I really appreciate Tucker, but don't often watch his videos because I don't often have an hour and a half or more to devote to watching, however, decided to watch Tucker and Bongino and am so glad I did. It was time well spent. Thanks for posting the Tucker videos. God Bless.
You’ll find many of his other interviews are as good as this one. I split them up into 30 minute segments throughout a day or two. Like how I read a book in a few sittings rather than one. It’s worth it! He has some real gems in there.
In sort of related news, another Bushie has endorsed Harris. Alberto Gonzales, the former AG. It's like they have decided they don't want anything to do with the Republican base. Hasta la vista, baby because we don't want anything to do with you either. My fear is if Trump loses they will try to recapture the Republican label. If he wins they are gone so that should be the first priority. But if he loses and they recapture, we need to destroy the Republican party and create a new one. That means some dark times but not as dark as putting up with the fakers forever.
Given Sasha's political trajectory she tends to focus on DNC-MSM misdeeds. Given mine, I am more interested in Republican betrayal.
And THIS is how we get rid of the riff raff and change the party from within!! It’s almost like the Independent party FINALLY got their own primary party of the two, and the old ones, (RINOs and DINOs - now the Uniparty) are on the same side like they always should have been. It’s refreshing. It’s a new day.
I sure hope the centrist Republicans and Independents fight to keep the Republican Party if Trump doesn’t win. They need to make sure they run for the primaries. We will vote them in.
Thanks for posting the Tucker videos. I think he is a necessary voice. I particularly liked the Calley & Casey Means interview. Glenn Beck, and Tulsi Gabbard were also great listens for me. I also enjoyed your podcast with your friend about the 4th Turning. You have my interest piqued. Thank you!! SO glad I found you. :-)
He's really honest about the problems 20+ thousand Haitians brought into the town. The video has a million views in 2 days and if you listen to the 10 minutes you'll get a clear view why. One of the more serious complaints is Haitians with licences that can't drive safely. For some strange reason the authorities have made it easy and another woman was killed just this morning collecting her garbage can. 50 illegals are sent to Martha's Vineyard and the National Guard has them out the next day. Springfield has possibly 30-40 thousand Haitians and because these people are poor it's just fine with our ruling class. If Trumps campaign manager had half a brain Trump would attend that woman's funeral. That would make this immigration subject front and center on television.
Truly awful. I live in Chicago which is a ruined, democratic run, “Sanctuary City” and I’m much better off here than the people in this small town. I feel sorry for the people trapped there. I also feel sorry for the “migrants,” 47,000, mostly Venezuelans who ended up here due to our open southern border. They get public aid but they have no job skills so they’ll never get out of poverty plus they don’t even belong here. I see them every day in my northwest side neighborhood with signs asking for money. They look poor, lost, depressed and even in despair. They are ruined people. Probably gambled everything on coming to America and found it’s not at all what they expected.
Democrats have destroyed America. We will never recover from the damage they’ve done and are quite determined to continue doing. America is disintegrating and our whole world is in a tailspin. I’m a big fan of AI which is advancing at an exponential rate and is the only bright spot I see in our future which is powerful enough to alter the path we’re on which is rapidly taking us to the abyss. Hope springs eternal. We’ll soon see what fate has in store for us.
I'll check out your link. It's a subject that interests me. When I found that man's Springfield video I found it interesting because he hit all the points that I hypothetically thought would be problems in that town. Cats and dogs didn't really concern him. Bad Haitian driving concerned and scared him. Pressure on rents and services bothered him. Trash and Haitian behavior bothered him. Government priorities bothered him. Different rules for Americans and for Haitians bothered him. His observations were very rational. It's horrible what the American media focuses on because it's so clear it is a malevolent media that is about serving an American Oligarchy. This media is about dividing Americans because the last thing they want is for Americans to realize that they have far more in common with each other than they do with the elites ruling them. I see Vance as highly intelligent but I doubt he will ever be allowed to rule because it's not clear to me that he sold out. Honest politicians are a rarity and he may actually be one.
