I appreciate you sharing these as I’m not on twitter. Thanks.

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You can still view on Twitter without signing up, you just can't tweet back, follow, etc.

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Yes! I agree with Simone. Thank you!

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I loved the clip of the GOP Primary debate. That was precisely the moment when I came to understand and admire the man. If you recall that sad circus, every other one of the, what, 37 swamp creatures who were running were in exact lock step. Absolutely zero differentiation other than a couple wore pantsuits. The only one who stood out was Trump. And he wasn't spewing narrative-approved applause lines, we was telling it like it was (but what you are not allowed to speak of). And for that he must be crucified alongside the rest of the nation.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

So true--I felt the same way. Having Trump onstage created the contrast that revealed the truth, exposing the rest of them as the lying phonies that they are. I distinctly remember looking at Jeb Bush and realizing that he (like his family and all the rest of them) were doing what politicians have always been doing . . . saying whatever lies and promises they think will fool us into voting for them. If they win, then they turn around and do whatever makes them richer and more powerful, and especially enriching the donors that in turn fund their campaigns.

The whole system is sickeningly rotten, and Trump exposed it all.

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We are grateful to Almighty God for our very stable genius. I pray that you can bring others to the Truth ✝️🌹 Be well and Soldier on! Tenui nec Dimittam

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Yeah, that's exactly when I first took note...Trump broke all the unwritten rules in that debate, he said all the things you were not allowed to say. And that's why he won the nomination. "Racism" had nothing to do with it.

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Trump broke the GOP like he broke CNN last month.

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He seized the opportunity to oppose the evil of the military industrial complex. Freedom is the common bond. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness ✝️🌹 Be well and Press on!

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He has the Mantle and is led by the Holy Spirit. We are called to do likewise. The more righteous the fight, the more opposition you'll get. Endure until the end ✝️ 🌹

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Sasha is showing courage like few others

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President Kennedy said that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

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And he paid the price.

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True at both ends of the political spectrum.

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That's where we are headed.

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As always, the voice of sanity. One of the few life preservers floating on the surface of the cesspool that is Twenty-First Century America.

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Go to TuckerCarlson .com and you’ll get a texted as soon as a new episode drops. Text has a link embedded.

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Thanks for sharing it, Sasha. Loved Tucker’s point that because Trump is against endless wars, he is hated by DC, MSM, CIA, DOD, DOJ and FBI.

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POTUS choose to stand in the gap. I suggest we do likewise. Tenui nec Dimittam ✝️ 🌹 Be well and Press on!

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Please, no YouTube, ever! It is counterproductive to feed the Google censorship beast cash with our clicks. Anything else is better. Here is Tucker's 3rd on Twitter:


Elon absolutely still lets woke employees censor legitimate comments on Twitter, but perhaps that's just because he doesn't have complete control over it. We can hope that's the case, anyway.

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The Dude has balls.

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

This is the Tucker I’ve been waiting for! An absolute satisfying skewering of Pompeo. I hope he gives equal treatment to McConnell and Graham next, expose each and every DC warmonger

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Thank you, Sasha. This whole fiasco was the topic at our dinner table tonight. I am not a Trump fan, however, like Carlson… I approved of his desire to stop these endless wars. The fact that his own top brass acted against him, proves this was an IC and MIC coup, in my opinion. All I want is for TRUTH (untwisted) to win out and equal scales of justice for him… then let the chips fall where they may.

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I’d love to hear you on Megan Kelly, or Glenn Greenwald, The Federalist...sorry for the poor spelling; I’m into my 2nd glass of boxed red wine and bourbon. 😂

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That’s some combination!

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It’s good!

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Tucker ripped Mike Pompeo and the other stooges a new one!! They all rode Trump’s win and now attack him. Pitiful.

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Gloves Off. Way to go Tucker!

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I am learning to really appreciate Tucker.

Down with the deep state. Down with the Neocons!

