I can’t stand Dave Smith. Matter of fact, I’m becoming increasingly dismayed by Mises, which as of not too long ago, I was very involved with. The antisemitism has become outrageous and the disgusting “ divorce” from Walter Block was unforgivable, made more hideous by Dave Smith. There is something extremely perverse about virulently anti-Semitic Jews cheering for Hamas. The ignorance is staggering. And now Tucker has hopped aboard. This is something new with him. It started with his favorite grifter, Candace Owens.
You do know that Dave Smith is Jewish, right? Or is he one of those "self-hating Jews" I keep hearing about?
And not being onboard with what Israel is doing is about as anti-semitic as, say, criticizing Italy under Mussolini was anti-catholic. It's a country. That it happens to be inhabited by Jews is irrelevant to the standards to which it should be held, for better or worse.
I agree. Nations should be judged by their actions and not the color of their skin or flavor of their religion. I admire your courage in articulating a free speech view that there is now federal legislation in place making criminal. Wrong think and bad attitude.
Tell it to my nephew’s dead wife. Her mother and sister were the “ empathetic” lefties who invited the angelic Gazans to their home, fed them, sought employment for them.. imagine the horror when they were dragged from their home the morning of Oct 7, the daughter readying herself for the Nova “ Peace” Festival. Both were gang raped and sodomized, the mother’s pelvis crushed, her face beaten to a pulp , her inner thighs and vagina shot up with a nail gun. As the daughter was pinned down and forced to watch. And when it was her turn, as she was gang raped, her naked body exposed, one of the beasts hacked off her breast. My nephew and Israeli born wife lived in Vermont.She first learned of it when the videos went viral across the Internet. She couldn’t accept it. Thought it had to be someone else. She went to a private screening, flew back to Vermont and swallowed a bottle of Trazadone. 27 years old. A pediatric oncologist.
Fuck Hamas. Fuck Biden. We should have stayed the hell out of it.Let Israel fight their own battles. It wouldn’t have come to this.Dragging on. They would have gotten the hostages out . I’m anti - intervention. We make every bad thing exponentially worse and any good thing toxic and use tax dollars to wreak havoc and destruction. Look at Ukraine , Libya, Syria ,Nigeria,Afghanistan , Haiti, Iraq, Egypt…. We’re the leviathan. The global arsonists.
I fully agree with you that we should cease funding Ukraine, Israel and every other foreign country. I’ve said as much often. And we should stop our neocon war fostering also.
There is no amount of words that you could string together to change the mind of someone who knows the truth that genocide is never justified. You should stop trying, it's getting embarrassing for you.
Of course I do. So are Ron Unz, Glenn Greenwald , Max Blumenthal, Sy Hersh, Scott Ritter, Tony Blinken, George Soros, Pritzker, Zelenskyy, Raskin, Bernie, Jill Stein Nadler,Avril Haines, Aaron Mate, Zuckerberg,Thomas Friedman, Peter Reinert,Norm Finklestein, Kissinger, Richard Dreyfus, Scott Weiner, Madea Benjamin, Murray Rothbard, Andrew Weissman, Ben Cardin, Dan Goldman…
Some of the most virulent antisemites are in fact, Jews. And I can attest to it. I’m Jewish and despise leftist Jews. As Roseanne Barr so eloquently stated in defending her loathing of Zelensky… “ Skinfolk don’t make you kinfolk”. They have a death wish, fine. Don’t drag me and mine into the abyss with them. Hating oneself for the “ burden” of heritage is pathetic. Siding with jihadists who hate you for the same reason won’t spare you . What’s the catchphrase? Oh yeah!” Blood will out”.
What was done to Walter Block is unconscionable. By his “ friends”.
So leftist Jews are antisemitic simply because they are leftist Jews, which translates in your case to not Zionist Jews. You're as bad as the white people who called other white people who felt for black people "n--- lovers" or black leftists who call Clarence Thomas and any other conservative black person an Uncle Tom. You have this really repulsive idea that if someone is "of your group" and doesn't think exactly like you, they must be a traitor or a grifter. It's a testament to the weakness of your arguments that *that* is the tactic you take. You have nothing, so you try to shame them back in line.
You have that list saved so you can paste it in comment sections? Lol wow. If that many Jews are criticizing Israel maybe that tells you something about how bad Israel’s actions are.
They're not all Jews that criticize Israel, but plenty do. If there's one thing I've learned over this whole experience, it's that Jewish opinion on Israel is far more divided than the media would have you believe.
