

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Lmao love it. Maybe I will.

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As a Brit, this is how I perceive the US right now. When Harris replied “And Trump has been running for 10 years” just showed how bad the TDS is…she’s just plain thick but at the same time, empty…!

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I travelled around the world backpacking for 2 years back in the late 90's. One of my favorite questions to other backpackers (they were all Kiwis, Aussies, or Europeans as Americans didn't backpack) was what percentage of Americans were black? Most of them imagined it was 40%. I figured that this was because in the USA we air our dirty laundry. Racism was a long held issue and we talked about it incessantly. Most other places rarely have national discussions about their problems. It is 14% BTW.

Most of the world consumes our media and believes it to be an accurate representation of our country. It is not. It is entertainment and propaganda. Not necessarily in that order.

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Yes, the inflated 40% estimate is the result of constantly harping on a single theme. Black women are approx half of that but suddenly the desirable go to; hence, we have Kamala, the female Obama, a truly mediocre candidate, as was he. My Dem friends have zero qualms, however, and will jump with joy if she’s elected.

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If you look in her left ear you see daylight coming from the right one.

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Excellent, uplifting commentary.

If we have a reckoning where Americans are once and for all allowed to see what has been done to them, not just since the election of Trump, but my entire life, then perhaps some of the hardcore TDS sufferers will finally understand. Exposure ends the destructive lunacy, and I think we are in the midst of that now and have been for many years. The fact that legacy media, politicians, government officials are not trusted by large majorities is a very hopeful sign.

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The Democrat panic began when poor blacks were moving into the middle class and middle class blacks were moving to the upper class was a sign that the democrats will soon lose control of the plantation.

So here comes his majesty King Obama to get them black brothers and sisters back into the plantation state of mind and it worked.

Over 50 years of racial healing was back to the pre 1964 civil rights movement era.

Than by a gift of God Trump lands in the White House and America is back healing it’s racial problems.

This pattern of Democrat inspired hate will hopefully stop as long as civil minded Blacks, Whites, Spanish and Asians continue to use their own personal judgement when dealing with Life in America.

God Bless America and our next President Donald Trump.

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As Biden said about Trumpers, “they want to put you all back in chains.” Sure, if you believe that you are officially crazy.🤪

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I have voted democrat, independent, libertarian and republican throughout my life (living in a closed primary state) with the same feeling that most politicians are sociopaths, and they want war, as war profiteers, which is really sick.

I was still a democrat when I voted for Trump in 2016 because Hillary was clearly a globalist and anti-American (and likely a murderer) but I was scared when I voted for Trump – he’s a mean celebrity. When Trump started putting lots of globalists in his cabinet, I thought that he is no different either. He did make some improvements, bigly, and maybe the biggest improvement was no further war during his presidency. Now, I don’t think he realized what he was up against, as Schumer told him “they” have seven ways to Sunday to get you.

Trump does know what he’s up against now and does have smart people behind him now, especially Elon. If Elon can get rid of 85% of the useless corrupt government, we may be on to something new.

But, this division has been going on since our founding and America’s Founders (both Federalists and “Anti-Federalists”) documented their disagreements in creating a new federal, central government in the Federalist Papers and the The-Anti-Federalist-Papers.” It’s all there in the Anti-Federalist Papers. They warned us that establishing a central government would be dangerous as it could grow too big and corrupt. Obviously, we did not heed the warnings from the “Anti-Federalists” that the central government would grow too big and corrupt. Until we get rid of the problem (big, central government), nothing will change.

But how many of us have read the Anti-Federalist Papers? Robert Yates nailed it over and over again like he was a prophet. https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/name-that-anti-federalist?r=76q58

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It's us they are after. Trump is just in the way. You see the same phenomenon in much of Europe, only they lack a leader like Trump. Also the US is the 800 pound gorilla which alone makes him the most important. It's not like they don't tell the same lies about Le Pen, or Orban or Farage or whoever is leading the AfD.

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Completely agree

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14 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

A wonderful article. "Trump Derangement Syndrome: Is There A Cure in Sight?" could be the title of a Reader's Digest Article. Sadly, I think it's too deep for that. I can understand that Trump would bother people who are old and who approach life from a Christian mindset, because I am such a person. I wish to Heaven he could restrain himself from oratorical bon bons like the Arnold Palmer anecdote, but God knows there are far greater means of our degradation on every hand.

I think that the origin of TDS can most accurately be likened to the story told by the great movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." It hasn't happened that all of the deranged Trump haters are pods who have displaced their personae, with the personae having been vacuumed up back into the astrovoid. It does seem as if it might have happened, but my much stronger inclination is to think that something specially demonic has been loosed upon the land, novel for us to try to deal with. I'm ready to start brandishing crucifixes at them.

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My parents are 84 and 82 and the Arnold Palmer anecdote reminds me of their family get togethers of weekly Canasta card games; as a kid I’d wander in catching the tail end of some ribald joke they’d all be belly laughing about. Something my young ears weren’t totally privy to, so they said.

The Silent Generation has its share of humor, ribald jokes and stories retold with mirth and a wink. At 11 I was shocked my mom wore a shirt that said, ‘Save Water, Shower with a Friend’. Outdoors! And even though my dad is staunch Union blue through and through, I know he’d get a kick out of the Arnold Palmer story.

So, after that little anecdote, I have to say yes I agree just a wee bit that sometimes I wish Donald Trump was a bit more restrained. But then iI suppose he wouldn’t be Donald Trump.

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"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Hmm, I think you might be on to something.

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“I'm ready to start brandishing crucifixes at them.“ 🤣🤣🤣

Those old sci-fi movies were great. Love them, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers is one of the best. A more recent sci-fi is also apt: “They Live.” Too bad John Carpenter is apparently an anti Trumper.

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