Abortion at 9 months (or post partum) is a repub myth. In 2021, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – before 13 weeks of gestation; 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and about 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation. In 2022, 53% of all abortions were induced in the early weeks with pills. The …
Abortion at 9 months (or post partum) is a repub myth. In 2021, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – before 13 weeks of gestation; 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and about 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation. In 2022, 53% of all abortions were induced in the early weeks with pills. The abortion decision could just be left to women & doctors without govt interference and not much would change
See, there's that thing about words having meaning. "Myth" means something doesn't actually exist. This does, by your admission. The words "not much would change" means that yes, these things occasionally happen, but since we're playing with statistics, it's not meaningful. The problem is that you are talking about people living and dying. In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a total of 625,978 abortions from 46 states and Washington, DC - so, by your admission, approximately 6000 abortions occurred in the final trimester. That's why we need reasonable laws.
And why are they performed in the final trimester? Probably because the fetus has been discovered to be non- viable or there is a major complication threatening the mother's life ( infection, uncontrolled high blood pressure, etc). That's why we need exceptions for the health of the mother.
We already agree on issues regarding the health of the mother. But with 42,000+ abortions performed after the first trimester, we need to wonder about the motivations there. How many are medical versus cosmetic or for convenience. The mantra seems to be "for any reason or no reason" - which I can accept in the first trimester, but beyond that, no.
I mostly agree with you NWCitizen. Abortions in 3rd Trimester are very rare statistically (like less than 1%). Where I may differ is I'm personally glad that Roe v. Wade is back to each State to decide on limit or no-limit. Because even that 1% in 3rd Trimester, IMO, should never be aborted unless life of mother at risk, incest, rape. In year 2023, that 1% represented a little over 10,000 of abortions in USA. I've seen a stillborn baby at 26 weeks (my own son), and the life is fully formed even by this tail-end of 2nd trimester. Yes, it was hyperbole for Trump to bring up infanticide (killing infant after birth). I'm a Trump supporter and I know those words were red meat. Christianity when it took hold pretty much eradicated infanticide. I think pre-natal screening is now the 'new infanticide'. A place on earth that is quite spiritually dark is the country of Iceland. In this country, you will no longer find anyone with Down's syndrome (only 1 to 2 births per year w/ Down's there). This is due to heavy pre-natal screening and mom's ability to have abortion up to week 22. I do wonder about the rise in science of pre-natal screening, abortion limits and resulting population. The more science gives mother's clues to baby's outcome, the more abortion for reasons other than Down's could arise? In USA, the slip of that kind of slope will be determined by each State.
In China under former 1-child policy the result was abortions until family could get a little emperor... they are now dealing with a 105 male to 100 female ratio (for comparison, in USA its 98 males to every 100 females).
If raped, there's no reason to wait until late in the pregnancy to have an abortion. I'm all for providing every non-menopausal woman a year's supply of test strips. She can use one/week regardless of symptoms.
Abortion at 9 months (or post partum) is a repub myth. In 2021, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – before 13 weeks of gestation; 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and about 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation. In 2022, 53% of all abortions were induced in the early weeks with pills. The abortion decision could just be left to women & doctors without govt interference and not much would change
See, there's that thing about words having meaning. "Myth" means something doesn't actually exist. This does, by your admission. The words "not much would change" means that yes, these things occasionally happen, but since we're playing with statistics, it's not meaningful. The problem is that you are talking about people living and dying. In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a total of 625,978 abortions from 46 states and Washington, DC - so, by your admission, approximately 6000 abortions occurred in the final trimester. That's why we need reasonable laws.
And why are they performed in the final trimester? Probably because the fetus has been discovered to be non- viable or there is a major complication threatening the mother's life ( infection, uncontrolled high blood pressure, etc). That's why we need exceptions for the health of the mother.
Then you would induce labor? Or perform a C section? Why an abortion when both can possibly be saved?
Perhaos the baby was found to have anomalies or was dying from the mother's illness also. During covid, many csections were performed
prematurely to save
the baby when the
mother was critically ill or dying of covid.
The majority of COVID-19-infected women who died had cesarean section (58.3%), 25% had a vaginal delivery, and 16.7% of patients were not full term.
We already agree on issues regarding the health of the mother. But with 42,000+ abortions performed after the first trimester, we need to wonder about the motivations there. How many are medical versus cosmetic or for convenience. The mantra seems to be "for any reason or no reason" - which I can accept in the first trimester, but beyond that, no.
Maybe someone should do a study.
I mostly agree with you NWCitizen. Abortions in 3rd Trimester are very rare statistically (like less than 1%). Where I may differ is I'm personally glad that Roe v. Wade is back to each State to decide on limit or no-limit. Because even that 1% in 3rd Trimester, IMO, should never be aborted unless life of mother at risk, incest, rape. In year 2023, that 1% represented a little over 10,000 of abortions in USA. I've seen a stillborn baby at 26 weeks (my own son), and the life is fully formed even by this tail-end of 2nd trimester. Yes, it was hyperbole for Trump to bring up infanticide (killing infant after birth). I'm a Trump supporter and I know those words were red meat. Christianity when it took hold pretty much eradicated infanticide. I think pre-natal screening is now the 'new infanticide'. A place on earth that is quite spiritually dark is the country of Iceland. In this country, you will no longer find anyone with Down's syndrome (only 1 to 2 births per year w/ Down's there). This is due to heavy pre-natal screening and mom's ability to have abortion up to week 22. I do wonder about the rise in science of pre-natal screening, abortion limits and resulting population. The more science gives mother's clues to baby's outcome, the more abortion for reasons other than Down's could arise? In USA, the slip of that kind of slope will be determined by each State.
In China under former 1-child policy the result was abortions until family could get a little emperor... they are now dealing with a 105 male to 100 female ratio (for comparison, in USA its 98 males to every 100 females).
If raped, there's no reason to wait until late in the pregnancy to have an abortion. I'm all for providing every non-menopausal woman a year's supply of test strips. She can use one/week regardless of symptoms.