I live in the Chicago area too. Our son has been waiting for two years to get SSDI (he’s totally disabled and unable to work.) The attorneys tell us that it usually never takes longer than two years to get through all the reflexive denials people usually get and the subsequent appeals, but for us to have to wait for two full years for just the first denial and appeal is unheard of. They’ve never seen it so bad. It could take another two years for our appeal to be heard at the current pace. And in the meantime my son struggles. You KNOW with all the money going to those 47,000 dropped in our area that it’s taking ALL the money, and our own citizens in need are getting nothing. My son is blessed because he has people to put a roof over his head and keep him safe, but we are struggling to afford food given an extra mouth to feed in this inflation and we cannot afford any of the medical care he needs. He qualifies for services but we cannot get any of those services now. It’s really sad.
On another note, I have to deeply disagree with medical AI. But it’s because I had a first hand experience to what that would look like. Our hospitals and clinics already train up doctors and surgeons to just be robotic, preprogrammed “experts” in following corporate protocols and diagnostic criteria. They are not experts in the diseases and in solving root causes, they are experts in managing symptoms only. Well when I was extremely sick for six years of my life, looking at maybe 5-10 years left at only the age of 55, they failed to diagnose my hyperparathyroidism. That’s because they are using outdated and inaccurate diagnostic criteria that had been the “norm” for more than 40 years. When questioned by a new group of doctors 30 some years ago, at first they sought to discredit them. Treat them as quacks. Pride and arrogance in “proven methods” took precedence. Well those surgeons went on to become the leading experts of the disease in the entire world today with more that 60,000 surgeries and related hard data. They found the diagnostic criteria was wrong. Had I been guided by the doctors in my area and remained at their mercy, I’d only have a few years left. They would have left three extremely large parathyroid tumors in my neck indefinitely, destroying my life. Their diagnostic criteria is STILL the primary ones used today because it’s dogma, and that is what would be programmed into AI. Through my own research I found this other clinic out of state. They saved my life, found and removed all three tumors. I have a LOT more years left because of it. They have slowly been trying to reach more and more university hospitals and experts to get this disease properly handled, but it takes decades to turn a ship this large around, especially when lives have been lost or destroyed because of their arrogance and neglect. They always fear lawsuits more than hurting people’s lives. But make no mistake; if another doctor or surgeon gets hyperparathyroidism, they ALL go to this clinic for their OWN care.
I don’t trust AI. We already have thousands of two-legged AIs among us in white coats programmed to do what AI would do, and they are just as incapable of personal care as a computer would be.
Watch these. Second video explains the first video below. Both are worth watching for an understanding of how fast AI is moving and why it will be a game changer for humanity if only we can somehow just survive the rule of our criminally insane ruling class. The best of times. The worst of times.
“Open AI Introduces AI Models With Reasoning Abilities.” (2 min)
I don’t plan to watch this Tucker interview but I do highly recommend everyone watch this superb interview with Eric Weinstein, Bret’s brother. Quite damning of our ever more deranged ruling class which is doing everything they can to provoke a nuclear war with Russia to secure Ukraine’s borders while ours are wide open and at the same time also waging an internal war on Trump/MAGA. God only knows where we’ll all end up.
“The Entire Political Charade Has Come Crashing Down” Eric Weinstein On US Election. (41 min)
War with Russia has a slight chance of going nuclear. A reasonable guess is maybe 1 in 20. A 5% chance of you and everyone you love would die because their government is fighting over a corrupt Ukraine government with Russia. That is risky and nutty.
“War with Russia has a slight chance of going nuclear.”
