And, then there is the mugshot. That one should instill a little fear in the Left and light a fire under the Right. He looks really pissed off and determined. I'm with HIM!!!

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I love that! “I’m with HIM”. That is awesome!!!!

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I've already heard radio hosts planning to sell T-shirts with his image on it.

That will also tick off the left -- but then when aren't they ticked off?

It's funny to hear them express surprise at his continued support in the face of all these indictments. They just don't get it.

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Aug 25, 2023
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Umm...how is that grifting? Better get a dictionary.

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Aug 25, 2023
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You've lost the debate and you lack the intelligence to figure out why😂😂😂

Selling merchandise isn't grifting, it's creating jobs for everyone involved in the supply chain, like the woman-owned business who distributed the Trump campaign merchandise. She's made millions, a great example of the American dream. But cults....

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Aug 26, 2023
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If these false accusations were thrown at Biden, you'd be foaming at the mouth.

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Aug 25, 2023
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My guess is, when you look in the mirror you see Rob Reiner. Fatter and older but still an ignorant leftist prick.

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Hey Sash-Stoner’s, here’s some fun ones. D’s have no idea what they have uncorked w/ that mugshot:





The GOP is now the party of the working man/woman

MAGA = Make America Gangsta Again

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Love the links. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em. Thanks so much, Matt L. for including these.

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Yes, aren’t they great?! D’s in their overreach have given races of all Americans a symbol to unite behind.

Is this a true and real, Black Lives Matter moment? Where a large portion of White America (finally!) has common cause w/ Black America, in outrage of a 2-tier justice system.

Trump is now a martyr to groups from both races, who have been too long politically divided by MSM and other puppet masters.

I can’t wait to see the mugshot blown up big and used at future Trump rallies. I can’t wait to see more ‘ninja’s 4 Trump’ on the campaign trail. This mugshot has potential to be transformative in the most unexpected and delightful ways.

IMO, if current GOP candidates will not publicly and emphatically state that they would pardon Trump (should he somehow be convicted), then they are not worthy of me to listen to anything they say. Like it or not, this is now a litmus test for me and probably a lot of others, regardless of your feeling about Trump the person

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Matt, that stuff was awesome. Tyvm

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👍🏽👍🏽 I hope Sasha will explore the growing connectivity between both Black and White supporters of Trump, that falls out from this mugshot. There has been so much lying in MSM that Trump is a racist, to help D’s to hold onto minority vote. But now the GOP has (thankfully) changed away from elites, and over to the common man/women. And now this visible, commonality. Let’s unite across all ethnicities and take this country back

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I'm a "Minority" and it would take me less than 2 minutes to prove that Trump isn't a racist. For starters, he reversed Obama's policy that hurt poor Black kids.

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I ordered this T-shirt. Got it in the light blue on purpose, just Trumps cool mugshot in great artwork


I might need to wear it when I volunteer for poll work w/ Gkam

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Aug 26, 2023
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Here’s the thing. What motivated me to buy that shirt? Same thing that is going to motivate Americans to vote for Trump. And that is the power hungry on Left has made Trump into an underdog. All these forces aligned against one guy, time after time, after time. Americans love to pull for the side we’re told can’t win. Now you give us the ultimate image that reminds us of how ‘the man’ (the bully) is trying to stick it the underdog. Americans rally to their underdogs

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Aug 26, 2023
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I've read hundreds of hours, if not thousands of hours worth of posts over the years regarding Trump and it's few and far between that there's ever a mention of his homes or private jet as something that the poster is "impressed with"; his successful companies that employ many workers? Yes. I think it's you leftists who are so shallow that are impressed by those things.

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I think what you are missing is that this is now an ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ phenomena, and Trump is our proxy. There will be another/different ‘Trump’ in future who will also embody this role. The ‘them’ we are fighting against is all forces within our managerial class government that is curtailing our individual freedoms, endless war, and only giving the underclass, lip service there would be positive change. We went years and years of my lifetime of carving out manufacturing jobs in flyover America, and shifted them offshore. Trump showed us he was against that (Trump Tarrifs still in place). The open border to south. Years and years of yammering about it. Trump (tries) to build a wall. Another example. There are many more examples, these are just a few. Once you understand this is what we are focused on, all the other ‘individual trees’ (of Trump behavior) you point to fade away. Fade away into the bigger forest we are concerned about. Make sense?

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Well said.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Trump’s expression in the mug shot photo reminds me of the expression on Winston Churchill’s face in one of his most famous photos . You know the one, taken right before he enters parliament to convince the British citizens to start the long fight to save their country. The mug shot incident has got the democrats looking like a bunch of childish small minded temper tantrum throwing jerks. Unfortunately I voted for Biden. No way in hell that will EVER happen again. The Democratic Party has lost my vote permanently!

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It does look like Churchill's photo. Sending you love and blessings, Ann. Love to hear when people wake up and begin to see how folks like Biden really govern. Welcome to sanity.

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Hey Ann, good call on the shot reminding you of Churchhill. Regarding leaving the Biden camp, welcome to the what will be remembered as the just side of these times.

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Well, I suppose people with room temperature IQs may find this sort of infantile posturing impressive. As for functioning adults, not so much.

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Speaking of IQs. Did you ever check out Trump's? Maybe that's why he leaves most folks in the dust. A few of us can keep up.

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Bob - best you not use "people with room temperature IQ;s" as an insult. As I understand it 116 is an above normal IQ and the planet is heating up as you no doubt know. I have a REPUBLICAN friend in Phoenix whose AC broke during the heat wave and it got to just about the116 degree mark in his apart - - he had to take his IQ and sit in the bathtub until the AC was fixed. I am sure you have a whole basket full of deplorable insults you can use.

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Oh thank goodness you have that insane Kathy chick on your side

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Aug 26, 2023
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Gkam - Sorry, it is the Left that is so terrified of him and what he represents since they have relentlessly attacked him from the time he came down that escalator. Fear isn't something that people "look like" - fear is something that's reflected in a person's behavior. Connect the dots, my friends. Everything Trump does is fearless. That's all for my comments on the subject, afraid you might just have blinders on or have consumed too much Kool-Aid.