There’s only so much “ anti-Zionism” before it segues to antisemitism. I’m not particularly religious, but when a tiny nation the size of New Jersey is. constantly the source of blame for all that ails the world… and just happens to house a Jewish majority… welll, if the shoe fits. It’s obsessive. The entire world is burning. 700,000 dead Yemenis, 50 ,000+ Nigerian Christians slaughtered since 2021 and counting, the massacres happening with increasing frequency, Iranians slaughtered and tortured by their psycho government, Afghanis suffering the most brutal oppression, 1,000,000 Uyghur Muslims in Chinese concentration camps, the children performing slave labor, the women brutally raped repeatedly, forced abortions, heads shaved,forced organ harvesting, torture, slaughter… and nobody is “ outraged” or doing a fucking thing about it. Including the vast Islamic world.Wouldn’t want to pay more for those hair extensions, cheap products and services. Those Nikes, iPhones, Louis Vuitton knock offs, entertainment.. nevermind China is the most racist, homogenous tyrannical entity that we are wholly dependent upon. But those fucking Zionists!
I’m not fond of the current Israeli government, but nor am I fond of ours. Our corporate warmongering technocratic overlords.
Spoiler, none of the people she’s listed has ever said “Israel is to blame for all that ails the world.” In fact I know for a fact Dave smith and Maté have spoken a lot about the Uyghurs. I also know that china is not leveling Uyghur settlements with bombs so the analogy with Israel is very poor. You’d never call yourself Sinophobic despite that anti china screed you just wrote.
Sounds like you’re trying to win the argument with slippery slope nonsense. Amirite?
Yes, I do, which makes it all the more insidious. Soros, Glenn Greenwald, Ron Unz, Raskin, Bernie, Jill Stein, Pritzker, Madea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Henry Kissinger,Norm Finklestein( ugh), Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Peter Beinart,Thomas Friedman, Bernie Sanders,Andrea Mitchell, Jerry Nadler,Rob Reiner are all Jewish, whether they like it or not. The most virulent antisemites were born to Jewish families. They hate the “ burden” of their heritage and stupidly believe that repudiating it will spare them from being wiped out. The Jews who abetted the Nazis and Communists thought the same. Wrong. Maybe Soros pulled it off, but he loved his Nazism. Still does. He’s a born Nazi. But blood always outs.
If they hate being Jewish so much, don’t identify as Jewish. It’s not cool. It’s disgusting.
Roseanne Barr said it best when Piers Morgan claimed Zelensky couldn’t be a Nazi or an antisemite because he’s Jewish. Roseanne blew him away. “ Just because he’s a Jew doesn’t mean he’s a good Jew! Skinfolk don’t make you kinfolk!”. Touche’! If you have death wish, so be it. Don’t drag those who don’t down with you. Board your own cattle car.
They don't hate being Jewish. They hate what Israel is doing. They only thing you should really worry about is that people are going to start generalizing Zionism to all Jews. Israel's actions are the only thing putting any Jewish people in danger in the Western world, and even then . . . given how Israel has acted . . . the only thing Jews have suffered are unkind words and a little vandalism. Kind of belies that whole "Muslims are trying to kill us" thing you're trying to push.
Well, you've just defeated the whole argument for Israel. If being Jewish is arbitrary and you're not Jewish even if you're born in a Jewish family, then what are we so desperate to preserve? I don't think I'd take that approach if I were you. It rings too much of the "you ain't black" schtick on the left.
I was never a big Candace fan but the Daily Wire did a great job boosting her image due to their dishonesty. Don't pursue a gag order against her while simultaneously claiming you are happy to debate her! Wherein the gag order prevents her from even calling for a debate. I lost so much respect for them and Ben Shapiro over that. I can't trust them anymore.
Also, if Candace is so wrong and so bad then it should be easy to prove it in a debate! Dodging a debate tells me that they don't have confidence that they are correct about her. Which helps her image in my eyes.
Dave is a self described libertarian who never found a gang of jihadists he failed to defend. Google his "debate" with Sam Seder where he sounds coked out of his mind for background on his confused logic.
Bingo! Are you familiar with Walter Block, thirty year Mises hierarchy? I’ve never seen anything so despicable. Because he’s Jewish and doesn’t despise Israel or himself. Hans Hoppe, fucking Nazi wrote a “ Divorce Decree” to Walter, essentially evicting him from Mises. Worse still, Lew published it. And worst of all, they all dogpiled on Walter, a brilliant, kind, funny respected Professor of Austrian Economics at Loyola. Dave Smith was among the most virulent of the attackers. They put a target on Walter’s back. Literally. Imagine having to deal with this at a Univesity as esteemed as Loyola. The jihadists were literally lined up .
