Be humble, be yourself, help others and don't take any crap. The security agencies in the new Stasi or the old DC whatever you want to call it is out fot the state and themslves, not the litle guy. That was a brilliant quote from Stone, they never go after the bad guys. That is so true. Don't be afraid to speak out, they may hate you but they will respect you. Oh, and get a dog.

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Where has this Dr. been all my life? Just a Tucker interview turns into a ray of hope for any human willing to listen.

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Love how he describes Trump with speaking truth. Excellent interview

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So many interconnected wheels. Also gov overreach at its most obvious. Amr Australia

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Did "Ablow" prescribe Hunter blow?

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Just an FYI: Hunter’s laptop which was seized from Ablow’s office is not the same laptop of renowned infamy in the news over the last few years, one which he’d abandoned at a computer shop.

The laptop discussed here is a whole other laptop. Apparently, Hunter does not take very good care of his laptops, to state the obvious.

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This guy seems to good to be true. He is too slick.

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That’s my sense as well.

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Wow! Absolutely fascinating take by a psychiatrist on courage, truth and mental health.

Tucker’s interviews with Brett Weinstein, Matt Benz, and now Keith Ablow, are beyond informative. They are seemingly transformational in allowing us to understand what the hell is going on. Keep posting Sasha and keep writing and speaking! Godspeed!!!

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. Omg these people are crazy. Dr Keith Ablow re-emerges thanks to T Carlson and Sasha.

Massachusetts is where it’s at.

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