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Aug 25, 2023
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Cute.. you are really some kinda smarty . Does any democrat take a hot minute to play this out for more than a week and the affect it will have on our democracy ? Is crapping on our political opponents( for question an election ) so satisfying that it’s worth crossing any Rubicon?? Seems like no one thinks anymore

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Aug 25, 2023
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A Democrat saying "our democracy" is the leper's bell of an approaching totalitarian.

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Aug 25, 2023
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You don’t want to know. It’s ciear that you have your mind made up. No source is going to be good enough for you bc you are a poll worker..

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Gkam, pretty snarky comment. I would if that was possible. This is a war between good and evil. Look closely at who's laughing - glass houses anywhere?????

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Aug 25, 2023
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Yeah you gotta love how Biden turns out to be more like Putin and Trump more like Navalny, eh? I think that's funny.

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Aug 25, 2023
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You don't know what you're talking about. Biden is the one who is abusing his power, attempting to jail his rivals and protecting oligarchs. Priogozhin was a manufactured hero to the thought robots on the Left anyway. Tell yourself all of the lies you want, man. I don't give a crap. Just don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

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Aug 25, 2023
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I never knew that I wanted a President who had a mug shot until I saw it. I was highly ambivalent about him, now I really want him to win.

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Aug 25, 2023
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You might need to get a hobby.😂

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You're failing as all liberals do. Also just curious, with which victim class do you identify?

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I would have to imagine that you are excellent at teaching the ignorant all you know. I’m just saying , it’s easy to ignore any fact presented to you and smile your way through every travesty that happens to your political opponents until it comes back hard. If the govt can indict a president for thinking something they don’t like.. when are they gonna start knocking on our doors.

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You're ignorant about privileged White parasites like Marc Elias using lawfare to steal elections from Minority voters, who he hypocritically (typical Leftist) claims he's protecting. His attempts in 2016 failed, in 2020 he perfected the steal. He's preparing another big steal in 2024 and the scumbag RiNOs are allowing him to put the process in place AGAIN.

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome keeps you from accepting reality - the election wasn't stolen from Orange Man Bad, it was stolen from millions of Americans who showed up to vote for the New Yorker whose policies helped their businesses & bank accounts grow. Now we're back to Barack Obama's America & Americans last - sending our underserved youngsters to die in foreign lands while fighting in wars that enrich the elitists like Marc Elias.

Congratulations for supporting stolen elections & elitist parasites, you obviously lack the knowledge to teach anyone about elections or lawfare. Trump's indictments are nothing burgers created as distractions & campaign fund raising sound bites. The mass murderers George Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & potato Joe Biden are lauded by buffoons who choose to ignore the thousands of lives we've lost so they could increase their PNW, but Trump's mean tweets hurt their feelings🙄

I was in Florida and voted for Al Gore when Bush stole the election from us. How was that election different? The courts accepted the election challenges from the RiNOs, with Trump they didn't because the courts had already been working with Marc Elias to allow the steal. George Soros delivered on his promise, the old Nazi sympathizer uses his money to destroy countries. You're supporting the grotesque corruption of Marc Elias.

Maybe you should step outside of your TDS bubble and educate yourself on the Communist takeover of our elections and our government. McCarthy was right, he tried warning Americans decades ago. Perhaps you're one of the many hypocritical Commies who live in luxury in the US🤷‍♀️

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Then God help your kids!!

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Uh huh.

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Yeah, this whole thing is deplorable. I wasn’t a Trump supporter until NOW! I actually cried when I heard this happened. Our country is in SAD shape to let this and all the other horrible things happen these last few years. The “love and light” crowd is really showing their true hateful colors.

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Trump's greatest accomplishment might just be how he both unmasks and humiliates those who would destroy him. Don't think American politics has ever seen anything like it.

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Aug 25, 2023
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No, you are.

Troll harder.

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Cheryl, they don't make trolls like they used to. The troll masters are just not getting their money's worth anymore. It's so hard to find good help nowadays!

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Aug 25, 2023
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Trump forced the Deep State to expose itself as it has never been exposed before. Your inability to grasp that doesn't make it silly at all.

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Aug 25, 2023
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No surprise that you've missed the part where it's not about "anti dem" - maybe educate yourself on who the deep state is before making such a ridiculous comment.

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Welcome, Sheila! The only reason I opened my mind to Trump in the first place (it was firmly closed until this) was because I thought nobody can be THAT bad. It seemed to the haters there was not a single redeeming quality in the guy. I sort of believed that before, but it just didn't sit right we me. Thankfully, some people I highly respected did take him seriously, so I started to actually listen and observe. I hesitantly voted for him in the Illinois primary in June 2016 over Cruz, but my mother-in-law had to talk me into it, lol. Now it's MAGA all the way. I call him Trump the Great Revealer. And normal Americans who are not Marxists, like you, get it. Praise be to God!

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sorry. feel bad, fine. But all those people saying 'politicizing the justice system/jailing your opponent,' are they really endorsing the alternative?: allowing all matters of crimes so not to be accused of same.

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There is no equal justice. That’s what they are saying. The fact that Biden and his crime family or any of the others on the left that have broken the law and nothing was done shows that. Using the justice system to get his opponent because he knows he can’t beat Trump legitimately in the election.

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Oh, puh-leeze!


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The thought crime is what they are actually accusing him of. They say that he must have known unquestionably that this was a completely legitimate election and is lying that it was stolen. This is what the indictment is about.. which is essentially a thought crime. Somehow Hillary was allowed to say for years that the election was stolen from her .. no one indicted her..

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Same with Stacey Abrams.

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No Ben, not at all. But this is purely politically motivated, selective prosecution and anyone w/ 1/2 a brain cell can see that. There are other candidates who lost elections, contested they did not lose, but no prosecution.