I’ve read WW1 was caused by stupid men making stupid mistakes which kept escalating till it became an out of control meat grinder which ruined Europe which led to WW2 which was a much bigger out of control meat grinder. And our deranged leaders make these stupid European leaders of WW1 look like wise statesmen. Our ruling class has an obsessive/compulsive need to destroy Trump/MAGA internally, Putin/Russia externally. They will not change. They lack the ability to change. They are fanatics with a need to destroy. Reminds me of Simon Leys from the Quillette article:
“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
Simon Leys is by no means obscure—much of his work is still in print, and he was the subject of a major biography by Philippe Paquet entitled Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds. But he deserves greater recognition as an analyst of totalitarianism, not least for the way in which he built upon Czesław Miłosz’s warning: “The man of the East cannot take Americans seriously because they have never undergone the experiences that teach men how relative their judgments and thinking habits are. Their resultant lack of imagination is appalling… If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere.” To this, Leys added (in the Los Angeles Times of all places): “The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”
“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”
“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”
I'm not clear how your point relates to my posit that war between the United States and Russia has a small chance (much too large in my opinion) of ending civilization over an issue that doesn't appear to be worth that risk.
My point is that human nature is far more unstable than you assume and the people who now rule us are by far the stupidest ruling class we’ve ever had. They are profoundly incompetent and flat out insane. The same people who’ve destabilized the world, pushed Russia into an alliance with China and Iran and are rapidly escalating our war against Russia are also waging a war against Trump/MAGA internally and have been doing so for the past 8 years. And you say you don’t understand my point? If we had the weapons we now have a hundred years ago it’s highly unlikely we’d be here now. We’re not all crazy but more than enough are to destroy us all. Tulsi said she believes the reason why our ruling class is willing to risk nuclear war is because they believe Putin is just bluffing and even if it happened we could win it. I think Tulsi is right. These people are insane. This is also what Tulsi says and also what Elon, Tucker, Bret Weinstein, Glenn Greenwald and many others like them say. Telling me it’s unlikely we could end up in a nuclear war is like telling me if you let a 5 year old boy play with a loaded gun it’s unlikely he’d shoot anyone with it.
One of the problems with the current incumbency right now is so evident that while humor is great way to buffer, righteous indignation is also appropriate.
Trump's anger in the last debate is not representative of folks who accepted the lie Joe Biden was fine.
And when the fantasy bubble Joe is fine popped -like a moment of clarity- rather than seek sobriety, ...folks that believed the fantasy turned right around and ate next carrot handed to them. And if we don't accept the carrot? Well, you get whacked with the stick.
Bait and switch, carrot and stick.
When the incumbent Kamala Harris was asked if we are better off now than four years ago she couldn't answer. Bait and switch. Political malpractice. Kamala still cannot address the immediate decline in day to day living because it would require admitting "progressive" policies ("medicines") are the cause of the peoples' suffering. Like a bad medical practitioner says, "here, take this...." and you're like 'that's making me feel even worse', "...don't worry give it 90 days...".
If the patient takes a decline, the prudent thing to do ask if practitioner did something wrong. The way in which you do that is you remove the "new and improved" "progressive medicines" and replace them with the old medicine that worked.
Essentially, in the simplest of terms, the incumbent cancer quack promises you cures to the symptoms they've created by removing the medicines that were working and replaced them with pixie dust and poppycock. And the country is in a borderline state of crisis.
There is very good reason to be upset. If they can convince you Joe Biden was cognitively healthy for the last several years, imagine what else they can do. And imagine the impact it has on peoples' mental and cognitive well being.
we need to laugh because laughter is a cure that brings us insight and clarity. mock the incumbent for all it's worth! lol. ...and then vote like your life is on the line! vote.
That was a wonderful interview. I think Bongino is right, sadly, that it's not bad enough yet. I mean I still have friends who think voting for Trump is beneath them. Or are still upset he insulted Carly Fiorina. I keep thinking... But your grandkids are going to be sitting in a Chinese camp waiting for their organs to be harvested! They have no idea how close we are to the unthinkable. They still haven't figured out the mRNA shot killed and is killing millions of people. The unthinkable has already happened.
