I'm not a paid subscriber but dig what you're writing about. I'm looking for work and can't justify the expense but aside from Jordan Peterson. VDH is one of my favorite minds along with Thomas Sowell. So smart!!

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Whatever. These ridiculous accusations against Trump are just making him that much more popular. Americans realize what a joke it is.

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Yeah but what's gonna happen if they lock him up, take him off the ballot? I mean talk about a tinderbox.

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Oct 3, 2023
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What is ridiculous about this civil case against Trump?

After watching the interview you would have heard the arguments why. I’ll give you the cliff notes, or you can go to about 7min left in video:

1. These charges only being brought because Trump is running again for POTUS. These charges would not have been filed if he was not running, and not a political threat

2. Do other New York giants of Finance & Real Estate somehow operate in a completely different way than Donald Trump when it comes to bank applications and real estate valuation?

The answer is they all operate the same way. Which if you accept, leads to 3rd point:

3. These same allegations are not being brought by a court against any other large Financial & Real Estate property owners in New York, just DJT. Why is that?

You may not like that this election interference is occurring. Or you may. Most here do not.

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Until now, I thought banks use their own appraisals to loan money. If they dispersed loans based on something else, then it should be their business process flaw. I might be wrong, of course, as my knowledge of banking laws and practices is miniscule, I admit. But if the loans are all repaid timely and properly, what was the harm? What was the crime if the banks do not sue Trump for any of this?

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There was no harm. There was no victim. There was no crime. It’s all political to attack.

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There IS NO CRIME. All loans were repaid with interest. The govt is acting like Stalin or Xi because the govt is Communist. If you can't see the end of the Republic here, you are blind. This is NOT about Trump.

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Spot on Pamela. This is in fact the US government attempting to appropriate private property, in the absence of a crime. If they can do this to Trump they can do it to any political opponent. That is the point, and it’s a chilling one.

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"A court of law in the US has ruled GUILTY regarding Trump" - there was no jury trial, and any unbiased person would find it suspicious.

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You mean just like Joe, or Hunter, or Sam B-F, or, or?! You don’t find all this about only DJT as even slightly questionable...

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As a Trump skeptic who loves Sasha, I have to reply. Everything in this civil action bench trial is questionable. Last week, the judge (who will decide Trump's guilt or innocence) found as fact that Mara Logo is worth $18 million. This case is ridiculous. The NY law Trump is accused of breaking does not require harm for the person charged to be found guilty. You may have a point on the documents case, but not this one. Or the Fulton Co. case, or the NY "criminal" case.

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VDH gets one major thing wrong. Should the Right lose this next election what the Left is doing cannot be sustained. We are witnessing increases in debt that took hundreds of years to accumulate, accumulating in just five to ten years. The Left will have succeeded in crashing it all down around us.

We are much closer than you think. Illinois pensions are unsustainable now. Absent federal bail out Illinois is broke, bankrupt. This idea the Feds will bail out the state of Illinois, well, we are nearing a point where the Feds won't have the ability. Soon 33 trillion debt will eat the biggest chunk of Fed receipts. Payments will dwarf actual government funding requirements.

Another eight years of Obama style government will bring all of this down around us.

They printed money already, how do you like the inflation it's caused?

We can't print our way out of this.

Either we turn back Right, and become fiscally and politically sensible, or we are less than 20 years from it all coming apart.

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Aside from trump, the rest of the republicans want to “do nothing”. They need a much stronger platform and some young senate candidates to take a platform to the people. The maga movement doesn’t have enough “non dem” policies elucidated to motivate swing voters. And the republicans MUST get them on their side to beat down these fascist mfrs.

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Vivek is not like the others, he is instead like Trump, but younger. But yes, winning POTUS isn’t enough. Majority in Congress also required to initiate lasting rollbacks. Major swaths of Republican Congress members are currently apathetic to what is happening. They do not want to rock boat, and unaware it’s dangerously close to tipping over.

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Oct 3, 2023
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Isn’t it fun when a TDS troll pops in to visit?!

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Yes, watch in next 2 days those that vote to retain McCarthy as Speaker. Those that do, especially Republicans, are not yet ready to face down the debt. The vote for/against McCarthy is about addressing spending in a serious way, and I’m quite glad we get to see every House member forced to go on record. Or… will ‘they’ be able to ‘cancel’ Matt Gaetz like they have Russell Brand and avoid the vote?