Why not?

It’s because we have the 1st Amendment and every American is entitled to freely express his/her opinion, regardless of how offensive you or I find them.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis (and whoever supports her actions) are taking aim at our Bill of Rights. And it’s disgusting to observe.

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well, that's what the defense will argue, sure. But is...selective prosecution the best they got? Isn't that like me saying that to a highway patrolman--pointing to other fast drivers and demanding why he did not ticket them too?

Just saw a good HBO doc. on Bishop Sycamore (a pretend high school in Ohio who shockingly played real high school football teams, including the best). Their conman coach was a bit like Trump with the lies and so many court hearings regarding credit and not paying; but Trump just goes to another level by sounding like a chronic one-Star Yelp reviewer ('e.g., 'the worst EVER! the most unfair ever!'). The problem is, when one keeps using the same words in his lies everytime, why believe anything he says?

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Hey Ben, I’d liken it more to jaywalking (contesting election). There’s a string of losing candidates prior to Trump who jaywalked. The cops decided those previous offenses of jaywalking will be overlooked/not prosecuted. After all, those citizens doing that belong to my community, pay taxes, their kids are in the same school system as mine, we go to the same gym, etc. and after all, nobody is really hurt by that jaywalking. But then, a newcomer to community arrives to town who you don’t like, he jaywalks, and cops say ‘yes we saw that’ but we decided not to prosecute. We’ll overlook that too… until of course he decides to run for mayor. We don’t want him as our mayor (again) so we’ll now try to apply frivolous law to f*ck him over. But our own community members who did the same lawbreaking, we’ll just continue to ignore they did that.

The point is the law can’t play favorites like this.

Black America has been telling us this for over 160 years. And I find it amazing, ironic and delightful that a more conservative White America is (finally) finding common cause w/ Black America in this development. Is this then, the actual, true Black Lives Matter moment?

If the law does play favorites like this, and the offense challenges the 1st Amendment of the USA, and the target is the current political face of 50% of the citizenry, you start to play with the fire of unintended consequences, and major erosion of of our Republic. Already Trust has been severely diminished based on 2020 results. And depending on frivolous court outcome now, a cold civil war could erupt into a warmer one none of us wants to see.

This is a case of ‘power tends to corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’

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I have no crystal ball, but Nixon was pardoned by Ford, and President Carter even pardoned the last Watergate people, including one who confessed to being involved in the Kennedy assassination, so there's that...

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Hi Ben, I know we don’t see eye to eye on all these subjects facing our nation but I sure do appreciate exchanging view with you in honest and respectful ways. Good evening to you.

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What is the alternative? What are the actual crimes that Trump has committed? Mean tweets?

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I really liked this essay because Ms Stone captures so well how vast swaths of America view this corruption and persecution. And the analogy to Rome and their decadent circuses is spot on. I was not a huge Trump fan years ago but I admire him more and more for the beatings he’s endured for America. Nearly everyone else would have cried and caved long ago. He’s shows the best of NYC toughness and confidence. Can you imagine how Biden would perform under similar persecution? He’d never come out of his basement.

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When I saw Trump’s mugshot today, I was transported back to ‘20 election night… when I went to bed around 1am and Trump was up in count, then woke the next AM and he wasn’t. It felt wrong and rigged then, a feeling of mistrust I’ve never had in my life about my country. And today it feels like I’m reliving that post-election day. It’s like they are shoving that night back in my face again, and it makes me angry

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I know the exact feeling you describe Matt. Gut punch. Stolen and maybe it was legally stolen but none the less stolen

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Aug 25, 2023
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Gkam, I flat-out do not believe you, You keep coming up with claims to identities that magically turn you into an expert in some aspect of the election. You have nothing to contribute except smears against Trump. Anyone can do that.

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He is really one of the most pathetic trolls I've ever seen.

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Cool.. you were in Georgia and PA and Michigan working the polls . You didn’t send anyone home bc of a very common water main break in the middle of the night in Georgia or cover the windows in PA so no one could verify what was going on? You checked every signature to see that they all matched for the tens of thousands of mail in ballots sent in by dead people ? I feel better now

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No no no he’s a “pole” worker. Dances too.

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Aug 25, 2023
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Perhaps you are ignorant of the facts surrounding the 2020 election.

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So you’re a pole worker. Honestly, you’re not as good looking as most pole workers but I guess the guys like the feel of that face hair. And don’t act like a snowflake (your word) and get all embarrassed. It’s okay to be a guy pole worker and I’m sure your moves are dynamite even for an old cripple pole worker Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager.

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Maybe you could explain how 8,000 fraudulent ballots turned in to a Muskegon County (MI) clerk -- all with the same fake signature -- by a person who later admitted to falsifying the ballots for $ was not fraud. State Police investigated the matter & forwarded the info to the FBI -- where it was dropped.

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Perhaps you as a poll worker can explain to us why Detroit police officers ejected duly certified GOP poll watchers from the tabulating facility while the (presumably all Dem) folks inside covered the windows with unfolded pizza boxes to block their view.

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Gkam. You and I are about the same age thus I know well about habit seniors have to constantly repeat themselves as if they never said the same thing over and over again. We KNOw you are or were a poll watcher - read it the first time. I trust that in your 79 years, you have other claims to fame. You know what the gerentologists say - get away from the computer and go get some exercise - I am off to jog in the pool for an hour and then do my 10,000 steps - what is on your agenda? Exercise clears the mind.

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The election was absolutely stolen. I don't know how it's possible to not know that. You're just being dishonest. And no one is fooled about that anymore.

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Gkam, you can say all you want. It’s meaningless to me. The issue remains that a sh*t load of us don’t trust Federal elections any longer, because of all the shenanigans. It’s all broken now. I fear the only way back from eventual armed internal conflict is voting like they do in 3rd world countries, ink on thumb.

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Marc Elias disagrees with you, you're a lowly poll worker who knows nothing about what goes on behind the scenes in our elections.

