It wasn’t a debate it was a planned ambush. I’m sure she got the questions in advance. A sorority sister was one of the debate monitors and the ABC News CEO is a long time friend of Kamala’s. They questioned Trump’s answers but not hers.

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Max Burns, Democratic strategist admitted on MS-DNC that it was a 3 against 1 pile-on:

In his first outing against new Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, Trump spent almost the entire evening on the defensive against both Harris and moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis.


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And people pick up on pile-ons and shock of shocks don't side with the gang.

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Particularly when the guy getting piled on is running against the rigging of the system... kinda proves him right.

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yep, Democrats went overboard with the witch hunt, pile-ons, etc and since the hunted/piled-on still stands tall, while talking about policies that people are interested in, people start to notice and side with him.

Harris debate played for the echo chamber that deems celebrity endorsements a bigger get than normal people's approval. She was well prepared for delivering a Yas Queen moment (all those reaction faces she made on the split screen) and coherently repeating empty ra-ra platitudes everyone has heard 1000 times before. But neither is what undercided voters were interested in while Trump voters were appalled by the pile-on. Ironically, her mates shielding her from having to answer for anything contributed to empty suit feeling that polls of undecided voters showed overwhelmingly.

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"Democrats chose not to give their voters that chance, and now they’re trying to stick America with someone we already didn’t like👈.....

Their irrational HATRED for TRUMP] IS

A dark, seething passion that could ONLY be satisfied IF the ASSASSIN had NOT MISSED."❕️


Your piece here is a TALENTED WORK OF ART.


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I have been wanting to start a business of selling Trump voodoo dolls (pins not included). TDS is real.

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I hear there is a big market for voodoo supplies in Ohio lately.

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Irrational? Your blind acceptance is frightening to my rational brain.

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So you think wanting him dead is rational?

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My hatred for him, the thing you mentioned above, is certainly not irrational. Calm down, please.

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I wish Trump would have once asked one of the ABC activists I mean moderators "Why are you not fact checking her?"

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What people should be focused on is where these coming voters live. There are going to be a lot of commercial and industrial addresses in the swing states. Likely between 500,000 and 1,000,000 fraudulent ballots. Illegals are being given SS numbers and many of those will end up as ballots. This is the new game.

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There's no secret to Trump's popularity. I don't like Trump, but what other alternative is there if you oppose open borders, climate catastrophism, censorship, racial politics, and forever wars? Time and time again, Trump's opponents confuse the man versus his policies and think if they can just discredit Trump, that the rest of the populace will fall in-line. This is a completely backwards understanding of his appeal.

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Doctor analogy okay? this one changed my life in way of approach.

Country doctor who confronted my chronic chain-smoking, beer guzzling tradesman Korean War vet great-uncle-in-law. The doc said to the vet during his annual check up after years of trying to wake him up to his destructive behavior. He said, "come over here", and he opened up the bottom draw to his desk and pulled out a revolver and said, "Here you go. Why don't you go out back and shoot yourself and get it over with?" That was the moment of clarity the old vet needed to hear.

And he quit beer overnight but it took 3 more years to quit tobacco. He lived almost 25 more years.

The first and most important question "are we worse off now?" can't be answered by Kamala Harris.

So, yeah. We don't have to like Trump and the country doctor's bedside manner --if it works in waking folks up to the crisis! And there are folks out there who don't vote because they don't trust the system Kamala Harris represents. But some of them might be rallied by the angry, losing-the-debate-vibe Trump put out there while being tagged team by team glib, smarmy and smug.

Kamala wanted to present herself like the outsider and the underdog and she came out swinging the same tired charges against Trump we've all heard and it was to impress her bandwagon and it ended up making herself queen of the blob aka the establishment. And I think alienated herself from outsider and undecided looking for something different. And then seh (so idiotically!) sneeringly mocked the Trump rallies and by default --the attendees. A dumb move only a glib smarmy careerists makes

ps. does anyone think Doge coin will get a bump? lol "They eat the dogs ...." protect the doge! lol

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I like Trump, now!

He's really grown on me.

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That's it exactly. I don't like Trump either, but he is the only chance we have right now of salvaging what is left of our country.

