
'Both transitioned late in life to overweight middle-aged women.' Savagely hilarious. 😂😂😂😂😂

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I met him when he was still Richard, married, and when his first child was probably about 5. He was in Titusville, Pa to visit his wife’s mother who was our academy dean. He was not memorable in the least. For what he did to his family he should be ashamed.

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*academic, not academy

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The only bigger joke than Levine is the photo of him standing beside the White House's version of "Tokyo Jean-Pierre Rose" who is dumber than a bag of hammers.

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Where could Levine have gone if he was as cute as she is? We'll never know.

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How refreshing that someone had the guts to call out the BS of that obvious man pretending to be a woman. The gall of the government promoting this lie and daring us to call it ridiculous. We have to tell the truth or we are no longer human. We are becoming something very twisted and deceitful when we are unfaithful to reality.

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Hilarious. It's so obviously absurd.

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♥️ Tucker

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Can we talk instead about the 3 hits POTUS took this week from SCOTUS? Love that we live in a checks & balance Republic

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* Striking down the executive branch trying to take the power of the purse

* Protecting free speech and protecting citizens from forced speech

* Striking down racist school practices


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As an overweight middle-aged woman, I'm offended to be compared with these 2 male clowns.

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Hey Sasha - It is very important you are sharing these - everyone should - as DHS controls Twitter content and Tucker has chosen this limited platform. Please continue as much as necessary.

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Milley and Levine, each a disgrace to the uniforms they wear. Both a disgrace to their ancestors; the former Irish and the latter Jewish.

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What a world!

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I hope that at some point in the future - assuming there is a future - a sociologist can unravel all of the madness that has led us to this point. For myself, I see this whole "trans" thing as coming from the top; that is, from the people who control us.

In one fell swoop, women's rights are erased along with our most basic identity - "Male and female created he them; and blessed them". Along with a woke rewriting of history I have to wonder how young people even conceive of themselves as Americans.

"Diversity" is the supposed goal, but woe to those who will not conform to the moral strictures of Bizarro world. You can identify as anything you want and it must be respected, otherwise you're a "phobe" of one kind or another.

That the collective western world has sunk to this level of insanity worries those of us who haven't imbibed the Kool-Aid. We're living in an insane asylum run by the patients.

This all comes from the top and could not flourish were it not reinforced by the power structure. Erasing our identity as free citizens of America is the goal, along with getting as many people as possible to voluntarily sterilize themselves. More thinning of the herd.

I hope this collapses under the weight of its own absurdity. I do feel the pendulum is swinging back from full-tilt crazy. But visions of Jonestown and Waco haunt my dreams.

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The elephant in the room is that all roads lead to Transhumanism (i.e. cyborgs). They’re pushing transgender ideology on us to blur the lines between genders. The next step will be blurring the lines between humans and robots (A.I.). It’s a sinister agenda and yes its coming from the top.

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Yes, transhumanism that will allow them to live forever - the ultimate fantasy of the insane materialist utopians.

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Just want to leave this here:

I just finished watching The Covenant. Absolutely one of the best war movies over the last several decades.

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Yo Jon, how about a little meat with that drop? Why is it a great movie?

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It's a great story, that doesn't overly rely on action, but the action is intense when used, is well written and acted, and delivers messages without being over the top preachy.

I just watched a one hour YT video by two special forces vets who gave high praise for the technical and verbal accuracy.

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'Both transitioned late in life to overweight middle-aged women.'

Tucker always makes the mistake thinking what he says is funny when he just is being an asshole.

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He’s not trying to be funny. He’s using ridicule to point out the absurdity of these two less than manly guys posing as warriors. They both deserve our contempt.

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Damn right!

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Man, it is so surprising that your side has only won the popular vote once since 1992!

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Why do people say this. It’s brain dead. All it means is that dems win CA on a regular basis since Reagan. If the popular vote mattered the whole political landscape would be different. It’s so dumb. It’s like judging who wins a basketball game based on rebounds. I’m not a republicans by any means but I can’t side with the people who make the most asinine arguments while being smug

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I'm not saying they have not won. I'm saying if you guys keep acting this way you're always gonna get 47%. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But rest assured you this line of thinking is not a majority position in America.

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Jesus, the smugness never ends. I wish i could bet you on this, the only evidence you have for this is some shitty poll of 1500 people that YouGov did.