When Dan mentioned the Trump assassination I went on chat GPT and asked about it. Here is answer!!!
You can’t make this up.
ChatGPT >
Was there an assassination attempt on president
§ There have been no verified
reports of an actual assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. However, there have been instances where individuals have made threats against him, and the Secret Service has dealt with these as part of their duty to protect the president. Security around presidents and former presidents is always tight to prevent such attempts from occurring.
If you're asking about a specific incident or news, feel free to clarify, and I can look it up for you.
That’s why Elon started his new company X.AI which will be curious and committed to truth. What is truth? The truth is that there really was an assassination attempt on Trump. The truth is that there are only two genders, not hundreds. The truth is that a society based on meritocracy is vastly better than one or based on equity aka equal outcomes. The truth is that national borders are necessary and not racist.
Wow. That was really inspiring- the Glenn Beck one, and reinforces what I truly believe: big stuff is afoot, folks. Get right with your maker and get on board. Never in history have the issues been so clear cut
I really appreciate Tucker, but don't often watch his videos because I don't often have an hour and a half or more to devote to watching, however, decided to watch Tucker and Bongino and am so glad I did. It was time well spent. Thanks for posting the Tucker videos. God Bless.
You’ll find many of his other interviews are as good as this one. I split them up into 30 minute segments throughout a day or two. Like how I read a book in a few sittings rather than one. It’s worth it! He has some real gems in there.
In sort of related news, another Bushie has endorsed Harris. Alberto Gonzales, the former AG. It's like they have decided they don't want anything to do with the Republican base. Hasta la vista, baby because we don't want anything to do with you either. My fear is if Trump loses they will try to recapture the Republican label. If he wins they are gone so that should be the first priority. But if he loses and they recapture, we need to destroy the Republican party and create a new one. That means some dark times but not as dark as putting up with the fakers forever.
Given Sasha's political trajectory she tends to focus on DNC-MSM misdeeds. Given mine, I am more interested in Republican betrayal.
And THIS is how we get rid of the riff raff and change the party from within!! It’s almost like the Independent party FINALLY got their own primary party of the two, and the old ones, (RINOs and DINOs - now the Uniparty) are on the same side like they always should have been. It’s refreshing. It’s a new day.
I sure hope the centrist Republicans and Independents fight to keep the Republican Party if Trump doesn’t win. They need to make sure they run for the primaries. We will vote them in.
Thanks for posting the Tucker videos. I think he is a necessary voice. I particularly liked the Calley & Casey Means interview. Glenn Beck, and Tulsi Gabbard were also great listens for me. I also enjoyed your podcast with your friend about the 4th Turning. You have my interest piqued. Thank you!! SO glad I found you. :-)
Sasha, You rock. Keep sharing ALL Of Tucker's stuff. And thanks for always telling the truth as you see it.
That said, I listened to the first 30 minutes or so of Tucker & Glenn Beck. I'm still cringing 2 days later.
But hey, everyone has an off day...
I want to plug this man's Springfield video.
He's really honest about the problems 20+ thousand Haitians brought into the town. The video has a million views in 2 days and if you listen to the 10 minutes you'll get a clear view why. One of the more serious complaints is Haitians with licences that can't drive safely. For some strange reason the authorities have made it easy and another woman was killed just this morning collecting her garbage can. 50 illegals are sent to Martha's Vineyard and the National Guard has them out the next day. Springfield has possibly 30-40 thousand Haitians and because these people are poor it's just fine with our ruling class. If Trumps campaign manager had half a brain Trump would attend that woman's funeral. That would make this immigration subject front and center on television.
Megyn’s on the Springfield/Haitians story.
