I read this whole piece hearing his voice. Great job. Slow Clap!

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As did I, especially the "shut up peasants!" line.

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I missed that the first time I read it. It's his best line. It's pretty clear by now that the peasants won't have a say in the 2024 election. We all need to plan where we'll go when things collapse because the collapse will be a lot faster than we can imagine.

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Ha-ha. Look around the world: there is no place to go. This is from a person , who crossed the globe to come to the land of the free.

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Land of the free... we have fallen from that status. Our citizens are too easily distracted and manipulated. American citizens have lost control, we are rapidly losing our freedoms and our society is declining into sin. Where do we go from here and what can we do to correct it?

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I agree it appears bleak, but even in times of extreme chaos and trouble, some places will be better than others. Moreover, there are places that will rebound quickly and others that will continue to deteriorate.

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Out of every post I’ve read so far, yours is completely, 100%, spot on!! I’ve been saying, pretty much the same thing for sometime. At times almost verbatim.

And speaking of different places to go to I’ve got news for anybody. I have been to 48 different countries because of my previous career. And I will still take this country over them that I went to several times.

I work for MSC Military Sealift Command, Department Of The Navy…


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Thank you. I read Martin Armstrong https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ he's shown me that a collapse is coming by 2032, however, we will then have the opportunity to rebuild. From looking collapses in the 20th century, it's clear that some places and people will recover much more quickly than other places.

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How much have you traveled this nation? It's big, like really big. Lots of sparsely populated areas.

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Not enough. I wish I saw more of it. There may still be freedom where there are no people 😀, but we are social animals and enjoy freedom when we can express ourselves freely to others. Otherwise, what’s the point?

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I'm still holding out hope for '24 -- it may be our last chance to save what's left of our once-great country.

'22 was certainly a disappointment, though I'm still not sure if it was because too many on the Right stayed home or too many on the Left who wouldn't normally have voted did because of anger over the SCOTUS abortion ruling. That the turnout was very high for a midterm tends to make be believe the later.

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I read Martin Armstrong and he's been writing for several years that his computer projects that there may not even be an election in 2024. You can't underestimate the elites ability to wage war against Russia and China as a way to postpone the election. If there is an election, they'll just cheat and anyone who points this out will go to the gulag.

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Yes. I've been reading him since 2014. His computer has 6000 years of historical data (coins etc.). He called Brexit and a Trump win in 2016. He's calling the break-up of the USA by 2034.

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Thank you for the link. Interesting reading.

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I believe Trump was the last Republican president. The 2020 election was stolen, not by the machines but with Zuckbucks, dropboxes, apolitical" NGOs "get out the vote" efforts, and the Covid election procedures that mostly ignored or contradicted state laws. True the Vote proved to me Georgia was likely "stolen". I am seriously considering registering as a Democrat so I can vote for RFK Jr in the primary.

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Your both reasons for 2022 turning the way it did may be right. But let’s be honest - there was also a complete lack of a clear positive message from those in the center and right of center. No great ideas and no great organizational skills targeted at winning. We can’t compete with the “community organizers” of the left, who had literally worn their shoes off knocking on doors, as AOC did during her first campaign. We can despise them, but they are certainly more goal oriented. Are conservatives less passionate about their courses? I don’t know. But I am sure making fun of wokeness will not bring us a political victory. We need more. And sadly, I cannot name a single person on the right who is capable of turning the tide. Trump’s time has passed, and other personalities are lukewarm, lacking charisma and are not able to bring together a large block of independent and conservatives. Hope I am proved wrong.

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To really see task ahead and how big it is you need to understand who the left is. Most of what they call the right are just controlled opposition shunting your political power into ineffective dead end candidates who never really find their voice or do anything meaningful. Right, Republican, conservative, or whatever, as soon as they receive an identity they are compromised. For those of us who oppose the radical, Statist agenda pursued by all political parties and think tanks, this is the monster we face. I don’t know yet how to fix it, but seeing the true nature of the problem is the only way forward.