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Yes, Barry. Tucker has come a long long way from his days as an irritating, bow tie-wearing twit on CNN. People can evolve.

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Do you know What A Neocon is?

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Yes. Do you? A neocon is one who fosters endless wars such as Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine. Neocons rarely serve in combat units because they’re cowards and they want others to do their fighting for them. They don’t care how many young American men die or are wounded; as long as they make a buck. Nearly all the Democratic Party leaders are neocons, all the RINOs are, and most of the CIA, NSA, State Department and military industrial complex are.

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I am Not normally a big fan of wikipedia But this is...close

"Neoconservatives typically advocate the promotion of democracy and interventionism in international affairs, including peace through strength, and are known for espousing disdain for communism and political radicalism."

Instead of "interventionism" I would say an aggressive forward leaning foreign affairs.

Here's the thing. Someone IS gong to be the dominate (military, economic, cultural) power in the world. believe it should be The United States of America. I say this because in spite the mistakes/screw ups/whatever we have done as good a job of maintaining peace as a reasonable person can expect. Right now it is Us or the PRC. Trust me a wold where the PC is dominate is a VERY different world. And Not in a Good Way.

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It’s a bullshit definition probably written by the CIA and it is not reasonable to say we have done a good job at peace. We have done a deplorable job in fostering peace for our country and peace in the world. When we are not directly engaged with tens of thousands of our young men in combat getting killed and maimed like Vietnam, Iraq, Korea, Afghanistan; we are indirectly creating and fomenting violence and wars like Cuba, Ukraine, Syria. Neocons like you always say someone is an existential threat and we must do something only to say decades later “we were wrong but it was a good lesson”. Witness “stop Communism in Vietnam!”, “WMD in Iraq!”, “Russian collusion in Ukraine!”, and now you with “PRC!” Here’s an idea, buy a plane ticket to the Ukraine and join their army. They’re accepting volunteers. Put your ass where your mouth is and stop pushing for other young poor men to do your neocon fighting for you.

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There's the academic definition and the working definition. PRC will dominate because the current US power structure is aligned with them; just haven't integrated yet. But they will. And it will be hundreds of years until liberty re-emerges.

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Thanks for throwing this up. Tucker has got to making the Globaratti crazy!!

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I'm not sure what Biden & Co. think will happen if in fact Trump is tossed into prison. Do they think that the tens of millions of people who voted for him will just shrug it off? Do they think that the members of law enforcement that they have repeatedly vilified are going to protect them? Do they think that America is incapable of descending into civil war?

What any fair minded person can plainly see is that Trump is being selectively targeted by the legal system and political/MSM establishment. No matter how they try to dress it up and give it an air of legitimacy, this is what it looks like to millions of Americans.

Far from destroying Trump, they are only hardening support for him, even from many of us who never voted for him and never will. They are inside their bubble world thinking that they are controlling this, but they can’t. They have unleashed forces that will not be controlled.

One of the very real dangers I see is that this doesn't go according to the Democratic script and, desperate to cling to power so as not to be on the receiving end of their miscalculations, we are led into WWIII, which in fact is already underway in Ukraine, albeit via proxy. The neocon warmongers surrounding Biden (with the support of many Republicans) are actually itching for a nuclear war with both Russia and China.

This is an extremely dangerous time in our country. We are in uncharted waters. No one can predict how this is going to play out. We will have to see what decisions the courts make in any of this. But the Democrats have set the precedent for using the justice system to go after their political opponents and this has opened Pandora's box.

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It's clear that the Democrats and MSM ran with the "Russiagate" narrative that was constructed out of whole cloth in order to get rid of Trump. So any subsequent pursuit of him is highly suspect.

If this was anyone other than Trump none of this would be happening. You know it and I know it.

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Heretic, one caveat, Birtha doesn’t know it

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The difference between Trump, Biden, Hillary, Sandy Berger and all other violators of "classified document" rules is that of them - only Trump was the Chief Executive of the nation, and as such, had the power vested in himself to declassify. So if he says he "declassified" the docs, he did so.

