I just got an email from a subscriber who said they would cancel their subscription if I continued to post Tucker videos. I also saw that
was suggesting that JD Vance is now toxic because he will be appearing with Tucker Carlson on his live show. Are we to “decouple” from him too?Of course, the mainstream media has to make it about the election, right? Is this our early October surprise? You can’t hate the media enough. I dare you to try.
And here is the Washington Post “Editorial Board” calling for Vance to denounce Tucker:
And of course, the rotting monarchy at the top has to get in on it:
This is what totalitarianism feels like: like there is no escape. When the corporate press is in bed with the Democrats, along with all major institutions, they get to decide “the narrative,” or “reality.”
It truly makes me sick. But I also sometimes feel like that line from a great movie, “Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.”
So now, because I have been posting Tucker Carlson’s videos I have readers threatening to unsubscribe. There was a similar round back when Tucker Carlson went to Russia and interviewed Putin.
If I decide no longer to post the videos, I will save myself from yet more cancellations and dehumanization from others. However, it would go against what I believe about Tucker Carlson—that he is open-minded to a fault. Like me, he gets into bad situations by daring to go where no one else will.
People are against “cancel culture” until they aren’t. Maybe it’s a matter of degrees. Maybe everyone believes in it when the situation calls for it.
As I’ve explained, I have known of Darryl Cooper since he was featured on Tucker’s Fox show and his Fox Nation interview program. I followed him on Twitter until the war broke out in Gaza. But back then, he was not a Hitler apologist. He was not a Nazi sympathizer. That changed after the war.
When I saw his rhetoric on Twitter become dangerously close to real Jew hatred and dehumanization, I began fighting with him over it but eventually just unfollowed him. I only posted the video because I always post videos by Tucker, but I would not have if I’d known he argues that things would have been fine if only Churchill had accepted the peace deal.
As of now, Tucker Carlson—who wants Trump to win—should probably say something to take the heat off not just Trump and JD Vance but also those who will be appearing with him on his live show, like Megyn Kelly and Tulsi Gabbard. He should at least explain it so that this will not turn into a raging wildfire ahead of the election.
I’ve been writing about “cancel culture” for over four years now. I myself have had my main source of income vanish overnight because film studios wish to “decouple” from me because of my associations with Trump and MAGA and a bad joke I made on Twitter.
If Tucker Carlson was a Hitler apologist, that would be different. What I hear from him is someone who is not afraid to say what he thinks. I’ve never heard him go anywhere near that topic.
The counterargument is this: Tucker Carlson videos are easy to find. There isn’t a reason for me to keep posting them. They are a convenience to my readers and, once upon a time, a way to push back on Fox News firing him. But it’s been a long time, and my site already has too many Tucker Carlson videos, so maybe I will stop posting all of them.
He’s on YouTube, Rumble, iTunes, and his site, TuckerCarlson.com.
Perhaps there is a compromise — only post the really good ones. I’m going to lose subscribers either way. What I don’t want to do is join a cancelation mob. I don’t want to abandon someone like Tucker Carlson because I know how it feels to be in that spot.
Some of you might not know what it feels like to be “canceled,” - but I can tell you it feels like one punch in the gut after another. There is nothing quite like it. It’s terrifying. It’s scary. It’s lonely. It almost takes you to the point where you see suicide as the only way out.
We all put on a brave face, but it isn’t easy. No, I’m not saying I’m suicidal, but I am saying that I’d be lying if the thought had not crossed my mind during some dark nights of the soul.
And on that chipper note, I’m curious what you all think. Here is a poll:
I have an idea. What if you advertise at the beginning of each Tucker post how you can unsub from those specific ones? Oh, wait.....you already do that.
Ignore the haters!
If people don’t want to read Tucker don’t…….your audience has no right to tell you what you can and can not post.