Treatment of the Coots 4 is identical to the harsh treatment of J6ers. Solitary confinement, lack of medical care and medications, no bail, no trial, just locked up with pending charges 🤬

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Canadian. Court declares Turdeaus actions against truckers unconstitutional and excessive.

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Funny how this always happens with leftists after they confiscate guns….

It’s almost like the authoritarian left doesn’t really care about safety and just attaining and holding onto power..

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Superb interview, this guy was articulate and knows his stuff. Being a Canadian, this country lost its way back in 1968 when Trudeau Sr. assumed power. The man was an ultra leftist who adored China, SInce then the country has suffered a steep decline culminating with the election of his son Justin the trust fund baby also known as Mr. Freeze (can you say bank accounts). His treatment of the truckers on Parliament Hill was ruthless culminating in the violent arrests by his storm troopers. Funny the man had no problem attending a George Floyd demo complete with him kneeling in hommage to a convicted crimianl drug thug. The Rebel News reporter that was arrested and assaulted by his "Secret Police" was abhorrent and sullied the good name of law enforcement. Regarding the mainstream media, they as Tucker's guest pointed out are literally bought and paid for. America is going down the dark hole of despotism but we are just farther along.

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Thank you for posting these here. I am a paid subscriber to Tucker (and you, of course!), but there are no comments sections. I like the presentation, then I like to read what other people have gleaned from it, too.

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Turdeau is truly a an evil megalomaniac. But he also has the support of nearly the entire Govt.

All those people have sold their souls to the devil, most especially those in the so-called “opposition” party.

Just like here in the US, and so many other countries like the UK and Australia and New Zealand.

They are the “gathering storm”, setting about to crush all remnants of freedom of any kind everywhere.

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Sounds like FBI taught a group in Canada on how to target individuals and spin a take.

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I love the quote of Malice: "Conservatism is progressivism driving the speed limit."

Apt. Pay attention to what is happening here.

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Oh, Canada!😢

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“conservatives are just progressives going the speed limit.” Sums it up nicely. RINOS in our case.

I have deep roots in eastern Canada. I’ll inherit property there one day. Going there over the covid summers was like breaking into North Korea. And the way the government encouraged citizens to report on each other was chilling. I have some fairly horrific stories I’ll not bother typing out. Suffice to say I was disappointed to see how multi generational family and friends behaved towards each other.

At least now I know.

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The headline cracked me up!! Go Tucker! 🤩

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Darkness has descended on America, too.

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I remember three things about the Canadian Truckers story, all of them scary ...

1) "Freedom is a dog-whistle for White Supremacy!" At least they were, temporarily, being honest enough to admit that they are against freedom.

2) The people on MSNBC virtually hopping up and down about how wonderful "de-banking" is. No doubt they think de-banking will always be something done to their enemies, never to themselves.

3) The Guilt by Association fallacy, in this case "you stand with racists", being treated by all (including the person being attacked) as an absolutely devastating argument.

Ah, what sad times are these.

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I appreciate your doing it( posting TC).

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Canada is just the spoiler alert for the US (as is Australia, etc). As goes Canada, go we….

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