And his dearest friends and fan club wouldn’t allow him a rebuttal, offered no apologies and ostracized him. He is now the subject of cartoonish Jewish conspiracy psychos left and right. Images with blood on his hands, a huge nose, a yellow Star of David on his chest. Killing Jesus, making matzah from blood- you name it, it’s out there. He’s very friendly with Javier Milei, who named Walter as an inspiration. Milei is pro-Israel and the Mises crowd who lauded and adored Milei are hurling the same vileness at him now.
The tragic irony is that Ludwig Von Mises fled Austria when the Nazis were coming after the intellectuals. His closest ally, Hayek, never forgave himself for not acting. He wasn’t Jewish, but wound up fleeing as well.
Not gonna Lie, I doubt very heavily that Sam Seder, who is delusional about every subject I've seen him talk about aside from perhaps the "force the vote" nonsense out argue Dave Smith on anything. At least he's the smartest guy on his show - i just shuddered at the thought of a debate featuring his co-host Emma.
Mostly entertaining interview. When you review the last 35 years of government growth(thanks to both parties) you do not see a lot of good things. Except for the Trump years. Which is why they kicked him out.
He is sooo wrong! Israel didn’t want problems with Syria! They had a secret deal with Assad and Putin to help them take out ISIS and Al Qaeda. In return, Putin protected Israel from Iran and its proxies. And Dave Smith is utterly clueless. The constant provocation of Assad occurred during the Obama regime which did everything in its power to sabotage and further ostracize Israel, destroy Egypt and beef up Iran.The “ Arab Spring” so lauded and armed by the Obama regime were ISIS and Al-Qaeda- offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, home base is Qatar, terror central.The Obama occupation destroyed Libya, nearly destroyed Egypt if not for Sisi, created a horror show in Syria and exacerbated the migrant invasion taking Europe down.Ditto Nigeria, Niger, Congo, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Latin America , Australia, NZ, Canada, India, Angola and the U.S., of course. Radicalizing Muslims that were able to coexist and then chastising anybody daring to speak out as “ racist,xenophobic, Islamophobic, Nativist” after deliberately wreaking havoc. With Soros, Bill Gates, Pritzker,Reid Hoffman, Qatar.the UN, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and every Islamist terror entity in disguise. Using US taxpayer dollars, foreign funding and laundering it through the State Dept, Fed, USAID.
Remember when Michelle Bachman and Louie Gohmert expressed concern about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated the government, particularly Intel Agencies, Military, State Dept, Research and Universities? Bachmann was very certain Huma Abedin was a Muslim Brotherhood shill. She was excoriated. Screamed down by the Uber-corrupt Soros owned shitheel, John McStain? She was right. Ergo the darling couple, Alexander Soros and Huma. And all those classified emails Hillary was sending to Abedin’s home with her pedophile husband at the time, Anthony Weiner.
And Tucker with this obsession with Christians is insane and misinformed. He’s writing his own version of history, but for Ukraine.
Sorry but I lean very much towards small government so I’m sympathetic to libertarians. Dave was extremely inarticulate. I wish I could’ve called in and helped.
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the Second World War. Don't take my word for it: hear it from the lips of the one person capable of making that decision. Recorded in 2009.
BTW Got More if anyone is interested. You have to know Something of history or you will make a fool of yourself Like Tucker did.
I think Dave is overall pretty good, but I'm curious to hear him talk about the Israel situation. Haven't gotten to that point yet. But don't have to agree with someone all the time.
Just finished watching. Such a fantastic conversation. This gives me hope. People are waking up.
Sasha, I'd be interested to know what your reservations are about Dave Smith, if you care to elaborate.
Thanks for the "heads up".
I second this. I’m a big fan of his.
I can’t stand Dave Smith. Matter of fact, I’m becoming increasingly dismayed by Mises, which as of not too long ago, I was very involved with. The antisemitism has become outrageous and the disgusting “ divorce” from Walter Block was unforgivable, made more hideous by Dave Smith. There is something extremely perverse about virulently anti-Semitic Jews cheering for Hamas. The ignorance is staggering. And now Tucker has hopped aboard. This is something new with him. It started with his favorite grifter, Candace Owens.
