Not a Trump fan, personally, but this is absolutely ridiculous and insidious. They are doing this because they CAN. I despise this blatant lawlessness.

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I despise people starting a sentence with, "Not a Trump fan."

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Lol. Grow up.

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I despise people who laugh out loud and then tell someone else to grow up !

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I earnestly hope that everyone (mildly) despises people who announce that they despise anyone over trivia.

Can't they think (find, borrow or steal) meaningful reasons to despise?

If they must . . .

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I don't despise people. I despise unequal scales of justice.

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All of which are created by people.

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Yes, but our battle is against the powers and principalities behind this wickedness. Yes, there should be serious legal repercussions for such behavior.

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As far as I know, you are pluralizing the singular Satan.

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We’ll I’m not a Trump fan so I’ll be your ‘deplorable’ for the day 😉

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I despise people thinking he is more competent than any other candidate.

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Hatred of another for a harmless opinion goes against the founding principles of this great nation.

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"Hate" is an emotion and is not subject to rational criticism. Anyone can have any reason or no reason for hating anything.

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Which great nation?

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Does this mean they’re going to go after all the others who have complained over the years about losing elections? When are they charging HILLARY or Stacey Abrams???

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Al Gore, John Kerry...

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Yep. Judy listed her.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 1, 2023
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AG Kemp investigated possible election hacking by the state’s Democratic Party. There was no investigation of Stacy Abrams.

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These f'ing idiots conveniently overlook the fact Trump left office right on time in spite of his belief he was cheated.

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That hasn't been mentioned enough.

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What is called "peaceful transfer of power" is the hallmark of democracy.

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Allegedly. There have been a few national leaders hanged by their necks or by their feet in the name of democracy. Not so peaceful transfer of power, eh?

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What was he going to do that day? Put on a wig and slip out the back door and hide in Wal-Mart?

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What was he supposed to do that day? Put on a wig and escape to Wal-Mart?

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No he did not think he lost, because he knew what I knew and what a lot of people knew -- except thought-robots on the Left, that he would have won had this been an ordinary election. he won Iowa, Ohio and Florida. So please, give me a break. And by the way, the Democrats spent four years trying to undo and invalidate the 2016 election.

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Um, he admits he lost. According to Ivanka and Jared and God knows how many others have publicly said he admitted he lost. He's just never said as much in public.

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deletedAug 1, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023
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Did he call half the country domestic extremists and "white supremacists"? No.

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No, he called them the "forgotten men and women," and they loved him for that.

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Ignore Bertha. It never has anything worthwhile to contribute.

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If not for spouting grievance, the left would be mute.

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Free speech, bitching, moaning, and complaining about our government is an American birthright.

Ruling by fear of a weaponized legal system, unequal protection under the law, authoritarianism, fascism, censorship, mandates, forced drug use, sterilization and mutilation of children, warmongering, and dilution of our currency are considered anti-American and if attempted on the population here; they are acts of war.

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Some believed the lies the MSM’s spread. We are just not useful idiots and we like free speech

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Biden's actions attacking and dividing the voters is unprecedented.

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Bidens 81 million votes is a mathematical impossibilty. It was fraudulent. Period. ERIC IS THE TOOL THAT WAS USED TO MINE ALL THE FRAUDULENT VOTES.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Some of us try to believe things based upon our opinions. Others try to believe things based upon verfiable evidence.

Other than your not liking that Biden received 81 million votes, do you have any hard evidence that it is mathematically impossible?

As I trust you know, the 2020 vote totals have been repeatedly contested and re-examined. In state after state the Biden numbers were confirmed.

Trump filed over 60 lawsuits in various courts. With one temporary exception in a procedural case, he lost every one of them. Many of those lawsuits were tried before judges who were Republicans. Several has even been appointed by Trump himself.

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It broke every statistical rule about elections. The evidence is extensive. The only actual forensic audit done was in AZ. The Pulitzer audit proved the fraud. The courts all refused to examine the evidence. The recent evidence from michigan also proves it was a fraud. Jovan proved how it was done. The judges are afraid. Go and look at all the Pulitzer audit information an open mind and you might understand.

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When five swing states simultaneously stop ballot counting at the same time with Trump in the lead, and then all resume counting several hours later suddenly with Biden in the lead in all five, and by even numbers at that, I'll always believe the election was rigged.

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Oh Bertha, you are a brave human being. Keep up the good fight, make sure these misinformed malcontents don't breed.

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You seriously can't leave me alone even on my own Substack? SERIOUSLY??? Do I have to ban you?

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

Of course not. With all the movie and political activity, I thought maybe you got confused and published a movie column over here!

Actually, since activity "over there" has been dead the last couple of days, I came over here while waiting for my dinner to cook for lack of anywhere else to go (former social media addict here).

But the last thing I want is to post with a bunch of commenters who recycle reactionary punditry without doing the most basic of research.

If people just took the time to read the indictment they'd understand how foolish they looked. Arguing with these people is like discussing the Oscars with people who don't watch movies.

But it's nice to see you have a thriving community over here who don't constantly berate you!

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“You’re unaware of how divisive he is?”

-irrelevant drivel. People who tell truth are always considered “divisive”.