There are no Constitutional rules that talk about how one declassifies government secrets. And even if there were legislative rules - the idea that the President would have to follow anything not in the Constitution would be an issue for the Supreme Court.

The president can say the act of moving the files from DC to Mar-a-lago was the result of his decision to declassify - something that only he (not Pompeo, Clapper, Wray, Comey, Hillary, Mittens or President-elect Biden) had the power to do.

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He is on target.

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"We don't get to choose our martyrs. We can only choose our principles, and America's are at stake." 👍

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I'm on Twitter sparingly these days so the updates are much appreciated.

As always, Tucker nails it.

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For anyone who wants to read more about the neocons sinister agenda to promote war, I recommend Martin Armstrong's e-book on The Plot to seize Russia. (I also have an e-copy) https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/products_services/plot-to-seize-russia-makes-2-book-on-amazon/

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Are you aware that the author of your recommended book, Martin Armstrong, is a convicted felon with a very dubious resume. Please see the following:


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Wikipedia provides the deep state/WEF/neocon approved talking points.

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Your reply fails to address the multiple charges that the Wikipedia article makes against Martin Armstrong. He organized a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme and was jailed for 11 years. Sorry, but if you really find such a person to be credible, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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They wanted Armstrong to help finance their plot to seize Russia. They wanted his Socrates machine learning software. They fabricated a plot and threw him in jail. Neocon warmongers class 101.

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Do you have any actual hard evidence for any of those assertions?

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Armstrong writes about it. He was never convicted. He was only charged, yet they kept him in jail for a decade. It's a miracle he got out as they tried to bury him in prison.

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Wiki is problematic and often dubious. Must at minimum be considered with an asterisk.

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a VERY BIG asterisk...