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It was the JACK, Jack. $$$$. See what Meta did today?

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" I'm still not sure if it was because too many on the Right stayed home or too many on the Left who wouldn't normally have voted did because of anger over the SCOTUS abortion ruling. That the turnout was very high for a midterm tends to make be believe the later."

OK. You bought the TV news line as the "explanation" of how the "red wave" was avoided. Have you even considered the most obvious explanation; vote fraud?

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I volunteered extensively in a toss-up district where the GOP had a great opportunity to flip a seat; we went from the Dem winning in 2020 by more than 15%, even as Trump won this district, to about a 5% Dem victory. As I went door-to-door to the homes of more than 500 voters and spoke to more than 200, it was frustrating because 1) there was no clear vision and purpose from national Republicans, let alone the candidate, for me to share with voters. To win, you need a cohesive message that voters can grab on to. 2) I was instructed by the "professional" campaign advisors not to engage voters on issues - what?!? I was only supposed to introduce the candidate and the candidate's standard vanilla Republican platform. No push to get people out to vote early, etc. Do we think the Democrats are told "not to engage voters on issues?" (I ignored these instructions; had the average precinct in this district shifted as much as the four suburban precincts where I spent my time - one upper middle class/one working class) 3) The campaign had no real strategy as to how to campaign. I know more about the political make-up of my district than the so-called experts. I showed them a map which I had created using re-districting software to show where Republicans had made major gains between 2016 & 2020 and where there were weaker GOP areas. The campaign advisors thought it was interesting and said it had confirmed some of their guessing as far as where to target campaigning. Guessing??? I was telling them where I wanted to campaign, not the other way around. Other volunteers spent time wherever they wanted as well, even if the potential for gain in those areas was minimal. 4) This district had been known as a toss-up from late 2021, and the GOP spent more than $1,000,000 here. Other than useless, repetitive campaign mailers bombarding our mailboxes, who knows on what? The campaign never said a thing about immigration, the trillions in extra spending, the climate agenda (which would NOT sell here) in the Inflation Reduction Act, or the opponent's far-left voting record. The candidate won the primary in the spring and held fewer than 5 events open to the general public between then and November. The candidate was lazy - I worked harder than the candidate. The candidate did little to reach out to the neighborhoods in this relatively compact district. You can blame fraud, but I observed first-hand how poorly our campaigns were run.

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Sasha, you’ve become one of the few remaining pillars of sanity - buckle up, beware the shit-throwing monkeys - but you are VERY much appreciated.

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I can’t believe I’m having Tucker withdrawal symptoms. Hi, I’m brammy and I haven’t watched the Tucker Carlson show for TWO DAYS.!” I do not care for it and will need a support group soon.

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Like Obi Wan Kenobi Tucker will return even more powerful than before. By firing him FNC has cemented his credibility amongst the free thinking peoples and utterly destroyed what little they had left for themselves.

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Lmao. I feel the same way. I’ve been glued to my phone reading about the last remaining truth teller being annihilated on cable news. I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. It was Chuck Schumer et al.

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Thanks for giving me this post to read when I would normally be watching Tucker. Do you think you could post a new article every Mon -Fri at 7PM central?

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That’s funny. Thanks!

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What a great piece of writing. I can hear a Tucker giggle in the first few minutes. He told the truth and we can only hope he lands somewhere soon. We desperately need his voice for 2024!

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Beautifully written piece.

Could not agree more.

Love Taibbi's bit about Joe "tiny brain" Scarborough .

Will be interesting to see where Carlson lands...standing.

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Sasha, Tucker's story is not over. He/we will start a new chapter soon and it may even be better than the past chapters. You have captured his mood, his passion, and his deeply held beliefs but like others that have hit road bumps or road construction, he will keep going and not retire to a monastery. Just saying

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What troubles me so much about the direction the US is headed - and I've read a lot of books about tyrannies and how they develop - is that I don't know how to function in such a society, short of not saying anything and not trusting anyone. I remember once listening to someone from Poland who lived most of his life behind the iron curtain. HIs ability to say lots of stuff without saying anything was amazing. I can't do that. I can't be dishonest or deceitful. I can't keep what I think under wraps. I can't say "What opinion do you want me to have?". I will likely be one of the first to be executed (yes, it will come to that). I'm old enough that it doesn't bother me that much. But I have nieces and nephews that I hope will learn quickly.