“Enough to motivate far more votes cast in history, during CoVid, on both sides.”

-using corporate media fear tactics and dubious scientific claims, special unconstitutional restrictions imposed by Democrats aimed squarely at small business and conservatives combined with unaccountable mass mail-in voting, ballot harvesting in Democrat strongholds, and legislative irregularities in key swing states put the Democrat corpse bride over the top in 2020 (and even with all that… just barely). Less stranglehold in 2022, and significantly less still next year. Next year We shall see what that election should have looked like without those advantages.

If I were a Democrat, I’d get legal counsel now and avoid the rush.

“Furthermore, you are surely aware of the majority in inner circle leadership and legal team that told him he lost so he had to cast the net to crazy, ensnaring Sidney Powell and Rudy. They confirmed the high delusions of the 3 stooges.”

-irrelevant legal drivel. He tried his cases in court (like an American is supposed to be able to do) and lost. His legal representation were lawyers he liked and hired. They lost in court. Happens every day.

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You're unaware of how divisive division is? It's almost as if there is some etymological connection, ...

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, you can read "Your Brain in Groups" in Ezra Klein's "Why We're So Polarized", or contemplate whatever to the world's premier showcase for "Celebrate Diversity!": tossed babies caught on bayonets, and eyes gouged out with spoons. Diversity in Action.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Well, so it would seem, eh? Sounds like he really shook up the status quo.

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If you think Trump lost, you've been Rumpelstiltskin. The attack on free speech and attacks on reporters doing their job, along with current and prior government officials lying through their rotten teeth and signing "letters" to the public to warn us about RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!! is enough to require an entirely new election. That's before even addressing the violation of the US Constitution by bypassing legislatures to change voting procedures.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

I still shudder at the thought that a bunch of present and former intelligence agents discredited the Hunter Laptop despite the fact that the FBI had it for a year before and had verified it. Doesn't information flow in the intelligence community, given that the laptop contents certainly implicate cross-border activities? And if information isn't shared, what's the point of having an intelligence community?

Equally shuddering is the fact that while Trump was being impeached for his call to Zelensky, the FBI had a sworn affidavit from a trusted, paid informant that confirmed exactly what Trump suggested as deserving of investigation. Apparently exculpatory evidence doesn't have to be produced, a la Brady rules, in cases of impeachment. This information wasn't classified, apparently. Given the nature of it, why wasn't it shared with the Oval Office? We know why.

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There's zero doubt in my mind that the "intelligence" officers had all the information and knew exactly what they were doing. It appears that if they believe the voters are going to vote in a way they don't like, the Constitution be damned. They prostituted themselves in their arrogance.

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Well said!

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Uh huh. How real did you think the Steele "dossier" and Alfa Bank was?

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You are sticking your head in the sand just like Goldstein

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It's unlawful to express your opinion now? This is a modern Dark Ages.

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With the clear understanding that I am not an attorney, freedom of speech does not allow the freedom to plan and encourage illegal actions. A thief cannot defend his conspiring with other thieves on the ground that he was just talking.

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As far as I am aware, there was no planning. And though Trump apparently got all excited that his supporters might, in effect, intimidate some Repos into refusing to certify the results in certain states, that is a gray area, and is not in any event what the indictment argues. If there had been a good case on either of those, surely that is what the indictment would have argued one or both. Instead, the indictment argues that Trump wrongly did not believe, or wrongly did say, certain things. That is no basis for a criminal case. Believing is never a crime, and even lying is not a crime except under specific circumstances.

I have always thought that Trump really thought that he won, and not too long ago I saw three persons who know him say the same thing. Unless the prosecution can prove that Trump was not acting out of sincere belief, which would seem to be quite impossible, there is no way a conviction could be valid.

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There are news reports that following the election Trump acknowledged to aides that he had lost.

Even if he believed that he had won, that would only allow him to continue to contest the election by legal means. It would not allow him to plan and engage in illegal activities. Freedom of speech does not extend to the planning and performance of criminal acts.

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He changed his mind. He did not "plan". And the indictment (if we look at facts rather than the names of crimes) alleges no criminal acts, only criminal beliefs.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Not quite. Encouraging obstruction of a lawful government meeting is illegal

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When did he do that?

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"There are news reports..."

There are "news" reports about aliens, too.

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I'm certainly not any kind of expert in these matters either. I'd have to see the underlying evidence that Trump planned and encouraged illegal acts. A well reported tweet encouraged peaceful assembly at the Capitol.

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And Trump also told an angry crowd about to march to the Capitol that they needed to fight like Hell otherwise they would not have a country anymore.

And then for several hours as those thousands of Trump supporters rioted, he sat in the White House watching TV while they stormed the Capitol. Ivanka spent hours trying to persuade her father to call off the rioters but he refused to intervene.

No doubt these points will come up at Trump's trial.

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That line in Trump's speech was debated at his impeachment proceeding. Personally I think it was hyperbole.

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And his inaction as his supporters stormed the Capitol and disrupted the counting of electoral votes?

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OMG. As I live and breathe, a True Believer. Do you have an MSNBC show?

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"... they needed to fight like Hell otherwise they would not have a country anymore"

Which part of that is not true?