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I hear you Tucker, if only it was about foreign policy and war. If I could whip out my video of a debate it would be when asked if he would accept the results of the 2016 election if Hillary won, he said maybe. The glorious white pant suited savior of all women finally understood she couldn’t beat Trump by the rules. She could technically lose the electoral college which is enshrined in the constitution and Trump could win by playing all the rules and getting more electoral votes and it was a moral outrage if more people actually voted for her and she lost. She gave away that game on that a few weeks ago. She talked about projection and that’s all Trump does is project his intentions on others and that he was a threat to democracy, not for subverting the constitution but by playing by the rules and beating her fair and square even though she got more votes. And in that glorious projection by Hillary Clinton we understand it was actually her who intended to subvert the constitution because she couldn’t stand to be the first woman who got the most votes in an election but actually lost according to the constitution. That woman has no right to be anywhere near the levers of power much less a free woman hawking books for a living. She deserves to be in jail for everything she has done to get back at Trump for humiliating the first woman to get the most votes in an election but still have lost. Yes, it is the modus operandi of the whole democrat party, not the small d but big D Democrats, that they hate our system of elections and I’ll bring in Nancy Pelosi on this one that an electoral system could allow a creature like Donald Trump to be elected instead of the first woman to get the most votes in a presidential election. The big Ds despise our constitution and it’s system of elections and felt it was their moral responsibility with the aid of the first pandemic election to rig the election by stuffing crisp cleanly pressed sheets of ballots (this is the truth that never went to trial) with only votes for Biden down the throats of just a few well placed Facebook precincts and presto! Was it magic? Did Joe Biden manage to get even more votes than Barack Obama and win the election fair and square with the popular vote and the electoral college. Little pesky constitutional requirements like the electoral college can be taken care of...right Hillary. I feel so bad for the first woman to get the most votes in an election and not actually win! Our constitution is a tool of the patriarchy! Look at its corrupt result??? How could...thank Nancy...a creature like Donald Trump beat the first woman President fair and square yet she still got the most votes. The horror, the revenge we have witnessed wreck our country and you could say the world for the past six years because of the pride of a woman scorned, Hillary Clinton. Nancy I would have ripped his state of the union speech too. AOC you look way sexier in a white pantsuit...solidarity my lady friends. Stick together, we’ll get Donald Trump. Everyone agrees just bide your time and our friends at the Biden DOJ will take care of the villainous DT as they owe us for all those crisp clean neatly pressed ballots with only Biden checked (it’s the only truth that never went to trial, never saw it’s day in court, who would want to overturn an election?? The horror, right? She could of been the first woman president, right). So, I love acting out the behind the scenes. It can be distracting but Hillary laid the groundwork for that a few weeks ago. We have her on tape with intent. Well, let me breathe...is this a rant or what. Donald please feel free to repeat this if you want but I’m sure you have a plan in your own way to expose it, because Donald Trump has been right all along and the last fake news to fall is that no court has proven the election was rigged. They never say it’s not true, just that no court has proven it. Well it’s all true that no court took up the case and who would want to be the first judge or first jury to overturn the results of presidential election. Not me! Not me! That woman should be president she won the most votes, everything else is details. The pesky electoral college. We can eventually stack the Supreme Court full of our judges. 11 13 or 15...what do you like? We can make the electoral college an outdated relic of our constitutional past like slavery, 3/5 a person and all that jazz...the first woman president was denied an election based on a technicality? Right? We have a moral right to fix this pesky DT who won fair and square...look the other way, hold your noses, vote in a few more judges and we will fix this patriarchal system for good and mute out the electoral college. Hey, DT thinks he can finagle some kind of VP maneuver that when they count the electoral votes the VP can legally throw out the result or change the outcome and throw the election to the congress...arrest all his supporters and we will strengthen those rules real quick...done. She would have made a great president, right Nancy? Right AOC? We’ll just torture the hell out of few people who think that their vote was nullified by Facebook and make them all suffer a fate so great, no one will ever try to overthrow our government in a violent coup again...those creatures who should never be anywhere near the government. The pesky people who we wiped with clean white ballots of their vote so Biden could get elected and fix the patriarchic mess we have. She would have been a glorious president who broke the glass ceiling but instead was overrun by deplorables. Oh the horror, we will fix it. I mean even Pence kind of agrees with it because who would want to be the first VP to throw out an electoral college result. He secretly respects Hilary. We know it. Oh Tucker, if only it was to perpetuate a never ending war State. God that’s too simple, to easy...no, it was Hillary all along. Projecting her way to revolution. It’s all on tape as she sits in her deep cushy black chair and calmly gives away the whole game of the past 6 years. She should have been president but to top it off she was the first woman to not be elected president but get the most votes. That’s why everyone hates Donald Trump. Because he loves America, loves the constitution, plays by the rules and denied our pant suited savior her due. We’ll get him. Or will they?

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Removed (Banned)Jun 14, 2023
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The crisp clean ironed ballots with only Biden checked existed in various precincts and exists in physical fact and by witness. None of that had its day in court. It was not BS. I broke it into two comments. I almost lost the whole note and all that feverish typing would have been for not. It will have to stand as two long comments like a double feature movie. Phew! What a relief to get that off my chest! When is the next election?

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It was a great summary, Eddie. Thanks for taking the time to put it all down in writing.

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Thank you my friend. I’ll drop the Sunday School in the future. But did you see DT name the prosecutor. I think he said so I’ll name you...freaky I just did the same thing to you. What a classic.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 14, 2023
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Courts almost never get involved in election disputes.

But I think that will change in 2024. I have a suspicion that Dems will set up Repubs by planting evidence that is so egregious (they know how to do that, Repubs don't) the 9th Circuit will get involved. It won't overturn the election because Dems already have that in the bag, but it will destroy the Repub party.