You do know that Dave Smith is Jewish, right? Or is he one of those "self-hating Jews" I keep hearing about?
And not being onboard with what Israel is doing is about as anti-semitic as, say, criticizing Italy under Mussolini was anti-catholic. It's a country. That it happens to be inhabited by Jews is irrelevant to the standards to which it should be held, for better or worse.
I agree. Nations should be judged by their actions and not the color of their skin or flavor of their religion. I admire your courage in articulating a free speech view that there is now federal legislation in place making criminal. Wrong think and bad attitude.
Tell it to my nephew’s dead wife. Her mother and sister were the “ empathetic” lefties who invited the angelic Gazans to their home, fed them, sought employment for them.. imagine the horror when they were dragged from their home the morning of Oct 7, the daughter readying herself for the Nova “ Peace” Festival. Both were gang raped and sodomized, the mother’s pelvis crushed, her face beaten to a pulp , her inner thighs and vagina shot up with a nail gun. As the daughter was pinned down and forced to watch. And when it was her turn, as she was gang raped, her naked body exposed, one of the beasts hacked off her breast. My nephew and Israeli born wife lived in Vermont.She first learned of it when the videos went viral across the Internet. She couldn’t accept it. Thought it had to be someone else. She went to a private screening, flew back to Vermont and swallowed a bottle of Trazadone. 27 years old. A pediatric oncologist.
Fuck Hamas. Fuck Biden. We should have stayed the hell out of it.Let Israel fight their own battles. It wouldn’t have come to this.Dragging on. They would have gotten the hostages out . I’m anti - intervention. We make every bad thing exponentially worse and any good thing toxic and use tax dollars to wreak havoc and destruction. Look at Ukraine , Libya, Syria ,Nigeria,Afghanistan , Haiti, Iraq, Egypt…. We’re the leviathan. The global arsonists.
I fully agree with you that we should cease funding Ukraine, Israel and every other foreign country. I’ve said as much often. And we should stop our neocon war fostering also.
There is no amount of words that you could string together to change the mind of someone who knows the truth that genocide is never justified. You should stop trying, it's getting embarrassing for you.
Of course I do. So are Ron Unz, Glenn Greenwald , Max Blumenthal, Sy Hersh, Scott Ritter, Tony Blinken, George Soros, Pritzker, Zelenskyy, Raskin, Bernie, Jill Stein Nadler,Avril Haines, Aaron Mate, Zuckerberg,Thomas Friedman, Peter Reinert,Norm Finklestein, Kissinger, Richard Dreyfus, Scott Weiner, Madea Benjamin, Murray Rothbard, Andrew Weissman, Ben Cardin, Dan Goldman…
Some of the most virulent antisemites are in fact, Jews. And I can attest to it. I’m Jewish and despise leftist Jews. As Roseanne Barr so eloquently stated in defending her loathing of Zelensky… “ Skinfolk don’t make you kinfolk”. They have a death wish, fine. Don’t drag me and mine into the abyss with them. Hating oneself for the “ burden” of heritage is pathetic. Siding with jihadists who hate you for the same reason won’t spare you . What’s the catchphrase? Oh yeah!” Blood will out”.
What was done to Walter Block is unconscionable. By his “ friends”.
So leftist Jews are antisemitic simply because they are leftist Jews, which translates in your case to not Zionist Jews. You're as bad as the white people who called other white people who felt for black people "n--- lovers" or black leftists who call Clarence Thomas and any other conservative black person an Uncle Tom. You have this really repulsive idea that if someone is "of your group" and doesn't think exactly like you, they must be a traitor or a grifter. It's a testament to the weakness of your arguments that *that* is the tactic you take. You have nothing, so you try to shame them back in line.
You have that list saved so you can paste it in comment sections? Lol wow. If that many Jews are criticizing Israel maybe that tells you something about how bad Israel’s actions are.
They're not all Jews that criticize Israel, but plenty do. If there's one thing I've learned over this whole experience, it's that Jewish opinion on Israel is far more divided than the media would have you believe.
You seem to be equating anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. They’re not at all the same.