"No doubt these points will come up at Trump's trial."

And be dismissed.

That's the real problem for Dems. They've now got to make all of their lame propaganda stand up to legal scrutiny, cross examination and opposing witnesses.

I could mop the floor with these nitwits.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

A statement such as that made to a large crowd, many of whom he knew to be armed, clearly borders on incitement.

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Prove it in a court of law. But you might first want to brush up on case law regarding protected political speech.

That darn 1st Amendment thingy is gonna be a real bitch for you.

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To actually "incite" anyone, Trump would have had to say something like, "Go home, arm yourselves, then come back here at X o'clock and together we will attack the Capitol building and kill anyone inside. After that, we will barricade ourselves inside and hold Pelosi hostage until the Electors declare the election in my favor." Had there been an actual plot for an "insurrection," I imagine the event would have been a bit more dangerous than what we witnessed--a bunch of "deplorables" milling around inside while a cop shoots one of them in the neck.

You cannot extend the bullshit concept of "dog whistle" to incitement.

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"With the clear understanding that I am not an attorney..."

Uh huh.

Maybe you should change that to, "With the clear understanding that I am not a very good attorney..."

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He did not. Listen to the hole speech

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These people are a disgrace and nothing short of traitors! Anything to give the MSM some talking points so they don’t have to report on the REAL CRIMINALS squatting illegally in the White House. Damn them all to hell!

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That's just it, and has been for decades. The 'job' of the chattering classes, of which the corporate media is the mother ship, is to chatter. Thats it. It has NEVER been to inform. Mika'n'Joe, Anderson, Rachel, Tucker (yes, Tucker)...they are performers. Infotainment. And big $$$ are involved. Same was mostly true in the wayback: Rather, Koppel, Brokaw, Jennings, Donaldson...and yes, even Ammanpoor, Blitzer, et al.

It might be, however, that the propaganda is so exposed now that it's fairly impossible to ignore.

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The "chattering class" and your "local news" have their words provided to them. They all speak from the same script. You cannot trust "news" brought to you by Pfizer or any of the other Big Pharma companies. 6 corporate shills taking orders from Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard own nearly 100% of every single TV & radio station, and cable network we can see. For anyone reading this that doesn't believe it, check out this excellent 2 minute clip that proves it. Every. Single. Word. Verbatim.


(And this same "they only read the words" type video has been done by several people over the past 3 years. Once you see this, it's impossible to believe anything they tell us.)

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We've all seen it...and we've all seen the one indicating Sinclair does the same, etc. Manufacturing Consent came out decades ago.

We all know what's going on...it's what to do about it that is the issue.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

They've overplayed their hand enormously. While the base is loving this, it's creating the most galvanized and motivated Rep base in decades, and independents see this litigation for what it is, political prosecution. The left is more than willing to cause a shit-ton of damage in order to remain in power.

Recall that David Brock was recruited to coordinate the Admins response to the Hunter prosecution. This strategy of endless litigation has his fingerprints all over it.

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I don’t think they realize the damage they are doing. They are burning down the house because they saw a spider.

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I think they actually do, sadly.

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And they don't care what they tear down so long as they retain power.

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I think it will be more of a disposable masses versus the global politburo, Chinese style.

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Power over a desolate wasteland isn’t much of a prize

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I doubt that they would destroy valuable and productive land. Land will once again mean wealth and power, that's why the idiots say "You will own nothing, and be happy." They didn't say 'they' will own nothing.

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Sorry, the nuance of my comment was lost without me explaining my point more (I have to remind myself people only read when I write and not what I’m thinking).

So, to clarify, I was speaking metaphorically.

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I hear you, I often do that myself.

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Maybe. I really they have the “we will be seen as heroes by history for stopping “literally you know who part deux”

Spoiler, they won’t be.

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They can't relinquish power. They are willing to die in office or become drooling idiots succumbing to senescence led around by handlers. Look at Feinstein who doesn't know she submitted her paperwork to not run again. McConnell has a brain malfunction on camera, but he has just enough working brain cells to say "No, I'm not leaving while I'm alive". It was a great deal for the House when they could vote remotely. I figure the White House will produce a version of Weekend at Bernie's to try and get a second term if you-know-who has a brain fizzle prematurely. And anyway, what would be the difference?

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According to their ideology, they are justified in achieving or retaining power "by any means necessary". They will proceed accordingly.

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Fetterman is another good example of a zombie idiot in office. Biden, Harris, Feinstein, Fetterman, etc amazing the power they have to get corrupt morons like this in WH and Senate.

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As one republican pundit recently said "I wish Trump would just die."

Do you get it? He disrupted TRILLIONS of the DC cash game and made fun of them(rightly) when he did it. The globalist cabal in DC which does bidness with multinationals rather than Americans, was disrupted(rightly) by Trumps America First policies. Hell, we were energy independent on his watch experiencing deflation for the first time since Ronaldus. And they hate him for it. That is what should worry you.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 1, 2023
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You mean the real estate deal after he was president?