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Uh, 2004 ring a bell? Besides, we're a constitutional republic not a direct democracy. You still mad about us taking your slaves away?

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You just slid by one on of the biggest lies in US history. Some 'Conservatives' keep needling the Dems about the Civil War, slavery, and Jim Crow. In fact, the Historic Democrat Party of Jefferson and Jackson was completely taken over by a Leftist 'group' headquartered in New York and other East Coast cities. The national party was completely taken over in 1932, and the rest of the Democratic State/local party organizations were gradually ground down by attrition -- aided by the New Yorkers leading the Civil Rights (Second Reconstruction) Movement in the South.

Growing up in the South in the 40s and 50s, I can assure you that the Democratic Party everywhere except for some big coastal cities, had nothing in common with the Dems of today. Let's pass the South -- in 1955, we moved to Chicago (65th and South Halsted), where all the neighbors were Irish. Mom was Black Irish and we all passed. There wasn't a Klan organization, although many whites from the South were also moving North at the time. Excepting the accents, I can't remember anybody saying anything much different in Chitown than they did in Louisiana.

Marlin Perkins had a show at the zoo where chimps dressed up in human clothes and did human-like tricks. If I only had a time machine and could take a recorder back with me to sit in the middle of that audience.

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That would be the one time.

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But these are the rules of the game and, yet, you still think that if you win the popular vote you win. However, it doesn't mean anything other than it's a mere plurality of the voting population that has an indirect effect on the Electoral College. Bottom line is you have to win the votes of the Electoral College and if you can't, then you need to change your message. I would think that would be clear by now, no? And there are no more sides - do you really think there are? Larry David and the rest of the mopes on Martha's Vineyard wouldn't let those immigrants stay there without a house, do you actually think they'd let you just because you vote the way they do and believe the same things they do?

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Yeah, not saying these are not the rules of the game. Just saying if you're going to be aggressively against empathy you're gonna cap out at 47%. I'm hoping you'll take your advice to heart as the conservatives have also lost the Electoral College three of the last four times.

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Probably you don’t recall 2004 because you were not born yet

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Why do you think densely populated tiny blue enclaves should rule the continent? I don't get it.

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Richard 0

Free Florida Female 1

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And always the noblest way rises above all others.

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I think you missed the nod he was making. It’s not a joke. It’s just ridicule of the ridiculousness of the situation, see?

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Actually for those with a sense of humor it is funny

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Essay from Dr. Robert Malone. Possible contributor to all things trans is a pesticide.


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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

Pure hate. And proving yet again that conservatives don't care about children and use laws and rhetoric "protecting" them to discriminate against all LGBTQ+ people. Looking forward to seeing how you spin this in your next article, Sasha!

And just as an aside since you guys love making fun of overweight people -- Trump is fat! He always has been! He's not "healthy" by the standards you all put on women and minorities who are overweight and in the public eye. But since he's not a woman I guess that doesn't matter?

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Mockery does not equal hate. It may be unfriendly but it doesn’t rise to the definition of “hate”. Same with phobia. Most homophobes aren’t afraid of gay people. They just don’t give a shit about them and who they choose to fuck.

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Just like germaphobes don't give a shit about germs!

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There is no hate here. The emperor has no clothes. Dr. Levine is a man, and we are allowed to acknowledge this truth. I have compassion for his family - how much they must have suffered as a result of his compulsion to impersonate a female. As for children, conservatives as a rule, are opposed to evils such as genital mutilation, the removal of healthy breasts on a 13 year old girl, hormone blockers and sterilization of minors. We wish to protect life in the womb - the most dangerous place for a child in modern America. We object to children being exposed to naked adult males in pride parades, and taught about sex in kindergarten. We wish to protect the innocence of our children. I hope I have dispelled some of your misconceptions about conservatives. And as a woman, I resent a man - trans or otherwise, telling me his experience as a “woman” is the same as mine. Lastly, we acknowledge reality and see that Trump is overweight but thank you for the reminder.

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You have a very low bar for what constitutes “hate”, or “proving” something.

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Well spoken!

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FWIW, since he "went there" re. Sodom & Gomorrah:


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Did he just say that Mark Milley identifies as a woman?

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He said Mark Milley IS an old woman, whether he identifies as one or not.

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