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Oh, and 👍🏼THANKS👍🏼 for turning us on to that AWESOME cover of Sympathy for Devil by "The Big Push"❕️

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And how about their war on meritocracy which is being replaced with Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes? On his very first day in office in Jan 2021 Biden issued an Executive Order for all government agencies to be committed to “Equity” and we’ve now reached the point where even our medical schools are being dumbed down to achieve this.

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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As Kris Kristofferson would say, "You have been reading my mail." I do not like a lot of people who chose to do business with.

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Ms Harris becomes the Democratic Party nominee without securing one primary vote or delegate.

She has conducted one sit down interview with softball questions from CNN and her running mate holding her hand sitting next to her.

She leads a three on one ambush on Trump set up by ABC News.

She has no ability to handle any difficulty or issue on her own.

She needs the DEI boost from the media.

Does any American want that person trying to stand up against the evil actors around the world?

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It's hard to imagine foreign enemies being intimidated by Kamala's smug grins act. They would laugh.

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They already are…

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Joe Biden's tenure seems to indicate that it really doesn't matter how competent the President is. At least Kamala has fewer relatives to cash in on the grift once in office.

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I would argue that seeing Joe's tenure has actually shown how important a competent President is. Its not like we happily have been coasting these last 3-4 years.

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If you want Obama to get a fourth term

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Gender and race are irrelevant to me.

Her policies that she has carried out during her political career are very detrimental to the American people.

That’s what I care about.

Thank you for your comment.

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SGC--Excellent spot on comment. You win first place. Thank you.

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More identity politics, Leslie? Playing the gender card once more?

If she's the new standard for Power Woman, and going to be the first woman president ever, why did she need to bring her 'Dad" to the CNN interview?

Do ALL women need a man to be by their side for strength, or just her?

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If you can't criticize a politician, you live under a dictator

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she didn’t answer one single question. She obfuscated all night. Most independents came away with NOTHING, No conclusion on any of her policies. She’s a joke and I personally don’t want her to represent what we women think

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Harris kept saying she "had a plan."

But she never told us what it was...

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From what I heard, she did have a plan. She will give the people money.

I guess because it worked so well during the Covid lockdown. 🙄

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Who is actually running the country right now?

Biden is always at the beach.

Harris is out on the campaign trail.

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It sounded like handing out more money. She can promise the moon safely because the courts demand that appropriations require actual legislation. If too few Republicans vote for the giveaways she suggests and the bills don't pass, that'll be the excuse. And the ignorant voter cohort hopefully won't notice if the two Houses of Congress are majority Democrat, in the event we have a repeat of 2022s dismal result.

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If she did give out the money, things would get worse, she could continue to blame those selfish businesses and grab more power.

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🤣 do you hear yourself? “Elements of a plan” vs “concepts of a plan”? 🤣🤣 They are basically the same thing!! The only difference is it’s ok for one but not the other, as in typical democrat fashion. Hypocrites.

And Trump doesn’t need a concrete health plan. 1) we need LESS government interference in our health, not more. They screwed that up permanently with their greed, and 2) RFKJr has made it abundantly clear what HIS plan is and that’s why Trump aligned with him. Fix the corruption between Pharma and government, and the corruption and problems with and our food supply, and our health costs will plummet faster than an anvil dropped from the sky. Less government = less health care costs.

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Try again; she’s weak. Her “plan” that was only now revealed after weeks of being asked seems hollow next to her record - both in the past & in the more recent past. She can’t run from the fact that she covered up Biden’s dementia from the very people she wants to vote for her. She’s insulted black women who see through her ploy to pull them in; social media is full of these bright intelligent women railing in her. When the hottie toddies were jumping on Trump because he dared to say she all of a sudden wore her blackness after being proud of her Indian bloodline. Some cringed; others attacked. But not the black women who actually agreed with him. Many said they didn’t trust her or respect her for what she tried to pull. They were not going to be manipulated. They were perfectly capable of doing their due diligence & make their decision accordingly.

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Why did they not do it ? They are in power now!

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Hillary had to ride on Bill's coattails.

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It’s all she has seemed to have, so far.

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I SAID .......the CNN interview, but like all liberals you dodge, twist, or refuse to answer direct questions, don't you?