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To me a globalist is anyone who makes money on America losing. Think investment derivatives, you can make money on a bet where an American company' stock gaines or loses

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Could not agree with you more Sasha! Every time bombshell news comes out about biden, President Trump gets indicted for something frivolous!! Just once I’d like the Judge to throw the book at these a-holes for bringing forth ridiculous indictments. That can’t be expected bcuz the DC judges are corrupt to the core and the jury pool is a cesspool that consists of nothing but D’rats who voted for biden!! This is only going to fire up America and Trump is certain to get the nod! I love watching this explosively boomerang back in their faces!

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That's one thing you can almost bank on, Shifti. What Democrats think is so clever today (Harry Reid and the Filibuster and on and on since then) inevitably will come back to bite them hard. Look for the Senate and Biden admin to triple-down efforts to stack SCOTUS before they lose what power they hold today.

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I hope to GOD I love to see the pendulum swing back - these people are sick and vile in every way imaginable. Republicans aren’t vicious enough to exact true justice, but I’ll take whatever they can muster.

The Biden crime family sold US influence at the highest level, to the most corrupt government in Europe (corrupt and actuals nazi-supporting) bragged about it publicly, and now we’re sending $1 BILLION to arm Nazis. (Real ones.)

But these utter fools buy the “concerned dad just saying hi to his kid’s friends on the phone…”. Meanwhile they criminally charged Trump for…. Not believing the election was legitimate? A literal thought crime. Arrest half the country, then.

But they will keep unconstitutionally indicting Trump - and the media will keep treating that as legit - until he’s stopped from running for office. (Just like they did whatever they needed to to get him out of office.). Zero doubt they will kill him if they need to. And the idiot sycophants will cheer… until someone comes for them….

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Spot on per usual.

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Pshaw! I truly wish I wasn’t making sense at all, actually.

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Touché Alan…well said!

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I agree with Matt Walsh that Republican prosecutors around the country need to indict a prominent Democrat. These people only understand power and consequences so the only way to deter them is to make them see the consequences of their actions.

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The left methodically collects scalps. Flynn, Manafort, Stone, and they want DJT’s more than anything.

It’s time for republicans to start collecting some. Mayorkas and Garland would be a good starting point.

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"...the more broken and fragile our nation becomes."

And the less attention paid to the snowballing mountains of evidence emerging almost daily of the utterly depraved and soulless Biden crime family and their "brand".

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Can you please share that evidence with us? I would like to see it.

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You need a new schtick.

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This is nothing but an attempt to achieve a long-standing Lefty desideratum: criminalizing non-Lefty speech. Too bad Orwell did not have WrongSpeak alongside WrongThink. (It is a matter of time before we have "Hate Think" alongside "Hate Speech".) And too bad that Lefties will never have the intellectual honesty to use "WrongSpeak". The Left in effect wants to revive "blasphemy" (not to mention "heresy") as crimes, just with their own non-spiritual religion as an established religion, without even the decency of, say, a national vote. But hey, "praxis" is Marxian for "the end justifies the means".

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This is a good case of election interference by the Federal government. At this point, it's too early to tell what the outcome will be but there's no doubt that we now live in a country with a government gone out of control.

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The Dems are desperate. This is an absolute miscarriage of justice the likes of which have never been before seen in America. This will further embolden Trump. The Docile Mannequin in the White House is completely controlled by these militant political miscreants. By the way, I thought useless leader leader Justin Trudeau up here in Canada looked like Fidel Castro, Jack Smith is a dead ringer. All he needs is the cap and the green fatigues.

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I could start with the mantra that most of the presstitutes used every time they talked about anything President Trump said while in office: "Today, President Trump said, without any evidence (whatsoever), that (insert favorite piece of fake news here)." Because today, Jack Smith said, without any evidence whatsoever, that President Trump claimed he would hold on to the White House no matter what happened in the election of 2020. Because everyone knows that a person can assert anything at any time, and they don't include all the supporting evidence in their opening statement!

Is it just a coincidence that all these new indictments are coming out as the House Oversight Committee uncovers how deep the Biden bribery scheme is? I'm having trouble seeing how the opposite conclusion could be valid.

Also, it should be noted that a federal judge in Philadelphia said today that President Trump should be immune from prosecution for the words he said about election stealing during the time he was in office. The reference dates for this indictment are from the time when he was still in office.

It should also be noted that the President is not a participant in certifying the election results, yet the claims by Smith include charges that he interfered in the certifying of the election results. Also, President Trump was not in any rooms in the Capitol when election results were being certified on January 6. So how could he interfere with the certifying of the votes?

This creates a pile of 0bama so big that I can see it from Washington, DC/

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It's up to us and to the Republicans to STOP our country from going full communist. They're corrupt, completely.

Trump isn't.

Keep fighting.

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I agree it’s intended to be a distraction from Devon Archer and all that’s coming out about Biden. Stay focused!

I had a discussion yesterday with one of my liberal neighbors that still doesn’t get it. I only hope something I said will soak in and make them question. How can they still be so blind after the clown show of the past 3 years? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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“How can they still be so blind”

Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusion of Crowds-A Review.”


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Even if trump won, Biden would never transfer power to him. He controls justice, the media, and he has threatened to use his F15s.

“America, you in danger, girl.”

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Indictment fatigue. How many people even pay attention at this point?