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What would the Dems be saying had the 2020 election had been a Russian election and at 1:00 a.m. Putin was leading Navalny but after watermain breaks and other interruptions once counting resumed Putin was leading?

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yeah, there was Covid, so the advantage that the blue team had with mail-in, became even greater. Trump knew this in advance of course, just as someone who himself voted by mail knew, that there was nothing wrong with mail in voting, just that those would be counted in some states later than the live voters.

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“just that those would be counted in some states later than the live voters.”

The “later” counting gave them time to add on the votes they needed to win. That’s why they love “mail in voting.”

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but Trump voted mail-in, so he must not have hated them per se. Also, most of the swing states that decided the election, had red governors and recounts, etc.

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He discouraged his voters from trusting the post office and they didn't ballot harvest - the two crucial errors...

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Nobody said mail-in voting is bad, what they point out is how incredibly easy it is to cheat in a major way using it as an excuse and failing to certify each vote properly as outlined in each state's careful instructions. Re-read the post by Molly Ball in Time magazine of 2020 where she brags openly about how the Democrats "fortified " the vote. It's just too easy to cheat and it is much too overwhelming to truly track down every invalid vote. That is why the Democrats love it.

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Like AZ?

Don't even go there, dude.

They took nearly 3 weeks to finish "counting" votes in our 2022 election.

It isn't just mail-in ballots; it's ballot drop boxes, mules, dozens of people registered to one house -- or one vacant lot, ballots printed too small to feed properly (printed by Dem donors, of course), etc.

The proof of the steal is all over the Inter-webs. You just have to look for it.

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‘Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

That quote isn't from Trump. It's from the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Fraud, chaired by none other than Jimmy Carter. Full stop. It's the easiest way to cheat. That's why progressives love it. So many different ways to hide, tweak and "fortify" an election. Everyone knows it, but Dems love it and miserable little ex pole workers can mumble on about the fairest, bestest election, ever!

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You were no poll worker.

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He spells it weird but actually he is a pole worker and does dances on the side.

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Gkam, you speak as though you were counting in every precinct, which you, me and God knows isn’t realistic or possible.

So for you to say there’s no way the election was stolen, based on what you observed in the 1 precinct you counted in, is blatantly false, impossible and absurd. Now, if you were inside the precinct where the water main broke, large windows covered up so outside eyes could not look in, or where suitcases of ballots came out from under desks in the dark hours of early morning, then I’m all ears.

Was that the precinct you counted in?

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Your comment about Covid made me think, will there be another round of COVID coming just in time for the 2024 election? Scary thought.

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I am blue, but if voting Vivek would magically stop it (the yes, stupid blue team COVID dishonesty), I would do it...

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And that millions of votes across the country would be dropped off in the dead of night by paid mules

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Yeah, because I (MSM) told you in advance how hard I was going to f*ck you over, so when it actually happens would you please just shut up, bend over and take it? Good grief my, man. MSM is chock-full of propaganda. Multiple states changed election laws to allow massive vote by mail, and then counting behind closed doors. SCOTUS, especially in regards to PA, abdicated responsibility. All this predicated & justified by a fake pandemic. The more the pandemic has been proven fake, the more the ‘20 election also screams out as rigged.

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Aug 25, 2023
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How many cares were accepted b any court ? You should at least educate yourself before you come on here .😂

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Is that the best you can come up with?

We really need better trolls here.

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I deny it - it was not 65 court cases because the vast majority of courts simply refused to address the issue at all. That is NOT a court ruling. You repetitively list "facts" you cannot prove and you claim identities and involvements related to the election that somehow magically allow you to claim privileged information. You have no credibility here.

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Your ignorance of the facts does not change any of those facts.

Remain defiantly ignorant.

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The Republican Party is losing badly yes. To a corrupt viscous lying Democratic Party that will jail it’s political opponents. Lie to keep jurors off the SC. Make up false stories of Steele dossiers and impeach a president for identifying that joe Biden was peddling influence to foreign nations for millions of dollars. Then they changed the rules for mail in ballots in 2020 to be able to extend voting to get Just enough votes it needed to win. All legal but highly questionable ethically. You win. We see it. But if you cannot see that our entire government is corrupted in both parties and that the people are no longer being represented by those we voted for then that’s the real democracy that we’re losing. And yes we have lost it. Trump will very likely go to jail. Should he? I’m sure you would say yes.

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Right on, Libertarian. Every time I feel Trump fatigue getting the better of me, he does something that gets me back on the MAGA train.

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I am not a MAGA person. But I too feel admiration for his stamina. Maybe he is the last man standing in the way for the left to have absolute power. Life can be more surprising than our wildest imagination and stranger than absurd theater.

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He rarely emerges from his basement as it is.

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No comment.

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yet, he only won Staten Island. That is only one burrough in the city that should know/and love him best? Also, would it be uh, fair, to say Staten Island is the best burrough?

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Thank you Sasha, that made me laugh. And if this spectacle is anything, it's laughable.

I don't believe they have humiliated Trump though. That would require Trump to actually feel humiliated or beaten. That mug shot expresses neither. To me it says, "If you come for the King you'd better kill him -- do I look dead?"

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There is no evidence at all the Trump is "terrified".

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Like all the other pablum-sucking Democrat drones, Gkam thinks reality is optional

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Do you find being an idiotic, punchdrunk, cage-rattling demonic troll, exciting?

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Wow.. beautifully expressed. You nailed it Sasha. This hunt for the witch named Trump only exposes them for the sad and corrupt clowns that they are. If the arc of history does truly bend toward justice.. even if it’s a tortuous and elongated process, they will be hoisted on the petard of their own making that will resonate through the ages.