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She’s literally TDS in full force.

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How do you know the person is a liberal? Because they don't support Trump? Why is your thinking reduced to binary?

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I don't know for certain, but from the comments I have a hunch.

In an election, the decision is binary. Voting for a third candidate is a wasted vote, and often turns out a vote for one of the two who was rejected...think Ross Perot upending George Bush.

The question must be simplified to either you are in favor of the past 4 years, or the 4 previous. We're going to get one or the other. Vote accordingly.


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Because it was three against one! A total set-up! Harris is friends with the woman moderator and with CEO! They fact checked Trump and not once on Harris! Complete set- up. Harris lied about Jan6, abortion etc. . Megyn Kelly pointed out that it was a sham debate! ABC is the propaganda machine for the Democrats and Trump won 2020. It is now proven in court!

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You can’t argue with his facts, so you attack what you want to perceive as his motivation.

This is in keeping with your other comments, so no surprise.

But, in case you hadn’t noticed, people see through it.

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Harris reminds me of 8th grade mean girls in the cafeteria with the difference that this one enjoys destroying alpha males.

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This. Every honest woman who was ever a victim of the Mean Girls had Harris figured out in about a nanosecond.

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Other than liberal single women, most women are instinctively put off by her.

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She won on style. He won on substance, or are you going to deny she dodged the "Are you better off today..." question?

Are you going to deny she lied about him 'signing a bill to nationally ban abortion'?

Are you going to deny ABC fact checked only him?

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Sweetheart, Haitians eat cats, it's part of their culture. I gather you've never been to Little Haiti in Miami. As a White woman you can go into Little Haiti but chances are you'll never come out alive because they eat people as well!! And there are about 7 states that allow full term abortions - it's publicly available data. Trump was correct on both points. Both Kamalhoe and ABC have been dragged on X, by CNN and others.

What other lies should I dismantle for you?

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You seem like a bitter harpy. Typical liberal who is mad at everyone & everything.

You’ve had 8 years of vilifying a man who don’t know. A man you form opinions upon based on The View & the likes of Rachel Maddow. You probably cheered when he dodged a bullet meant for his brain.

As a conservative I can’t stand Biden’s policies nor his grifting the system somehow becoming a millionaire while on a public servant salary. But I can also see him as a man in trouble dealing with mental decline. He obviously was propped up by someone or someone’s to run in the first place. They forced him into public view for all the world to see. That was wrong to do. Wrong for our nation bc he was diminished as many of us could plainly see. Wrong for him bc he should have been removed from public view to deal with his obvious dementia privately. I’ve seen & heard many conservatives say the same words I’m using; it was & is elder abuse. This administration starting with Kamala are guilty.

The country knows it; the world knows it.

We actually feel sorry for him. Guess you could never see Trump as a human who has suffered abuse also.

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My Dallas County wife and her friends entered the debate disliking Harris. They came away from it with an implacable loathing that surely matches anything Delaware County liberal women feel toward Trump. Add that to the visceral, skin crawling disgust that she naturally inspires in every normal, red blooded male and you have the recipe for a blowout in November.

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Her looks have nothing to do with the black aura that surrounds her. I know many men who can't stand looking at her or listening to her nasal voice and obnoxious cackling.

You're confusing physical beauty with energy fields - she has really bad joojoo. Her bad energy cannot be ignored, she's the hoe that keeps on giving.

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I don’t think there was any disrespect labels because of her gender for her race. Why do you throw that in there?

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I am a woman and can judge her as a woman. She is not someone I consider competent. What has she done for the last 3 1/2 years? If she has no accomplishments as VP how can she perform the extremely difficult and complicated position as President? Please give us her bona fides to show that she is qualified to be President.

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Well she did go down on the boarder.

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Wow! You set a really low bar for the most important job in our government. Anyone can sit in a meeting. What has she actually accomplished? What are her achievements? Do you have a job? Have you ever applied for a job and had a successful job interview? She never answered the first question about people who feel they are not better off under her administration. Totally ignored it. That is an important question to Americans who are struggling. I was not impressed.

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There is nothing at all to resent about her. She’s a product of being a tramp, and that’s just not admirable. There isn’t a single thing about her I would want for myself, and that is required before you can resent someone.