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NYT, CNN, WaPo, MSNBC, Blue state populations, etc.

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I think many are numb at this point. Just where they want us.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Man! Ramaswamy is so spot on! He's nailed it. One month before Jan 6, I replied to a Facebook query from a friend regarding the many suits being brought to court over election irregularities. I wrote that if the courts do not hear these cases and listen to the thousands of sworn affidavits, then the people will blow up. I got hammered for writing that. Most of my long-time friends are FuckTrumpers.

The courts simply cannot and should not stiff-arm complaints such as, in one case, by 29 state attorneys general. I can't imagine a court saying that 29 states do not have standing in the unlawful conduct of several states in a general election for POTUS. You cannot certify an election count if it was conducted unlawfully. Of course, they have standing. I think that was the last straw. The only recourse left was to physically show up and "express their rage".

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Jeff, completely agree. All those AG’s were ignored by SCOTUS and the dam broke.

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Thomas was the only justice who wanted to hear the case. Shame on the other eight. As far as I'm concerned, they are responsible for January 6.

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I agree but then what would have happened if the Supreme Court had looked at the evidence and then ruled that the democrats had stolen the election and Trump had won? Would the democrats have accepted that? Fat chance. The mob would have just started looting and burning again. I think we’re simply too fragmented to ever again have successful elections which means we’ve lost the ability to function as a country.

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Yes, perhaps, but the right thing to do is still the right thing to do. SCOTUS should have heard the complaint instead of acting as cowards.

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Vivek is quite impressive. 37 years old. Bari Weiss has him on today.

We do need a Revolution.

These politicians need to be fired and replaced.

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Our society is disintegrating. Worth watching Vivek Ramaswamy and Bret Weinstein discussing our present condition which certainly is impressively disastrous. The whole 2 hours are well worth watching but especially the last 15 minutes beginning at the 1:48 point in the video. Well worth watching. Quite damning of our ruling class. Two of our brightest public intellectuals discussing the profound rot in all areas of our society. You can also watch the Australian scientist Alan Thompson talking about how rapidly AI is advancing. The two wild cards now and in our future are Vivek and AI. Both will have a profound impact on our society which is disintegrating and our world which is in a tailspin. The best of times. The worst of times.

“Bret Speaks with Vivek Ramaswamy on the Darkhorse Podcast.” (2:003)

Bret Weinstein. Jun 24, 2023


“GPT-4 hits the ceiling (Theory of Mind, Mensa, Asimov).” (14 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. May 4, 2023


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I have a question for you wonderful People:

Does Donald Trump not have the right "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."? The sixth clause of your `1st Amendment'?

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The deranged Democrat partisans (they are not liberals) truly believe Trump has no rights, and neither does anyone who fails to spend their last breath denouncing him as the Devil incarnate. The constitution is nothing more than an obstacle to them now - they have no values whatsoever, aside from foaming at the mouth… “orange… bad…”

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I just heard on breaking points that trump is at 60 perccent in the polls - more than all of the others combined - I think the more indictments they throw at him, the more likely it is he will be elected in or out of prison - don't the Dems get the message?

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The left claims to wonder why we “foolishly” still support him. They don’t care why, they’re trying to end it and it’s not working


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You are right Birtha - the Democratis whom I trusted for years to be the party of law and order are no longer to be trusted in any way. . Good of you to notice.

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I hope your ilk is happy when the country descends into civil war. Just remember who started us down this path. All of the phony chest beating about "J6" when these same lying creeps pushed the totally false Russiagate BS to try to throw out the duly elected POTUS makes me sick. The rank hypocrisy is clear to any fair minded person.

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Do they think the 74,000,000 who voted for him are going to cheer if he goes to jail. Or are they going to be p/o’d?

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You do know that a great many ballots were allowed that would not have been allowed in any other election in history? And that they used dark money to hire operatives to go door to door and "collect" ballots of people who would not have bothered voting at all? That is just the tip of the iceberg of what they did to win the election. The people and Trump had every right to protest that unfair and unethical election.

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He has rubbed me the wrong way immensely from long before he went into politics. However these actions on the part of my once friends on the Left are beyond despicable and the effect is to shove me harder to populist civil libertarians and conservatives. I don’t think I can live long enough to ever consider the DNC again. This may well deservedly backfire, and “Bigly”. At this point they have made themselves uglier than any atrociously obnoxious thing Trump ever did or said.

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Yeah Glenda, that is the bottom line--no matter how "atrpciously obnoxious" Trump can be, the people and the system he is up against are immeasurably more so.

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Thanks for describing the details of some (but not all) of the machinations in the 2020 voting. I live and vote in Pennsylvania. We residents have always known about the dead people who vote in Philadelphia. But the dead people, the change in absentee ballot procedures plus the hired operatives you describe made Biden the victor. Legal? Maybe, maybe not. Moral? Fair? Ethical? Who cares as long as the Orange Man loses.

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Like the polls that showed Hillary leading?

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You do realize that “polls underestimate Trump” contradicts your initial comment saying Biden led polls by 10% as if that was proof that he must have won?

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There is a strange prevalence alleging someone has “lied” …

In a real-world sense, the one that us humans have to live in, like the milk has gone sour or the bread is stale, we all have at one time or another, believed in something and insisted that it was true.

