How cool is that?!

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Very very cool…bring it on…

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Excluding Dems, their fellow travelers, their media lackeys, and the condescending elites America is grand. Amr Australia.

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Oh I love it. People that follow Kid Rock will appreciate Tucker’s 5 minute welcome all while confirming USA is a wonderful country filled with many different & great people.

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Sort of off topic but since it involves Tucker it is worth noting.

Mike Turner (R-Ukraine) and chair of the House Intelligence Committee says that Russian propaganda has infested the Republican base. If you have a Republican congress critter tell it that Turner has to be removed from his post.

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Reality Speaks: "Kiev was the first capital of Russia"

Neo-Con Propaganda Responds: "Russian propaganda!"

The whole thing is a textbook example of the fallacy that has, due to a catastrophic failure of education, taken the Western World by storm: Affirming the Consequent. If person X was a Russian stooge, person X would say "Kiev was the first capital of Russia". Person X says "Kiev was the first capital of Russia" => Person X is a Russian stooge. How does "possible interpretation" magically become "certain interpretation"? Through the miracle of Affirming the Consequent, that's how!

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Isn't he leaving (retiring)?

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Can't find any indication of that.

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Wow.... "demonic laughter"?

It sounds like genuine amusement to me.

To each their own.

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True, but we need a lot of help. Our people are unhealthy, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and without confidence in themselves. Our leadership should focus on that. Good start by Tucker but a deeper approach is needed.

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I agree with Tucker. The country we read about us not the country I experience (except in California-SF and LA). Even NYC is awesome. I was in NYC for the first time since 2019 and it feels the same. LOVED it!

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It's not the same! We need to go back to broken windows policing!!

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We need more disobedience from the people to defeat the Regime.

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It is not disobedience, but it is Doing the Right Thing for the Sake of Humanity. They may call it disobedience but I call it,do no Harm to your fellow Peeps ☝️👍🙏 Viva Cristo Rey

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Sorry, if I’m going to a concert, I want to hear music. I don’t want anyone in the band to preach to me, and I damned sure don’t want to hear from a cable news show host. Even if I agree with what they’re saying, I still don’t want to hear it.

And yes, the demonic laughter is irritating.

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Huh…gosh it was only 5 minutes or so. I didn’t know he was preaching. Preaching would be… be kind and loving to one another. Well, stay well and hope you had a great time!

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I like it that Tucker gives a voice to the cancelled ideas that others will not platform. But I agree with you, the laugh has always irritated me and makes his presentation unserious. I wish he'd stop.

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well- at least it's not as bad as Kamala!!!

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True. But I don't take her seriously either.

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In the old days, we called it over exposure. Give it a rest, please.

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Still wearing my Kid Rock for Senate 2018 t-shirt in the Southern Swamp, just to piss them off 😁

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Did they serve Bud Light?

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Demonic laughters... ough,

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Well, that was different!

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Tucker had some Lemon Cake before the show. He is Baked. I love it.

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