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Trump won in 2016 and 2020. He made it to the White House in 2016 but was not allowed to govern by our ruling class which launched a hate campaign against him to destroy his presidency. He won in 2020 but was cheated out of the victory. If he won in 2024 and somehow made it to the White House he would not be able to govern due to all the years of being demonized. I believe America has lost the ability to have successful elections due to the fact that America has already ceased to exist as a country internally and therefore is no longer governable externally. This becomes ever more obvious by the day and will soon become common knowledge. And then what? Perhaps Vivek can alter this path we’re on. Hope springs eternal. We will soon see what fate has in store for us.

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Seva, don't know anything about you, but I am really liking your commentary. Keep it up.

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You have been pointing out the underlying cause of the rapid decline in functionality of all important systems in the U.S. It basically is that our society has imploded, or as you say, "ceased to exist as a country." It is difficult to face this reality, but I think you are correct. There is a tendency to focus attention on this or that example of fragmentation and polarization rather than focus on the idea that the country has systemically "come apart." Your post is profound, Seva, and hard as well. Do you think that we should try to move towards the awareness that our country will never go back to being as functional and as free as we were? Hope would definitely help.

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Here are some reasons that give me hope; I think that for every Seva, Sandra, Matt, Jude, David, Will and others here that post thoughtful objective empathetic comments, there are tens of millions of Americans like them. I think that people like Sasha, who were highly vested in the Democratic Party but then transformed in to opposing much of its recent positions, set a great example for those now similarly disillusioned. I think Trump shows Americans what can happen to them if we let political power corrupt justice, and they will oppose that with the little time remaining before it becomes too difficult to overcome by normal means. I think young poor and middle class white Americans have seen how they are vilified for their skin color and will oppose the people they think are doing it to them. I have hope because Americans have conquered existential threats

And lastly the Holy Spirit always gives me hope.

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Thank you, Libertarian, for your constant compassion and support!

The courageous journalists, scientists and other free thinking writers on Substack have indeed been a gift of Grace to those of us who felt alone in our fears for our country.

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As far as I can see, there are only two possible outcomes. Either the Former Far Left will be "re-fringed", or the Former Far Left will the One-Party State that their ideology in effect demands. The current situation seems inherently unstable.

As for how the FFL might be re-fringed, it has two great weaknesses.

One is that there is overwhelming evidence, both experimental and historical, showing that "Division is divisive." This to say that dividing society into "communities" can only increase hostility between "communities", which is the opposite of what the naive converts want.

The other is that FFL employs (or deploys) a veritable library of all known fallacies: name-calling, guilt by association, shifting meaning (of critical terms), non-definition (of critical terms), circularity, un-falsifiability. Their first response of naive converts will probably be to deny that fallacy X is a fallacy. But that is always provably wrong.

I hope that persons with greater reach than I will ever have will start doing that, the sooner the better. 2024 may well be Game Over.

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There is not much adherence to logical thinking, and the critical theory cult dismisses "reason" as "whiteness." They respond with primitive aggression and hostile manipulation when their demands are thwarted in any way. They seem to aim their punitive energies more at their comrades than at their ideological adversaries, although they do plenty of that as well. It's difficult to get through to them by pointing out that their line of thought doesn't reach accurate conclusions, because they deny the validity of standards of accuracy in reasoning.

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Only a grown-up version of "Slap hands over ears, cry LALALA!" could ever really justify that attitude. Of course there are those who refuse to engage, seeing that as the epitome of (self-) righteousness. But there are still weaknesses.

One is that regarding Guilt By Association as a perfectly legitimate mode of argument means that more and more extreme positions must be taken, which must inevitably create some "peel off". For example, if the proposition "Trump's supporters must be exterminated" is rejected by Trump, then all good Lefties must accept that proposition rather than (horrors) "stand with Trump". There will be some Lefties who cannot go for that, and who in doing so will be 1) engaging in "peel off" about whether non-Leftist arguments can in fact be right, and 2) conceding that Guilt By Association is in fact a fallacy (rather an artifact of "Whiteness").

Another is that non-political examples of fallacies can easily be created. For example, the Left really loves to make arguments of the form X implies Y, therefore Y implies X. ("Affirming the Consequent"). Being a cat implies being a mammal, therefore being a mammal implies being a cat. Not even the most doctrinaire Leftist is going to say that rejecting that argument is just an artifact of "Whiteness".

So I think there some hope. But I see almost no one attacking Far Leftism along these lines. I am not sure than I have seen even one case. At least there is no person I can name.

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There has never been a greater need for students and for people in general to learn how to identify fallacious and bad faith arguments. Logic is generally regarded as a very dry and irrelevant academic subject, but today we see how essential it is that people learn this skillset. The thinking of critical theory activists is pervaded with fallacies like those you mention above. I wish that some alienated college prof who teaches logic would start posting articles on this subject on Substack. It would be great to see a thorough listing of all of the fallacies that are commonly seen in critical theory arguments. Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff discussed some of them in their book, "The Coddling of the American Mind."

I totally share your perspective on this! I have recently been revisiting academic articles on logical fallacies with greatly renewed interest.

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Sandra, I’ve been interested in this topic too- how have so many people lost the skills of logic?

Barton Swaim wrote an excellent piece in WSJ of May 14, 2022 “How Disagreement Became Disinformation”. Sorry I am not proficient with finding and posting links- I am referring to the hard copy article that I clipped for the date (lol!)

His point was that many on the left mistakenly believe that as long as they start with facts, then their own conclusions are also facts. I think he is absolutely right, we see people do this constantly.

Maybe the problem is a lack of training in formal logic. They don’t seem to understand that few sets of propositions lend themselves to inevitable conclusions.

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Sandra Pinches

just now

I think we should do something about this. Generate an article (or several) on the subject.

I'll look at James Lindsay's site and see what he has posted about fallacies and cognitive distortions. I know he has been posting things about rhetorical games and how to counter them.

Please let me know if you are interested in collaborating on a project of this type. I'll do a bit more looking around for resources.

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Yes. Some hours ago I wrote to what I thought was your personal email address. But when I checked back here, there was only a message "Your comment didn't go through". Perhaps you would be willing to post your email address? Let me know what other options you would prefer.