Milk sour? True or False?

Bread stale? True or False?

These examples are easy.

What about:” Did Trump collude with Russia to steal the 2016 elections?”

How many millions believed that he did?

The millions who believed this would have insisted that he had, but that does not mean that they were lying.

There certainly were those who lied: starting from Hillary Clinton herself, and many others … but the vast believers, even if they wanted this to be true, believed.

They did not lie.

You yourself Birtha possibly, and maybe probably believe this.

If so, when you allege this, you are not lying.

But then, I believe, you know that Birtha … and I believe that you are just being disingenuous and I believe that anything that can smear a target that you do not like you will use.

Including insisting that Trump "lied".

But that is my belief.

Of course, there is also the real world possibility that you truly believe that just about whatever Trump says is a "lie.

Trump Derangement Syndrome does that, and then you would not be lying when you allege that Trump is lying.

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Take a look at the most recent Times/ Siena poll. There sure has been a lot of falling out of love with Biden.

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They didn't audit just recounted the fraudulent votes.

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Birtha, I say this with respect; maybe the reason your Jewish husband asked you to stop talking about this Substack has more to do with him being tired of hearing you talk about it and less about being afraid for his and your life because he imagines us to be violent predators. Give it some thought; seems plausible that he would be tired of his spouse talking about it. A lot of husbands are like that.

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wasted effort

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Would Lefties (especially the Far Lefties who count the vote in big cities) rather live in a world where signature validation procedures were scrupulously followed and Biden lost, or in a world where signature validation procedures were ignored and Biden won?

Don't tell me, let me guess: "We would have been right to do it, but we did not do it".

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Just answer the question.

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We're going to play a fun (for me) little game. It's called "Name the Fallacy". If you give the correct answer within a time frame that I consider reasonable, I score one point. If you do not, I score two points. So what fallacy did you employ in your concluding question?

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Just answer the question.

By the way, the Carter/Baker Commission concluded that mail-in voting was not secure. And I am old enough to remember when the Demo Party Line was that in-person (as opposed to mail-in voting) voting was secure. How about you?

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I guess it depends on what the meaning of “is” is.

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"the 81,000,000 who voted for Biden"

Anyone who takes that seriously is delusional.

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No one is tossing them aside, by illegitimately indicating Biden to keep him off the ballot.

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No one is tossing Biden’s 81million aside by falsely indicting him (Biden). On the the contrary he is being protected by the same people going after Trump.

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It’s discouraging and pathetic at the same time.

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They’re destroying America in order to save democracy in America. Not a rational thing to do. We are ruled by deranged fanatics who could get us into a nuclear war with Russia in order to secure Ukraine’s borders while our southern border is wide open and illegals are pouring in by the millions. No society can survive this level of stupidity and flat out insanity. If a society with as many advantages as America can so easily collapse into insanity and self destruct then what country can survive? This does not bode well for humanity’s future.

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Joe Biden acted like a corrupt criminal with his bribery scheme in many countries, it occurred to me he's also acting like a third world dictator indicting his political opponent 4 times now, (80 counts....)! Willfully destroying our country, on purpose ALL for power. What a battle against massive corruption at the top levels of our government we're in, for our very way of life with these people who think they're the gov't. They're so unfair. We the PEOPLE are the gov't in America.

Fight back!!!

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When I first read some conservative columnists writing things such as "every indictment is timed right as more evidence into Biden corruption comes to light", I honestly believed it simply WAS coincidence. It's easy enough for a reasonable person to know that with the sheer number of investigations and people out to "Get Trump" that indictments would pop, and would pop whenever it was the appropriate time. Now I feel that it's very hard for a reasonable person NOT to suspect the timing. Every time the Biden morass is dug a little deeper - BOOM; more Trump indictments.

I don't care for Trump's sake if they send Trump to hell for actual or perceived crimes. I care deeply for the future of our country. If Trump were to die tomorrow, I can't imagine what the MSM/Legacy Media or any elected Democrat would do. Both cabals would literally have to start all over and reinvent themselves. I suppose they would immediately shift from "Orange Man Bad" to demonizing any and all conservatives - after all, we've seen plenty enough of that since at least 2016.

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All the Democrats can do at this point is project! Their lack of self-awareness is what brought them to this crisis — clinging onto a disgraced senile old man for power. They refuse to consciously embrace evolution through cyclical change and therefore are consumed by the self-devouring Ouroboros.

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The dam is going to break soon!!! ;-)

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That’s what I’m afraid of

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This is just nakedly evil! Hard to believe a fellow human being could decide that this was OK....just makes me sick!

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The same people who pushed the "Russiagate" pack of lies - a clear attempt to overturn the election of 2016 by illegal means - would like us to believe that all of their subsequent chest beating about the "insurrection", their kangaroo court "J6" hearings, and the slew of phony idictments they are now issuing against Biden's political rival, are legit.