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Donald Trump is so gonna wipe the democrats off the map it really will be 100% to zero, he wins 2024 hands down and you know what, that would get him the most votes and win the electoral college in not just a landslide but domination. Are you ready Neil? Domination is coming rain down hell on the democrats. Maybe they will plant something to destroy the Republican Party but no one else with care because Dems don’t exist any longer. That’s 100 to 0 electoral college landslide. Feel the domination because trust me it coming.

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What judge wants to be the first judge to overturn a presidential election. Maybe you can be a judge and do it. It’s your mission now.

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Eddie, more people will read your comments if you make them shorter and organize them in to just a few paragraphs. Maybe try writing and organizing them first, and then review before copying and pasting them in to the comment section. I think that will help get your message out better.

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Thanks but I’m not here to get a message out. I do enjoy writing but the easier I can make it for myself the better. Maybe at some point I can pay an editor to help me out, but it’s already difficult enough just to compile my thoughts. This is really just a way to document my feelings and emotions at the time. I left social media a long time ago when a fave political reporter blocked me and I had no idea what I had written to cause that. I tried to find out but I literally cried at the privilege I had lost and all the fun commentary we shared back and forth. I know I can be blocked here and I’m trying again, but I may end up leaving. It really hurt. I ended up despising politics because of a simple block. Hopefully I can just enjoy myself as a hobby and maybe meet some people at my church where we can hang out face to face and serve and bring glory to the Lord. I mean that’s the simple truth of all this, suffering and service...and trust in God. Repeat...eternity...again thanks.

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Donald trump has lit the fuse of a truth bomb about to explode in all our faces. Do you for one moment think knowing all you know about Trump and his cunning that he would give away the game so readily to so many people when he spoke to others in confidence concerning classified documents. From what Tucker so plainly states, there are people working for Trump who are lying to his face, so Trump sets the truth bomb. He literally rotely tells all exactly what he is thinking, his truth but more to the point the truth concerning classified documents which are basically a whole legalized way to hide or expose the truth with rules the whole state control. Hillary was negligent with her classified documents she kept on a server outside of state control in electronic format and that was her saving grace. Didn’t she talk about wiping her server, was it using a cloth that she was waving around. She knew that if it were all electronic she could control what others believed her intent was when holding onto classified documents. The whole nature of a server and not sheets of paper made the existence of classified documents kept outside her state department entirely in her control to release or wave that white flag and wipe her server any way she says. It made her in control and not the state and she understood this waving a rag metaphorically in her hand. Trump has now basically told the truth concerning classified document control based on some act of congress that isn’t even criminal with actual paper that can’t be wiped and so they indict him based on the truth of the process he admits to from his own mouth. Look at all the truth he says. Where is my white truth cap? Is he admitting to purposely holding on to classified documents or telling everyone he knew in confidence the rules of the game they all play, but they are paper concrete documents. I’ve been in some pretty tricky legal situations but you can never go wrong if all you talk about is the truth of the situation. Donald Trump has laid the truth bomb and the fuse has been lit and he now knows everyone who has lied to his face. Check. They will never set foot near him again. And we will watch how his simple statements of truth expose everyone out to gotcha his criminal intent on an act that is basically just a bunch of rules about hiding or exposing government truth including as I mention earlier Hillary Clinton who waves the white rag of grace...you mean wipe my server...like with a cloth. Why yes Hillary just like with a cloth a white cloth you could have wiped your server with electronic classified documents. So now we can watch the truth explode and in it’s wake will be everyone Trump can trust and everyone out to get Trump will be wiped off like the electronic classified documents Hillary so blatantly admitted to maybe having the power to do like a light switch outside the state department but Trump had physical documents. It’s all the same rules. All the same ways of hiding or exposing the truth, but the bomb will leave Trump clearly just stating the truth about physical classified documents and Hillary maybe or maybe not wiping her server...yes, like with a cloth Hillary exactly like that..and instead of negligence as Comey admitted it was it will be exposed as intent to wipe from her server classified documents she acknowledged were retained from her time in the state department that instead were wiped, like with a cloth, just like that, from her server as if they never existed. He is setting up Hillary to at least go to jail if he does or at most be the only one who goes to jail when he wipes Joe Biden off the electoral map that Hillary so poorly forgot to play by the rules and win an election according to the constitution and get more electoral votes than her opponent.