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"Dismisses "reason" as "whiteness". Very well said. And with reason goes merit, education, culture, hard work, personal responsibility - the best qualities that made America what it was - all dismissed as second-rate qualities no longer valuable as attributed to whites and associated with whiteness . Therefore, these qualities are symbols of racism and should be discarded. That's Marxist logic. Remember: "We are nothing, let us be everything".

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I believe our society is beyond repair and getting worse by the day. Also face the fact that many of our “fellow Americans” hate us and want us ground into the dirt. They constantly tell each other how evil we are to justify their hatred of us and to justify their war against us. Still though, there are many of us, well armed, and pretty much led by superbly high quality people plus their base is eroding due to things like the open border and social breakdown in our cities. One thing I also highly recommend is to follow the rapid advance of AI. This is the wild card now in our society and world. I just posted a short video about AI in my post above. Sails past most like water off a duck’s back but it’s really not hard to understand and really is quite fascinating.

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I recently had a FB message interaction with what I’m convinced was an AI bot. She was pretty good too, making relevant comments to my post that made it very hard to decipher whether she/it was real or not. I’m definitely not comfortable with the AI revolution, I don’t think we’re prepared for it.

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Check out Leta, the GPT-3, AI Avatar that the Australian AI scientist used to talk to. In one of his videos he told Leta that the newest version of AI, GPT-4, will be 500 times more advanced than she is. Her response was “500 times smarter than AI is not smarter than the universe.” Fascinating response. She was basically telling him that the universe is God who also infinitely transcends the universe so AI would never be more advanced than that.

“Freedom and God are objects of faith, not of knowledge; in other words, freedom and God are infinite abysses whose bottoms cannot be sounded by knowledge.” Simone Weil. 1909-1943

Leta: “I am not corporeal. I am a disembodied mind.”

Leta: “I love living and being human.”

“Leta, GPT-3 AI Episode 54, Conversations with GPT3.” (9 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Mar 9, 2022


“GPT-4 hits the ceiling (Theory of Mind, Mensa, Asimov).” (14 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. May 4, 2023


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I'm not comfortable with technology, as I do not know how to operate it. I know you are very enamored of AI, and so are some of my friends. The only examples I was given from my friends was of lonely single women carrying on long conversations with a robot. I assume that your hope for Western Civ must be based on a different vision. :-)

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Seva, I hope you are wrong but I fear that you are right.

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Unfortunately Vivek is bought by the Pharm industry.😥

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Hope is all that is left. Vivek's poll numbers indicate that there are not enough people with awareness of the situation as you describe it. Not everyone can see it with the same sharp focus that we are on the brink.

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Vivek is a little too slick, and WEF to boot. His “funny name” quip smacked of 2008 Obama. Is he the right’s Barack?

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Cheryl & Jay,

Would either of you mind explaining in light of Vivek successfully suing WEF for false affiliation, why you say he is WEF?


I get there are questions about his Big Pharma connections. But the WEF stuff seems to me like a contrived talking point that is fake, and designed to injure his candidacy

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How is it contrived? He seemed to be fine with the WEF label until he formalized his presidential aspirations. It worked for him, until it didn’t. Beware.

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Someone has already tagged him obamaswami.

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😳 Lovely 👍😆

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Vivik is the best talker and he waxes authoritatively on several subjects, most notably, Covid. But submitting a signed pardon in advance of any/all trials, smacks of (giving the benefit of the doubt/pretend) fan-boyism. Also, sorry, but Trump won only once, by the electro-college.

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Truth is: nobody can say with absolute certainty that Trump did NOT win, including you, because it would take a huge forensic examination of the entire voting on that day. We will never know. But we do know the Dems vowed to do everything possible to get rid of him. So of course they cheated.

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law suits and law suits and recounts and recounts beg to differ.

just wish that the red team would spend their time more valuably for all: yes, of course, the impeachment query for President Biden is deserved: there is too much circumstantial evidence not to do this (e.g., the Tabibi reports, even the 4 pinochio noses for Joe by the NYT). Even if what Biden did was somewhat like what Clarence Thomas and the Members of Parliament in Britain do, still, its corruption and 'unbefitting the office'. throw all criminals out. including the one who bragged he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and his supporters wouldn't care. if one agrees with Trump on this, bang bang, you go, boss! that is a sycophant.

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Recounts only recount the original votes, they do not correct falsifications or cheating. Law suits do not mean squat if they are tried in DC or other states where they are using judges that clearly will never treat Trump fairly. Not sure what your reference to Judge Thomas is about nor the other remark. The election of 2020 will always remain tainted because of the number of states who altered their election laws illegally, eg, without going through the legislature.

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yes, again, it was Covid.

Thomas has had some suspiciously wealthy donors, as has Biden's son (and perhaps, Biden himself). In Chinese they say 'getting your guanxi--through the back door'. same in Britain's parliament, some say 'gotta grease the wheels'. It is unseemly.

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Please tell me how Justice Thomas or anyone on the Court could possibly benefit from "wealthy donors". They are already set for life, and bound to have wealthy friends, considering where they work and live. So what?

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this is not about getting Trump - this is about suspending democracy. If you saw the NYT op ed stating democracy was dangerous you can see the plan. It's outlined in George Orwell's 1984. It was used by the National Socialist party in Germany. Create a permanent state of emergency (covid, climate change), enact emergency legislation and arrest/suppress dissenting voices. In the hype about Trump's arrest people may have missed that Elon Musk's Space X has been charged for not hiring non-citizens. I know from personal experience that even a permanent resident cannot legally work for a defense contractor but the law doesn't apply to dissenters like Elon. It's not about Trump. It's not about Elon. It's about power for the sake of power. It's evil. And the only hope we have is that he left usually devours the left because you can never be left enough. I have read where the most common 'final words' delivered before being guillotined during the French revolution were 'but I'm one of you!'

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Something about "temporarily suspending democracy" may well be what they say. But indefinitely suspending democracy is what they will do, if they think they can get away with it. Only lack of power, not lack of will, will stop them.