At the same time, not a one of them can offer any remotely reasonable explanation as to how Hunter Biden not only got an unprecedented sweetheart deal from the DOJ for his actual crimes (as they deviously attempted to prevent him from facing justice for any other crimes), but how this ne'er-do-well drug addict with zero expertise in anything managed to make millions of $ without the assistance of Joe. It's just an incredible coincidence that he got paid handsomely for doing nothing for Burisma while daddy was withholding U.S. aid from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating - wait for it - Burisma.


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An excellent Federalist article below by a woman who has totally lost faith in America. She worked for years to try to get the country to be what it’s supposed to be and totally failed to even budge it. All her years of effort for nothing. I really do think it is highly unlikely she went to the Capitol rally to attempt to overthrow the government.

Best article I’ve seen of why so many went to the rally. They were basically protesting the fact the the country they loved had become a corrupt, degenerate, deranged monstrosity. What though will replace this woman’s lost faith in America? And consider the fact that she has been labeled a “domestic terrorist” for attending the Capitol rally by Biden, democrats, the msm and even some republicans. Could it be that the reason why America is so rapidly unraveling externally is because it no longer exists as a country internally? Really an extremely sad article of a good woman betrayed by her country.

“Why I Am Joining the Jan 6 DC March For Trump.”

“0n Nov 4, 2020, I suddenly saw with my own eyes the depth and breadth of the political corruption myself and others had tried and failed to prevent for so many years.”


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Thanks for sharing this Jan 5, 2021 blog post, Seva. Jenni White here speaks of frustrations shared by so many of us. How could she not be out on the Mall that next day?

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and hillary et al continue to lie about her winning the 2016 election.

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Could this be an opportunity to respond to the twitter and FBI & DOJ involvement in trying to rig the election by censoring conservative speech. Bring back Rudy Giuliani. What about the Durham investigation his testimony proves there is enough evidence to have a Grand Jury Investigation. Then came Hunter Biden....oh my.

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Dangerous territory: now Hillary Clinton could be indicted for claiming Putin's interference caused her to lose the 2016 election, a claim she knew was false.

Fortunately for her, she's above the law.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

The 4th indictment alleging conspiracy to deny rights is interesting. The prosecution would have to prove that Donald Trump threatened somebody to vote a certain way or prevent them from voting. Wonder who that would be and what did he threaten?

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They don’t have to prove anything at all. We are way past being a sane society governed by the rule of law. The QAnon Shaman was called the face of “domestic terrorism” by the democrats and their media for walking around in the Capitol on Jan 6 and he was even being escorted around by the Capitol police. That was enough though to send him to prison for several years and I read he spent the first 10 months in solitary confinement. They do as they please.

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I'm so sad to think that I agree with you.

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I think I'm going to move to a country that has a less corrupt government - maybe Bolivia or Brazil or Colombia or Nigeria or Russia or ....

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

I have just read the whole indictment. Pace Sasha's suggestion that the Trump indictment relies on “spectral evidence” (i.e., evidence from spirits which was common in 17th century witch trials), the indictment clearly heavily follows the evidentiary pathway laid out in the 2022 House January 6 committee hearings. As those of us who watched those hearings will recall, that evidence consisted of hours of video, thousands of documents, and the sworn testimony of dozens of real people. No specters were sworn witnesses.

Postscript (8/2/2023 830 PST):

Here is a link to an NY Times story confirming my comment that yesterday’s indictment closely follows the evidence produced by the House January 6 committee hearings:


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"the indictment clearly heavily follows the evidentiary pathway laid out in the 2022 House January 6 committee hearings"

What a sad joke. A kangaroo court where there was no cross examination of witnesses and cherry picked video. It fooled exactly no one.

The more they try to make this witch hunt look legitimate, the more banana republic it looks.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

The January 6 committee hearing was not a court. The evidence presented - video, documentary, and live testimony - was overwhelming. Rather than report this evidence, many right wing media simply buried and ignored it. So sadly many of the people who get their news solely from sources such as Fox News, OAN, NewsMax, and assorted rightwing talk radio shows still have no idea as to what that evidence is.

For example Tucker Carlson refused to report those hearings while they were happening. Instead of presenting the evidence adduced at those hearings to his viewers, Carlson devoted his time to producing a documentary on a subject of vital national interest, the role of UFOs in cattle mutilations. Perhaps Sasha should reconsider whose evidence is spectral! :-)

As I said, the January 6 committee’s evidence now provides the structure of yesterday’s indictment. If there is another side to the story, Trump will have the opportunity to present it in court. I for one am waiting to hear it.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

"The January 6 committee hearing was not a court."

Which is why relying on it for an indictment is meaningless. You might as well rely on Grimms' Fairy Tales.

"The evidence presented - video, documentary, and live testimony - was overwhelming."

As you've already admitted, it wasn't a court. The "testimony" went unchallenged. The "video" was selectively edited. Give me the same tools and I can prove Biden killed JFK. Sheesh.

"Tucker Carlson refused to report those hearings while they were happening."

As he should have. They were an obvious sham.

"the January 6 committee’s evidence now provides the structure of yesterday’s indictment"

They may be the basis for the indictment - which only proves that it is indeed a piece of crap - but since none of the assertions in that one-sided travesty have ever been challenged in an actual court, they are meaningless.