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I think maybe you are forgetting that Republicans are not controlling the Senate or the White House. That means compromise is necessary. We get some of what we are wanting but not everything. McCarthy isn’t perfect, but he has done some good things and there weren’t any others willing to do the job. He extended the fight instead of shutting down the government. Everyone that says no big deal, shut it down likely doesn’t have a job they will have to work without pay until it’s resolved. And what about Congressmen/women from purple areas, they have to do what is right for their people. McCarthy has to do what is right for everyone not just a few. Matt Gaetz is from a deeply red area and can do it without concern. I don’t think everything is as simple as it seems.

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No, I haven’t forgotten there is perceived need to compromise on continued spending and higher & higher debt. I’ve watched it my whole life, R’s and D’s and so have you. Trump just as guilty as others before him too. Like the Southern Border, there is a complete lack of political will to (stem tide of illegal immigration) or cap/roll back spending. So a group in the House ties spending caps to allowing McCarthy the speakership. He doesn’t hold up his end of deal, so I’d like to see him out and another in who will allow singular votes on budget, rather than pork filled Continuing Resolutions. Or, at a minimum the narrative that this Speaker is out because he’s unwilling to propose spending caps. Let’s have that National conversation in a serious and meaningful way. We’ve been doing this ‘add to the debt’ cycle every year since 1972. And every time Congress persons don’t go along “the victims of this injustice” get trotted out. It used to be political ads of rolling granny off the cliff. I don’t want my kids or grandkids to have worthless greenbacks when they become of age. Simple as that. Why am I amassing inter generational wealth for, if Congress is just going to continue to massively devalue it. F-that. You’re ‘doing what is right’ = continuing to kick the can down the road. Personally, I’m done with that.

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Oct 3, 2023
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Biden is accomplishing what he was placed in office to accomplish -- the destruction of the USA. Build Back Better was borrowed from the World Economic Forum. Their goal is 'You will own nothing and be happy.'

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Oct 3, 2023
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Biden is a Traitor who has been selling out the USA for decades. There is a public recording from Hunter's laptop of Hunter saying his business partner is the 'spy chief of China'. Trump stepped into the fire because he loves this country and wants to save it. He did not have to. He is not the monster that you think you see.

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No, I’m perfectly aware Trump added massively to the debt. I don’t like it. At all.

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Pass that joint 😝

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So tiresome. We’ve heard all the talking points before.

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That is the brilliance of Carlson, he lets his guests speak which is much appreciated since VDH is a very smart guy. Contrast Tucker to the windbag Murdoch ass kisser Hannity who continually interrupts, or talks about the days he was a dishwasher or construction worker and of course his martial arts prowess.

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Thanks Sasha, it's good the conservative thinkers have awoken to the revolution. Hardly anyone back in 2017 was talking about this, yet this long march has been in play for around a 100 years.

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Having the naked reality of the death of our Republic explained so accurately and honestly is distressing. Too many are still pretending they can ignore or escape.

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Honestly? What else can we do? All my money is in the US stock market (401k and investments), I don't have kids but I do have family that I want to be attached to. I wish I was rich enough to have multiple homes across the globe and lawyers to cook up an exit strategy but I'm not. I'm not even Ben Shapiro rich. Best I can do is drag my parents/gf to FL.

My only hope? Progressive policies are SO bad, SO COMPLETELY TERRIBLE that only the most self-deluded fool can defend them. There might be enough people in the middle to help pull things (slightly) closer to sanity.

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As Hanson said, people do not want to lose their comfortable way of life. They stopped watching Oscars, Emmies and the rest, but this is passive resistance. This is conformism. The state of the affairs has not touched many of them directly yet. When it does, it may be too late.

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Again, thank you for posting Tucker's always interesting interviews.

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A lot of people seem not to understand that a moralistic/demonizing mentality is *part of the ideology*. It is not optional. There is no democratic version. The ideology is *inherently* Authoritarian, as is indicated by its embrace of censorship. Its moralistic/demonizing mentality not only accepts but positively *demands* an attitude of "by any means necessary". It goes back to Marcuse, whose idiotic and evil beliefs are treated in part I of Christopher's new book. (James Lindsay's not so new book also treats Marcuse, on a notably higher intellectual level, but without an index, so that I cannot even give a range of page-numbers.)