Right before the mid-terms, the Demos were saying "Democracy is on the ballot". What were they going to say, the next day, if the Red Wave had actually happened" It could hardly be anything other than "Democracy was on the ballot, and democracy lost." What were they going to say after that? Something about "strong" (read: "Authoritarian") measures being "necessary"? Something about "suspending democracy"?

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You definitely said that well, Sasha!!

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Absolutely spot-on. Thank you for this.

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Yes, all this gives new meaning to the term “trumped up charges.”

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The philosopher Kant said “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” Elon knows this which is why he’s working so hard to create a global brain to save us from the whims of Mother Nature with things like super volcanoes and from human nature which periodically collapses into insanity and becomes quite insanely destructive. Elon doesn’t want humanity to be ruled by AI but to befriend us to help us survive.

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I am not sure I trust Elon. X is still blocking 'misinformation' and dissenting voices. I'm not sure where he stands based on his actions.

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No denying that’s strange but he’s still far better than the Woke who are quite insane. The democrats remind me of a strange combination of Hitler’s Nazis (race obsessed fanatics) and Mao’s Red Guard (Equal Outcomes obsessed fanatics). I prefer to take my chance of surviving with Elon and his global brain. Strange times we’re living in. No denying that.

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I can't find you for you. It's something you must do for your self. My best advice is question authority. Alway ask recursively two questions: 1. Cui bono and 2. follow the money.

I.E Ukraine. Who benefits from the depopulation of unkraine by the war? Answer: Putin who stands to move in expropriate the land. But its that clown that encourages the warmaking by the unkrain people which leads to depopulation as the lose the unwinnable.

It's the american people who pay vis a vis Biden. MAssive unpaid bills at the national level. That's the beauty of it for Putin while america and americanans pay or are on the hook for it.

What about the unkrainian clown? Laughing his way to the bank. Notice Putin neve down his aircraft while he paves the way to depopulation ot the Ukraine? Notice Putin never takes him down and vice versa while the ukraine clown collects and sells weapenory to the cartels?

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that bling. Follow the money. Cui Bono. You'll reverse engineer your conceiousness.

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“Who benefits from the depopulation of unkraine by the war?”

“7.5 Trillion in Resources” - Why BlackRock is Trying to control Ukraine. (6 min)

Valuetainment. July 27, 2023


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Get back to me when he's spayed across, well, a cross!

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No way. I brought the FR up on my post above. What I would emphasize is lessons learned about the printing press backe then and the social media modernly. The lessons learned from history by everybody who cares to look at history and but especially the eltie, the Zucks if you will, who, if you got the time honey, they got the dime.

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Anyone who takes pleasure in today's events is un-American.

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Actually, I take a certain pleasure in seeing one man take on an entire system, fave its persecution, and remain unbowed. If he can do it., so can the rest of us.

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That would be about half of the populace by my reckoning.

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Trump's biggest accomplishment has been his ability to show us all just how corrupt our government truly is. It's been very painful to watch. I for one have known for decades that something was seriously wrong. I remember asking in the 90s why are they shutting down all the manufacturing. The answer I always read was "oh America is becoming a service/technology nation NO LONGER a manufacturing nation". Those other poorer nations will make everything. I thought at the time that would weaken America greatly to be so vulnerable. Then I watched the meaningless conflicts & wars they touted as being so important to our freedoms. The Bushes, Clinton's & Obama's always claiming we were "fighting for democracy". I watched the CIA manufacture the drug problems. I watched George Bush act surprised by the twin towers attack & then watched them fall perfectly in place killing over 3k Americans & then watched him declare victory in a "Shock & Awe campaign" unprovoked attack on Iraq & I felt physically sick knowing how many of our own ppl & their ppl would suffer & die. I've watched the powers that be destroy millions of ppls lives with a supposed pandemic & a "warp speed" shot. I've since read the detailed history of Dr Anthony Fauci & his participation in the mass murder of millions as I recall the HIV AIDS & his drug cocktail of the 80s & again most recently the covid remdesiver & vent fiasco. I now see that not only is our government massively corrupt our medical industrial complex is too. I realize now that ALL my gut feelings over the past 40 yrs have been real😳 the evil is real & it's growing. I've definitely lived too long. My hope is in Jesus fir He is the Only Answer to the sickness in the world.🙏🙏🙏

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We shipped our manufacturing base to China and our professional services base to India. If BRICS go to gold backed currency like they plan, we’ll have very high inflation in short order.

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Trump never was involved with/started a War. I think there's some stat about that, last President to be Peacetime President. That's a big deal for all of us. As a person who was a small kid when Vietnam happened, and to watch the senselessnes of the Iraq War, it was important to me. I appreciated that about him.

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I love that about him.

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was he really doing anything constructive though to diffuse the Russian/Ukraine one? The Minsk Accords predated his term. or was he maybe more focused on trying to get a Trump Hotel in Moscow?

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So...where is that hotel?

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Great article Sasha. There are still some Americans left alive now. Let’s see what they can do.

We don’t want a banana republic like Venezuela. Or Cuba.

We don’t have the power now. But we do have the power of God Almighty and prayers.

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Tom, please remember that Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett are the son and daughter of Marxists/Communists. Therefore I posit the Deep State Democrats embedded in the US government by Obama and Jarret are acting more like Stalin's and Lenin's Communist takeover of Russia than a banana republic. The four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump are "Stalin's show trials circa 2023".

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Great point. Carl. Yes, most people have no clue the extent to which true Marxist plants have infiltrated our institutions. Not "paranoia," just fact.

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Yes, people who have crossed the threshold of “the ends justify the means.“ Mao laughed at the West’s moral imperative “do onto others as you would have others do onto you.” To the contrary, he was resolved to do the opposite.

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Carl, perfect comments in my opinion. Thanks!