She also has no true accomplishments over the past 3-1/2 years and our country is worse off today because of her. She tried to blame all that went wrong during her term on Trump but he isn’t the incumbent, she is!

And one debate where she FINALLY spoke coherently is not enough for me.

I need to see it a hell of a lot more than once, and she has had more than enough time to show us. But she hid. Why?

If Kamala truly has the skills to talk intelligently and easily on the fly about issues without a teleprompter or script, then as a democrat all I would think is WHERE THE HELL HAS SHE BEEN? Why has she avoided the public & press like the plague and not been willing to just talk to all of us every day every week, anytime, outside of scripted events? Why hasn’t she been willing to do unscripted and unedited interviews? The way Trump and everyone on his campaign do. Why did she deprive us of getting to know her better and making her “plan” clearer sooner? If she truly is as talented at thinking on the fly and speaking in an unscripted manner in spontaneous moments about serious issues and policies, the way someone like Tulsi or RFK or Vance or Vivek can do, then why didn’t she?

It’s because she can’t. She is NOT that talented. She needs help and lots of support and props. She either hides, or cheats to get it. You can’t blame anyone for coming to these conclusions given what she has chosen not to do.

It’s easy to look good in a debate when both moderators are on your side and supporting you the ENTIRE time and helping you bully your opponent.

And anyone can practice for a single debate when they lock themselves away for a full week or two and focus on nothing else. Comparing her and Trump in this debate is like comparing a student who took only one class and had only one final to study for with a student who took 10 classes and had 10 to study for. Of course the first student will do better having less to prepare for. But like I said, I still have never seen anything unscripted with her before, not once, that wasn’t a complete juvenile shitshow. And frankly some of that came through with her constant disrespectful sneering and facial mocking of Trump while he was speaking. It was the least presidential thing I’ve ever seen. That kind of immaturity has NO place in dealing with foreign dignitaries, and handling situations of a nuclear severity. God no.

If she’s so talented and really worthy of your praise over her performance in this debate, then she should have no problem whatsoever facing off with Trump at a Trump-friendly platform with two pro-Trump moderators. But we all know she would absolutely shrivel in under two minutes facing what Trump faced in this debate. She could never hold her own if it were that unfair. Never. But guess who can? Trump can. And he did. And THAT’S what a REAL president does. And afterwards he walked right out into the viper den of reporters and took their questions and answered spontaneously for quite a while. And what did Kamala do? She ran. Hid. Went to her own personal friendly rally where she had a script of what to say. No. Kamala could never survive what Trump did and remain as in control as he did.

So, when taking all that into account with the substance, that’s why so many people feel he won on substance and merit, and she won on bullying and evasion.

And another reason she should NEVER be our president, as another poster so eloquently explained a while ago, under the 25th Amendment, [the vice-president’s] Constitutional duty is to monitor the fitness for duty of the President and, when he/she is not fit, she is duty bound to address that issue with his Cabinet…

By failing her Constitutional duty, she allowed the shadow presidency to run unchecked. The reason no one said anything about it was that HARRIS didn’t say anything about it. While others’ failures may have been ethically negligent, Harris’s failure was Constitutionally and professionally negligent!! She endangered the Republic by allowing Biden to not actually run the government as the Constitution requires AND by allowing the unelected administrators (whoever they are) to continue making decisions that the Constitution reserves for the Chief Executive alone …

Harris failed (and is still currently failing) her Constitutional duty by allowing a President as clearly unfit as Biden to continue in office. Politically expedient or inconvenient as it may be, one of her two duties is to swiftly bring this to an end for the sake of our nation.  She’s the only one allowed to do it under the Constitution. She didn’t.

That’s the biggest fail that matters the most in this election.

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Excellent points, Juju!

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also a side note… the pearl earrings she was wearing - earbuds. The company who makes them is not denying they were their brand. Nova H1 Audio Earrings. She was being fed lines and talking points. How embarassing! Harris is a joke and poor Leslie just can’t admit when she has been suckered. It takes courage to admit wow I’ve been a pawn of the media propaganda. I think many with TDS may have finalized realized how wrong they were and are so angry they just keep taking that anger out on Trump and double down.

