Alex Jones has made many predictions come true by reading what these elites say and plan. Remarkably smart.

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Dec 8, 2023
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Slander...lol. It'll be overturned. Just like the Hilary meme guy.

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Tuckers facial the entire last minute of the podcast cracked me up. He looked stunned. It was good. He definitely seems crazy but he has gotten a lot right. I hope he misses his predictions for the next 13 months.

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Thank you. I used to think Jones was a nut job and mistaken. Now I know he's only one of those.

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Yes, he is a nut job. But damnit, he's MY nut job.

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Dec 8, 2023
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Unfortunately, there is basically only one side in politics and power for now, and most of them are evil.

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Sasha, just a courtesy thank you for doing this which makes clicking Tucker’s video that much easier... your efforts are greatly appreciated, more than you’ll ever know... Thank you!!

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I’m not on the left or the right, I don’t need to be parented. As for all of the Americans who feel that they do, I just want them to have parents they can trust, instead of narcissistic Evil doers. These to men are very brave to take the stand that they are taking, I am very thankful for honest people, I wish there were more of them!!

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Thank you Sasha

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Admittedly I don’t and didn’t know much about the “dreaded” “terrible” Alex Jones....but I liked the interview with Tucker. I know more about the guy now at least and he is intense and sometimes entertaining. I can see the appeal. No beef with the guy as far as I can tell.

I remember he got sued and deplatformed for his insensitive comments about Sandy Hook. As awful as that must have been to hear crap like that for the parents of those children killed; what was the crime? How is it any different than Westboro Baptist Church nut jobs at military funerals or pro Hamas antisemitic whackadoodles at college campuses?

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Alex Jones prediction: not quite


25 Jul 2001. Full video:


Clip #1

“ the World Trade Center (1993 bombings) were terrorism, we know the Joint Chiefs Of Staff want to blow up airliners; Baltimore Sun” … “if you let some terrorist group do it like the World Trade Center, we know who to blame”

1962. He was talking about false flags, like Operation Northwoods where the Joint Chiefs of Staff planned to blow up an airliner and blame it on Cuba, to cause indignation and justify an invasion. 1

24 Apr 2001 the Baltimore Sun and ABC News first reported Operation Northwoods, declassified by the Pentagon.2

Clip #2

1993. He was talking about the Al Qaeda bomb in one of the Twin Towers3

Clip #3

He was talking about attribution of a future false flag op to Bin Laden

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


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I loved the interview. I had never heard of Alex until he was banned from everywhere, so a few years ago I checked him out to see who he is...he's been exposing the globalists' nefarious plans his entire adulthood. Never believe what mainstream news says about someone, go check them out for yourselves. and don't just go view select clips, watch a whole show, to find out what someone is really about.

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A WONDERFUL conversation. Alex is bringing this home and it is URGENT.

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THANK YOU! Do not know what else to say, but I am grateful, very grateful to have seen this show and I will be spending money as soon as I can at Alex's shop. I did not know I wouild like him so much - though I did know that the things he was saying were TRUE!

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This is the best pair up ever, not that I trust anyone anymore, but man these 2 both seem to care about the grater good. I really hope they are the honest individuals they appear to be. If so there are some elites awfully upset about this interview, and for them to uncomfortable even for a moment is a win for good people everywhere.

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That was a fantastic and entertaining interview! The look on Tucker’s face says it all...

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Tucker is a great interviewer because he’s a great listener. I never saw him listen so hard that he forgot to blink.

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Now we’re getting somewhere!

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I’d like to suggest to everyone to watch this banned documentary about Sandy Hook. While still not 100% convinced that this was a false flag, I’m not 100% convinced that it wasn’t. At any rate take a look at what this team of independent journalists uncovered and decide for yourselves and ask if Jones trial was about justice or about keeping this case closed. https://www.bitchute.com/video/An4QcI757dBJ/

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This is GOLD 💛⭐️

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