I love this post Sasha. Thank you so much for sharing Dr. Armstrong’s post. He has been doing some soul searching for sure. It is people like him who can lead a mutiny of disheartened democrats like himself to their senses. My prayers have been that all of the Dr. Armstrongs out there will summon up the courage to let others know that there is a path to escape the schoolyard bully.

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20 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

I love Sasha because she is really all about freedom!. We "once were democrats" are a group of misfits and iconoclasts Make America Great Again

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Trump won Pennsylvania in 2020.

Pennsylvania cheated.

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And they will again. Along with AZ.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

Dems are cheating again. Have you noticed that the port workers strike is no longer and the jobs report and the historically high stock markets today? Dems cookin the books. Also, Kamala drugged Liz and forced her to say nice things about her.

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You think that Ms Cheney required drugging?

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Darth Vader’s daughter don’t need no drugs to be evil.

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A Mary Jane edible. Or, a jewish space laser.

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Why does it say cookie' the books? Supposed to say cookin' the books.

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The spel cheker rides again....

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WI cheated in 2020, too. Green Bay, Madison & Milwaukee. Hot beds for unethical elections. God bless and keep you Sasha.

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Philadelphia cheated and it throws the whole state off. Philly is corrupt and run by Democrats at every level; teachers union, cops, DA, city workers, universities, etc. every institution in the city is corrupt. I am from there and live just outside now. Chicago, NYC, LA are not much different. Those cities control the entire state vote results.

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Pittsburgh is also corrupt and run by Democrats.

Recently an illegal alien killed a guy on a motorcycle and fled his vehicle. Never even looked at the guy dying in the road to render aid. Turns out he was deported in 2019 and snuck back into the country.

Pittsburgh and Allegheny County are declared sanctuaries for illegals. So ICE has a detainer for this killer illegal alien, but Allegheny County does not cooperate with ICE.

The mayor of Pittsburgh had his student loans forgiven by Biden. Payoff for the big steal?

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Thank you so much for sharing my poem, Sasha.

God bless Donald Trump!

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The reason we don't know anything about the Butler shooter is because the government made sure his body was burned and buried before anyone could stop them. This has CIA written all over it, just as they have orchestrated the deaths of so many others, including JFK. Let's not mince words.

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It doesn't indicate that a person is a simp for the official line if he knows the overwhelming evidence that Oswald and Oswald alone killed JFK. There are three books which, if read with diligence, will convince anyone of this:

1. Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi

2. Case Closed, by Gerald Posner

3. Oswald's Game, by Jean Davison ( this is currently our of print, but used copies are plentiful )

#1 is 1,600 pages long, #2 about half that length. #3 is a psychological biography of Oswald.

The "CIA killed Kennedy" idea makes no sense. As Gerald Posner said in a recent interview, why would the CIA have wanted to kill Kennedy when he was giving them everything they wanted? You are aware, maybe, of Operation Mongoose? It was the CIA's ongoing attempt to find someone who was willing to kill Castro. It was under the personal supervision of Attorney General Robert F Kennedy. In the same hour in which JFK was shot in Dallas, a CIA officer in Paris was meeting with a prospect whom the CIA thought highly of.

Lyndon Johnson had known nothing about Mongoose. When early in his presidency, he was informed of it, he canceled it. For the remainder of his life, he said privately, "Kennedy tried to get Castro, but Castro got Kennedy first." Probably not: Oswald is the classic example of the potential of the lone nut, whether Charles Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz, Arthur Bremer, John Hinckley, or Mark Chapman, to alter history, but at least it makes some sense.

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So when the U.S. congress took up the case decades later and determined that 'more likely than not, Oswald did not act alone', congress was wrong? Also, if you are right, and the Warren Commission report was so absolutely fair and the only accurate word, then why still not releasing all the files?

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Some also at one time expended much ink on how many angels could dance on the head of a pin.

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It is amazing how people refuse to accept the truth because it so disappointingly mundane. For example, it was just luck that one shot to the stomach killed Oswald. A slightly different trajectory, and Oswald would have a hospital stay before being put on trial. It was also just luck that Ruby happened to be there. Peter Jennings once showed that "the magic bullet" story just had things lined up wrong. And what did he get for that? "He's in on it!" So many people want a monumental event to have a monumental explanation. But it is just not there.

The JFK case is what gives conspiracy theories a bad reputation: all negative evidence is dismissed a fabricated by a conspiracy. The result is a classic case of unfalsifiability.