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Juju your comment reminded of another important point. Kamala’s parents were both non-citizens when she was born. That makes her an anchor baby and not a natural born citizen eligible for POTUS as recognized at the time the Constitution was ratified.

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I'm gonna save your comment for future reference, you just killed it with facts/data. Much appreciated!

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🤣 that’s precisely HOW she did all that without the true capacity to earn it. lol Thanks for making my point clearer

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Leslie, Kamala is a ho. There's no two ways about it. (And Donald has a weakness for beautiful women.)

It's evident by the fact that she has done nothing notable in her career, or we'd all know about it.

Have you heard her talk without a script? Explaining where Ukraine is? Venn diagrams? Yellow school busses? "Yesterday was tomorrow last week", or whatever the hell that was.

She's slept & f*cked her way to where she is...and she might be the next president.

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Secretaries sit in meetings too.

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What was most impressive was her ability to rehearse for several weeks.

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Sitting and participating in the "highest meetings in the land" isn't a skillset, secretaries and stenographers also sit in these meetings. As a "MAGA woman" I assure you that there's nothing that whore possesses that I would resent - nothing. She blew her way to the top and spread her legs as needed - not the type of woman that I would view as a leader, she's accomplished absolutely nothing in her long political career. She's a Communist POS and a liar extraordinaire. Like Obama, she can't function without a teleprompter and scripts to follow.

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You are joking, right?

She’s a leftist fool and I’d be so embarrassed if she became president

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You are joking Leslie, right?

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What is a woman?

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Look up "Affirming the Consequent".

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How are they disrespecting her BECAUSE she's a woman? Don't be hysterical, Leslie, Cackling Kamalhoe couldn't debate her way out of a paperback. She's used her body, not her brains, to get to the top. Our first female VP blew her way to the White House - the entire world is laughing at us. She's a Marxist buffoon.

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She has proven that she cannot run a country! It’s obvious to me. Not with all that grimacing! So unpresidential! She would not make it on the world stage! The only reason she made it in California is to be the girlfriend of a 60 year old married mayor who helped her climb the ladder! The Biden-Harris regime only has a country in decline as their legacy!

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Trump is not a polished politician who speaks in the terms of those who live off the teet of the citizens generosity. He is not a man of the swamp. Not a man of the establishment.

But he does speak to the common man. And to Americans who can see that we being forced into ideology that no one voted for. And we are being forced to like it, or else.

I wish we had a better Republican choice. But the Republican party does not have a candidate with any balls. They will not stand up to the establishment. Trump will, has, and does.

I hope he wins. Our country needs a house cleaning. And Trump is a man who loves his country, not a DEI, "didn't earn it" unqualified, last minute, shoe in with no accomplishments to her record.

DEI is the antithesis of American exceptionalism (MAGA) and thankfully, it is now being exposed for what it is. A losing proposition foisted on us, just like the DEI Harris!

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When was the last time the republicans had a “better choice”?

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Ronald Reagan. And BTW, Democrats, media hated and excoriated him, just like Trump. Even after he won 49 states in 1984. Still hate him today.

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I wish Trump had confronted Muir. He could have said something like:

"Muir, your job is not to enter the debate. Not to add or remove points. Your job is perfunctory. You ask questions and tell us when our time is up. What's your fact check on that?"

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Did you listen to what she said about the sympathy he wouldn’t have had sympathy he would’ve been accused ofbeing antagonistic. he had no choice but to try to do what he did otherwise he would’ve been labeled for something else

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I would not have had the mental speed to confront Muir either. That makes me think Muir pre-planned it. But anyway, I agree with you.

It was a ‘win’ for Trump because he didn’t let Harris provoke him.

He seemed Presidential. She seemed like the annoying girl in Social Studies who always argues with the teacher, and just knows she’s right.

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At first I was horrified by the face making. I thought, "Holy sh*t, she's not only not intimidated by him, she's contemptuous of him!"

However. It was obviously contrived and rehearsed. There was no spontaneity in it, that was apparent. It was also egregiously overacted. If she loses, Kamatralala might have a successful second life in theatre acting, but camera acting is a much different challenge. Bogart's method was to try to think himself into a role, not feel his way in. Acting for the camera requires a fineness of facial expression, a subtlety, which is beyond her.