“Why Media is Focusing on “Eating Cats” to Avoid Actual Harms of Illegal Immigration.” (12 min)
Megyn Kelly. Sept 12, 2024
Truly awful. I live in Chicago which is a ruined, democratic run, “Sanctuary City” and I’m much better off here than the people in this small town. I feel sorry for the people trapped there. I also feel sorry for the “migrants,” 47,000, mostly Venezuelans who ended up here due to our open southern border. They get public aid but they have no job skills so they’ll never get out of poverty plus they don’t even belong here. I see them every day in my northwest side neighborhood with signs asking for money. They look poor, lost, depressed and even in despair. They are ruined people. Probably gambled everything on coming to America and found it’s not at all what they expected.
Democrats have destroyed America. We will never recover from the damage they’ve done and are quite determined to continue doing. America is disintegrating and our whole world is in a tailspin. I’m a big fan of AI which is advancing at an exponential rate and is the only bright spot I see in our future which is powerful enough to alter the path we’re on which is rapidly taking us to the abyss. Hope springs eternal. We’ll soon see what fate has in store for us.
“The Path Towards AI Driven Healthcare.” (8 min)
Peter Diamandis. Sept 11, 2024
I'll check out your link. It's a subject that interests me. When I found that man's Springfield video I found it interesting because he hit all the points that I hypothetically thought would be problems in that town. Cats and dogs didn't really concern him. Bad Haitian driving concerned and scared him. Pressure on rents and services bothered him. Trash and Haitian behavior bothered him. Government priorities bothered him. Different rules for Americans and for Haitians bothered him. His observations were very rational. It's horrible what the American media focuses on because it's so clear it is a malevolent media that is about serving an American Oligarchy. This media is about dividing Americans because the last thing they want is for Americans to realize that they have far more in common with each other than they do with the elites ruling them. I see Vance as highly intelligent but I doubt he will ever be allowed to rule because it's not clear to me that he sold out. Honest politicians are a rarity and he may actually be one.
I live in the Chicago area too. Our son has been waiting for two years to get SSDI (he’s totally disabled and unable to work.) The attorneys tell us that it usually never takes longer than two years to get through all the reflexive denials people usually get and the subsequent appeals, but for us to have to wait for two full years for just the first denial and appeal is unheard of. They’ve never seen it so bad. It could take another two years for our appeal to be heard at the current pace. And in the meantime my son struggles. You KNOW with all the money going to those 47,000 dropped in our area that it’s taking ALL the money, and our own citizens in need are getting nothing. My son is blessed because he has people to put a roof over his head and keep him safe, but we are struggling to afford food given an extra mouth to feed in this inflation and we cannot afford any of the medical care he needs. He qualifies for services but we cannot get any of those services now. It’s really sad.
On another note, I have to deeply disagree with medical AI. But it’s because I had a first hand experience to what that would look like. Our hospitals and clinics already train up doctors and surgeons to just be robotic, preprogrammed “experts” in following corporate protocols and diagnostic criteria. They are not experts in the diseases and in solving root causes, they are experts in managing symptoms only. Well when I was extremely sick for six years of my life, looking at maybe 5-10 years left at only the age of 55, they failed to diagnose my hyperparathyroidism. That’s because they are using outdated and inaccurate diagnostic criteria that had been the “norm” for more than 40 years. When questioned by a new group of doctors 30 some years ago, at first they sought to discredit them. Treat them as quacks. Pride and arrogance in “proven methods” took precedence. Well those surgeons went on to become the leading experts of the disease in the entire world today with more that 60,000 surgeries and related hard data. They found the diagnostic criteria was wrong. Had I been guided by the doctors in my area and remained at their mercy, I’d only have a few years left. They would have left three extremely large parathyroid tumors in my neck indefinitely, destroying my life. Their diagnostic criteria is STILL the primary ones used today because it’s dogma, and that is what would be programmed into AI. Through my own research I found this other clinic out of state. They saved my life, found and removed all three tumors. I have a LOT more years left because of it. They have slowly been trying to reach more and more university hospitals and experts to get this disease properly handled, but it takes decades to turn a ship this large around, especially when lives have been lost or destroyed because of their arrogance and neglect. They always fear lawsuits more than hurting people’s lives. But make no mistake; if another doctor or surgeon gets hyperparathyroidism, they ALL go to this clinic for their OWN care.