There’s only so much “ anti-Zionism” before it segues to antisemitism. I’m not particularly religious, but when a tiny nation the size of New Jersey is. constantly the source of blame for all that ails the world… and just happens to house a Jewish majority… welll, if the shoe fits. It’s obsessive. The entire world is burning. 700,000 dead Yemenis, 50 ,000+ Nigerian Christians slaughtered since 2021 and counting, the massacres happening with increasing frequency, Iranians slaughtered and tortured by their psycho government, Afghanis suffering the most brutal oppression, 1,000,000 Uyghur Muslims in Chinese concentration camps, the children performing slave labor, the women brutally raped repeatedly, forced abortions, heads shaved,forced organ harvesting, torture, slaughter… and nobody is “ outraged” or doing a fucking thing about it. Including the vast Islamic world.Wouldn’t want to pay more for those hair extensions, cheap products and services. Those Nikes, iPhones, Louis Vuitton knock offs, entertainment.. nevermind China is the most racist, homogenous tyrannical entity that we are wholly dependent upon. But those fucking Zionists!
I’m not fond of the current Israeli government, but nor am I fond of ours. Our corporate warmongering technocratic overlords.
Spoiler, none of the people she’s listed has ever said “Israel is to blame for all that ails the world.” In fact I know for a fact Dave smith and Maté have spoken a lot about the Uyghurs. I also know that china is not leveling Uyghur settlements with bombs so the analogy with Israel is very poor. You’d never call yourself Sinophobic despite that anti china screed you just wrote.
Sounds like you’re trying to win the argument with slippery slope nonsense. Amirite?
Zelensky is not jewish.
Although born to jewish father, he was baptized, married christian women and baptized his kids.
Not jewish.
Yes, I do, which makes it all the more insidious. Soros, Glenn Greenwald, Ron Unz, Raskin, Bernie, Jill Stein, Pritzker, Madea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Henry Kissinger,Norm Finklestein( ugh), Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Peter Beinart,Thomas Friedman, Bernie Sanders,Andrea Mitchell, Jerry Nadler,Rob Reiner are all Jewish, whether they like it or not. The most virulent antisemites were born to Jewish families. They hate the “ burden” of their heritage and stupidly believe that repudiating it will spare them from being wiped out. The Jews who abetted the Nazis and Communists thought the same. Wrong. Maybe Soros pulled it off, but he loved his Nazism. Still does. He’s a born Nazi. But blood always outs.
If they hate being Jewish so much, don’t identify as Jewish. It’s not cool. It’s disgusting.
Roseanne Barr said it best when Piers Morgan claimed Zelensky couldn’t be a Nazi or an antisemite because he’s Jewish. Roseanne blew him away. “ Just because he’s a Jew doesn’t mean he’s a good Jew! Skinfolk don’t make you kinfolk!”. Touche’! If you have death wish, so be it. Don’t drag those who don’t down with you. Board your own cattle car.
They don't hate being Jewish. They hate what Israel is doing. They only thing you should really worry about is that people are going to start generalizing Zionism to all Jews. Israel's actions are the only thing putting any Jewish people in danger in the Western world, and even then . . . given how Israel has acted . . . the only thing Jews have suffered are unkind words and a little vandalism. Kind of belies that whole "Muslims are trying to kill us" thing you're trying to push.
The fact that he was born to an atheist mother who happened to originate from ethnicly jewish family, dkesnt make him jewish.
Just like the fact I'm 8% sub saharan doesnt make me african american...
Well, you've just defeated the whole argument for Israel. If being Jewish is arbitrary and you're not Jewish even if you're born in a Jewish family, then what are we so desperate to preserve? I don't think I'd take that approach if I were you. It rings too much of the "you ain't black" schtick on the left.
I was never a big Candace fan but the Daily Wire did a great job boosting her image due to their dishonesty. Don't pursue a gag order against her while simultaneously claiming you are happy to debate her! Wherein the gag order prevents her from even calling for a debate. I lost so much respect for them and Ben Shapiro over that. I can't trust them anymore.
Also, if Candace is so wrong and so bad then it should be easy to prove it in a debate! Dodging a debate tells me that they don't have confidence that they are correct about her. Which helps her image in my eyes.
Dave is a self described libertarian who never found a gang of jihadists he failed to defend. Google his "debate" with Sam Seder where he sounds coked out of his mind for background on his confused logic.
Bingo! Are you familiar with Walter Block, thirty year Mises hierarchy? I’ve never seen anything so despicable. Because he’s Jewish and doesn’t despise Israel or himself. Hans Hoppe, fucking Nazi wrote a “ Divorce Decree” to Walter, essentially evicting him from Mises. Worse still, Lew published it. And worst of all, they all dogpiled on Walter, a brilliant, kind, funny respected Professor of Austrian Economics at Loyola. Dave Smith was among the most virulent of the attackers. They put a target on Walter’s back. Literally. Imagine having to deal with this at a Univesity as esteemed as Loyola. The jihadists were literally lined up .
