Loved how he called out Pelosi and then Joe Biden’s obvious corruption. Great interview and yes, Congress should not be allowed to trade while serving in Congress. The insider trading is so obvious when their net worth balloons during their political careers.

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They are evil. They profit continuously off of horrors they knowingly but secretly create.

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It's not just the pols. The whole system is rigged, as Jordan said, like a casino. The House always wins in the end. His advice is sagely. For those who didn't watch (and you should):

- Buy and hold the market in a single low fee index fund

- Start as early as you can and just keep contributing as much as you can

- Playing individual stocks and even mutual funds is a sucker's game

- Expensive "insider" investment newsletters, etc. are a scam

- Jim Kramer is a fu*#ing idiot

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Good points, Ruth. And Happy New Year to you! Let’s hope 2024 is better than the last 4.

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Happy New Year to you too. May the corruption in this administration and Biden’s crime family be fully exposed.

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Thank you I can’t make the jump to twitter so these links and emails are much appreciated!!! Love ya Sasha!

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Some really good stuff mixed in with the horror of the crimes. This man ruined real lives, this cannot be minimized. His presentation of common, ordinary investment advice does not absolve him from the harm he caused by his actions. How he got only 22mos to hang with Tommy Chong is a true disgrace to justice. Fuck you Jordan.

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Fascinating interview. I follow his advice and some years do better than others but overall, I'm cool with my returns. The one thing Jordan said that needs more emphasis is when he mentions how good Biden(s) is at money laundering. I think we keep focused on finding a smoking gun with Joe and Hunter but people who have good money laundering advisors have a lot of knowledge on how to game the system. I think Joe's family will keep the money and we will never have enough proof to get 61 Senators to impeach. Plausible deniability goes along way when you are the president with a media machine behind you.

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Fascinating interview with a highly intelligent, witty and likable wolf.

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And a criminal who stole millions of dollars from his clients, not likable at all.

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I remember in 2008 watching Kramer with Angelo Mozilo, the then CEO of Country Wide mortage co. The average listener came away from that interview with the belief that Country Wide was okay, that it was going to come through the financial meldown, and they should just hold on to their stock.

The following day, Country Wide filed for bankruptcy.

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Tucker undoing himself again, not sure I understand his MO. Let's get edgy and give a criminal a platform and dress him up with "buy indexes" and "oh, politicians cheat". You can do better Tucker, don't abide fools and immoral opportunists, which Belfour is in spades. You have been gamed, big time.

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I was (still am to a point) of your same mind. But the more I think about it, the more I think I see where he’s coming from. Skreli,Jordan etc. have done their time and come out the other side. Why not hear what they have to say? Or don’t if you choose not to.

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Come out the other side of what? Forgive, sure. Give them a forum? not a chance. You can get his advice from any decent financial planner and should NEVER let him up from ruining the lives of at least thousands. You forfeited your right to make a case.

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Thank you for doing it

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What he said at the beginning was right on target. This explains why.

Invest long term in productive assets and reinvest the dividends.

Average in and average out. https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/StockMarket.html

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