I don’t trust AI. We already have thousands of two-legged AIs among us in white coats programmed to do what AI would do, and they are just as incapable of personal care as a computer would be.
Watch these. Second video explains the first video below. Both are worth watching for an understanding of how fast AI is moving and why it will be a game changer for humanity if only we can somehow just survive the rule of our criminally insane ruling class. The best of times. The worst of times.
“Open AI Introduces AI Models With Reasoning Abilities.” (2 min)
Bloomberg Television. Sept 12, 2024
“OpenAI o1 Crushes PHD Level Experts.” (31 min)
Wes Roth. Sept 12, 2024
I don’t plan to watch this Tucker interview but I do highly recommend everyone watch this superb interview with Eric Weinstein, Bret’s brother. Quite damning of our ever more deranged ruling class which is doing everything they can to provoke a nuclear war with Russia to secure Ukraine’s borders while ours are wide open and at the same time also waging an internal war on Trump/MAGA. God only knows where we’ll all end up.
“The Entire Political Charade Has Come Crashing Down” Eric Weinstein On US Election. (41 min)
Piers Morgan Uncensored. Sept 10, 2024
“Ukraine May Get Nod To Attack Russia With Long Range Western Missiles.” (6 min)
Firstpost. Vantage with Palki Sharma. Sept 12, 2024
War with Russia has a slight chance of going nuclear. A reasonable guess is maybe 1 in 20. A 5% chance of you and everyone you love would die because their government is fighting over a corrupt Ukraine government with Russia. That is risky and nutty.
“War with Russia has a slight chance of going nuclear.”
I’ve read WW1 was caused by stupid men making stupid mistakes which kept escalating till it became an out of control meat grinder which ruined Europe which led to WW2 which was a much bigger out of control meat grinder. And our deranged leaders make these stupid European leaders of WW1 look like wise statesmen. Our ruling class has an obsessive/compulsive need to destroy Trump/MAGA internally, Putin/Russia externally. They will not change. They lack the ability to change. They are fanatics with a need to destroy. Reminds me of Simon Leys from the Quillette article:
“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
Simon Leys is by no means obscure—much of his work is still in print, and he was the subject of a major biography by Philippe Paquet entitled Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds. But he deserves greater recognition as an analyst of totalitarianism, not least for the way in which he built upon Czesław Miłosz’s warning: “The man of the East cannot take Americans seriously because they have never undergone the experiences that teach men how relative their judgments and thinking habits are. Their resultant lack of imagination is appalling… If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere.” To this, Leys added (in the Los Angeles Times of all places): “The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”
“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”
“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”
Quillette. Sept 28, 2020
I'm not clear how your point relates to my posit that war between the United States and Russia has a small chance (much too large in my opinion) of ending civilization over an issue that doesn't appear to be worth that risk.
My point is that human nature is far more unstable than you assume and the people who now rule us are by far the stupidest ruling class we’ve ever had. They are profoundly incompetent and flat out insane. The same people who’ve destabilized the world, pushed Russia into an alliance with China and Iran and are rapidly escalating our war against Russia are also waging a war against Trump/MAGA internally and have been doing so for the past 8 years. And you say you don’t understand my point? If we had the weapons we now have a hundred years ago it’s highly unlikely we’d be here now. We’re not all crazy but more than enough are to destroy us all. Tulsi said she believes the reason why our ruling class is willing to risk nuclear war is because they believe Putin is just bluffing and even if it happened we could win it. I think Tulsi is right. These people are insane. This is also what Tulsi says and also what Elon, Tucker, Bret Weinstein, Glenn Greenwald and many others like them say. Telling me it’s unlikely we could end up in a nuclear war is like telling me if you let a 5 year old boy play with a loaded gun it’s unlikely he’d shoot anyone with it.
This Tucker interview you should watch.