We, in the US, are in a very dark place and I don't think we will escape the inertia. History will see us as just another empire that lasted a bit longer than most and honored an obsolete, puzzling concept called "freedom".

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Too true, Neil. I'm like you. I won't say what everyone would rather I say. Eff 'em.

I do feel bad for my kids though. Their future is not looking good.

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Beautiful said. True and terribly bittersweet.

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You will learn, trust me. The survival instinct in us is stronger than we think.

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Brilliant! You nailed it with this. It's as if you were channeling Tucker Carlson and I could hear his voice saying these words as I read them. Superb job!

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The peasants are already in revolt: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/tucker-carlson-fox-news-cancel-culture/2023/04/25/id/1117512/

I cancelled my subscription, which I'd had since the very beginning, within moments of hearing the news yesterday. When cancelling they ask, "Why?" and give some lame choices and a text box to explain. I just wrote in, "You know damn well why".

FoxNation is the new CNN+

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I cancelled online as well, but I didn't get a "why", just a "Your unsubscribe request has been successfully submitted. It may take up to 24 hours for your request to be processed.".

You can watch all of Tuckers episodes of Today, Tonight, & Originals on his site tuckercarlson.com

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I'm sure their server was overwhelmed at the response. As was their board.

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Envious you received a why, saved you another click to the failed network.

I went to https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000112034

for my fun.

"They" can flip us the bird, but will never silence us.


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Thank you Sasha. A perfect blend of his hardcore truthfulness, bravery and compassion. I hope he is able to listen to this and feels support from you and all of us who admire his integrity. You are an insightful and talented writer/speaker in the same league as Tucker. I look forward to reading everything you share.

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Beautifully & powerfully stated.

I weep for our nation.

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Is it just me or does Tucker's axing exactly one day before the crooked, scrambled-brain Muppet installed in 1600 announced his intention to become the oldest living fossil ever to sit behind the desk in the oval not seem like just a coincidence?

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I think that Michelle Obama will make her presidential aspirations apparent in the future to save us from the fossil Biden. She will say she is the savior of our democracy. Ugh!!! It will be some thing like, "You know I've never been into politics but something has to be done and I'm the only one who can save us from white supremacy or some sort of bullshit like that"

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Very astute. You’re the only one saying this.

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Beautifully done, Sasha.

It makes me think about my awakening over time. I used to watch Tucker and like him because he was basically a conservative like me and exposed the left and their idiocies.

But then I read other views and realized how it was all a game of manipulation and Tucker was playing a part in it (he didn't realize it, according to him). I stopped watching him.

But then he woke up and began his assault on the deep state (or whatever you want to call the controllers) and the lies. I was back on board!

And now they've taken his voice away. I could be despondent, but I'm not. Because, like Trump said, it's not about Tucker. It's about us. They hate us and don't want us to see the truth.

Taking away Tucker doesn't stop us from seeing the truth.

They lose.

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Exactly. They came after Tucker and we’re next.

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Absolutely brilliant! No worries for Tucker he can name his price for a podcast like Joe Rogan did. He’ll be even bigger now no advertisers holding him back.

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We will need an updated version of Don McLean’s “American Pie” with a new line: “...the day, cable neeewwws....died. So bye, bye Murdoch & Fox News, drove my Chevy to the levy but....the levy wasn’t dry. The boys are drinking a new whiskey and rye, it’s satisfying new taste is SUBSTACK pie”

With writers like Sasha, Matt T, Alex B, Michael S, Bari W, et al, we’re at the birth of a new American journalistic era. So lucky are we.

Adiós cable news, Vaya con Diós, the obituary is written. Tucker was your last man standing.

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Really well said, Silva.

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