I am pro life and will always root for parenthood and childhood. However, I am comfortable with Trump’s position. It is a national compromise I can live with while I strive to encourage and promote the pro life mentality to people I love and care about.
I am pro life and will always root for parenthood and childhood. However, I am comfortable with Trump’s position. It is a national compromise I can live with while I strive to encourage and promote the pro life mentality to people I love and care about.
There is nothing in Trump's position that prohibits pro-life people from working every day to get women to choose life... perhaps the best way to do that is to establish choose life centers next to every abortion mill in the country. If we want women to make the right choice, then we have to make sure that they feel that they really do have a choice. And that means not just discouraging abortion but supporting women and their children after they are born.
AlliGill - you would be amazed at the number of people I know who don't have a clue about our local pro-life clinic (or any pro-life organization for that matter) and the unheralded work they do to help pregnant women and the babies they chose to keep. Unlike Planned Parenthood, who gets all the media attention and our government tax dollars, Pro-Life centers survive on donations and volunteers with little or no recognition for their life-saving work. We could change the world if the media told the truth about abortion and focused on the positive effects Pro-life centers have.
Many men will think this is sort of a radical position, but I think both sides of the abortion debate are unrealistic and dogmatic. The pro-choice Democrats, who want portion legal until birth are just disgusting human beings, there is no excuse for this. And I think most Democrats think that as well. They just won’t leave their tribe. But I also think total abortion bans and heartbeat limits and IVF bans are equally extreme. Why do politicians on the fringes and radical groups on the fringes define our politics? Americans are very obviously in favor of legal abortion with limits. Not the Democrat position not the Republican position, the middle position. The moderates.
So, if you really wanna get to that, I think a logical way to decrease abortions is to really mean that you want to decrease them. Not just an ideological point of view but a practical point of view. So make birth control free. Make the morning after pill free. And do DNA test on babies where the father won’t take responsibility and dock their pay until a child is 18 years old. I know I’ll get a lot of haters on that, but having children involves an egg and a sperm and both adults are responsible for that. Grow up. Take responsibility for your actions.
I "liked", and then "unliked" your comment before "liking" it again. The one thing that gives me pause is that I am not at all *comfortable* with Trump's position, but I think in a society that has dug itself so far into the various forms of anti-life mentality, it's probably the best we can hope for for quite a while.
I'm pretty much in your camp. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the defense of life in this day in which we live depends on achieving the political power to advance the pro-life position. The libs are expert at playing the long game, pushing for incremental advances to their positions. Its time for those on the other side to look at a similar approach.
However, and this is a big however, the stakes are so much higher - human life - that it is hard to reconcile the incremental approach with the defense of every human life. If this was such a clear-cut issue, it would be easier to address without this basic conflict.
I am pro life and will always root for parenthood and childhood. However, I am comfortable with Trump’s position. It is a national compromise I can live with while I strive to encourage and promote the pro life mentality to people I love and care about.
There is nothing in Trump's position that prohibits pro-life people from working every day to get women to choose life... perhaps the best way to do that is to establish choose life centers next to every abortion mill in the country. If we want women to make the right choice, then we have to make sure that they feel that they really do have a choice. And that means not just discouraging abortion but supporting women and their children after they are born.
Yes! Preborn does this almost exactly! They also support the mother and child for up to 2yrs, if needed. Fabulous organization to support monthly!
AlliGill - you would be amazed at the number of people I know who don't have a clue about our local pro-life clinic (or any pro-life organization for that matter) and the unheralded work they do to help pregnant women and the babies they chose to keep. Unlike Planned Parenthood, who gets all the media attention and our government tax dollars, Pro-Life centers survive on donations and volunteers with little or no recognition for their life-saving work. We could change the world if the media told the truth about abortion and focused on the positive effects Pro-life centers have.
Many men will think this is sort of a radical position, but I think both sides of the abortion debate are unrealistic and dogmatic. The pro-choice Democrats, who want portion legal until birth are just disgusting human beings, there is no excuse for this. And I think most Democrats think that as well. They just won’t leave their tribe. But I also think total abortion bans and heartbeat limits and IVF bans are equally extreme. Why do politicians on the fringes and radical groups on the fringes define our politics? Americans are very obviously in favor of legal abortion with limits. Not the Democrat position not the Republican position, the middle position. The moderates.
So, if you really wanna get to that, I think a logical way to decrease abortions is to really mean that you want to decrease them. Not just an ideological point of view but a practical point of view. So make birth control free. Make the morning after pill free. And do DNA test on babies where the father won’t take responsibility and dock their pay until a child is 18 years old. I know I’ll get a lot of haters on that, but having children involves an egg and a sperm and both adults are responsible for that. Grow up. Take responsibility for your actions.
Democrats don''t want compromise. EVER.
Then they need to lose elections. That's how it's supposed to work.
Not when the 'lections are rigged and saturated with fraud.
Well that's the focus then: election integrity. That should be non-partisan, but partisans make phony arguments.
I "liked", and then "unliked" your comment before "liking" it again. The one thing that gives me pause is that I am not at all *comfortable* with Trump's position, but I think in a society that has dug itself so far into the various forms of anti-life mentality, it's probably the best we can hope for for quite a while.
I'm pretty much in your camp. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the defense of life in this day in which we live depends on achieving the political power to advance the pro-life position. The libs are expert at playing the long game, pushing for incremental advances to their positions. Its time for those on the other side to look at a similar approach.
However, and this is a big however, the stakes are so much higher - human life - that it is hard to reconcile the incremental approach with the defense of every human life. If this was such a clear-cut issue, it would be easier to address without this basic conflict.