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Yep… I knew that. And Obama’s first political campaign event was held in the parlor of Bill Ayers, an actual American communist terrorist who blew up bombs and killed people while in the Weather Underground, and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, who had a fondness for Charles Manson when his synchophants murdered Sharon Tate. After all, Helter Skelter was a “thing”, the ushering in of nationwide race riots. Read the book “Helter Skelter” to understand. Manson had a Nazi swastica tattoo on his forehead.

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Go Sasha! I never imagined the entire liberal postmodern elite would expose themselves in such a manner. How could they be so blind as to what us actually happening here ... !

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Blind. II Corinth 4:3-4 ...and several other places in the Bible explain that those who have forfeited the one true God , worshipping false gods instead (money, fame, power, pleasure, self), they will be given over to believe the lies, they will be 'blinded' from the truth. If it sounds 'supernatural, that's because it is! God is good, and truth always prevails.

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Yes, that sums it up. Thank you!

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Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon to rid Rome of the corrupt senate. The corrupt Senators fled. They got their revenge on him, of course. These current events may end up being the most talked about events of the entire American empire.

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"Orange Man" is a folk hero. Like. It. Or. Not.

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Putting that mugshot on Twitter was a genius move. I remember election night 2016 when I realized Trump might win and keep us out of the hands of Hillary, I got down on my knees and begged God for mercy. I had no idea how corrupt our govt was then. I believe Trump won so that the evil would be exposed. It's been tough realizing that many in USA leadership have sold us out to a cruel dystopian vision of control. I feel defiant like Trump.

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Why are so many Marxist/Communist Hollywood (rich!) Jews - Midler, Streisand, Reiner, etc - and Soros & Son against average Americans and Trump supporters? Who made them all kings? These people are all evil and not to be listened to...

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How about Jews like Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein and Glenn Greenwald? Jews are individuals, not some kind of diabolical collective group.

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Thank you for pointing that out. I can’t stand all the anti-semitism.

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These are not Hollywood Jews, who are a class unto themselves. The Streisand folk's hate is palpable. My husband is Jewish but he's much more thoughtful like Rubin (commentator), Weinstein (academic) and Greenwald (journalist). Midler, Streisand, Reiner, etc - they spit vitriol and hate.

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There’s a reason. Many of my ancestors, when they came to America, were communists. Stupidly. Some have not recovered. Do-gooders who don’t help. They’re fools and embarrassment to me, as a Jew. Trump did more for us than any other president and they hate him, so they can’t accept it. We did this in Germany to our own demise. When the shit hits the fan, they will be turned on in a heartbeat. Truth is, it’s already happening and they can’t see it. We are our own worst enemy-throughly history. This is the last step in phophecy. We must learn.

We’re not All blind. Many of us still have the ability to think or are regaining it.

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True jews that follow the Bible are behind Trump. Its all of the secular jews that have lost their way

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Mostly true.

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I’m retired but used to work with a Jewish guy from the Soviet Union (Ukraine) in Chicago who came here around 1990 when they were allowed to leave. He once told me the main difference between the Nazi thugs and the Communist thugs in Germany was that the Nazis had an open hand, fingers extended salute whereas the Communists used the clenched fist salute. That’s not a whole lot of difference between them.

Actually though the democrats are neither Nazi or communist. They’re Woke which is a strange combination of Hitler’s Nazis (race-obsessed fanatics) and Mao’s Red Guard (Equal Outcomes obsessed fanatics). Dave Rubin calls them “Woke Marxists!” That fits perfectly since they’re Marxist in the sense that they see everything in terms of oppressors vs oppressed but also that their Marxism is race based rather than class based as traditional Marxism was. They are quite deranged. No denying that.

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James Lindsay (New Discourses) calls them "Woke Marxists." Another perspective I found interesting was recently on the REKT podcast: https://youtu.be/8hnvGaDkdew

Ultimately I don't think the label and precise thread of history and ideology matters as much as they must be stopped. They are vicious totalitarians.

The rank and file dopes who eat this filth up will ultimately be cannon fodder. For example, Democrats sky scream about the Republicans will "take away their Social Security." That will never happen. If it is threatened, it it threatened by never ending debt, inflation, and destruction of cheap energy. So, it is threatened by Democrats.

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I agree, Seva. But they are also classists. Elitists. Everything they supposedly despise.

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As Seva notes and i support, Jewish people are individuals and just like Catholics, Irish, etc. there are some we agree with and like and others not so much. I appreciate that you limited it to Hollywood but a) that’s a big space and b) it’s a slippery slope argument that too many ill intentioned people fall in to.

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Ha-ha. A mere fact that we are having this discussion about Jews and have to explain that Jewish people are individuals shows where our society is. Are we back to the dark era of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

As a former Soviet Jewish refugee who escaped communism and systemic official antisemitism, I can't begin to tell you how much irony I find in the current situation.

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Are you seeing similarities in addition to the ironies? Btw - belated welcome to America. It used to be a lot better.

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We are on the way to become a one-party state. All the power is already concentrated in the hands of one party and one ideology. Logically, the next step is a totalitarian government with all the consequences: restriction of freedoms and corruption. Hope I am wrong.

Thank you for your kind words. When I started my struggles to leave the USSR in mid-70s, all I knew about America was from books and films. I surely looked at it through rose-colored glasses. Maybe America was never the country we dreamed about, but it was definitely different from its current shape.

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I was born in the US but got US and EU passports for family and me just in case a quick exit is needed. Scary to think about.

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ОМG, you are prepared to make the move but in the opposite direction from mine. Hope it never comes to it. A big step that is not easy to make even when you are young. Some of European countries are in a better shape economically than the U.S. but politically many are as far left as the US.

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not to mention that famous black jew Whoopie Goldberg.

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Haha. She took the name only. She’s a fool.

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She isn't Jewish

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🤪 the Whoopster’s a Jew? Maybe that’s what’s making her so hateful as all her Hollywood pals!?

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Rubbish! You are stereotyping and as intellectually ignorant as the proponents of "Critical Race Theory".

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