The Dems have now pushed their propaganda into an actual court of law, where it will thankfully have to stand up to legal challenges and scrutiny. That's about the only good thing that will come of any of this. These idiots, in their desperation to get rid of Trump, are going to expose themselves to what they have not yet faced - cross examination under oath and opposing witnesses.

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The Establishment cannot control, him; they fear for their necks ...literally.

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So SchiffShow keeps going on MSNBC and CNN and has recently claimed that the J6 Committee "Forced" DOJ into action. Is that the "Legitimate Legislative purpose" upon which the founding of the Committee was justified? I know I missed it; can anyone tell me what legislation WAS passed as a result of all of the expensive work done by the J6 committee? I cannot think of any bill that was passed that claims its genesis as an outcome of the J6 committee.

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Will post again. This is the real Trump; I work with executives that make Trump look humble. Please do not let the Deep State and their praetorian guard media gaslight you.


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Vivek’s statement spot on!

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I believe there was a conspiracy but that Trump had nothing to do with it, take note, the certification was rushed through as a result of the “insurrection,” during which people were also seen conducted as though on tour. The rushed certification prevented objections and investigations that were intended. Someone accomplished an objective, the FBI at least was complicit, innocents rot in jail as I type and the truth of it all may never be known.

Continued indictments reflect the fears and the wills of globalists whose objectives will be met by whatever means necessary. Unless they are stopped

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I voted for Trump twice, and I'm not a fan of him either. Meaning I. don't like his style, his demeanor, his bombastic persona, his self promotion talk, his retorts that make more "hot messes', etc. (I never liked the Apprentice, either:)) HOWEVER, I do believe that he knows who he is, believes in the ideals of America and has some ethics in his relationships and values, and is not racist and is brave. I don't think any man could withstand the onslaught of pathological Trump derangement that has been viciously thrown at him via the Democrats, Republicans, Elite, Media, etc. I also think Biden is stupid without ethics, and the Obamas are opportunistic, and racist, but not stupid. At this point, anyone who tires to defend Trump is painted with the same toxic sludge. The 3 problems are the political system being used as a persecution culture like The Godfather, a corrupt judicial system to "authenticate it" , and the media that is complicit and inflames it. So, I can't see around this. Most of the general public is either ignorant of actual facts and only believes sound bites, or has their own biases baked into their own cakes to support their own agendas. Many people don't live the way they vote, and the left way of life is not sustainable, because it always dumbs down to anarchy. So, Trump? At this point, I say "God, help him". I pray that all the smoke and mirrors that they surround him with just go up in flames. I thank God for independent thinkers (Sasha & Co,) who still try to inform us. At the end of the day, I have 1 vote, 1 voice, and I pray, & now my eyes are WIDE OPEN, because, nothing, nothing, is what I used to think.

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Aug 2: Fitch just downgraded our credit from AAA to AA+... but, Trump is 'indicted' once again ---> infinity... Nothing to see here...

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@realDonaldTrump With a heavy heart I admire your courage, determination, and love of country. Pax Americana is now arriving at a singularity point or cusp; and 250 years of yearning for enlightenment and individualization is about to become the dark ages of Western Civilization. It is asking a lot to hang in there, but there is really no one else with all the needed attributes at this time - even in a small town. Like the Mary Ellen Carter rise again, rise again.

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How about Vivek?

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I think he’s damned impressive, honestly.

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On A Positive Note:

The Establishment Is Terrified.

They Are Terrified Of You.

They Are Terrified Of Me.

They Are Terrified Of Their Own Shadows.

To A Person, They Are Insecure.

- And It Humiliates Them.

So Use It.

Use That.

That's How This Gets Done.


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They’re not terrified, insecure or humiliated. They are quite deranged and have the certainty of fanatics who are determined to get what they want and seem blissfully unaware of the disastrous consequences of what they’re doing. Tulsi says they don’t care if they get us into a nuclear war with Russia because they believe we could win it. I think she’s right. These are not sane people.

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” Bertrand Russell

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They are angry. Perpetually angry and driven by rage. Once Trump is jailed or dead, they will be lost and looking for the next thing to hate. DeSantis would be a nice target, but if he doesn't win the presidency in 2024, it will be any and all Republicans. It's sick.

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Sick but not new or unusual. Democrats are a weird combination of Hitler’s Nazis (race obsessed fanatics) and Mao’s Red Guard (Equal Outcomes obsessed fanatics). We simply cannot survive these periodic collapses into insanity and war though. The nuclear, biological and cyber weapons are too powerful now to survive this. That’s why we desperately need AI to break this periodically recurring cycle of destruction.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Democrats lost in '16 because they put up an unpopular candidate. Polling suggests that a majority of Republicans are prepared to offer an even more unpopular candidate in '24.

If you vote to nominate him "because they indicted him" or "because we had to, to stop the Communists" or because he's electable "because Charlie Kirk said so," ...let me know in fifteen months how it worked out for you.

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America has already ceased to exist as a country internally which is why this society is so rapidly unraveling externally. God only knows what this place will look like 15 months from now. We have already tumbled into the abyss. God only knows where we’ll all end up.

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Yes Seva you are correct: Our Constitutional Republic is fallen and will never stand again.

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I have avoided writing a column specifically on this topic, but I might have to. Dammit

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