Too bad that people these days do not distinguish between conspiracy theories in the bad sense and conspiracy theories overall. So muddle-minded have things become that I have heard people say that prosecutors charging some persons with conspiracy are not advancing a conspiracy theory. Yes, they are.

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Say a silent prayer for his safety.

Were it up to me, he would be campaigning from inside an Abrams M1A2 Tank guarded by the 82nd Airborne, but that’s just me…

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This is powerful, Sasha. Thank you. I haven't been able to sleep thinking of the folks in N.C., S.C. and Tenn. FEMA's non-response and declaration of no funds (since it's all been diverted to illegals - those are OUR tax dollars) has me spitting mad. "Taxation without representation." I fear we won't be able to vote them out and with the important states of N.C., S.C., red parts of Florida unable to vote--I'm losing hope.

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Does everyone understand that this situation is exactly the way communism is supposed to work?

Taking money – at gunpoint – from those who don’t vote for the left, and handing it out to those who do.

It’s not a bug that they don’t have enough money to help the taxpayers in those states because they handed it out to the illegal invaders – that’s a feature and all part of the plan.

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"Unburdened by the past" -- that is spoken to in the last chapter of Marx. It is the plan used by Mao. Translated it means you burn down the current system and enslave the population. I do get it, D. Parker. And it is chilling. I just don't know how to wake up the fools who don't?

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I’ve been trying to develop a series of questions to ask people and wake them up – deprogram them out of the cult as it were.

My hope is that the national socialist media won’t be able to cover up Kamala’s Katrina.

The fact is that Asheville, NC heavily leans left – but their treatment should be a ‘wakeup call’ of sorts.

Glenn Beck was down there, and he reports that they are pissed…. And rightly so.

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Good work, DP. Yes; I truly up this undefensible response to watching our brothers and sisters drown will wake folks up. Who on this Earth could support these people after this?? In my mind, it's straight up treason.

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Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? (11 min)

Chris Williamson interviews Eric Weinstein. Sept 22, 2024


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Satan's plan, you can't make his world on somewhere there's churches and a hint of Christian goodness.

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Anyone who votes for Kamala after her treatment of Western North Carolina is as despicable as she is. No heart, no soul, just evil.

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Another good piece, Sasha, but I'll say what you are reluctant to say: Thomas Matthew Crooks was groomed by the FBI to assassinate Trump. Absent greater transparency by the Secret Service and FBI, there is no other reasonable way to explain how well prepared Crooks was, how botched the security was that day, and how he avoided being stopped from firing given how many times he was spotted the day of the shooting. Again, the lack of transparency points inescapably in the direction of a conspiracy. At this point, it is on the government to disprove the existence of a conspiracy by providing solid evidence to the contrary.

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That tweet by M.C. Armstrong was awesome. It summarizes my sentiments to a T. I wish every registered Democrat would read it.

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Don't anyone complain that there are no heroes anymore.

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Be a hero………VOTE

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Already sent in my absentee ballot for Trump/Vance! 🇺🇸. (I live outside of the US.) I had to pay DHL $65 to do so, but it's well worth it. I've looked it up and it was received.

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this is a time where there will be plenty of opportunity for heroes to shine

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DeSantis, he's a hero.

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Heros -- and Saints -- are seldom recognized in the moment. But they're clearly out there.

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Sasha Stone,

An intense, beautiful and moving podcast.

You are doing God’s work.


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The PA Dept. Of State was planning to shut down the voter-registration Web site for “maintenance” during the hours of the Butler rally instead of the normal time they do this, which is the middle of the night. Fortunately, they got caught.


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There is almost no limit to what they will try to do, blinded by their self-righteous zeal.

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I don’t think you will come to Faith.

I think it will come to you. In fact, I think the process has already started.

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It's not good luck Sasha; it's God.

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Our government continues to drop the ball in everything that pertains to the American people. We look at two assassination attempts on Trump, the poor response to the after effects of Hurricane Helene, the failure on immigration, the economy and so on, but this country sends billions of dollars annually to our countries. My prayers are with America. Great content, Sasha.

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My prediction is that President Trump wins with 300-330 electoral votes. To say that Harris is clinging to a lead is to buy into the false Democrat propaganda narrative promulgated by the fake news media.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

The problem with inaccurate polling is that close polling makes vote dumping by the Deep State more plausible and harder to contest. If the polling showed Trump +5 then vote dumps favoring Harris would be much harder to pull off. So they keep it close to give themselves plausible deniability. Those ridiculous outlying Bloomberg polls seemed designed to do just that -- keep the RCP averages much closer to even.

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