Still, it was pretty brassy. I could imagine bodybuilding lesbians and childless cat ladies all over the world cheering her on. And the constant "fact checking" at Trump's expense, while she was allowed to get away with lies which have been exposed as lies by Snopes, left me feeling melancholy.

Unlike Sasha, I didn't look at social media on Wednesday, but I woke up with the sense that while he might by any reasonable assessment have done poorly, it was unlikely to matter. As media has become more profuse, our respect for it seems to have become correspondingly diluted. I can't explain why that would be true, but my sense is that it is.

I think the most significant notions I've had since is that what people will remember about the debate are twofold:

1. It's an uneasy analogy to make in view of what happened to Trump in July, but in that debate he was as ganged up upon as Bonnie and Clyde were. Normal people have a sense of fairness. While they might acknowledge that there could be necessary exceptions ( Bonnie and Clyde ), they tend not to like gang - ups, and no one could possibly believe that the ABC hacks were trying to be fair.

2. Kamatralala's muggings may have made the Left, whether female, soyboy, or some as yet to be determined gender howl, guffaw, squeal; but there are very few men who saw the debate who didn't react to her mugging with quiet rage. She presented in herself an emblem of what normal men, and many, many women, have loathed about modern feminism.

I have the pensive hope that the b*tch may have sealed her doom.

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She probably reminds a lot of men of their ex-wives.

Bitter...vindictive...nasty...would step on her own mother to get her way.

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Harris seemed to me to be pantomiming Obama's cadence and hand gestures throughout.

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Yes! I thought the same. Half way through it, I wished I would have started counting the "Let's be clear"s from the moment she started speaking. I bet she said it at least 2 dozen times.

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The irony was that Harris never was "clear" about anything.

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Something to ponder from a speech given by the PM on June 18, 1940. [Substitutions mine]

I expect that the Battle of [America] is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of [Western] civilization. Upon it depends our own life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our [Republic]. The whole fury and might of the [American Left] must very soon be turned on us. They know that they will have to break [President Trump, the MAGA Right, Independents, Elon Musk and RFK Jr. Democrats] or lose the war. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the [grand American experiment] lasts for a[nother 248] years, [people] will still say, “This was their finest hour.”

It is way past time to mobilize the English language and send it into battle.

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Paul, you wowed me. Thank you!

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me too. Thank You!

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Well done! ❤️

Let this be our finest November!

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Wow! Would be great if this could be published on Fox, Washington Times, and other conservative media across the country and the world

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Won the debate? Smiling and smirking when talking about the war? Her facial expressions were like a 12-year-old girl -- and that's insulting 12-year-old girls. How is that appealing? I am a woman and found it disturbing and juvenile. Also, is Taylor Swift able to identify with anyone struggling in America? She and those like her just love, love, love abortion and bodily autonomy, except when it comes to vaccines, and to hell with people's struggles brought to them by leftists' policies. Yeah, I am pretty sure that is not winning, but gaslighting.

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Kamala’s arrogant facial expressions and body language are disgusting. It bothers me that people identify with that attitude.

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what people? undecided voters who gave Trump props on every burning issue? Commentariat may identify with arrogant performance but average voter doesn't care about that. they care about who can make their life better and they also pull for the underdog. In 3-1, 1 is an underdog. democrats hoisted themselves on their own petard once again.

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the sociopaths who seem to run everything

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they already made up their mind. The debate won't move the needle with anyone who already settle on their champ.

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Mean girls and abortion lovers.

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Swift became a billionaire singing about her bad choices.

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No guy will marry her.

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I love the Babylon Bee's take about Swift "Woman famous for songs about her bad choices endorses Harris"

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Swifty is almost 40 and still can't get a guy to marry her.

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Maybe because a guy is not what she really wants

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She sure is awful "huggy" with the girls in her squad.

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Maybe she doesnt want it

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I love that Jeff Childers calls her a spinster. 😂

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Remember when Trump stalked Hilary Clinton he doesn't deserve any sympathy either if your looking for it.

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Hillary deserved to be stalked.