One of the problems with the current incumbency right now is so evident that while humor is great way to buffer, righteous indignation is also appropriate.
Trump's anger in the last debate is not representative of folks who accepted the lie Joe Biden was fine.
And when the fantasy bubble Joe is fine popped -like a moment of clarity- rather than seek sobriety, ...folks that believed the fantasy turned right around and ate next carrot handed to them. And if we don't accept the carrot? Well, you get whacked with the stick.
Bait and switch, carrot and stick.
When the incumbent Kamala Harris was asked if we are better off now than four years ago she couldn't answer. Bait and switch. Political malpractice. Kamala still cannot address the immediate decline in day to day living because it would require admitting "progressive" policies ("medicines") are the cause of the peoples' suffering. Like a bad medical practitioner says, "here, take this...." and you're like 'that's making me feel even worse', "...don't worry give it 90 days...".
If the patient takes a decline, the prudent thing to do ask if practitioner did something wrong. The way in which you do that is you remove the "new and improved" "progressive medicines" and replace them with the old medicine that worked.
Essentially, in the simplest of terms, the incumbent cancer quack promises you cures to the symptoms they've created by removing the medicines that were working and replaced them with pixie dust and poppycock. And the country is in a borderline state of crisis.
There is very good reason to be upset. If they can convince you Joe Biden was cognitively healthy for the last several years, imagine what else they can do. And imagine the impact it has on peoples' mental and cognitive well being.
we need to laugh because laughter is a cure that brings us insight and clarity. mock the incumbent for all it's worth! lol. ...and then vote like your life is on the line! vote.
Great comment, Papi!
And Trump had every right to respond angrily. He’s a fed up as we all are.
That was a wonderful interview. I think Bongino is right, sadly, that it's not bad enough yet. I mean I still have friends who think voting for Trump is beneath them. Or are still upset he insulted Carly Fiorina. I keep thinking... But your grandkids are going to be sitting in a Chinese camp waiting for their organs to be harvested! They have no idea how close we are to the unthinkable. They still haven't figured out the mRNA shot killed and is killing millions of people. The unthinkable has already happened.
“Shocking new CDC guidelines: mRNA for babies.” (5 min)
EONutrition. Sept 8, 2024
Great talk with Tucker and Bongino! Excellent and funny. Thanks for posting, Sasha, as always…!
Fab interview, thanks.
When Dan mentioned the Trump assassination I went on chat GPT and asked about it. Here is answer!!!
You can’t make this up.
ChatGPT >
Was there an assassination attempt on president
§ There have been no verified
reports of an actual assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. However, there have been instances where individuals have made threats against him, and the Secret Service has dealt with these as part of their duty to protect the president. Security around presidents and former presidents is always tight to prevent such attempts from occurring.
If you're asking about a specific incident or news, feel free to clarify, and I can look it up for you.
• ChatGPT is not ar &
me news product and
may take time to u.
e. Please check other
sources for the latest information
+ ( Message)
Amazing huh
That’s why Elon started his new company X.AI which will be curious and committed to truth. What is truth? The truth is that there really was an assassination attempt on Trump. The truth is that there are only two genders, not hundreds. The truth is that a society based on meritocracy is vastly better than one or based on equity aka equal outcomes. The truth is that national borders are necessary and not racist.
Thank you Sasha!
Fu🔥king Awesome 👏
You 🥰😘🙌
Wow. What a series. Almost didn't watch. Thought it was going to be cheesy. Boy. Was I wrong. Last stop Rfk jr. And Tucker.
Got to see a side to all these people that seemed natural. And awesome. And totally comfortable to watch. Thank you Sasha.
Mormons are not Christians. We have very different beliefs.
This is Tucker’s finest opening on his speaking tour so far.
Wow. That was really inspiring- the Glenn Beck one, and reinforces what I truly believe: big stuff is afoot, folks. Get right with your maker and get on board. Never in history have the issues been so clear cut