Though Hanson says that Americans reject "Woke", a recent poll shows that in fact about 60% of Americans have a positive view of "Woke". That should be (no pun intended) a wake-up call. Biden just said that those bad evil Repos will "pull out all the stops" in order to win the next election. That is (as usual) an example of Lindsay's "Iron Law of Woke Projection": whatever Lefties accuse non-Lefties of wanting to do what Lefties themselves really want to do. We are in *extreme* danger.

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Most higher-up Repos are probably closet Never Trumpers. Nobody hates lower-class Whites more than upper-class Whites. Most upper-class Whites have already shifted to the Demos. The Never Trumpers still maintain naive hope. But if the Lefto-Fascists get their one-party state, the Never Trumpers will be the second bunch to be lined up against a wall.

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I love VDH. He’s always spot on and speaks with a simplicity that’s so easy to listen to. I’m glad Tucker had him on tonight.

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I like Victor Davis Hanson. But, he's being naive here, and possibly on purpose He implies that the only alternative is to win the next election and implement reforms thereafter.

But that's not the only way to fix things and, I submit, not the most likely path. Empires collapse. When empires are in their late stages, they exhibit some common characteristics, namely, moral decay, corruption, decadence.

So what's more likely: (a) we vote our way out of this, and those who are counting the votes gracefully admit defeat; or (b) the empire dies and something needs to be rebuilt on the other side of collapse?

Either way, get the popcorn. The next 15 months will be interesting.

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VDH says the Republican Party has lost 7 out of the last 8 popular votes so why then didn’t Trump support Harmeet Dhillon for the leadership of the RNC over the proven loser Ronna McDaniel? He had to have known Harmeet was far better suited for that job than Ronna. Most likely because Ronna said nice things about him in her tweets and he wanted to return the favor by privately supporting Ronna who does nothing.

Here’s a short (8 min) video of Mayra Flores in the article below talking about how the Texas border area is being destroyed by illegal immigration, crime, and a failing economy. She says that unfortunately Biden had to be elected for the Biden supporters to find out how truly horrible the democrats are and now that they know they’re supporting republicans.

Even if Trump somehow made it to the White House though he would be unable to govern due to being so intensely hated by so many plus I’m sure he’d be assassinated by the CIA, FBI or just people from the deep state. He constantly tells them they will pay for their crimes when he’s elected. Trump is very much an existential threat to them and they will kill him. But won’t that plunge us into civil war? We’re already in a civil war and America has already ceased to ceased to exist as a country. This becomes more obvious by the day. We need to see the democrats for what they are and do what we can to fight them. It is what it is. No point pretending it’s not.

Support for Biden in border region crumbling as crisis benefits illegals over Americans: Texas Mayra Flores.

Yahoo News. Fox News. Oct 1, 2023


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This hurts my heart on so many levels. It appears as if evil is winning. This takes me back to my faith which says, evil has already been destroyed by God the creator, Jesus the Son and Gods Holy Spirit.

While I will write in DJT if they won’t allow him on the ballot, looking at scripture we may be moving fast towards the end. I don’t want to look like Venezuela.... who would want to??? Only the rulers. This power play by the Democrats sets them up as the rulers of what’s left of the US population after the next big planned epidemic.

I really wish people had awakened earlier....

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The left cannot win, they can only destroy. Even Eric Adam’s says NYC is being destroyed by the “migrant crisis” which we wouldn’t have if we had a southern border. Many people now realize this and it will only get worse as the number of single young male migrants pour in and are not getting the good, well paying jobs they felt they deserve when they came here. The migrants will become disillusioned as will huge sections of the left’s black and Hispanic base. This is not winning. The left’s ever more deranged policies are destroying the country. That’s not winning. That’s insanity.

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VDH rocks. Great episode. Love these updates I go straight over to watch. Bookmarked his page but nice to get your updates in my inbox then I know right away.

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Even when on Fox those 2 were a formidable combo, thanks.

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The United Stasi States of AmeriKaa ... the USSA.

Rudyard Kipling's Kaa and it's mesmerising abilities are nothing compared to AmeriKaa ...

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