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Right.... another I want sympathy but give fuck none to people I dont like.

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Explain how Trump wants to just give tax cuts to the rich, but Kmsl is copying his move to remove taxes on tips. How many millionaires work for tips?

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Trump didn't even try to prosecute Hilary.

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If you want to talk about that level look at Kemp and Stacey election mere weeks before the election headed by him for the same governorship. Trump did not follow through but was still nasty but GOP gave Kemp a free ride and did nothing and paid no price.

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Did anyone else notice how Harris opened with a story of her middle class childhood (you know, she can relate to the folks) and a few minutes later had a story about her nanny?

In my book nannies are not working for the middle class.

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Bingo. Fake right there. if you picked up on that you bet others did too.

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Sep 13Edited

Her need to bring up a supposed middle-class background screamed "pretender" to me. Anyone with a true middle-class background doesn't talk this way or attempt to prove upbringing.

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Hadn’t thought about it but such a good point.

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Sasha, had the exact same process as you did.. by halfway through, my wife and I were convinced that it was over, Trump had lost the debate and maybe the election.

Tried to sleep and couldn't so I got up and read your post-debate message and comments. I think it was Steam45's comment that first made me realize that there was more than one way to respond to what had just transpired, that many people had objected both to Kamala's obnoxiousness and to the fundamental stacked deck unfairness of the debate. Two days later, it seems that is the dominant impression non-Dems are going to take away. Phew.

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What many need to realize is that “Hollywood” knows how to manipulate and guide emotions anyway they want when scripting a show, and use of lighting and camera angles, visuals, when to be in split screen and when not to be, and all sorts of other subtleties usually unnoticed by the viewer feeds our senses while we watch to create the desired emotion. This debate was professionally and tediously choreographed precisely to discourage Trump voters and see him in an angry, incompetent light while the angel effect was placed on Harris. It was not aimed at Harris supporters as much as it was aimed at us and the undecided. They had to create more hate for Trump. It’s no wonder so many of us went to bed discouraged. Our own anger over the unfairness we noticed, that they WANTED us to notice, coupled with their cinematography was purposefully crafted to discourage us and give the world the illusion of a Harris win. It deserves an Oscar in all departments: sound, lighting, script, costumes, set, etc.

But … when I woke up I saw it with fresh eyes. Sound bites on social media removed the full movie effect and allowed me to hear things he said that I never caught the night before when my senses were so ambushed. I gave another summary in a reply above if you can find it. I won’t repeat it here too.

My conclusion was: Trump won on substance and merit; Harris won on bullying, gaslighting, and evading.

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While I agree with your overall premise, based on many recent Hollywood movies and TV shows, I don't know that they have many people left who know how to do any of that.

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Harris slandered judge Kavanaugh, claiming he was the leader of a rape gang in high school. Is she sexist?

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Harris is sexist and racist.

And she did keep black men in prison past their release date so California could use them as slave labor.

Just think what she would do to us if she gets elected.

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Sep 12
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Leslie, there may be more racist and sexist black women than you realize. No group is immune to being racist and sexist, in spite of what you may have heard.

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If it's impossible for Blacks to be racist, then what do you call the guy who ran over all those Whites in Waukesha? Other than "inconvenient".

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Had a black employee who was a direct report tell me to my face that he hated "whites." Bonus points that he called himself a pastor. So yea, what I see in Kamalala is a sexist racist black woman. Present themselves one way but you can sense the hate and arrogance in their heartsl

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It has been 'established' that women cannot be sexist and PoC cannot be racists. Of course, who qualifies as a woman or PoC seems to be subject to change.

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I supported Trump even more after his mugshot.

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Brilliant post once again, Sasha. Couldn’t agree with you more. That people can’t see what a phony, rehearsed central-casting acting performance that was is beyond me. The Trump hate blinds them all to the obvious; and exposes their shallow, blood-thirsty proclivity for violence and negativity. They are the losers in high school who hated the popular kids “just because”.

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actually, they saw though it which is why they sided with him. he answered questions that were on everyone's mind, appeared sympathetic since 3-1 was too obvious, and he got the viral moment with Cats&Dogs. he knows he won moral victory while his competition doesn't understand that sometimes losing is winning.

