"The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech"

This is why you never praise leftists with the moniker ‘liberal’ – they have no interest in liberty, only power.

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Sasha, thank you for including Tucker’s interviews! I always so appreciate this helpful, kind offering!

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Scary stuff, thanks for posting. Watch before it’s removed.

Amr Marzouk

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Whenever I feel that way, I download it - just in case.

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Another amazing discussion on what our government is really up to. Benz is brilliant in his knowledge & ability to tie it all together. The Trump administration has a lot of work to do.

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We signed the NATO treaty decades ago to support European democracies against Soviet totalitarianism. Given that the Soviet Union is gone and the big three of the Euros are no longer democracies why are we still there? Among Macron's other sins is refusal to recognize election results. The Left did win that election, largely because of a corrupt deal that Macron made with them, so let the chips fall where they may. Charles de Gaulle may be the poster child for stubbornness but he did resign after losing an election. Twice.

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Corrupt deals by Leftists to stay in power when they lose the actual vote are becoming another of their known tactics.

See the Troodo/Singh deal in Canada, which keeps Canadians from being able to get rid of the current Troodo govt. Canada had not previously been used to coalition deals in politics.

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I keep searching for some profound response…..but all I’ve got is……………Holy f’ing SHIT!!!

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Man, Tucker needs an elite force bodyguard team. I pray every morning for his protection.

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I get it.

but the real threat is censorship. and there's much more effective ways of 'silencing dissent". mainly it's social ridicule, financial restriction, emotional isolation.

Psychological warfare as key. And it's rooted to convo above ie a) controlling the message and b) censorship of any dissent. SIGINT, PSYOP. It's really much easier to convince an audience speaker X is "weird" "toxic" "cancer" a "nutcase", "conspiracy nut" .."you can't trust them" "alt radio" and the other group are "honest" "fact checked" filled with "joy" and "happy warriors" because they're part of "the team" ...lol

Financial, social, emotional blackmail.

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The other form of censorship that is not talked about enough ..... the MSM's lack of coverage of a story! If Tucker and Sasha are the only one's talking about it.... than it doesn't get disseminated far and wide enough to effect change!

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That is the deadliest form of censorship. Intelligent people can often see through lies but if you don't know there is an issue, then you can't do the analysis. That is why alt.media is so important.

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Keep chipping away, the truth is seeping out the sides and more & more people are seeing it.

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Cool! valid point! And just to restate, I was addressing FEAR evoking a call for an "elite force bodyguard team" for protection. I argued censorship by discrediting the source, isolating the source, shaming the source is the preferred option to take out opposition.

And yes, there are many different forms of censorship, one of which is false signal. another as you pointed out, is self-censorship and/or not talking. There are plenty of sources out there, including Mike Benz. Seymour Hersh, Matt Taibbi. Tulsi Gabbard. Edward Snowden in exile. But look how so many of these examples have been compromised the moment their investigation pointed out the power structure. See? Discrediting the source is more effective. Look at Matt Taibbi! He used to be the darling of liberal social activism and investigative journalism. Same with Glenn Greenwald. Same with Tulsi back when there was "Bernie love". Now Bernie carries the bags for "killer Kamala" as the pro-Gaza call her.

Changing gears slightly, pro-Gaza/pro-Palestinian street protest will ramp up now colleges are open. wonder what kind of headache that will bring Harris team. Pull 3%, 4, 5%, maybe 10% off the youth vote via protest/no vote? Seriously, one thing Harris et al might tap into energized youth with vibes and stuff, but antiwar, contrarian politics is a real variable the "prosecutor" will have to defend against. lol. Speaking of PSYOP. I would work flipping the message: she's no prosecutor, she's a defense lawyer. lol

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What you are seeing is exactly the modus operandi of any and all Cluster-B personalities who wish to take down the competition.

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That was my response to HL3, but her reply back was PRICELESS:


Socialism based ideas like healthcare for all worked in my mentioned countries and works for most of the world. You post …………… countries never mentioning that socialism can work if implemented correctly. Yes, the left without constraints is bad never ever going to deny that but there are more reasons why America is doing bad besides LEFT IS BAD.”

“HL3: socialism can work if implemented correctly.” That is an absolute LIE – why wasn’t it ‘implemented correctly’ in all of those examples?