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Oh... I hope Tucka has some serious security, I will volunteer if needed. Wow. Remember the Swamp and Mike Pompeo is the head of one giant snake.

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Wow...Tucker unleashed...this is groundbreaking stuff...thanks, Sasha

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He nailed it.......again.

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And I appreciate you sending these, even though I am on Twitter and I have found it too hard to sift through the many thousand feeds to get to anything I want. I follow Tucker and I still can’t find these on Twitter lol. So thank you for making this simple For us non-social media savvy people :-)

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Sasha, God bless you for posting these. I don't check Twitter routinely and am not sure when Tucker even is coming on or not - so your sharing is a Godsend for me. I love Tucker. I love Trump. And, now I love you, too. (I'm smiling.)

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Fox commmitted network by foolishingly dropping the biggest name in cable news.

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Thank you for posting these!!!! I'm not on twitter :)

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Thank you so much!

Keep it coming. I don’t log in to Twitter nearly enough. Which reminds me, I’ve got to buy a TV one of these days too.

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Thanks soooo much for doing this Sasha, it enables me to share it with my friends who aren’t on Twitter.

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Sorry typo meant network suicide

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Absolutely spot on.

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Thank you!

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Yes. Yes. Yes.

Thank you.

Boomchacalaca !


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Thanks, Sasha. For those not on Twitter, go to Tuckercarlson.com and sign up for email alerts.

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Almighty God and Father, strengthen us to allow Your Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven 🙏 Holy Spirit guide and protect everyone willing to challenge the liars and wicked servants of the elite mafia. Tucker has exposed much, it's necessary for us to help others to exercise discernment. They lied to us about a pandemic. Lockdowns and masks don't work. Embrace the Truth and your cross. It's a Spiritual battle, ready yourself and engage. In the way of righteousness is life and along its pathway there is no death ✝️ 🌹 Be well and Godspeed 🥰

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So grateful for these Sasha! God bless you and your family.

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We should remember to support Trump or any anti-Deep State candidate, Sasha, Tucker, etc, with a small donation if we can. Certainly, the donors, most of whom are UniParty, will not be supporting them. The people who are truly fighting for us will need our help, and we are Legion! This may be our last shot at taking down the Deep State for generations…

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Another excellent one.

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love these, tysvm for posting links!!!

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Wow wow wow. That’s a good msg. Thank you again

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We Are Running Low On US Dollars

To Send To Ukraine.

Does Anybody Have Any Extra Water Balloons

To Send Them?


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Thank you!! Very appreciated

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Sasha, I get the whole selective prosecution argument. It doesn't change reality. Trump-- pace Tucker Carlson-- has no chance, except that of leading his party to disaster. His campaign resembles a cult, his speeches Kool aid tasting parties. To nominate him is equivalent to throwing that last second wobbly pass, only to be intercepted inevitably for a touchdown and the end zone dance.

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I totally disagree with you, but to each their own opinion.

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Asking for a friend, is the Trans thing supported by Biden a cult?

What about the Climate Change crisis actors?

Or the Fauci tells the truth brigade?

Or the St. Mueller devotees?

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Thanks for the laugh man. I needed that.

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Much appreciate receiving these so quickly as I too am not on twitter!

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Thank you for posting these. I don't subscribe to Twitter and I probably won't. I had an interesting discussion today about politicians and war. We were discussing William Pit and his insatiable desire to continue wars because it made his friends wealthy. As we move toward an election year I will be watching the speeches that are being used as a fund raising tool and not authentic. Keep up the good work.

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