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I am afraid that that many of Harris's lies were accepted as true, due to pointed lack of "fact-checking" by the moderators and Trump's failure (as far as I have seen) to even shake his head in response, as if he was saying "You got me there".

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Then why did every single undecided voter sample show overwhelming siding with Trump? He answered the questions about economy, inflation, immigration. He may have not answered them in the way that mopped the floor with Harris but he answered them and she didn't and that's all that mattered.

This comments section like many trades is too concerned with appearances and gives them too much importance. Incoherrently answered question about policy >>>>> coherently repeated empty platitude. people are not stupid. They can parse the substance in a rambling answer to a question and see that empty style is just that in a coherently delivered one.

Trump was Trump aka not a slick salon politician who promises a lot but offers nothing. Harris was exactly that. Boom points for Trump.

Never be afraid of humanizing flaws.

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I certainly hope you are right. But all I have heard is results from focus groups, which, even if aggregated, have a ridiculously large margin of error.

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that is true but it still surprised the pollsters.

Also, his cats&dogs became the only meme and not just that but it put small Oregon town's plight on the nation's radar. So something good definitely came out of it.

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I misunderstood what "margin of error" means. I thought it meant 75% chance, which would be half-way between 50% and 100%. But it really means 95% chance, which is arbitrary. In any event, the margin of error in a poll of ten focus groups of ten would be 10 points, which is (rightly or wrongly) something that no reputable pollster would touch.

Nonetheless, I think the initial results from the focus groups were valid. I just think that if Trump had not looked like "I plead guilty", the average result would have been 8 out of 10, not 6. But now it looks like Trump is trying to turn the election into a referendum on whether or not Haitians in Springfield have been eating cats and dogs ...

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I thought Trump did quite well in the 3 against 1 attack.

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Given a day to reflect on the "debate" I am feeling kind of proud of Trump. Clearly, he didn't do a whole lot of debate prep or follow any advice. He's like, I'll be me and she will be her. I win. He's so damned cocksure of himself in the face of ferocious and unprincipled opposition. He just comes off as a leader who won't surrender.

On a side note, is Megyn Kelly the most talented talking head on the planet or what? Shout out to Walter Kirn for pithiest commenter award.

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If you are the side that puts 20,000 Haitians into Springfield while calling out the National Guard when 50 migrants are placed in Martha's Vineyard it's not a subject you want discussed. As clumsy as Trump was he put that town on the map. Videos about Springfield are going viral. If I were a Democrat I would see that as a bad thing.

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Well, this is for the record books. Yesterday a friend started texting me about the dog/ cat things, I said I am not opening and please do not go there. Tonight he was back at it with a vengeance, attacking and attacking me. I would not take the bait. I said we are on very thin ice, he said he did not care, he was off the rails, I never encouraged nor defended. I said it is obvious you are voting for Harris and you know I will vote for Trump. Please just stop, he couldn’t. I said even my husband said stop, he said my husband is stupid and he needs to read history books, Trump is Hitler and reading from his playbook. Again I said stop. He said he wished me no friends in my life. I am 76 years old, just went through a health scare he was aware of. I am on a vacation trying to heal. He knew that. I am horrified by someone I have known for 40 years attacking me. If as he says we are fighting for democracy then let me vote my belief and conscience. So…I have blocked him and said good bye. I honestly do not know how I feel, relieved, hurt, lost, or just run over. Thank you for this platform. I needed to release this, hope it lands with compassion and understanding. I know you have also experienced this and perhaps worse.

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I would have dozens of stories similar to yours if friends and family knew my opinions. They don't.

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Sorry about the complete insensitivity of that so-called friend. I am sure it stings to learn he lacked the tolerance and open-mindedness needed to respect your choice. Iain McGilchrist has written about the two modes of thinking, depending on which hemisphere of the brain is dominant. Left brained dominance is predominant in our culture, which means our culture is not comfortable with complexity and nuance, and seeks definitive, black and white categories and axioms. That’s why they keep trying to put Trump in a box. And he keeps popping out.

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Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth. Are we in a “Dark Age” where reason is in retreat? Certainly does seem so.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”

Quillette. Feb 8, 2021


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