The fact is, it can NEVER work.

The FACT is, most of those FAILED Socialist Nations also had ‘healthcare for all’ and it FAILED.

But that is why leftists have to LIE about such things.

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Rely to HL3

And note that the more leftist they go, the worse it gets.

Do you understand that lesson?

Collectivism FAILED in the Plymouth colony.

Collectivism FAILED in the Jamestown colony.

Collectivism FAILED in New Harmony Indiana.

Collectivism FAILED in Nazi Germany.

Collectivism FAILED in the USSR.

Collectivism FAILED in East Germany.

Collectivism FAILED in Czechoslovakia.

Collectivism FAILED in Poland.

Collectivism FAILED in Hungary.

Collectivism FAILED in Argentina

Collectivism FAILED in Cuba.

Collectivism FAILED in Venezuela.

And it’s FAILING in the US.

It has to be FORCED on society with LIES, GUN Confiscation, censorship and it enriches a leftist ruling cabal while severely impoverishing the people – the folks that it’s supposed to ‘help’

And the more it’s TRIED, the WORSE it FAILS, to the tune of MILLIONS dead, so why would anyone in their right mind want to continue with it?

Again, why do YOU support such a system?

YOU can’t answer that, can you?

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You left out the French Revolution which is the origin of the current craziness.

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Great how you convey so much so pithily.

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In actuality, these ideas were first discussed in Plato’s Republic in ancient Greece, more than 2 millennia ago.

Then of course we had the book Utopia published 500 years ago in 1516 on a perfect socialist society. Both were long before the French revolution.

See if this sounds familiar:

"I holde well with Plato, and doo no thynge marueyll that he wolde make no lawes for them that refused those lawes, wherby all men shoulde haue and enioye equall portions of welthes and commodities l. For the wise man dyd easely forsee, that thys is the one and onlye waye to the wealthe of a communaltye, yf equaltye of all thynges sholde be broughte in and stablyshed."


"Wherefore when I consyder with my selfe and weye in my mynde the wyse. and godlye ordinaunces of the Utopians, amonge whome with verye fewe lawes all thinges be so wel and wealthely ordered, that vertue is had in pryce and estimation, and yet, all thinges beinge there common, everye man hath abundance of everye thinge."


From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

300 years before Karl

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Yeah, long history but it is Robespierre that the Left pines for.

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Leftists and Nazis do have a strange affinity for guillotines.

Jacobin Magazine actually had a drawing of one on one of their covers.

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Those other guys just talked. Robespierre chopped.

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You cannot overdose on Benz, folks. @MikeBenzCyber on X.

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Must watch!

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Thanks Sasha. Going through this Fourth Turning gives me good insight into why my grandfather didn’t talk much about the past, WW I vet, lost his businesses during the depression and my dad didn’t talk much about the past either, WWII vet got hit hard by the economy in the 1970s. They both recovered well but they had to work hard to make it back.

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Thanks for posting this. I haven't been able to finish watching because I need to get to work, but I think this is a really important video. Unless he goes of the rails at the end, I'm going to be foisting this on most of the people I know. I might have to summarize it for them, however.

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Oh well, it looks like HL3 can’t follow directions – probably because she’s losing the argument:

HL3 “never mentioning that socialism can work if implemented correctly.”

Well Okay, Genius.

We’re all waiting with baited breath, the answer to the question of why in the world after 400 years of failure, you leftists NEVER implemented socialism ‘correctly’

Are you telling me that it NEVER occurred to one of the later leftists to just use that one ‘weird’ trick to make it all work out okay?

So, why don’t you enlighten all of us of the Pro-freedom Right about how socialism can be ‘implemented correctly.’

We’re all ears, let’s hear it.

We’ll wait.

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I’ve always felt HL3’s account was a plant to spread falsities and create division on this forum. I’ve run into them several times. The problem is you can’t affect those who have a solid handle on the truth.

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Sasha, this is all fourth turning stuff. World gone crazy.

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For some earlier tying-together of this sort of activity, I recommend Tom O'Neill's opus, "Chaos". Published in 2019, just before the COVID Psy Op. He had seen and related many puzzle pieces of earlier decades.

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