Joe Biden is proof that aliens exist.

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That made my day! Suffering with bronchitis right now and miserable but this made me feel better for a brief moment!

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I hope you recover fully and quickly.

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Perfect. If I may add... He is further proof of being programmed by criminals.

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I’m not sure what to think of this at the moment, I believe in god, it’s a new belief for me. Researching the origins of fiat currencies, and the families that have been passing down the torch through out history is all the evidence one could ever need to believe in Jesus. I don’t see a reason for aliens to exist, unless we are missing something biblically, which is possible but confusing at best. I kind of feel like this one of those hey look over here while the Trojan horse full of Greek soldiers fucks you moments that Yuriy talked about the other day. I still believe we should be focusing on the bigger picture, the bottom line deceit of every politician who has ever lived, we need to put an end to that before worrying about this I think. Personal opinion!

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Many far far smarter people than me or you fully believed Jesus is God and they devoted their lives to that Truth. That’s all the logic or philosophy I need.

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Bob Brun

just now

Jesus is the Center of the Universe (not just Earth)

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Bob Brun

just now

Jesus is the Center of the Universe (not just Earth)

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Long live people like Tim Burchett and Rand Paul and before that his father Ron. Imagine the U.S. House of Representatives comprised of a couple of hunddred of those people. Just think, honesty, transparency and government for the people. We need a supeeme dose of that here in Canada where our Mr. Freeze is tied to the hip of Bond villian Klaus and his WEF. Burchett is gutsy using the terms war pigs or war pimps, how about war sluts? Truer words could not be spoken. God bless this man.

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Do not underestimate that all this is a psyop for covering up classified secret weapons soon to be revealed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkf1hu98OdE&t=53s

I suspect they don't want the real truth to come out because then their boogie-men aliens won't be as convincing.

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That does not look like a disappearing act, it looks like a disintegration act. I’ve heard this video was floating around, but people seem to think the plain disappears, that’s not what I see here?

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Yup, no simple vanishing act there; some indescribable force of energy appears to have had a significant impact on the status of MH370. Speculation abounds.

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I think it has been proven for decades that the lack of transparency in government makes a relative handful of people a lot of your money. 'Green' doesn't work at all; I am an engineer that can prove it but I don't need to - your common sense tells you. Same with UFO's. Your common sense is telling you.

Not to go sideways, but that is the beauty of Trump: common sense and a belief in regular folks' understanding of reality. Everything else is narratives that make a minority money.

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Intriguing to say the least.

There is obviously some kind of “super” technology being worked on out there to explain the phenomena witnessed by regular people, like sailors and pilots and such. Where it actually comes from is the question.

Mankind being inherently of a fallen nature, I’d say the government if it had access to such advanced technology would use and develop it, most likely for wartime advantage, as they did with nuclear science and technology creating the atomic and hydrogen bombs. The fact that they are not, in my estimation, most likely means they don’t have it, or at least haven’t mastered it yet,. But it is clear that someone - from somewhere - is monkeying around with something as witnesses have attested to.

As to those supposed actual “alien” bodies and all that: I’m not buying that for a minute.

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This may explain the missing trillions from the Pentagon budget.

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The Hubbel telescope can get high-resolution pictures of 'galaxies far far away', but we can't get a clear photo of something in our own atmosphere? I smell disinformation, and it stinks to high Heaven. If these things are extraterrestrial and benign, wouldn't they have disclosed their existence to the actual residents of the planet, not just the governments? If malevolent and technologically far more advanced than us, wouldn't they have taken control by now? Perhaps they have... Perhaps, as many in the UFO 'tin-foil-hat' crowd suspect, they're using us for food or...what? Leads me toward the 'fallen angel' explanation: satan gives power and control to the few (principalities), and feeds lies to the many. Absolutely, we need full disclosure.

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I don't know What They Are . What I do know

Probability For Life On Earth

Hugh Ross

April 1, 2004


Probability Estimate for Attaining the Necessary Characteristics for a Life Support Body

Notes: Estimate of dependency and longevity factors are accounted for at the end of the list. References to relevant science research papers and books also follow the list. The definition used here for a planet is broad enough to include a large satellite orbiting another planet. For reasons why satellites in general and starless planets are not suitable candidates for a life-support body see Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2002), pp. 39-41.


Probability for occurrence of all 322 parameters ≈ 10-304

Maximum possible number of life support bodies in universe ≈ 10 to the 22nd power

Thus, less than 1 chance in 10 to the 282nd power (Against)

So it looks like There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens.

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Sasha, there are no aliens. God would not hide our siblings from us. These strange beings are all demons disguised as aliens. I can send you a link for an excellent resource book that documents all things related to this, including demonic activity as related to AI.

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Jesus is the Center of the Universe (not just Earth)

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How many people had ever seen the F-117 Nighthawk before they were used in the Gulf War? That would have been developed during the 80's. What else do you think we have that no one has seen? Where do you think that technology comes from? Anyway, I'd be more concerned about AI than aliens.

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I don’t think aliens would be dealing in the same currencies as us, but who am I?

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There were some very important people on that plane, it seems anytime something like that happens there are very influential people aboard, going all the way back to the titanic, and probably further.

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For a Behind the Scenes look at the UFO theme, check out the book series "Sands of Time" by Dr. Sean D. Morton. In 2009 he was given the Journals of a Black Project scientist who had been drawn into that world back in the 1960's as a young man. What has REALLY been going on will blow your mind!!! ;-0

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I believe I have a creator and as a recovering Catholic, I still refer to my creator as God. I also believe that we are not alone in the multiverse nor are we the smartest. Has anyone noticed the new Mountain Dew commercial involving lizard humanoids? If one were to consider for even a moment that the movies follywood puts out have a grain of truth in them (the industry is said to be a creation of the c 👁️‍🗨️a), it could be only a matter of time before such stories become reality. Possibly all the data humans are creating and someone or something is collecting via the nano tech that has infected us all (regardless of your j a b status) is a subject we should also focus on. The findings of Dr Ana Mihalcea, Dr David Nixon and many others (all of which can be found on this platform) paints a picture many are not ready to view.

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