And his dearest friends and fan club wouldn’t allow him a rebuttal, offered no apologies and ostracized him. He is now the subject of cartoonish Jewish conspiracy psychos left and right. Images with blood on his hands, a huge nose, a yellow Star of David on his chest. Killing Jesus, making matzah from blood- you name it, it’s out there. He’s very friendly with Javier Milei, who named Walter as an inspiration. Milei is pro-Israel and the Mises crowd who lauded and adored Milei are hurling the same vileness at him now.
The tragic irony is that Ludwig Von Mises fled Austria when the Nazis were coming after the intellectuals. His closest ally, Hayek, never forgave himself for not acting. He wasn’t Jewish, but wound up fleeing as well.
I did not know this. Thanks for sharing. 🙏🏽
Not gonna Lie, I doubt very heavily that Sam Seder, who is delusional about every subject I've seen him talk about aside from perhaps the "force the vote" nonsense out argue Dave Smith on anything. At least he's the smartest guy on his show - i just shuddered at the thought of a debate featuring his co-host Emma.
I dunno man....Sam Seder? Really?
Mostly entertaining interview. When you review the last 35 years of government growth(thanks to both parties) you do not see a lot of good things. Except for the Trump years. Which is why they kicked him out.
He is sooo wrong! Israel didn’t want problems with Syria! They had a secret deal with Assad and Putin to help them take out ISIS and Al Qaeda. In return, Putin protected Israel from Iran and its proxies. And Dave Smith is utterly clueless. The constant provocation of Assad occurred during the Obama regime which did everything in its power to sabotage and further ostracize Israel, destroy Egypt and beef up Iran.The “ Arab Spring” so lauded and armed by the Obama regime were ISIS and Al-Qaeda- offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, home base is Qatar, terror central.The Obama occupation destroyed Libya, nearly destroyed Egypt if not for Sisi, created a horror show in Syria and exacerbated the migrant invasion taking Europe down.Ditto Nigeria, Niger, Congo, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Latin America , Australia, NZ, Canada, India, Angola and the U.S., of course. Radicalizing Muslims that were able to coexist and then chastising anybody daring to speak out as “ racist,xenophobic, Islamophobic, Nativist” after deliberately wreaking havoc. With Soros, Bill Gates, Pritzker,Reid Hoffman, Qatar.the UN, Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and every Islamist terror entity in disguise. Using US taxpayer dollars, foreign funding and laundering it through the State Dept, Fed, USAID.
Remember when Michelle Bachman and Louie Gohmert expressed concern about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrated the government, particularly Intel Agencies, Military, State Dept, Research and Universities? Bachmann was very certain Huma Abedin was a Muslim Brotherhood shill. She was excoriated. Screamed down by the Uber-corrupt Soros owned shitheel, John McStain? She was right. Ergo the darling couple, Alexander Soros and Huma. And all those classified emails Hillary was sending to Abedin’s home with her pedophile husband at the time, Anthony Weiner.
And Tucker with this obsession with Christians is insane and misinformed. He’s writing his own version of history, but for Ukraine.
Nagasaki was the command center and supply depot for Southern Japan.
Sorry but I lean very much towards small government so I’m sympathetic to libertarians. Dave was extremely inarticulate. I wish I could’ve called in and helped.
1:21:35 Tucker on reacts to his appearance on Joe Rogan
Tucker needs to read some History, of That War. Then he would not make stupid statement anymore!
The True Story of the Atomic Bombs
Aug 6, 2023
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the Second World War. Don't take my word for it: hear it from the lips of the one person capable of making that decision. Recorded in 2009.
BTW Got More if anyone is interested. You have to know Something of history or you will make a fool of yourself Like Tucker did.
He is sooo wrong! Israel didn’t want problems with Syria! They had a secret deal with Assad and Putin to help them take out ISIS and Al Qaeda.
And Tucker with this obsession with Christians is insane and misinformed. He’s writing his own version of history, but for Ukraine.
I think Dave is overall pretty good, but I'm curious to hear him talk about the Israel situation. Haven't gotten to that point yet. But don't have to agree with someone all the time.
You should watch his debate with Prager and Cenk.
I watched a bit of it but couldn't stomach Cenk.
Dave is the intellectual, Cenk is the layman.
I actually was impressed by Cenk bringing Dave's points into terms common people could understand.
That’s silly.
I've known a few Dave Smith's but I've never heard of this one until now.